[字彙] cataclysmic等

看板GRE作者 (小鴨)時間13年前 (2011/03/12 23:38), 編輯推噓7(706)
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昨天的日本大地震震驚了全世界 還好預計要考試的機友們打到南麻布考場得到的消息是考試不會改動 我想,我們或許在震驚之餘,也要繼續努力向前 今天要跟大家分享的算是時事單字 這兩天網路上已經有很多新聞了,其中英國信報有一個網頁放上一些照片 當然,形容這些照片的都是與災難有關的字彙,其中不少是GRE用字..... http://goo.gl/SUMEx The big pictures: The moment Japan's cataclysmic tsunami engulfed a nation cataclysmic (noun) 在紅寶書中這個單字是翻成大洪水吧? 其實他的意思很接近長相也很像的catastrophe 但是這個字更精確的指出是毀滅性的洪水,所以在這邊記者才會用cataclysmic吧? w-m的解釋 1.flood, deluge 2.catastrophe 3a 3.a momentous and violent event marked by overwhelming upheaval and demolition; broadly : an event that brings great changes cata這個字首是來自於希臘文的kata (down) 而catastrophe就是 kata(down)+strephein(turn)轉化而來 意思是突然的結束、翻轉的 http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=catastrophe cataclysmic則是kata(down)+klyzein(to wash)組合成的希臘文轉化來的 意思基本上就是洪水 http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=cataclysm tsunami(n) 這個字很多人一定會覺得很不像英文 其實他的字源就是來自於日文つなみ,最近常看到的「津波」就是他的漢字寫法 意思就是海嘯 engulf (vt) 吞沒、吞噬 yahoo字典上的例句其實滿令人感傷的 The house was engulfed in flames. The flood engulfed the farms and destroyed the crops. w-m的定義 1: to flow over and enclose : overwhelm 2: to take in (food) by or as if by flowing over and enclosing w-m的例句我覺得他的用字也可以學 The mounting seas threatened to engulf the island. 這邊的mounting seas可以學一下^^||| mount (vi)的意思就是 to increase in amount or extent 也就是說,他的意思跟increase其實差不多,可以記起來跟increase交替使用 好比說expenses began to mount/increase -- Japan was today plunged into chaos after a cataclysmic earthquake sent merciless tsunami waves rushing through its helpless streets. The unforgiving tide of water unleashed after one of the biggest quakes in recent history obliterated tens of thousands of buildings, devouring almost anything in its path. plunge (vt) 使投入、使陷入 w-m定義 1:to cause to penetrate or enter quickly and forcibly into something <plunged the dagger> 2: to cause to enter a state or course of action usually suddenly, unexpectedly, or violently <plunged the nation into economic depression> 這邊第二個用法是這一句話的plunge的用法,突然陷入了某種狀態之中 日本因為地震而to be plunged into chaos 而全球的景氣會不會也因此to be plunged into economic depression呢? 希望不要。 chaos (n) 混亂 他的形容詞是chaotic chaos本身並沒有形容詞的用法,要注意 w-m定義 1: obsolete : chasm, abyss 2: a often capitalized : a state of things in which chance is supreme; especially : the confused unorganized state of primordial matter before the creation of distinct forms — compare cosmos b the inherent unpredictability in the behavior of a complex natural system (as the atmosphere, boiling water, or the beating heart) 3: a : a state of utter confusion <the blackout caused chaos throughout the city> b : a confused mass or mixture <a chaos of television antennas> 這邊的用法比較接近第三個意思的a,當然要說跟第一個很接近也可以啦... merciless (adj) 無情的、殘酷的 w-m定義 1)having or showing no mercy : pitiless w-m的定義有時會讓人覺得很好笑 都看到merci+less,我當然知道是no mercy阿! 這個字的字源可能是來自古法文mercit 亦即神對他所造之物的寬恕 如果神真的存在,而他又不愛我們了,人該怎麼辦? 相關的字還有merciful unleash (vt) 宣洩 w-m定義 1: to free from or as if from a leash : let loose <unleash the dogs> <unleashing his anger> 2: to throw, shoot, or set in motion forcefully <unleashed a superb shot … to earn his side a point> 記者用這個字來形容tsunami的forcefully, merciless waves確實是很傳神... obliterate 清除、消滅 w-m定義 1. a : to remove utterly from recognition or memory b : to remove from existence : destroy utterly all trace, indication, or significance of c : to cause to disappear (as a bodily part or a scar) or collapse (as a duct conveying body fluid) remove <a blood vessel obliterated by inflammation> 2: to make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or wearing away 3: cancel 這個字也滿常在GRE看到的 基本上也是個組合字,從拉丁文的ob(against)+littera(letter)轉化來的 devour (vt) 吞噬、狼吞虎嚥的地吃、折磨、急切的閱讀 w-m定義 1: to eat up greedily or ravenously 2: to use up or destroy as if by eating <we are devouring the world's resources> 