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看板GRE作者 (你可以叫我.玲香)時間15年前 (2008/10/03 16:52), 編輯推噓2(202)
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順序 I A Q V A(加考) V650 Q770 首先我要感謝各位版友po的雞精 這次考試中遇到不少 其實我在7/5就考過一次 v320 q750 沒被cat 11張 雞精 因為我是被其他參考書 實在是考很差所以這次到日本報了兩天 先是9/29 cat只背了一部份罷了 結果v290 q800 看到分數的瞬間臉都綠了 很想跳隅田川 不過我沒有悲傷的權利 在10/3之前狂背cat和板上提供的雞精 才考到這樣的成績 不過計量做的不是很順 有些題目不難但是疏於練習所以沒做完 在此勉勵成績不理想的板友 不到最後關頭勿輕言放棄阿 分享一下考題吧 issue-------------------------------------------------------------- "History teaches us only one thing: knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today." argument----------------------------------------------------------- 一個shopping mall的主管說的話 有一條路叫route 101 才造好兩年就已經滿是坑洞 由A公司施工 同州內另一條路route 66 已造好四年 可是狀況良好 由B公司施工 並且B公司還狂買新機具 聘用新品管經理 shopping mall的主管就認為shopping mal前的馬路應該要由B公司施工 填充--------------------------------------------------------------- 大意是 Although elections may appear to ------- a shift in a country's fortunes, more often than not its impact is -------. 答案我選第二格是negligible的 其他沒看過....也忘了... 反義---------------------------------------------------------------- plumb Perspicacious <> obtuse Droll滑稽的 <> grave meteoric <> plodding Virulent <> Salubriously abstract<>elaborate TRANSPARENT<>?? STANTORIAN<>FAINT TRUISM 自明之理<> uncommon observation 類比------------------------------------------------------------------- Euphemism 委婉的 : offensive FLUVIAL : RIVER = sidereal : startion ENCOMIAST : EULOGIZE = quibbler : cavil DIGRESSIVE : EXCURSIVE = ??忘記了 不過應該很好選 短閱-------------------------------------------------------------------- The 1973 Endangered Species Act made into legal policy the concept that endangered species of wildlife are precious as part of a natural ecosystem. The nearly unanimous passage of this act in the United States (5) Congress, reflecting the rising national popularity of environmentalism, masked a bitter debate. Affected industries clung to the former wildlife policy of valuing individual species according to their economic usefulness. They fought to minimize the law's impact (10) by limiting definitions of key terms, but they lost on nearly every issue. The act defined "wildlife" as almost all kinds of animals-from large mammals to invertebrates-and plants. "Taking" wildlife was defined broadly as any action that threatened an (15) endangered species; areas vital to a species' survival could be federally protected as "critical habitats" Though these definitions legislated strong environ- mentalist goals, political compromises made in the enforcement of the act were to determine just what (20) economic interests would be set aside for the sake of ecological stabilization. 24. According to the passage, which of the following does the Endangered Species Act define as a "critical habitat"? (A) A natural ecosystem that is threatened by imminent development (B) An industrial or urban area in which wildlife species have almost ceased to live among humans (C) A natural area that is crucial to the survival of a species and thus eligible for federal protection (D) A wilderness area in which the "taking" of wildlife species is permitted rarely and only under strict federal regulation (E) A natural environment that is protected under law because its wildlife has a high economic value 25.According to the passage, which of the following is an explanation for the degree of support that the Endangered Species Act received in Congress? (A) Concern for the environment had gained increasing national popularity. (B) Ecological research had created new economic opportunities dependent on the survival of certain species. (C) Congress had long wanted to change the existing wildlife policy. (D) The growth of industry had endangered increasing numbers of wildlife species. (E) Legislators did not anticipate that the act could be effectively enforced. 26. It can be inferred from the passage that if business interests had won the debate on provisions of the 1973 Endangered Species Act, which of the following would have resulted? (A) Environmentalist concepts would not have become widely popular. (B) The definitions of key terms of the act would have been more restricted. (C) Enforcement of the act would have been more difficult. (D) The act would have had stronger support from Congressional leaders. (E) The public would have boycotted the industries that had the greatest impact in defining the act. 27. The author refers to the terms "wildlife" (line 11), "taking" (line 13), and "critical habitats" (line 16) most likely in order to (A) illustrate the misuse of scientific language and concepts in political processes (B) emphasize the importance of selecting precise language in transforming scientific concepts into law (C) represent terminology whose definition was crucial in writing environmentalist goals into law (D) demonstrate the triviality of the issues debated by industries before Congress passed the Endangered Species Act (E) show that broad definitions of key terms in many types of laws resulted in ambiguity and thus left room for disagreement about how the law should be enforced 另外一偏短閱沒時間看 因為我長閱出現時我以為是短閱 所以就把長閱乖乖看完了 長閱----------------------------------------------------------------- 講一個19世紀美國人Douglass對黑人或種族議題的理念 自由主義 反對種族歧視 似乎是與當時人們所理解的有不同 這篇我手邊沒有抱歉 看有沒有人願意提供 小小心得-------------------------------------------------- 我單字是背下面這兩本書 跟版有們不太一樣 <最重要的100個英文字首字根 許章真著> <most important 1000 words for GRE>就是沙德字彙 早點背11張和cat的話 應該就不用考這麼多次了 我不是說上面兩本書不好喔 只是個人覺得11張吸收比較快...... 特別是再準備時間不充裕時 如果是要過半年或一年考gre的話 上面兩本書倒是可以練練基本功啦 阿對我現在在上野之家 覺得老闆人不錯 可是某些房客很機歪 我住三樓正對樓梯那間 常常被機歪房客的聊天聲腳步聲吵醒........ 還有人再交誼廳烤牛排 弄得到處是煙 警鈴大作....... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: harpoon 來自: (10/03 16:58)

10/03 17:13, , 1F
10/03 17:13, 1F

10/03 18:19, , 2F
喔 因為那是雞精
10/03 18:19, 2F

10/03 18:44, , 3F
才隔三四天V進步如此之多 敬佩你的衝勁!!
10/03 18:44, 3F

10/03 19:48, , 4F
要謝的人太多了 所以就謝天吧
10/03 19:48, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #18vTqzTZ (GRE)