[SC. ] 淺談關於「主動一致性」(agreement)

看板GMAT作者 (Javy)時間10年前 (2014/08/02 23:44), 10年前編輯推噓2(200)
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感謝 甜瓜咖哩 前輩為大家帶來自學的補充 (同是自修的我也可以要Ron的簽名嗎XDDDD Stacey也可以 tim就免了XD) 小弟 傻瓜乾麵 突然想要補充一下「主動一致性」(agreement)的概念 一開始在準備GMAT的時候,對主動一致的理解很單純: 主詞單數還複數?動詞有沒有跟著主詞的單複數做正確變化? 可是後來在做題目時漸漸捉襟見肘 後來才發現「邏輯句意」真的非常重要!!!!! 我個人認為,GMAT所稱的agreement其實不只是單複數, 更包含了「主詞」(動作發出者)在常理下能否合理做出「動詞」這個動作這個判斷 聽起來似乎很簡單?以前國高中老師常常提醒過我們: 英文裡 動作能不能被人做很重要 比如happen的主詞要用事情 車子要用「被開」而不是「車子開了」 但在GMAT裡,我們面對的是更為嚴謹的英語邏輯,以下列出幾點: 1. 事件導致事件,改變導致改變: 正確句子#1: [The rise in the Commerce Department's index of leading economic indicators] suggests //that the economy will continue to expand in the coming months,// but the mixed performance of the index's individual components indicates that economic growth will proceed at a more moderate pace than in the first quarter of this year. 請注意[ ]的主詞部分用的是rise(上升)這個事件 它告訴我們(suggest)了什麼呢?// //的受詞部分也是事件。 英文裡的邏輯是就事論事--事情導致事情,改變導致改變。 「指數的上升」顯示了「經濟繼續成長」 請對照以下的寫法: 錯誤句子 #1-1: [the Commerce Department, whose index of leading economic indicators rising] suggests //that the economy will continue to expand in the coming months,//.. (我改了主詞部分) 變成「商務部」顯示了經濟繼續成長。 錯誤句子#1-2: [The rise in the Commerce Department's index of leading economic indicators] suggests the economy, which will continue to expand in the coming months,//.. (改受詞部分) 變成「指數的上升」顯示了「經濟」 經濟怎樣?????完整的意思不能被拆開來放到另一個which結構裡阿... 那為什麼我們考試時會疏於考慮呢?原因很簡單 就是我們看選項依就會用中文的語意去理解。 中文講:「剛愎自用的他使得這個計畫失敗」感覺很順,考試時就會覺得沒有問題 e04~因為中文就是一個沒什麼邏輯性的語言嘛 字湊在一起大家都會揣摩一下意思就能理解 但是GMAT SC要求更嚴格的、就事論事的邏輯「他的剛愎自用導致這個計畫的失敗」。 不相信嗎?來看一題OG的整句畫線題目: Heavy commitment by an executive to a course of action, especially if it has worked well in the past, makes it likely to miss signs of incipient trouble or misinterpret them when they do appear. B. An executive who is heavily committed to a course of action, especially one that worked well in the past, makes missing signs of incipient trouble or misinterpreting ones likely when they do appear. C. An executive who is heavily committed to a course of action is likely to miss or misinterpret signs of incipient trouble when they do appear, especially if it has worked well in the past. E. Being heavily committed to a course of action, especially one that has worked well in the past, is likely to make an executive miss signs of incipient trouble or misinterpret them when they do appear. 仔細觀察正確選項E跟錯誤選項BC的主詞選用差異: B,C:「墨守成規的執行長」容易忽略問題前兆 E:「墨守成規的習慣」會使執行長容易忽略問題前兆 兩句中文都很順!但是按照GMAT的邏輯句意,就事論事, BC的主詞跟動詞間的邏輯一致性顯然沒有E好。 是事情導致結果,而不是人本身導致結果。 再留下一題,給大家思考: Joachim Raff and Giacomo Meyerbeer are examples of the kind of composer who receives popular acclaim while living, //often goes into decline after death, and never regains popularity again.// (C) but whose reputation declines after death and never regains its former status (D) who declines in reputation after death and who never regained popularity again 為什麼正確答案C用whose reputation declines, 錯誤答案用who declines in repuatation。 這個曾經困擾我也可能正困擾著大家的問題, 相信現在已經不再困難。 Reminder: 邏輯句意是進入高分區的必備判題能力,但是代價就是要花比較多的時間讀題 因此,一開始看選項的時候宜用文法上大是大非的錯誤 (不平行、such like...、run-on sentence...) 先篩去一些選項,最後抉擇時再好好看句意 不要五個選項都還在就貿然看句意,實戰上頗浪費時間 今天先打到這邊,歡迎版友們討論, 往後有空也會陸續分享一些對SC句意邏輯的見解 Dustin p.s. 推IOH,最近也常常在看這個網站了解他人的申請歷程跟資源 -- Dustin Deng (一戰自修760,AWA 5.5) A2GMAT/Dustin 八月份全科機經班: http://goo.gl/rjv7t0 A2GMAT線上解題、討論Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/A2GMAT/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/GMAT/M.1406994279.A.3BB.html ※ 編輯: danyuchn (, 08/02/2014 23:46:29

08/03 15:16, , 1F
08/03 15:16, 1F

08/04 11:11, , 2F
真的耶 OG那題用中文思路看會選不出來
08/04 11:11, 2F
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