[訪問] Murray澳網第四輪賽後訪問

看板GBR_Tennis作者 (a moveable feast)時間15年前 (2009/01/26 19:41), 編輯推噓16(16024)
留言40則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://tinyurl.com/alg36x Q. Clearly you're not a hundred percent. Exactly how do you feel and how did it affect you during the match? 你今天顯然不是一百分。談談你真正的感覺,而這一切又如何在比賽中影響你? ANDY MURRAY: No, I mean, I didn't feel terrible at all. You know, I had my chances. He served incredible in the fourth and fifth sets. So, you know, he deserves the credit for the win. I mean, you know, even though I didn't, you know, play my best, in the second set and the beginning of the fourth set, you know, I had chances to get back into the fourth set. Also had a chance to go up in the fifth set. You know, he served huge. You know, he started serving like, 215 plus on a lot of his first serves. The fourth set, I think he served like 93% first serves. Sometimes you've just got to say too good, and he played better than me. 不會,我一點也不覺得糟糕。我有我的機會。他在第四盤和第五盤發球好的難以置信。 所以他該贏的。 即使我在第二盤和第四盤一開始不是打出我最佳狀態,但我第四盤其實有機會可以 追上來,第五盤也有機會的。 他發球很強大,他開始在一發發出 215 公里。第四盤他一發成功率有93%,你只能說他 真的太好了,他打的比我好。 Q. The fact that he played well, does that take the edge off? 所以事實是他打的比較好,這有挫了你的銳氣? ANDY MURRAY: Yeah, I'm disappointed that I lost. But I'll try and learn from it. I mean, more important things than, you know, a tennis match. I want to win every one that I play, but I'm not going to get down about it. I worked very hard in the off-season. It's been a good start to the year. 是,我很失望我輸了。但我會試著從中學習。比一場網球比賽更重要的事。我當然希望 我每打的一場比賽都會獲勝,但我不會為此沮喪。我在賽季結束後很認真,而今年一開 始到現在都很好。 Q. Under the circumstances, what could you have done better maybe? 在那樣的情況下,你覺得你可能可以做點什麼讓狀況更好? ANDY MURRAY: Uhm, well, I mean, I could have started a couple of the sets better. You know, I went behind, played a couple of poor games early in the second and fourth sets to get behind. You know, if I sort of stayed on top there, that might have made a bit of a difference. But, you know, apart from that, you know, like I said, I did have my chances. But, you know, he just served too good for me. And, you know, the return's the best part of my game, and he didn't give me too many chances, which he had done in the past. 可能在幾盤中的開始可以更好一些。我在第二盤跟第四盤一開始都太糟了而落後。如果 我狀況維持住,也許就會有點不同。 除此之外,就像我說的,我有我的機會,但他真的發球發的太好。回發球是我最好的武器 之一,但他今天沒給我太多機會,不像過去一樣。 Q. He had a lot of breakpoints, broke you a few times. How do you feel your serve went today? 他有很多破發點,也破了你幾次。你覺得你今天的發球如何? ANDY MURRAY: I served decent. I mean, like I say, the start of those two sets, I didn't serve particularly well. Apart from that, I was happy with the way that I served. I don't think that was the reason why I lost the match. I don't know what to say. I mean, the guy's a very, very good player. Sometimes they play better than you, and he did today, unfortunately. But, you know, I'm thinking that, you know, last year, you know, I had a tough loss. You know, this year obviously is a tough loss, as well. I came back stronger last year, and I plan to go work on my game and hopefully get better. 我想發球還可以在開始的前兩盤我沒有特別的好,除此之外,我對發球表現蠻滿意。 我想這不是我今天輸球的原因。 我不知道要說什麼,這個人是個非常非常好的選手。有時候他們就是會打的比你好, 不幸地,今天就是這樣。 我在想,就像我去年有一場艱辛的落敗,今年這場也是,我去年因為如此而更加堅強, 我計畫在努力自己的比賽,希望可以更好。 Q. He improved a lot since you played him last. 他和你上次比賽相比,進步很多? ANDY MURRAY: I mean, his game hasn't changed so much. Before, when I played against him, you know, he made more mistakes. He's obviously confident just now. I don't know, maybe he's thinking a little bit more on the court. He definitely was serving way better. When I played him in St. Petersburg, he double-faulted like seven out of his first nine service points or something. He's serving huge serves today. That's probably the one thing that was better today than when I played him in the past. 其實他的比賽沒有改變很多。而之前和他比賽,他就是會有較多失誤。現在比較有信心 了。不知道,可能他在場上想比較多,而今天他無疑的發球表現更好。 Q. Were you surprised how physically strong he was in the closing stages? 