[字彙] 紅寶 p.290

看板GRE作者 (XINATION)時間14年前 (2010/01/02 23:03), 編輯推噓14(1406)
留言20則, 16人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23864669 唷...富堅都畫到291回了 哈哈都比我快了 不過這陣子來來回回 也體會到發表教學 是要靠很多人的努力的 感謝 Formosamba的站長 提供空間與頻寬阿 真是太令我感動啦 各位能免費的聽著紅寶的單字 要想想背後坎苛地可是提供設備的站長大人阿... 而且我檔案多,一個音檔平均20MB左右,使用人數一多,流量可是相當的大的阿。 君不見之前慷慨的imeem,已經成仁赴義了 T_T 為了要找另外可以上傳的網站,我可是想破頭了。 所以能再次地復活,得好好的感謝Formsamba的站長才行,網友們也是唷。 另外也得謝謝我朋友阿宅小七, 網友們目前看到的player樣板,其中的程式碼的部份, 可是我跟小七宅宅花了3小時設定好的,然後又把將290頁的html碼重新設定好。 改到我手都快斷了 謝天謝地,可以運作阿~! 最後 我還製作了個錄音的小教學,指導你製作podcast please see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RuPvC3m1MY&feature=player_embedded
而全文在:http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/24732441 OMG~ 我還真是熱血呢! 諸位,也來玩玩podcast吧~~ Happy New year~! 2010 我希望能在GRE改版前,能講到List 41 這就是我新年的希望了!! --------------------- lethal adj.致命的 [of, pertaining to, or causing death; deadly; fatal] ex. a lethal weapon; a lethal dose. 希臘神話在地獄有一條河,名字叫lethe,喝其水了會忘記今生之事(類似孟婆湯的作用) ,所以leth含有「死亡」、「遺忘」、「昏睡」的概念 lethargy lethe-argy(病痛 from alg-ia) n.昏睡;無生氣 [the quality or state of being drowsy and dull, listless and unenergetic, or indifferent and lazy; apathetic or sluggish inactivity.] 聯想: let + hard 讓你難--->就會很想睡 lethargic adj.昏睡的;無生氣的 [of, pertaining to, or affected with lethargy; drowsy; sluggish.] ex. Under the influence of the medicine, I have been quite lethargic lately. 在藥物的影響下,我近來很愛睡。 levee n.堤壩,堤岸 [an embankment designed to prevent the flooding of a river.] 字源:L levāta embankment. ptp. of L levāre to raise,字根lev-就是[「升起」 的意思,另外也有當「輕;light」的意思。 ps. embankment [en-bank-ment] bank除了當銀行外,也有「岸」的意思 ex. They stood on the river bank to fish. 他們站在河岸邊釣魚。 levee:flood=cordon:crowd 河堤防止洪水=警戒線阻擋人群 lever lev(raise, light)-er n.槓桿 [A simple machine consisting of a rigid bar pivoted on a fixed point and used to transmit force, as in raising or moving a weight at one end by pushing down on the other.] n.手段 [A means of accomplishing; a tool] ex. use friendship as a lever to obtain advancement. 字源: L. levis, light 輕的 levity lev(raise, light)-ity n.輕浮 [ lightness of mind, character, or behavior; lack of appropriate seriousness or earnestness.] ex. To her natural levity of disposition, her enterprise brought less of terror than of pleasurable excitement. 由於她生來性格輕浮,對於這個事業並不恐懼,只覺得是一種愉快的刺激。 levy lev(raise, light)-y n.徵稅 [an imposing or collecting, as of a tax, by authority or force.] n.徵兵 [the conscription of troops.] v.徵稅、徵兵 [to impose (a tax); to conscript (troops).] ex. to levy a duty on imports. ex. They levy an army every spring. 每年春天,他們徵集軍隊。 levelheaded level(平坦的)-head-ed adj.穩健的;明智的 [having common sense and sound judgment; sensible.] ps.字的概念是頭腦清晰心情平穩的,代表是明智,可以做出好的判斷。 levelheaded <> foolish lexicographer lexicon-graph-er n.詞典編纂者 [a writer, editor, or compiler of a dictionary.] ps. lexicon n..詞典 [ a wordbook or dictionary, esp. of Greek, Latin, or Hebrew.] ps. 你可以從lex看出端倪,他是不是長得有點像lect阿~ 猜猜看第一本英文字典是在哪時候完成的 ans. Robert Cawdrey 在1604年,不過那時候只是"A Table Alphabeticall" cartographer:map=lexicographer:dictionary 製圖者製地圖=編字典者編字典 liability li(able)-ability n.責任,義務 [Something for which one is liable; an obligation, responsibility, or debt.] ex. the liability for the accident n.負債 [moneys owed; debts or pecuniary obligations] ex. Heavy liabilities forced the company into bankruptcy. n.不利的東西 [ something disadvantageous] ex. Lack of education was a liability in getting a job. liability <> asset ps. liable adj. 有義務的,, 應負責的 adj. 有...傾向的 [likely or apt] ex. He's liable to get angry. 字源:AF li(er) to bind (< L ligāre) + -able liaison n.【軍】聯繫 [ An instance or a means of communication between different groups or units of an organization, especially in the armed forces.] n. 聯繫人[One that maintains communication] ex. served as the President's liaison with Congress. 字源:F liaison, OF liaison < L ligātiōn- (s. of ligātiō) a binding. libel n.誹謗(利用文字、圖畫等) [defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures.] ex. commit libel 當罪解釋的時候,不可數 ex. a libel on my character v. [to publish a libel against.] 字源:在中世紀的英文中libel指的是" little book, formal document, esp. plaintiff's statement"小書,裡面特別是起訴人(要告人的人)的要陳述的內容。 review p.71r --------------------------------------- **說壞話 ex.亂說別人沒有忠誠or是漢奸之類的 to attack the good name or reputation with falseand malicious statements asperse v.誹謗; 灑聖水 // aspersion n. calumniate v.誹謗 // calumny n. defame v.誹謗 // defamation n. libel v.誹謗 (用圖畫或文字) malign v.誹謗 slander v.誹謗 // from scandal n.醜聞 traduce v.誹謗 vilify v.誹謗 **玷汙 ex.說別人曾經花名在外 to make sth. dirty or destory sb's reputation besmirch v.弄髒、玷汙 //smirch v.弄髒、玷污 sully v.弄髒、玷汙 **有貶低意味的 ex.說別人的成功都只是幸運 to detract from the honor or luster of to take away a part, as from quality, value, or reputation to speak of or treat slightingly detract v.詆毀、貶低 denigrate v.詆毀、貶低 derogate v.詆毀、貶低 depreciate v.輕視、貶低 belittle v.輕視、貶低 decry v.輕視、貶低 disparage v.輕視、貶低 // disparate adj.不同的 --------------------------------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/02 23:06, , 1F
01/02 23:06, 1F

