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大家晚安 這是282回 http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23745758 ---------------------------------- jocular adj.開玩笑的;滑稽的 [Characterized by joking.] ex. His brilliant speech, jocular talk and profound knowledge won our enthusiastic applause. 他精彩的演講,詼諧的語言,淵博的知識,贏得了我們熱烈的掌聲。 字源:L. jocula-ris, jocul = joc(us) joke - ulus jocund jo(delight, L. juvare) - cund adj.歡樂的,快活的 [= jovial, cheerful; merry; gay; blithe; glad] ex. joucund company = 歡樂、活潑的同伴 字源: ME jocound < LL jocundus, alter. of L ju-cundus pleasant, = ju(va-re) delight + -cundus adj. suffix jocund <> dreary adj. 沈悶的、陰鬱的 ps.沒有 dream的人是 dreary的 jocund <> dour adj.陰鬱的 jovial jovi(Jupiter)-al adj.歡樂的,快活的 [Marked by hearty conviviality and good cheer] 字源:ML jovia-lis of Jupiter (the planet, supposed to exert a happy influence), = jovi- + -a-lis jovial是從羅馬的神 Jupiter來的,而木星被當時的人認為會影響快樂的。Jupiter是拉丁文名,Zeus是希臘文名,都是指的同一位。 "用音樂來體會jovial的感覺吧" ["movie":"http://www.youtube.com/v/IlKhFyBVtG4&hl=zh_TW&fs=1&","allowfullscreen":"true","allowscriptaccess":"always","src":"http://www.youtube.com/v/IlKhFyBVtG4&hl=zh_TW&fs=1&","type":"application/x-shockwave-flash"] jubilation jubil(shout for joy)-ation n.歡呼 [a feeling of or the expression of joy or exultation] ex. During the Chinese new year, the whole people joins in the jubilation. 字源:L ju-bila-tus (ptp. of ju-bila-re to shout for joy) "看影片你就會知道jubliation是什麼了" ["movie":"http://www.youtube.com/v/3HDkXuPQlB8&hl=zh_TW&fs=1&","allowfullscreen":"true","allowscriptaccess":"always","src":"http://www.youtube.com/v/3HDkXuPQlB8&hl=zh_TW&fs=1&","type":"application/x-shockwave-flash"] jog v.慢跑 v.輕搖;輕推 [to move or shake with a push or jerk] ex. The horseman jogged the reins lightly. ["movie":"http://www.youtube.com/v/3T-CoHXOvNA&hl=zh_TW&fs=1&","allowfullscreen":"true","allowscriptaccess":"always","src":"http://www.youtube.com/v/3T-CoHXOvNA&hl=zh_TW&fs=1&","type":"application/x-shockwave-flash"] jog:exercise jolt v. 顛簸,震搖(突然的) [to jar, shake, or cause to move by or as if by a sudden rough thrust; shake up roughly] ex. The bus jolted its passengers as it went down the rocky road. n.顛簸,震搖 音:舊車 -->舊車會顛簸 jolt:move=check:stop 震搖(突然的是突然動=突然停止是突然停 judicial judici(judgement)-al adj.關於法院的審判的、關於司法的 [pertaining to judgment in courts of justice(法院) or to the administration of justice(司法--維護法律、確保法律被正確的執行、解決爭議)] ex. judicial proceedings = 司法程序 ex. judicial system = 司法制度 ex. judicial powers = 審判權 adj. 法官的 ex. Grandfather smoothed his beard and looked judicial. 祖父拂著鬍子,樣子很有點法官的味道 adj. 公平的 ex. A judicial mind 字源:L ju-dicia-lis"of the law courts", = ju-dici judgement + -a-lis -al judicious judici(judgement)-ous adj.明智而審慎的 [using or showing judgment as to action or practical expediency; discreet, prudent, or politic] ex. judicious use of one's money. ex. By this judicious choice the computations are reduced to a manageable size. adj.判斷正確的 [having, exercising, or characterized by good or discriminating judgment; wise, sensible, or well-advised] ps. If you describe an action or decision as judicious, you approve of it because you think that it shows good judgement and sense. ex. a judicious decision 字源:原指"having sound judgment",於1598 M. Fr.中,隨後1600開始有"careful, prudent"的字義 judicious <> daft a.愚笨的 a daft person plays a dart 傻蛋射飛鏢 judicious <> imprudent judiciousness judicious-ness n.明智而審慎 n.判斷正確 jurisdiction juris(=just)-dic-tion [說法律-->管理法律] n.司法權 [the right, power, or authority to administer justice by hearing and determining controversies.] ps. 他是只一種power唷,司法(adminstation of justice) 與 司法權(jurisdiction)是不一樣的東西的呢~ ps. 雖然字根不同,但我覺得跟法律那一掛的,就放進來在這邊講 jurisdiction的 juris是 jus的變化體,意思是right, law 比方說just 公正的。 justify 證明合法。 ---------------------------------------- judge v.判斷、審判 judic-ial a.關於司法的 、法官的、公正的 judic-ious a.明智的 [wise and carefull] // judiciousness n.明智的 ad-judicate v. 判決 [To hear and settle a case by judicial procedure] v.當裁判 [To act as a judge ] ad-judication n.判決 juris-prudence n.法理學 [juris= just; law, right] juris-diction n.司法權 ---------------------------------------- juggernaut n.駭人的毀滅力量 [any large, overpowering, destructive force or object, as war, a giant battleship, or a powerful football team.] n. [anything requiring blind devotion or cruel sacrifice.] n.印度神話中的一位神 字源:The word is derived from the Jaganna-tha (meaning "Lord of the universe") which is one of the many names of Krishna from the ancient Vedic scriptures(吠陀經) of India. Jagannatha 是 krishna眾多名字的其中之一,它是吠陀經中的神。當Jagannatha來時,祂會乘著一輛車,上面裝飾著深澀難解的畫,而信仰Jagannatha的信徒,為了表示他們的崇拜,甚至願意被祂所駕的車的車輪所輾死。 ps. Vedic scriptures = The Vedas (簡單、明瞭的吠陀經介紹) juggernaut:crash jumble v.混雜地放在一起 [put or throw together without order; to mix in a confused mass] ex. jumble socks in a heap in the closet. 把襪子亂堆到壁櫥裡 v. [to confuse mentally; muddle.] n. 混亂;雜亂的一堆 ex. a jumble of thoughts. ps. mingle = intermingle v.使混合;使攙和 [ to become mixed] 字源:O.E. mengan "mix" junction n.連接 [the state of being joined; union.] n.接合點 [ a place or point where two or more things are joined, as a seam or joint.] ps. 比方說 juncture可以指鐵路的交叉點,or 街道、高速公路的交叉點 ex. The cars collided at the junction. 汽車在交叉路口相撞。 c.f juncture junct-ure n.重要時刻 [a point of time, esp. one made critical or important by a concurrence of circumstances] ex. At this juncture, we must decide whether to stay or to walk out. n.連接 [the state of being joined.] ps. junction 與 juncture都有連結的概念在, 但 junction是指你實體可以看的到的連結。 而 juncture是比較抽象的連結、看不到的,比方說時間的連結點。 字尾-ure 它是一個表名詞的字尾,用以形成抽象名詞 1. action, result -- pressure, disclosure, failure 2. 指形成某個function的物體 -- legislature 立法院 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/09 23:39, , 1F
11/09 23:39, 1F

