[轉載]你是哪種類型的遊戲企劃師? (中)

看板GameDesign作者 (審判者的眼淚)時間16年前 (2008/04/01 17:00), 編輯推噓1(100)
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4. The God. 上帝型企劃 This is my world. I created it. I am its lord and master. It is beautiful and perfect, because it is mine, mine I tell you! You are a mere puny mortal, and I care nothing for you. You are an interloper in my world, grudgingly tolerated at best. Beware my wrath. I can kill you on a whim. 遊戲就是我創造的世界的,我是遊戲裡的主人與先知.這個世界是美麗而完美的 因為...我說完美,這遊戲就會完美!....╮(﹀_﹀")╭ 你們(玩家)是最渺小的,渺小到我根本不用理會你們;尤其是那些不尊重我的闖入者 我隨時都可以發飆,只要我爽,隨時都可以把你們殺光 5.The Used Car Salesman 推銷員型企劃 Hey, Ernie -I can call you Ernie, right? - let me tell you about this game. This game is great. It rocks. I'm telling you, nobody has ever seen anything like it. It'll blow you away. The graphics, the musicall totally the best! Everybody who has been to our offices for a preview says so. It's going to make a fortune. The kids'll love it. Check out this prerendered video. Isn't that cool? What's that? Oh, you want to play it? Well, tell you the truth, Ernie, we decided not to go with a demo on this thing. It's so totally revolutionary, we don't want to show our hand too early - you understand. No profit in giving away slices. Did you see those awesome loading screens? Our development team is brilliant, I'm tellin' ya. 嗨, Ernie! 我可以這樣叫你,對吧? (裝熟魔人) 我要跟你介紹一款超棒的遊戲,這可是 前震古鑠今的曠世鉅作啊! 看過遊戲介紹片的人都異口同聲地讚嘆,這遊戲無論是動畫, 還是音效,都已臻完美;並且,這款遊戲會開創出另一個連小孩都會愛不釋手的時代! 你想試玩一下嗎? 老實告訴你啊 Ernie! 我們公司並不打算太早公佈資料片,雖然遊戲 完成度已經很高了,但是現在時機還是太早, 但是你可以從一些擷取出來的片段感受到 我們的開發團隊,實力是多麼的強大! 6.The Evangelist 傳教士企劃(福音戰士?) This is a game for members of my religious faith, and it embodies its principles. It is about the ordeals we, God's chosen few, face in the temptations of sin and the opposition of the unenlightened. There are no moral ambiguities here; all decisions are obvious to any but a damned heretic. You have but to follow the tenets of our faith and you shall win the game and enter the kingdom of heaven. 這是我為忠實的信徒所設計的遊戲, 遊戲裡包含了我們的信念與遵循的教條. 上帝會考驗我們, 在我們經歷各種磨難,重重試驗後選出極少數可以面對罪惡;抵抗誘惑 並有能力克服萬難的佼佼者. 我們必須懷有強烈的道德感,服從我們被賦予的使命與職責,對抗那些跟我們理念不和的 異教徒(紅人+ 小白+ 外掛+ 奸商+ 盜帳號+ 賣幣...爛GM?) 直到我們贏得最後的勝利,進入天堂 7.The Lazy Plagiarist. 剽竊者企劃(抄襲就對了) Well, let's see. We'll do some jumping, I guess. People like jumping. And shooting. And driving. I played a game last week with a sort of blue glowing shield thing that turned red when it got weak. It looked cool, so let's do that. This level doesn't take long enough to solve. Just put in a maze. How do we justify it? Who cares, it's only a game 人們喜歡跳,射擊,開車這些事,對吧,那我們就來做這一些遊戲吧 上星期我玩了一款遊戲,裡面玩家身上有一種藍色的光盾,盾的效力便弱之後藍光會 轉為紅色.看起來很屌吧,既然很屌,我們就做這個盾,管它遊戲耐不耐玩,(不耐玩多增加 幾個迷宮) 平衡遊戲? 不過是遊戲而已! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/02 01:00, , 1F
怎麼沒有User Center 型XD
04/02 01:00, 1F
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