[新聞] 以木乃伊化的德國探險家在海上被發現消失

看板Gossiping作者時間8年前 (2016/03/01 01:04), 編輯推噓20(2005)
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1.媒體來源: www.dailymail.co.uk 2.完整新聞標題: Mummified body of German adventurer is found inside yacht drifting off the Philippines 已木乃伊化的德國探險家在漂流於菲律賓外海的遊艇上被發現 3.完整新聞內文: 每段大意 59歲的德國探險家 Manfred Fritz Bajorat 在他漂流於 菲律賓男蘇理高省附近海域的遊艇上被兩個漁民發現 屍體已木乃伊化 坐在無線電前像是在發最後的求救信號 This is the mummified body of a German adventurer who was found dead drifting on his abandoned yacht at the weekend off the coast of southern Philippines. Manfred Fritz Bajorat, 59, was discovered by two fishermen aboard his yacht in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Barobo town in Surigao del Sur. His body was sitting near to the radio telephone as if he was trying one last desperate Mayday call to save himself when he died. 兩個漁民在岸外40哩處看到白色 船桅斷裂的遊艇 大部分已淹水的船艙裡找到相本 衣物 和散落的食物 Christopher Rivas, 23, a resident of P-4 Poblacion, in Barobo, was fishing together with a friend nearly 40 miles from the coast when he spotted the yacht, painted white and whose sail was broken from afar. The 40-foot long yacht, named SAYO, had been cruising around the world for the past 20 years. Inside the cabin, much of which was underwater, were found photo albums, clothes and tins of food strewn all around. Bajorat的死亡時間及死因目前不明 一位朋友透露最後一次與他聯絡是一年前 乾燥的海風 高溫等幫助保存了他的遺體 目前警方仍在調查他最後的航行紀錄以及最後接觸的人 Bajorat 08年與他的妻子離異 其之後死於癌症 It is unclear how long Manfred, who has been identified thanks to paperwork on board, has been dead or what killed him. A friend told BILD that he last heard of him one year ago on Facebook for his birthday. Dry ocean winds, hot temperatures and the salty air helped preserve his body. Police are trying to retrace his last voyages and find the last people to speak with him. He broke up with his wife in 2008, who had been on his travels with him, and she later died from cancer. 另一個見過Bajorat的探險家表示他是個老手 應不至於開到暴風裡 船桅八成是他死後才斷的 警方表示並沒有發現船上有第二人的跡象以及武器 他的坐姿像是死亡是突發的 可能是心臟病發 馬尼拉的德國使館正與調查單位尋找他的家人 相信他有個在當貨櫃船船長的女兒 In 2009 in Mallorca he met another world sailer called Dieter who told Germany'v BILD newspaper: 'He was a very experienced sailor. I don't believe he would have sailed into a storm. I believe the mast broke after Manfred was already dead.' His body was taken for an autopsy in Butuan City, the yacht was towed for a police inspection into the port of Barobo. Police spokeswoman Goldie Lou Siega in the Philippines said; 'We have no evidence of a second person aboard and no weapon was found on the yacht.' Dr Mark Benecke, a forensic criminologist in the city of Cologne, told BILD: 'The way he is sitting seems to indicate that death was unexpected, perhaps from a heart attack.' The German embassy in Manila is working with local officials to trace his family in Germany. It is believed he has a daughter called Nina who works as the captain of a freight vessel. Manfred had crisscrossed the world's oceans in 20 years at sea, clocking up over half a million nautical miles. Bajorat航行過大西洋 太平洋 加勒比海 印度洋等等 他會在臉書上定期PO航行進度 雖然有說法是他09年後就失聯 但調查單位認為不太可能有這麼久 He sailed the Atlantic, he sailed the Pacific, he sailed around the Caribbean, the Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean, the Agean and, as a younger man, the waters of the Baltic bordering northern Germany. Not all of it was done on his yacht: he was aboard the freighter Hyundai Renaissance on August 1 2008 when he crossed the equator en-route from Singapore to Durban, south Africa. A certificate found aboard his shattered yacht showed he had adopted the nickname 'Tiger shark' to mark the event - a milestone in the lives of all mariners. He posted regular updates on his Facebook page of his travels on the 160,000 pound yacht. Martinique in the Caribbean was one of the favourite places visited by himself and his wife, Claudia, the place where she was buried after she passed away in 2010. Manfred came from the western German Ruhr region. According to German media reports, he hated that hard winters of his homeland and took to the seas to find warmer climes. It is not yet clear what his profession was. Although there have been reports that he had not made contact with people since 2009, authorities do not believe that his yacht had been adrift for anything approaching seven years. 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): http://goo.gl/OmZWEo 照片慎入 5.備註: 內文用了"......found dead on his abandoned yacht" 的字眼 底下就有人說 才沒有被abandoned 他一直都在 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1456765440.A.778.html

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