11/09 23:52, , 2F
11/09 23:52, 2F

11/10 00:06, , 3F
11/10 00:06, 3F

11/10 00:36, , 4F
11/10 00:36, 4F

11/10 01:04, , 5F
推!! X大晚安~
11/10 01:04, 5F

11/10 01:29, , 6F
11/10 01:29, 6F

11/10 01:42, , 7F
hip 推! head 推! belly 推! soul 推! neighbor 推!
11/10 01:42, 7F

11/10 09:24, , 8F
11/10 09:24, 8F

11/10 10:35, , 9F
11/10 10:35, 9F

11/10 13:04, , 10F
11/10 13:04, 10F

11/10 13:08, , 11F
11/10 13:08, 11F

11/10 13:28, , 12F
11/10 13:28, 12F

11/10 13:54, , 13F
X大請問jolt:move=check:stop是種類關係嗎 為什麼
11/10 13:54, 13F

11/10 13:54, , 14F
11/10 13:54, 14F

11/10 14:58, , 15F
11/10 14:58, 15F

11/10 19:35, , 16F
11/10 19:35, 16F

11/11 21:55, , 17F
11/11 21:55, 17F

12/02 19:02, , 18F
12/02 19:02, 18F

04/13 23:29, 5年前 , 19F
推一個是一定要的! http://yofuk.com
04/13 23:29, 19F
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