[語文] CR KFC其中一題

看板GMAT作者時間16年前 (2008/08/15 15:25), 編輯推噓3(303)
留言6則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
TTGWD2-Q28: Fearing competition from stores that rent video games for home use, owners of stores that sell video games lobbied for protective legislation. Citing as a precedent legislation that postpones home film rentals until one year after general release to theaters, the video sellers proposed as an equitable solution a plan that would postpone rental of any video game until it had been available for sale for one year. Which of the following, if true, would support an objection by owners of video rental stores that the fairness of the proposed legislation is not supported by the precedent cited? A. Although the daily rental fee for home use of films is generally the same as that for video games, the average rental period for a video game is longer than that for a film. B.Film rentals for home use tend to particularly strong during the first year after a film has been made available for both sale and rental at video rental stores. C.Most people are interested in playing only the latest video games and tend to find video games that have been available for over a year unappealing whether they have played them before or not, whereas films maintain their appeal far longer after their release. D.People who rent video games tend to play them by themselves, whereas people who rent films invite friends and neighbors to watch. E. A slight decline in revenues from films that have been recently released in theaters has been attributed to the growing market for rentals of films for home use. ANS :E 題目看的懂 但是完全沒有頭緒 題目是說 販賣video game的商家因為害怕 rental video的商家會對它們生意造成損害 所以 打算lobby 一個法案,與出租店雷同,讓院線片一年後才能在出租店租的到 問 support an objection by rental stores,之前的法案對於propose的法案並不公平 麻煩NN幫幫忙了<(_ _)> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/15 15:29, , 1F
08/15 15:29, 1F

08/15 15:34, , 2F
PP? 可以請問是第幾題嗎? 我找不到....
08/15 15:34, 2F

08/15 16:06, , 3F
那應該是我記錯了 C是老謝給的答案
08/15 16:06, 3F

08/15 17:20, , 4F
這題出現在GWD(TN版本第24套) 答案是C吧.. E是無關選項
08/15 17:20, 4F

08/15 18:53, , 5F
GWD中有 應該是C
08/15 18:53, 5F

08/15 21:50, , 6F
感恩感恩 c make sense 多了
08/15 21:50, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #18fIztcl (GMAT)