[回報] 6/29柏林

看板GRE作者 (power in me)時間13年前 (2011/06/30 01:52), 編輯推噓0(000)
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類反和填充還有數學都是機經 issue: "If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable." argument: The following appeared in a memo from the vice president of a company that builds shopping malls throughout the country. “The surface of a section of Route 101, paved two years ago by McAdam Road Builders, is now badly cracked and marred by dangerous potholes. In another part of the state, a section of Route 66, paved by Appian Roadways more than four years ago, is still in good condition. Appian Roadways has recently purchased state-of-the-art paving machinery, and it has hired a new quality-control manager. Because of its superior work and commitment to quality, we should contract with Appian Roadways rather than McAdam Road Builders to construct the access roads for all our new shopping malls." 閱讀:我只記得兩題 一題講森林大火走勢研究。以往都是看燒剩下的植物,但加州森林大火 燒的很乾淨,什麼都沒剩下。所以必須用其他方法。 某個研究者的開始找方法,這個人先用歷史衛星照相,不過之後有個轉 折提到他使用的資料期間有問題。後來他又用空照圖,可惜範圍不夠大。 另一題講1776年紐澤西州法允許女性投票,但在1807年時卻又禁止。 文章作者提到可能是因為1776開放時也很少女性投票,之後立法者 考慮不要過度民主。這邊我也記不太清了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #1E2sPJoe (GRE)