3: to prey upon <devoured by guilt> 4: to enjoy avidly <devours books> 這邊這個devour的意思雖然跟engulf不大相同 但是我們可以發現這兩個字在第二個意思上是相通,可以互換的 類似的還有swallow up 可以都記起來在awa中交替使用 -- As the death toll soared, dozens more countries braced themselves for similar scenes of destruction as the full force of the mother nature powered through the Pacific ocean. (death) toll (n) 傷亡人數 soar (vi) 升高 w-m定義 2: to rise or increase dramatically (as in position, value, or price) <stocks soared> 3: to ascend to a higher or more exalted level <makes my spirits soar> 跟上面的increase, mount都可以在某意義上視為相同的意義 但是當我們是在說快速增加,要講那種很快的感覺,可能還是用soar會比較好 -- Stretching into the distance, waves caused by the tsunami pour over the coastline and rush inland swamping all before them. As the seawater passes over the land it mixes with the soil and begins to change colour to a dark brown Helpless: A ship, dwarfed by the sheer size of the whirlpool, is drawn ever closer towards the vortex as is tossed about in the foaming waters off the port of Oarai, Ibaraki dwarf (vt) 阻礙、使矮小 w-m 定義 1: to restrict the growth of : stunt 2: to cause to appear smaller or to seem inferior <has dwarfed the achievements of her predecessors> 一般有接觸奇幻文學的人應該會跟我一樣第一個想到的是「矮人」也有動詞喔!? 這邊又可以佩服一下信報記者的選字功力了 一樣是阻礙他有suppress、hold back、impede、obstruct可以選 他偏偏能想這個又有阻礙又可以形容我們人類真的很渺小的dwarf sheer (v) 全然、純粹的 w-m定義 2: a : unqualified, utter <sheer folly> <sheer ignorance> b : being free from an adulterant : pure, unmixed c : viewed or acting in dissociation from all else <in terms of sheer numbers> vortex (n) 漩渦 foam (v) 起泡泡的 -- Menace: Wave upon wave heads towards the coastline which has already been breached by an earlier onslaught menace (n) 威脅 w-m定義 1: a show of intention to inflict harm : threat 2: a : one that represents a threat : danger b : an annoying person 這兩個用法可以學一下 He spoke with menace in his voice. These local conflicts may constitute a menace to world peace. onslaught (n) 突擊、猛攻 w-m定義 an especially fierce attack; also, something resembling such an attack <an onslaught of technological changes> -- With fires and destruction all around him a man picks his way carefully though the rubble while (right) there's gridlocked in either direction in Sendai as people try to escape the coastal city rubble (n) 碎石子、瓦礫堆 gridlock (n) 非常嚴重的交通壅塞、僵局 w-m定義 1: a traffic jam in which a grid of intersecting streets is so completely congested that no vehicular movement is possible 2: a situation resembling gridlock (as in congestion or lack of movement) <political gridlock> -- This extraordinary image shows how the quake split this road in Satte on the island of Honshu right down the middle Two women in Urayasu city, Chiba, scramble up a road that was buckled by the force of the quake. Right, a young woman wells up and leans on her friend as the true scale of the disaster that has claimed the lives of hundreds of people becomes apparent scramble(vi) 倉皇行動 w-m定義 a : to move with urgency or panic well up (vi) 哭泣 w-m定義 1: to rise to the surface and usually flow forth <tears welled from her eyes> 2: to rise like a flood of liquid <longing welled up in his breast> 我覺得這兩個w-m例句都滿值得記起來的,尤其是第二個 apparent (adj) 明顯的 yahoo的例句可以順便學到in no condition to這樣的用法 It was apparent that he was in no condition to travel. 他的狀況實在不適合去旅行 改寫一下就變成了 Sendai is now in no condition for us to travel. -- Collapsed: Three shocked employees look at what has become of the factory in Sukagawa city, Fukushima, where moments earlier they had been working Raging seas: The tsunami pours through trees and engulfs homes on the coast of Natori, Miyagi Prefecture, after the earthquake struck rage (v) 狂怒 w-m定義 1: to be in a rage 2: to be in tumult 3: to prevail uncontrollably prefecture (n) 這個字一開始是古羅馬官職的意思 有玩過凱薩大帝系列的人一定會記得蓋的巡警局的英文其實就是prefecture 古代容易失火,到處都要蓋prefecture... 