[機經] A2大 本月修辭機經陷阱題提點 !

看板GMAT作者 (A兔GMAT)時間10年前 (2013/11/02 01:24), 編輯推噓4(404)
留言8則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
研究和教了修辭這麼多年, 本月好多同學拿修辭機經題目來問我, 發現本月有許多陷阱 題, 也發現很多重要考點, 想和大家分享, 希望大家都能考取高分!!覺得不錯可以推 一下啦, 感謝支持喔! ps. 以下只是片段,如果大家需要完整的檔案, 可以加入我們的fb社團A2 GMAT下載 我特別整理的修辭機經, 裡面還有對本月出題點的類似題作挑選, 相信考前多 做類似題一定會幫到各位的~ ----------------------------------------------------------------- 【V1】 還有一題是講一個女的很厲害,有兩顆行星以她命名,選項有 is memorized by being named for …., had given name to….., had two… named after her… 77. 有一個題要注意AN is commemorated by being named after asteroid, 我選的這個,這個by being named,其他好像都被排除了。 大陸人字典找的參考句 Nevin was commemorated by being pictured on a 1940 ten cent U.S. postage stamp, one of the "Famous Americans" series. A2評析: 在GMAT裡面的being其實觀念上應該是分詞結構的being要省略,但是動名詞 的being本來就要保留,動名詞結構的being在解題觀念上是避免,不是直接 刪,除非相對選項有更好的表達方法再刪,being動名詞在主動句型可以作答 案,推估在被動本身也沒錯 103. (30029-!-item-!-188;#058&004082) Simply being genetically engineered does not make a plant any more likely to become an invasive or persistent weed, according to a decade-long study published in the journal Nature. -------------------------------- 10.語法:有一個考倒裝的 Were they to......they would have to 目測是前面應該是If they had.... 選項裡有Had they和If they had A2評析: 兩個都是”與事實相反的假設語氣”,用Were倒裝主詞直接接to應該是與未 來不可能成為事實句型,若用had倒裝是與過去事實相反,解題上應該先看主 要子句有沒有would,接下來看句意是表達過去還是未來的資訊 -------------------------------- 14.還有一題選項裡有 A because... B due to... C due to... D since... E because 【V2】reasoning is______ 然後有because, due to, that.... 狗主選了有that的那個 狗主說reasoning is後面肯定加that,不可能再說“因為什麼什麼“ A2評析: 這題要特別注意有可能是陷阱題,標準英文可以用be due to,雖然常是 because的相對錯誤選項,但是最基本的修飾觀念,副詞無法修飾主詞,當然 包含副詞子句,所以 S is because/since…這樣的寫法可能是有問題的,第 一個版本沒有that,第二個有,我在猜這題很有可能是be due to對,再請同 學做確認,但是如果be due to要對,後面的受詞注意若是接表狀態動作名詞 這樣寫法算是漂亮, 找出以下兩句作佐證: PP186 Part of the proposed increase in state education spending is due to higher enrollment: the number of students in public schools has grown steadily since the mid-1980's and, at nearly 47 million, has reached a record high. 105. (29961-!-item-!-188;#058&004575) 2001 proved to be the automaker's first losing year since 1992, when the company had lost $7.4 billion, which was primarily because of almost $7 billion in accounting charges. (A) when the company had lost $7.4 billion, which was primarily because of (x) (C) when the company lost $7.4 billion, primarily because of (D) which is when the company lost $7.4 billion, and that was primarily because of (x) ------------------------------- 15. 【V1】 一個物種還是自然現象,XX is only the tenth N known to be originated from xx and the first to be known to (動詞Ved). 選項有: known to have originated known to has originated (x) known that originated (x) 【V2】 The meteorite is only the tenth N known to be originated on the Mars and the first to have been formed beneath the surface of XX 選項有:known to have originated from the Mars and the first to have been formed beneath A2評析: 很明顯這題考大眾觀點實主詞配不定詞結構,the tenth N是實主詞,所以刪 that originated,另外不定詞後面要用原型,所以刪to has,originate應 該是大眾知道當下”早”就發生,所以選have originated,以下為類似參考 題 T-7-Q41 Scientists have dated sharp-edged flakes of stone found in the fine-grained sediments of a dry riverbed in the Afar region of Ethiopia to between 2.52 and 2.60 million years ago, pushing back by more than 150,000 years the earliest date when it is known that humans made stone tools. A. when it is known that humans made B. at which it is known that humans had made C. at which humans are known to have made -------------------------------- 24.選項so as to 有一題100%對,我確定!因為動作的實施者就一個,很清 晰,表意沒問題,其他選項也有其他考點可以排除。 考點:so as to A2評析: 這點有同學問我so as to是不是直接刪,看完原始機經發現這裡應該不是考 表目的的so as to黏在一起的寫法,而是在考so…as to因果句型的邏輯主語 問題,今天有考710同學和我確定是考so gradually as to,同學可以參考以 下題目: 174. (28920-!-item-!-188;#058&003515) Often major economic shifts are so gradual as to be indistinguishable at first from ordinary fluctuations in the financial markets. A. so gradual as to be indistinguishable B. so gradual so that they can be indistinguishable C. so gradual that they are unable to be distinguished D. gradual enough not to be distinguishable E. gradual enough so that one cannot distinguish them --------------------------------- 29.biography aims to tell often (through mircroso) (the historical and the ideal of Miancal) 30. 考點是aim to do 和修飾 BCD狗主肯定都是錯的。 E aims to tell, through microso, A2評析: 這題我標粗體部分又打括號大家應該知道A很有可能就是由輕到重結構”水喔 !”,如果確定BCD錯,那我想A會比E好,符合兩個限定資訊修飾相同對象用 由輕到重結構,以下為參考句: 130. (31689-!-item-!-188;#058&006499) The 151 member governments of the World Bank are expected to increase the bank's funding by $75 billion, though some United States legislators cite (as an obstacle to congressional passage) (the concern that the bank's loans will help foreign producers compete with American businesses.) -- A2GMAT機經全科班 http://ppt.cc/9GRl Dustin Verbal 機經 (RC機經出題點分析+原文資料/CR+SC機經答案篩選) A2GMAT MathJJ 詳解 (充滿熱忱750+高分團隊列舉最詳細完整解題步驟) A2大 修辭機經點評 (片段機經預測出題模式+答案及考點點評+類似考題) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: A2GMAT 來自: (11/02 01:26)

11/02 01:40, , 1F
太感謝了!!! 馬上就要考了看到這些都要痛哭流涕了!
11/02 01:40, 1F

11/02 01:45, , 2F
想請問下15題, 如果劃線部分包含and the first to be known
11/02 01:45, 2F

11/02 01:46, , 3F
to (動詞ed)是不是也要have 動詞ed以求平行呢?
11/02 01:46, 3F

11/02 12:16, , 4F
推 A2 SC 機經分享幫助同學
11/02 12:16, 4F

11/02 12:36, , 5F
感謝以上推薦, k大可以去下載完整版本, 小弟這幾天都搞到
11/02 12:36, 5F

11/02 12:36, , 6F
半夜三四點找題目整理機經, 希望可以幫到大家~
11/02 12:36, 6F

11/02 13:34, , 7F
另外15題的to be known不用完成式, 因為是表達大眾觀點
11/02 13:34, 7F

11/03 19:47, , 8F
11/03 19:47, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1IS-FeQK (GMAT)