你為他在如此接近的狀況下,體力依然如此強壯感到訝異嗎? ANDY MURRAY: No. I mean, again, I didn't think -- I don't think it was a physical thing why he won the match. He hits the ball very heavy from the back of the court. Because he was serving--put a huge amount of first serves in, it was tougher for me to get inside the baseline, especially from the far side of the court where the wind was blowing. You know, like if you watched the breakpoint, I had to escape and hustle a lot of balls back. But I just couldn't sometimes get close enough to the baseline because he was hitting the ball so heavy. 不,我不覺得身體狀況是他今天贏球的原因。他從後場打出很重的球。他一發進球率 很高,他的底線,特別是在很遠的場邊打過來,就是風吹來的方向。就像你看到的 那些破發點。我必須要很匆忙的奔跑去救球。我有時候根本無法接近底線,那些球打 的很重。 Q. You've clearly improved your fitness a lot over the last year. Do you feel you were happy with the level of fitness that you had in the fifth set? 你這一年來身體狀況進步很多。當你來到五盤大戰,你對自己身體的狀態滿意嗎? ANDY MURRAY: Yeah. Well, my five-set record in the last two years has been great. I can't remember the last time I lost one. You know, and, yeah, today I didn't feel like -- like I said, it wasn't a physical thing why I lost\ . Even after being sick for the last few days, I thought I still came through the match well. 過去兩年,我五盤大戰的紀錄很好。我不記得我上次輸是什麼時候。但今天,我不認為 是因為體力讓我輸球,過去幾天,我還是覺得我進入比賽狀態很好。 Q. How did you find the experience of going in with so much favoritism? 那成為這麼大的熱門是一個什麼樣的經驗 ANDY MURRAY: It didn't make a whole lot of difference to the way that I played in my matches. You know, I felt comfortable from the start. It didn't make a whole lot of difference to me. You know, a bit more attention and stuff before the tournament started. I got very good support this week, which wasn't the same in the past when I played tournaments overseas. So that was nice. 沒有太多改變。從一開始我就覺得很自在。在比賽開始前多一點的注意, 對我來說並沒有很大改變。我這禮拜獲得很多支持,跟我過去在海外比不一樣, 這很棒。 Q. Is that something you feel you have to get used to? 這是你覺得要去習慣的嗎? ANDY MURRAY: I don't know. I mean, I don't know if I'll be the favorite for a slam, you know, in the next year or so after today. But it doesn't really bother me. For me, I play the match. If I'm the favorite to win, whatever, I play the same as I am when I'm the underdog. I try my best to win. I think I give a hundred percent in all my matches. You know, if I lose, I lose. If I win, I win. It's been a good start to the year. Hope I can continue it. 我不知道。我不知道明年或今天過後我是不是還能成為熱門。不過這真的不會對我 造成什麼影響。我就是打比賽,不管我今天是黑馬或是熱門,我盡量做到最好,我 在每一場比賽都給出我的一百分,如果輸就輸,贏就贏。 今年的開始還不錯,我希望可以繼續下去。 Q. You talked about having concentration issues in a couple of earlier matches. Was that a factor in the slow starts in a couple of the sets? 你之前幾場比賽有提到專注力的問題。這也是這場比賽有幾盤慢熱的原因? ANDY MURRAY: Uhm, maybe. I mean, it's not been -- I mean, in the last sort of eight, nine months, it's not been something that has been an issue at all. Against Granollers, I lost concentration a little bit, and against Melzer, not really. Again, I don't think that was the reason why I lost the match today. I don't think it was anything to do with physical, concentration or my game. He played too good for me. That's what happens. I'm not here to try to make excuses for why I lost. 可能吧。不過在過去八九個月這不是一個問題,我對上Granollers的時候有點失去專注, 對上Melzer其實還好。 不過再一次的,這不是我今天輸球的原因。和我的體能狀況、專注力和我的比賽 都無關。就是他今天對我來說打得太好了。就是這樣,我不想在這裡為我的落敗 找藉口。 Q. Were you surprised by his consistency in the fifth set, especially on serve? When you had a chance of breaking him at 2-All, he managed to keep it going. Were you surprised by that? 你對他在第五盤的穩定感到驚訝嗎,特別是發球?當你有在2-All時有兩個破發點, 他穩住了,你感到驚訝嗎? ANDY MURRAY: The consistency of his first serve was pretty awesome for the last two, three sets. I mean, you know, a lot of times he's sort of just kicking the serve in and putting a lot of slice on it and not going for too much. But he started to go for it huge in the fourth and fifth sets. He served very well when he was behind, which he hadn't done against me in the past. I wasn't necessarily expecting him to serve that well because it's not something that he's known for. But when he serves like that, he's going to be very tough to beat. 