[字彙] 字彙p.268

看板GRE作者 (XINATION)時間15年前 (2009/07/23 12:32), 編輯推噓13(1302)
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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23570344 參考 infiltrate:enter=insinuate:say buoyant:sink=insoluble:dissolve insolvency <> ability to pay one's debts insomnia:sleep=dyslexia:read tenacious:yield=insouciant:worry --------------------------------------------- insinuate in-sin(彎;curve, bend)-u-ate v.逐漸而巧妙地取得 [to instill or infuse subtly or artfully, as into the mind] ex. He tried to insinuate himself into the boss's favor. 他設法巧妙地漸漸取得老板的歡心。 v. 含沙射影的說 [to suggest or hint slyly; to say indirectly] ex. I insinuate to her a thousand hints, which, as she is perfectly spiritual, she receives. 我已把我的情愫千百次灌注到她的心頭,她既是完美精神的化身,就能理解我的心意。 ps. insinuation = innuendo infiltrate:enter=insinuate:say 滲透是不知不覺進入=含沙射影是不知不覺說出 insipid adj.無味的 [without sufficient taste to be pleasing, as food or drink] ex. The food was rather insipid and needed gingering up. 這食物缺少味道,需要加點作料。 adj.無趣的 [without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities] ex. only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love.(from駭客任務) 聯想:in + sip(啜飲) + id "不啜飲的"--因為無味所以不想啜飲 字源: from Fr. insipide, from L.L. inspidus "tasteless," from L. in- "not" + sapidus "tasty," from sapere "have a taste" (also "be wise"). 簡單的說insipid 是從 in - L. sapere"taste"而來的 insolent adj.無禮的;侮慢的 [boldly rude or disrespectful; presumptuous and insulting in manner or speech] ex. an insolent boy stuck his tongue out at us. 一個無禮的男孩對我們伸出了舌頭 insolence n.無禮;侮慢 ex. Such insolence will lose you your situation. 如此無禮的態度將會使你失去你的職位 ex. The words died under the impenetrable insolence of Bertha's smile. 在白莎傲慢的,詭秘的笑容面前這幾句話被吞下去了。 review ---------------------------------------- 字根solv solut(較怪)是loosen的意思 solu solve v.解決、溶解 solu-ble adj.可解決的、可溶解的 solv-able adj.可解決的、可溶解的 solu-tion n.解決方法、溶解 solute n.溶質 solvent n.溶劑 adj.有償還能力的 ---------------------------------------- absolve v.開脫某人的罪責、宣佈赦罪 [ab-(遠) + solv(loosen)] absolu-tion n.宣佈赦罪 ab-solut-e adj.絕對的 ---------------------------------------- dissolve v.溶解 dissoluble adj.可溶解的 dis-solut-e adj.放蕩的 ---------------------------------------- resolve v.決定、 解決 (=solve) resolvable adj. 可解決的 (=solvable) resolution n.決心、 解決 (=solution) resolute adj.堅決的[determined] ---------------------------------------- insoluble in-solu-ble adj.不可溶解的 [incapable of being dissolved] adj.不可解決的 [incapable of being solved or explained] ex. an insoluble problem 無法解決的問題 insolvency in-solv-ency n.無力償還 [the condition of being insolvent; bankruptcy.] ex. The economy has entered a sharp downturn, and unemployment and insolvencies can be expected to increase. insomnia in-somn(sleep)-ia n.失眠 [inability to obtain sufficient sleep, esp. when chronic; difficulty in falling or staying asleep; sleeplessness.] 字源:L. insomn(is) "sleepless";in-somn(us) "sleep" -ia insomnia:sleep=dyslexia:read insouciant adj.漫不經心的 [An insouciant action or quality shows someone's lack of concern about something which they might be expected to take more seriously.] 聯想:in + souci(壽司) + ant "做壽司時漫不經心就不好吃了 inspect in-spect(look) v.檢查;審查 [To examine carefully and critically, especially for flaws.] ex. Health Department officials came to inspect the factory. 衛生部的官員來視察這個工廠 inspection in-spect-ion n.檢查;審查[ the act of inspecting or viewing] ex. Elevators must undergo an annual safety inspection. 電梯必須每年作一次安全檢查。 inspiration in-spir-ation n.靈感 [Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.] ex. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. 天才是靠百分之一的靈感與百分之九十九的苦汗努力 n.鼓舞人心的人(或事物) ex. His wife was a constant inspiration to him. 他妻子是不斷鼓舞他前進的人。 字源:spir是呼吸的意思,而呼吸在古時候被認為跟"靈魂"有關 inspired adj.有靈感的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/23 12:32, , 1F
07/23 12:32, 1F

07/23 13:30, , 2F
07/23 13:30, 2F

07/23 13:30, , 3F
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07/23 13:55, , 4F
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07/23 16:28, , 8F
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07/23 16:49, , 9F
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07/24 00:21, , 10F
對阿 有沒有考慮出書
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07/24 09:16, , 11F
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07/24 11:16, , 12F
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07/24 16:01, , 13F
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07/24 17:41, , 14F
推~ 有練習題幫助複習還蠻有用的!
07/24 17:41, 14F

07/25 00:16, , 15F
07/25 00:16, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #1AP-VEGh (GRE)