01/02 23:06, , 2F
如果有發現哪個list 哪個page不能聽...
01/02 23:06, 2F

01/02 23:07, , 3F
01/02 23:07, 3F

01/02 23:07, , 4F
01/02 23:07, 4F

01/02 23:30, , 5F
01/02 23:30, 5F

01/02 23:58, , 6F
01/02 23:58, 6F

01/03 04:18, , 7F
感謝各位的鼎力相助!!! 得來不易啊...
01/03 04:18, 7F

01/03 09:35, , 8F
真的很感謝所有付出的人 謝謝你們!!!
01/03 09:35, 8F

01/03 10:25, , 9F
01/03 10:25, 9F

01/03 10:51, , 10F
多謝> <it's really helpful
01/03 10:51, 10F

01/03 11:36, , 11F
01/03 11:36, 11F

01/03 13:01, , 12F
01/03 13:01, 12F

01/03 21:05, , 13F
感謝 不過怪怪的 都聽不暸
01/03 21:05, 13F

01/03 21:30, , 14F
01/03 21:30, 14F

01/03 21:52, , 15F
to safah: 我試ok耶!
01/03 21:52, 15F

01/04 00:03, , 16F
我發現用IE開可以 可是用PCMAN 不行- -怪怪的
01/04 00:03, 16F

01/04 00:28, , 17F
01/04 00:28, 17F

01/04 20:23, , 18F
01/04 20:23, 18F

12/02 19:05, , 19F
12/02 19:05, 19F

04/13 23:32, 5年前 , 20F
04/13 23:32, 20F
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