在後面兩三盤他發球的持續穩定很棒。有很多時候,他就是發球有進,然後切球, 不會有太多來回。但他開始在第四盤第五盤強勁發球,他在落後時的發球非常好, 不像過去。我不預期他會有這麼出色的發球表現,但他只要發球像今天這樣,他 會是很難對付的選手。 Q. You said you've been sick the last couple of days. Are you saying that had no impact whatsoever on today's performance? 你說你這幾天生病了,你會說這是影響今天表現的原因? ANDY MURRAY: No, I mean, if you're sick, there's some things you can't do as well as you might like. But you just have to deal with it. If you go on the court and play, then, you know, you do everything that you can with what you've got. If it's good enough, it is. If not, you know, unfortunately you're going to come out on the wrong side of the match. But, again, if I say that I'm sick and it affected me, I know it's going to be like, Well, he's making excuses for losing. I don't feel that was the reason why I lost. I definitely did have my chances, and he played too well. 不。如果生病,當然你無法表現的和你應該表現的一樣好。不過你也必須克服他。 當你在場上,你就是要將你擁有的盡量展現,如果表現夠好那就好。如果不夠好 ,那不幸的,你就是輸的那一方。 不過再次的,如果我說我生病,這樣很想我在為輸球找藉口。我不覺得這是我今天 輸的原因,我毫無疑問有我的機會,而且他打得太好了。 Q. How important was the sixth game when you had several breakpoints in the fifth set? Many thought you played a bit too defensively. 你在第五盤第六局你有幾次破發機會,這有多重要?很多看法認為你打的太防守? ANDY MURRAY: I was trying to explain earlier when I did have the breakpoints, I think he made a first serve on every one. I think he served two aces. It's difficult to be defensive when that happens. The one point where I did get in, he hit a very good first serve. My first return went to his forehand, and he just moved me from side to side. That's what he does very well. You can't go for winners from three, four meters behind the baseline. Like I said, if I could have got closer to the baseline, I would have had a better chance. But he hit the ball too big today. 我在一開始的時候試著解釋,我想在每個破發點他都一發有進,然後有兩個ACE, 在那樣的狀況下防守是很困難的,我的第一個回發球打到他的正拍,而他就讓我 兩邊跑,這就是他今天做得很好的地方。 你不可能離底線三四公尺遠時還能擊出致勝球。就如我說的,如果我在底線近一點 ,我可能會有較好的機會,但他今天擊球太強太了。 Q. You're just coming off court at the moment, but is there still anything you might learn from this? 你剛從場上下來,而還有什麼事情是你從中學習到的? ANDY MURRAY: Yeah, I'll learn from it, for sure. I mean, you know, like I said, early in the two sets, you know, against someone like him who's very flashy and plays well when he has confidence. You know, when I had played him in the past, when I got ahead, I stayed on top of him. I let him back in early in those two sets. That's the one obvious thing I could have done better. But, I mean, I'll go and speak to my coach, the guys that I work with, and see if there's things that I could have done better, things that I can improve. I'll try and do that. But, I mean, for me it's not a disaster. I'm still playing well. I lost to a good player in a very close match. I'll have more chances to win Grand Slams. 當然,我會從中學到一些。如果是以前,當我領先,我就會一直維持住狀態,我今天 在輸掉的兩盤裡讓他有機會追上來,這是我可以在做的更好的。 我會和我教練談一下,看有沒有什麼可以在改進,我會努力去做到。 對我來說,這不是一場災難,我依然打得很好,我今天是輸給一個好的選手在一個 很接近的比賽。我還是有很多拿下大滿貫的機會。 Q. Was it a bit weird having your former coach right in your eyeline on the baseline? Were you aware of Brad sitting courtside? 看到過去的教練出現在你的視線會很怪嗎?你有發現Brad坐在場邊嗎? ANDY MURRAY: Yeah, I saw him sitting there. But he was sitting there in Cincinnati when I played, in Toronto or Montréal when I played there, as well. Didn't really make any difference to how I played. 我有看到他,在我打辛辛那提、多倫多或是蒙特羅我都看過他。對我的打如何 沒有什麼影響。 Q. How would you rate his forehand compared to Rafael Nadal's forehand? 他的正拍和Rafa的正拍,你如何評價? ANDY MURRAY: I mean, it's tough. They both hit the ball very, very heavy. But he can hit it a bit flatter than Nadal. If you hit, you know, a shot quite hard into his forehand, you know, he can still sort of generate power and make you move. When you go big into Nadal's forehand, normally he plays a little bit higher. But both are obviously very good. 擊球都很重,他比Nadal要在平一些。當你往他正拍擊出很強的一球,他還是可以 加強力量讓你跑。而往Nadal正拍去,通常他會打的高一些。 兩個人都非常好。 --- Murray說了好幾次今天是因為對方實在太棒了 不是因為自己的生病、發球、體能或是專注力而失去比賽 Murray要繼續加油!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/26 19:50, , 1F
01/26 19:50, 1F

