[回報] 10/12, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

看板GRE作者 (好想吃蘋果...)時間13年前 (2010/10/12 13:02), 編輯推噓9(903)
留言12則, 12人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
My NB suddenly breakdown in the morning, So I use the Hotel's PC, so I cannot type chinese. Sorry! Finally, I got V670 + Q790, and the most important is " The pool of ANA and ANT has NOT change, but add some news!" " But pool of SC really has changed!! " I try my best to recollect it... The JJ of ANA: flatter:ingratiate = woo:adore ?? (I am not sure) hermitage:seculued = landmark:conspicuous intemperate:restrain = ??"?? (it is easy to answer) quatrain:stanza = eulogy:speech truncate:extent = simplify:complexity reprobate:criticize = ??:?? (it is easy, a level analogy) The JJ of ANT: cocophonous<>harmony effet<>hale succint<>circumlocutory truculent<>pacific voracious<>abstemious droll<>somber indelible<>erasible laconic<>prolix manifest<>latent natty<>slovenly aligned<>turbulent ingenuous<>calculating The JJ of SC: (from GTER) 1. a women XXX ( the main idea is that she is really calm) answer: aplomb & fecklesssness 2. a writer...(key words self-effacing) answer: adept to vanity 3. releasing genome did not ___ traditional biology, as XXX did not make ____. answer: obviate, obsolete 4. an governor's ____ notwithstanding, public records renders the evidence of his corrupt ____. Answer: (choose two opposite words) The JJ of RC: (sorry, i don't read the reading carefully) short: Native American and language speaking spreading (A~~~~) short: compare with Europe and American Poety long: I don't read it! key word: plant leaves, maximun of photosythesis, vertical, desert The JJ of Q: It is not difficault! Nothing from the India JJ in OCT 5 & 6. 1. the remain of (10^22 +1)/11 VS 2 2. a 45 degree right triangle with the hypotenuse12 area?? 3. Starts on June 1, A happens every 2 week, B happens every 6 day, how many days will the two happen at the same day in the following 90 days 4. a/(b/c) vs (a/b)/c given 0<c<1 ISSUE:121"The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten." Argument: 170 "The following appeared in a newspaper published in the state of Celera. "Speed limits on our state's highways should be eliminated in order to increase our state's prosperity. Because greater speed means more efficient travel, commercial deliveries will be faster, increasing business profits. Elimination of speed limits will also make driving more attractive to motorists, so that more people will use the highways, providing more highway toll revenues for the state. At the same time, safety on our highways will not be affected: daytime speed limits were eliminated last year in the western states of our country, and no significant increase in the number of accidents in these states has been reported." That's ALL!! Hope to help you!! Good Luck!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/12 13:07, , 1F
I will share my reference when I come back to TW.
10/12 13:07, 1F

10/12 13:52, , 2F
10/12 13:52, 2F

10/12 14:01, , 3F
10/12 14:01, 3F

10/12 15:41, , 4F
10/12 15:41, 4F
※ 編輯: bluestanley 來自: (10/12 17:23)

10/12 17:25, , 5F
10/12 17:25, 5F

10/12 19:13, , 6F
好強 你記得超多的!!!! 恭喜終於打敗GRE啦:)
10/12 19:13, 6F

10/12 22:03, , 7F
10/12 22:03, 7F

10/13 04:25, , 8F
感謝!!! 寄好多好厲害喔
10/13 04:25, 8F

10/13 13:45, , 9F
10/13 13:45, 9F

10/13 18:44, , 10F
10/13 18:44, 10F

12/02 19:20, , 11F
感謝!!! 寄好多好厲 https://noxiv.com
12/02 19:20, 11F

04/13 23:50, 5年前 , 12F
04/13 23:50, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1Ci-lCBu (GRE)