他現在還有另外一個意思就是縣、府那樣的地域行政官僚系統 這邊指的就是宮城縣 w-m定義 1: the office or term of office of a prefect 2: the official residence of a prefect 3: the district governed by a prefect 相關的字除了prefect外還有prefectural -- The same scene just moments later shows how the entire area with dozens of homes is completely obliterated by the unforgiving waters which swept away anything in their path. Bobbing about on the surface is all the debris the waters have picked up along the way debris (n) 廢棄物、殘骸 我第一次學到這個字是在惑星奇航這部動畫 男主角一開始就是作撿拾太空debris維生XD" w-m定義 1: the remains of something broken down or destroyed 3: something discarded : rubbish -- Swelling: The murky flow of mud and debris trapped in the tide of water washes over the tarmac car park at Sendai airport in northern Japan murky (adj) 黑暗的、陰鬱的 w-m定義 1: characterized by a heavy dimness or obscurity caused by or like that caused by overhanging fog or smoke 2: characterized by thickness and heaviness of air : foggy, misty 3: darkly vague or obscure <murky official rhetoric> tarmac (n) 有鋪柏油的停機坪、跑道或是道路 w-m定義 a tarmacadam road, apron, or runway -- Destruction: Tsunami tidal waves race upstream along the Naka river at Hitachinaka city in Ibaraki hours after the massive 8.9 magnitude quake struck this morning upstream (adv) 逆流地 w-m定義 1: in the direction opposite to the flow of a stream 2: in or to a position within the production stream closer to manufacturing processes <make most of its money upstream, selling cheap crude … to refineries — John Quirt> 第二個定義裡的例句確實是經商致富之道... magnitude (n) 震級 震度(intensity)跟震級(magnitude)是不一樣的東西 前者是說一個地震在不同的地方所造成的晃動程度,後者是說這個地震有多大的能量 所以一個地震可以有不同的震級,但是震度只有一個 -- Shock: A young couple at a bookshop in Sendai, northern Japan, embrace as the ceiling collapses and the building rocks from the force of the quake while in Tokyo, right, black smoke rises from fires caused by the quake embrace (v) 擁抱 w-m定義 1: a : to clasp in the arms : hug b : cherish, love 2: encircle, enclose -- Aftermath: Clouds of grey smoke billow out of an oil refinery, and an inferno burns at its centre, in Chiba following the earthquake aftermath(n) 事後餘波 一眼還想說之後的數學是甚麼...OTL w-m定義 2: the period immediately following a usually ruinous event <in the aftermath of the war> 這個字跟數學沒有關係,他是來自古英文的maethe或說是古日耳曼語的mediz 意思都是割草 所以這個字一開始就是割完草之後長出來的草,這個意思現在也有在用 但我不知道常不常使用 囧 billow(v) 鼓起,湧出 w-m定義 1: to rise or roll in waves or surges 2: to bulge or swell out (as through action of the wind) Hundreds of flags billowed in the breeze. Flames and smoke billowed over the prairie. 這個字如果是名詞的話可以當huge waves, ocean用 refinery (n) 精煉廠 inferno (n) 大火、煉獄 本來是在講聖經中所說的煉獄 之前出的一塊遊戲「但丁的地獄之旅」英文就是Dante's Inferno 但現在比較常被拿來形容猛烈的大火 -- Concerned: Two office workers in Tokyo brace themselves for a potential disaster as the earthquake rumbled buildings and smoke can be seen rising from skyscrapers outside Effects: A mother and her daughter watch nervously as pools of water from burst pipes encroach on the pavement in Tokyo while, right, paramedics carry away casualties from a nearby building that was rocked by the earthquake encroach (v) 入侵、超出界線 w-m定義 1: to enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the possessions or rights of another 2: to advance beyond the usual or proper limits <the gradually encroaching sea> 第二個解釋的例句頗適合用來講快被淹沒的島國處境,像是馬爾地夫等 paramedic (n) 醫護輔助人員 這個字一看就能拆成para+medics,不過para是甚麼意思? 其實從字源來看會覺得這樣的醫護人員真的很猛,又要會跳傘又要會醫療! para就是chute(降落傘)的意思,parachute其實就是降落傘降落傘... 