01/26 20:03, , 2F
所以老是有人說他沒風度根本就是沒看賽後訪問 如果真沒風度
01/26 20:03, 2F

01/26 20:04, , 3F
那他應該是會牽拖他感冒怎樣 或怎樣才不能贏球 而不是讚美
01/26 20:04, 3F

01/26 20:04, , 4F
對方 給予對方肯定表現
01/26 20:04, 4F

01/26 20:06, , 5F
01/26 20:06, 5F

01/26 20:06, , 6F
01/26 20:06, 6F

01/26 20:06, , 7F
哈 我只是吐一吐不平 真要計較我早就去主板推了xd
01/26 20:06, 7F

01/26 20:07, , 8F
討厭一個人是很主觀的 而且什麼都可以成為理由
01/26 20:07, 8F

01/26 20:07, , 9F
雙重標準是鄉民的一貫作風 也習慣了
01/26 20:07, 9F

01/26 20:08, , 10F
01/26 20:08, 10F

01/26 20:10, , 11F
01/26 20:10, 11F

01/26 22:09, , 12F
雖然他說身體狀況不是問題 可是感覺上他的臉色很差
01/26 22:09, 12F

01/26 22:09, , 13F
一直很擔心他會暈倒在場上 囧
01/26 22:09, 13F

01/26 22:37, , 14F
01/26 22:37, 14F

01/26 22:38, , 15F
01/26 22:38, 15F

01/26 22:46, , 16F
我有覺得他在場上的體力進步很多 那個樣子就是沒辦法了
01/26 22:46, 16F

01/26 22:47, , 17F
天生的 :p 訪問講話也很小聲 XD
01/26 22:47, 17F

01/26 22:52, , 18F
01/26 22:52, 18F

01/26 22:53, , 19F
01/26 22:53, 19F

01/26 22:54, , 20F
01/26 22:54, 20F

01/27 00:20, , 21F
01/27 00:20, 21F

01/27 00:22, , 22F
01/27 00:22, 22F

01/27 00:22, , 23F
01/27 00:22, 23F

01/28 01:39, , 24F
Murray真的成熟很多 期望今年可以拿到第一個大滿貫!!!
01/28 01:39, 24F

01/28 01:41, , 25F
01/28 01:41, 25F

01/28 01:41, , 26F
他們只會說討厭Murray的臉 說他很囂張之類的...
01/28 01:41, 26F

01/28 01:43, , 27F
Verdasco這一場真的發球太強了 (我只看到第五盤)
01/28 01:43, 27F

01/28 01:44, , 28F
希望在我有生之年 能看到英國人拿下溫布頓....(淚)
01/28 01:44, 28F

01/28 01:46, , 29F
樓上 握手...我也覺得Andrew說話真的得體很多 當然他
01/28 01:46, 29F

01/28 01:47, , 30F
以前常出槌的時候我也是很喜歡 有喜感:p 不過能看到
01/28 01:47, 30F

01/28 01:48, , 31F
01/28 01:48, 31F

01/28 01:49, , 32F
至於主版的live文我都跳過不看了 沒必要計較
01/28 01:49, 32F

01/28 01:50, , 33F
最重要的是Andrew 成績打上來後有些人的嘴巴自然就靜了
01/28 01:50, 33F

01/28 01:51, , 34F
我也想在有生之年看到英國人拿溫布頓 到時應該會淚流
01/28 01:51, 34F

01/28 01:51, , 35F
成河吧 XDXD
01/28 01:51, 35F

01/28 01:53, , 36F
01/28 01:53, 36F

01/28 11:15, , 37F
推他真的長大很多 即使之前的樣子我也覺得那樣很天真呀 XD
01/28 11:15, 37F

01/28 12:31, , 38F
希望可以成真 我也想看到
01/28 12:31, 38F

01/28 14:04, , 39F
01/28 14:04, 39F

01/28 14:04, , 40F
01/28 14:04, 40F
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