[字彙] 紅寶--p.240

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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23215509 這頁不錯唷 推薦 horn vs. corn ----------------------------------------- hoodwink hood-wink v.欺騙 [ to deceive or trick.] ex.to attempt to hoodwink public opinion; shut out the heavens with one palm(一手遮天). ps. hood n.風帽 (就像連帽T的那種帽子~) wink v.眨眼 造字概念:xination是覺得,就像一個美女臉在風帽中看不太清楚的,然後又對你眨眼引 起你的注意,但你又看不清她的目的。 hoof n.蹄 [ the horny covering protecting the ends of the digits or encasing the foot in certain animals, as the ox and horse.] ex. 口蹄疫 hoof-and-mouth disease / foot-and-mouth disease hoop n.環 [a circular band or ring of metal, wood, or other stiff material.] ex. Hula hoop / basketball hoop hood n.帽兜 hoof n.蹄(馬、牛或鹿等的) hook n.鉤、吊鉤 (小胖老師常說的"梗") hoop n.環、投籃的籃圈 ---------------------------------------- horizon n.地平線 [The apparent intersection of the earth and sky as seen by an observer.] ex. The sun has risen above the horizon. 太陽已從地平線升起。 n.範圍;眼界(常用horizons) [The range of one's knowledge, experience, or interest.] ex. Good novels broaden your horizons. horizontal horizon-tal adj.水平的 [ at right angles to the vertical; parallel to level ground.] ex. horizontal lines. 水平線 ex. horizontal bar. 單槓(體操的那種) hormone n.荷爾蒙; 激素 [any of various internally secreted compounds, as insulin(胰島 素)or thyroxine(甲狀腺素), formed in endocrine(內分泌的)glands(腺), that affect the functions of specifically receptive organs or tissues when transported to them by the body fluids.] ps.1 激素是由內分泌腺產生的化學物質,隨著血液輸送到全身,控制身體的生長、新陳 代謝、神經信號傳導等 ps.2 激素果實/激激果實 (in One Piece)..看不懂就算了..XD 字源:1900–05; < Gk hormôn (prp. of hormân to set in motion, excite, stimulate) 在希臘文原意為「興奮活動」 horn n.角 [One of the hard, usually permanent structures projecting from the head of certain mammals, such as cattle, sheep, goats] n.法國號--中音樂器 ["movie":"http://www.youtube.com/v/_MkMdlfl8Hg&hl=zh_TW&fs=1","allowfullscreen":"true","allowscriptaccess":"always","src":"http://www.youtube.com/v/_MkMdlfl8Hg&hl=zh_TW&fs=1","type":"application/x-shockwave-flash"] ["movie":"http://www.youtube.com/v/68tuMge6Fio&hl=zh_TW&fs=1","allowfullscreen":"true","allowscriptaccess":"always","src":"http://www.youtube.com/v/68tuMge6Fio&hl=zh_TW&fs=1","type":"application/x-shockwave-flash"] 字源:O.E. horn "horn of an animal," also "wind instrument" (originally made from animal horns), from P.Gmc. *khurnaz (cf. Ger. Horn, Du. horen, Goth. haurn), from PIE(原始印歐語) *ker- "uppermost part of the body, head, horn, top, summit" (cf. Gk. karnon, L. cornu "horn"). ps. corn 與 horn 的關係 corn 有兩個字義 n.玉米(也可以說是maize) n.雞眼(它是腳上硬硬的皮膚,不要去看眼科阿) [hardening of skin] 而corn"雞眼"這個字義也是從L. cornu而來的唷,演化到古法文中時意思為horn。雞眼的 概念來自於"horn on foot"。 horn vs. cornet 短號--高音樂器 ["movie":"http://www.youtube.com/v/2Z2tEUDhayc&hl=zh_TW&fs=1","allowfullscreen":"true","allowscriptaccess":"always","src":"http://www.youtube.com/v/2Z2tEUDhayc&hl=zh_TW&fs=1","type":"application/x-shockwave-flash"] horrific horr(to bristle with fear)-i-fic adj.可怕的 [causing horror.] ex. 911 is a horrific tragedy and it's touched a lot of hearts. quiz: horrific 跟 horrible有什麼不同 ans:差別很細微唷,horrible只是指令你討厭、害怕的東西(但也許對別人不恐怖),而 horrific是指真的很可怕的東西,程度也比較強。更詳細的說明看這邊 ex. The hotel was horrible - just awful. ex. Having to survive in the desert for eight days with very little water and practically no shelter from the sun was horrific. hortative hort(urge)-ative [ative = ate-ive] adj.鼓勵的 [Marked by exhortation or strong urging;encouraging] reveiw exhort ex-hort(urge) [源義 to encourage greatly] v.規勸、敦促 [to urge, advise, or caution earnestly] ex. The teacher exhorts him to work hard. horticulture horti-culture n.園藝 [The science or art of cultivating fruits, vegetables, flowers, or ornamental plants.] 字源:L. hortus, garden; + (agri)culture. hospitable hospital-able adj.好客的,招待周到的 [Disposed to treat guests with warmth and generosity.] ex. His clothes seemed to partake of his hospitable nature. 他這身裝束似乎顯示了他的好客 聯想:醫院是招待周到的 字源:hospit- 的意思是"host or guest" hostile adj.敵人的 [Of, relating to, or characteristic of an enemy] ex. The town was surrounded by hostile troops. adj.懷敵意的 ps. 「well, some fell prey to(被捕食、折磨) hostile arrows as they tried to cross the plains.」(from 一首有名的歌曲--Sutter Mill) (聽歌時間~~) hostility hostile-ity n.敵意 ex. We had no hostility toward the new neighbor. 我們對新鄰居毫無敵意。 hovel n.茅舍(通常是髒髒的、看起來得修理的那種小屋) [a small, very humble dwelling house; a wretched hut.] ex. a hovel unblessed with electricity or running water. 沒有電和自來水的可憐小屋。 hovel n.簡陋小屋 // grovel v.卑躬屈膝 hut n.簡陋小屋 shack n.簡陋小屋 // shackle v.加束縛 n.手銬、腳鐐 [manacle or fetter] shanty n.簡陋小屋 shack n.簡陋小屋 shake v.搖 ---------------------------------------- hover v. 盤旋, 翱翔 [To remain floating, suspended, or fluttering in the air] ex. The helicopter hovered over the house. 直升飛機停留在那房子上空。 ex. The dogs hovered around me while I was fixing their dinner. ex. to hover between life and death. 聯想:h(igh) + over 高高在上盤旋著 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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文章代碼(AID): #1A4hPyz7 (GRE)