所以paramedic一開始真的是專指這種特殊的醫護人員呢(汗) casualty (n) 傷患、傷亡者 -- Red alert: Flames engulf homes that were hit with the full force of the tsunami in the Miyagi region of north eastern Japan Debris: An eerie mist sweeps across the debris of destroyed homes and cars caught in the raging tsunami waters in Kesennuma in Miyagi, northern Japan eerie(adj) 神秘怪異的 w-m定義 2: so mysterious, strange, or unexpected as to send a chill up the spine <a coyote's eerie howl> <the similarities were eerie> also, seemingly not of earthly origin <the flames cast an eerie glow> -- Explosion: Flames reach hundreds of feet into the sky after a natural gas facility in Chiba near Tokyo explodes after the earthquake, while right, a fire tears through residential houses in Yamada in northern Japan Stranded: Shoppers sit on the floor of a department store as train and bus services were suspended due to the earthquake stranded (adj) 被困住的、擱淺的 w-m定義 having a strand or strands especially of a specified kind or number — usually used in combination <double-stranded DNA> -- Cold: Elderly women who are likely to have experienced a number of earthquakes in their lifetime sit on the street as they take in the most recent disaster which is one of the worst in recent history Stuck: Stranded commuters inside Tokyo railway station prepare themselves for a long wait as the city, where infrastructure is designed to withstand disasters, recovers from the earthquake 我覺得記者這一句的筆法滿值得學,用在AWA非常好 commuter(n) 通勤者 infractructure(n) 公共建設 withstand (v) 抵抗、對抗 w-m定義 1: a : to stand up against : oppose with firm determination; especially : to resist successfully b : to be proof against : resist the effect of <withstand the impact of a landing — Current Biography> Who wants to succeed must have the capability to withstand hardship. -- Aftershocks: A frail elderly man rests under a blanket as all around him the country is gripped by the full scale of the earthquake and right, young Japanese people evacuated from buildings at risk of collapsing wrap blankets around themselves frail (adj) 身體虛弱的 w-m定義 3: a : physically weak In his old age his health became increasingly frail. evacuate (vt) 撤離、清空 w-m定義 1: to remove the contents of : empty 2: to discharge from the body as waste : void 3: to remove something (as gas or water) from especially by pumping 4: a : to remove especially from a military zone or dangerous area b : to withdraw from military occupation of c : vacate <were ordered to evacuate the building> -- At risk: Confusion spead amoung passengers who were taken off planes at Narita International Airport in Naita city, suburban Tokyo 吐槽一下,成田在千葉阿... suburban (adj) 郊區的 -- Pile-up: New cars ready to be shipped are stacked on top of each other after the water gushed through Hitachinaka city in Ibaraki prefecture stack up(v) 堆起 stack本身名詞就是乾草堆,FarmVille裡可以買來裝飾的小草堆就是stack gush (v) 湧出 w-m定義 1: to issue copiously or violently 2: to emit a sudden copious flow 3: to make an effusive display of affection or enthusiasm <an aunt gushing over the baby> 這個字不只可以說是水的湧出、洶湧而至,也可以說情感或者是「爆出」某句話的「爆」 -- The sheer force of the quake is evident in this image of the road in Fukushima which has been flipped, buckled and broken buckled (adj) 起皺褶的 Aftermath: The remains of houses are surrounded by broken wood and concrete after flood waters engulfed Iwaki town, Fukushima prefecture Giant fireballs rise from an oil refinery in Ichihara, which lies on the eastern coast of Japan, after being shaken by the earthquake off the coast -- 弄好久阿... 今天才知道x大跟sovereignty大以前有多麼辛苦 希望對大家有幫助 很多單字老實說我在紅寶背過了就忘了,要不是有這樣一則新聞 我大概會繼續遺忘他們吧...囧 希望對大家有幫助: ) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/12 23:44, , 1F
03/12 23:44, 1F

03/12 23:45, , 2F
03/12 23:45, 2F

03/12 23:50, , 3F
cataclysm 由只大洪水和地震帶來的災難
03/12 23:50, 3F

03/12 23:50, , 4F
catastrophe 突如其來的災難 最近剛好複習紅寶@@
03/12 23:50, 4F

03/12 23:51, , 5F
辛苦了<( ̄︶ ̄)>
03/12 23:51, 5F

03/13 00:04, , 6F
03/13 00:04, 6F

03/13 00:08, , 7F
03/13 00:08, 7F

03/13 00:09, , 8F
03/13 00:09, 8F

03/13 00:10, , 9F
03/13 00:10, 9F

03/13 00:10, , 10F
03/13 00:10, 10F

03/13 00:40, , 11F
推推 Q\\\\\Q
03/13 00:40, 11F

03/13 10:22, , 12F
03/13 10:22, 12F

03/14 01:16, , 13F
推推 有空再慢慢看.....
03/14 01:16, 13F
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