[句填] 請教一題07年6G填空

看板GRE作者 (Be strong!)時間13年前 (2010/09/24 16:36), 編輯推噓4(408)
留言12則, 6人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
如題 Although the diverse local idioms of English in England are not as strong as they once were, their ------- has been -------: television and radio are not the homogenizing forces that they were once thought to be. (A) variety....diminished (B) importance....exaggerated (C) colorfulness....muted (D) meaning....misconstrued (E) resilience....underrated 網路上答案給的是A 可能是我的翻譯能力有問題,還是卡在哪邊了,覺得A怪怪的。 請各位大大幫忙解釋一下 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/24 16:47, , 1F
variety 對應 diverse
09/24 16:47, 1F

09/25 10:15, , 2F
09/25 10:15, 2F

09/25 10:16, , 3F
09/25 10:16, 3F

09/25 10:17, , 4F
09/25 10:17, 4F

09/25 17:29, , 5F
09/25 17:29, 5F

09/26 22:11, , 6F
第一句關鍵字"Although""diverse""not as strong as"
09/26 22:11, 6F

09/26 22:12, , 7F
句子後面是逗號 表示兩句意思是有關連的(一樣)
09/26 22:12, 7F

09/26 22:12, , 8F
09/26 22:12, 8F

09/26 22:13, , 9F
相等 所以只能選A了 C的colorfulness也有多樣化的
09/26 22:13, 9F

09/26 22:13, , 10F
但是否定他不會用mute這個字 所以A比較好
09/26 22:13, 10F

12/02 19:19, , 11F
句子後面是逗號 表示兩 https://noxiv.com
12/02 19:19, 11F

04/13 23:49, 5年前 , 12F
第一句關鍵字"Alth http://yofuk.com
04/13 23:49, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1Cd6CRw6 (GRE)