[字彙] 紅寶--p.201

看板GRE作者 (XINATION)時間15年前 (2009/02/26 20:42), 編輯推噓3(301)
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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22504021 今天進度只有一頁 冏rz 真不好意思 (因為去掃墓了 外加這頁需要功夫也不少) GRE之心理戰 http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/14487734 ---------------------------------------------- fervid ferv(start boiling;hot)-id adj.熱情的、熾熱的 [heated or vehement in spirit, enthusiasm, etc] ex. a fervid orator 慷慨激昂的演說者 fervor ferv(start boiling;hot)-or n.熱情 [great warmth and earnestness of feeling; ardor] ex. to speak with great fervor. ennui:enthusiastic=fervor:apathetic 無聊不是熱情的=熱心不是冷漠的 fester v.使化膿、使潰爛 [to form pus(膿); generate purulent(化膿的) matter] n.化膿、潰爛 fester faster fester <> heal v.醫治 festive fest(=festival)-ive adj.節日的,喜慶的 [ pertaining to or suitable for a feast or festival] ex. The city was bathed in a festive atmosphere. 這座城市沉浸在節日的氣氛中。 ps. festival n.節慶 fetid adj.有惡臭的 [having an offensive odor] 聯想: fet(=feet) + id 腳ㄚㄚ會發出惡臭 實際上fet 來自拉丁文的 fētēre,最原始的字義跟腳沒有關係,而是stink(發出惡臭) fetter fet(feet)-er n/v. 腳鐐;上腳鐐 [a chain or shackle placed on the feet.] ps. cuff n.手銬 n.袖口 v.打一巴掌 fetus n.胎兒 [The unborn young of a viviparous(胎生的) vertebrate(脊椎動物) having a basic structural resemblance to the adult animal.] ex. position of fetus 胎位 英式用法寫成foetus 因為fet(foet)-us c.f. embryo n.胚芽;胚胎 (還沒有人型;兩個月以前) feud n.世仇 [ a bitter, continuous hostility, esp. between two families, clans, etc., often lasting for many years or generations.] ex. blood feud ex. 英法百年戰爭 feud n.世仇(部落或家屬間的) rancor n.深仇 ( WAR=Weapon Army Rancor 武器、軍隊和仇恨) vendetta n.深仇(尤指族間或血親間的;私人性的深仇) fiasco n.完全失敗、慘敗 [A complete failure.] ex. Napoleon got a fiasco at Waterloo. fiasco n.完全失敗、慘敗 [A complete failure.] ex. Napoleon got a fiasco at Waterloo. fiasco fresco n.濕壁畫 跟新鮮(fresh)有關 這幅壁畫(fresco)真是個大失敗(fiasco) 補充 1855, theater slang for "a failure," by 1862 acquired the general sense of any dismal flop, on or off the stage. Via Fr. phrase fiare fiasco "turn out a failure," from It. far fiasco "suffer a complete breakdown in performance," lit. "make a bottle," fiasco n.完全失敗、慘敗 [A complete failure.] ex. Napoleon got a fiasco at Waterloo. fiasco fresco n.濕壁畫 跟新鮮(fresh)有關 這幅壁畫(fresco)真是個大失敗(fiasco) 補充 1855, theater slang for "a failure," by 1862 acquired the general sense of any dismal flop, on or off the stage. Via Fr. phrase fiare fiasco "turn out a failure," from It. far fiasco "suffer a complete breakdown in performance," lit. "make a bottle," fiasco一開是在劇場的俚語,意思為"a failure"失敗,意思為悲慘地從台上跌下來。 fiat n.命令 [an authoritative decree, sanction, or order] ex. a royal fiat ex. municipal fiat 市政法令 fiat fist n.拳頭 用拳頭(fist)出命令(fiat) fickle adj.易變的(特別用於形容感情上、愛情上) [ Characterized by erratic changeableness or instability, especially with regard to affections or attachments] ex. He is a fickle lover. 他是個用情不專的愛人。 fickle tickle v.使發癢、搔癢 看到正妹就心癢(tickle)難耐,喜歡的對象換了又換,真是易變阿(fickle) fickle:constancy 易變的不恆定 review factitious VS. fictitious 整理:其實這兩個字根的意思是不一樣的,一個是fact,一個是fict,他們分別源於不同 的拉丁字 fact是to make to do的意思 fict 是to feign(假裝)的意思 但是你可以這樣連想,"假裝"是"做"出來的,而把這兩個字根關聯串起來 factitious fact-ity-ous [特意去做的-->不自然的] adj.不自然的 [not spontaneous or natural] ex. factitious laughter 做作的笑 fictitious fict-ity-ous [假裝出來的-->虛構的] adj.虛構的 [for the sake of concealment, not genuine] ex. fictitious names (虛構的名字) ps. faction n.紀實小說 fiction n.科幻小說、虛構 fidget v.坐立不安;煩躁 [To behave or move nervously or restlessly.] v.坐立不安地玩弄某物 ex. It's bad manners to fidget about at the table. 用餐時擺弄刀叉玩兒是不雅的. fidget v.坐立不安 budget n.預算 花錢超過了預算(budget),真令人坐立難安(fidget) fig n.無花果 n.一點兒;微不足道的事 [A trivial or contemptible amount] ex. don't care such a fig 不要把這件小事放在心上 聯想:無花果(fig) 沒有外形(figure) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/26 21:13, , 1F
推 感謝 fiasco單字的部份 是否有重複貼兩次呢?
02/26 21:13, 1F

02/26 23:18, , 2F
02/26 23:18, 2F

02/27 00:47, , 3F
02/27 00:47, 3F

02/27 01:58, , 4F
02/27 01:58, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #19feuirf (GRE)