Fw: [外絮] 勇士總管講Wiggins的交易

看板G-S-WARRIORS作者 (助人為快樂之本)時間1年前 (2022/05/26 15:26), 1年前編輯推噓37(37076)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1YZnk2nA ] 作者: pneumo (超☆冒險蓋) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 勇士總管講Wiggins的交易 時間: Thu May 26 14:17:35 2022 來源: 95.7 The Game 網址: https://tinyurl.com/ysf75dy3 Bob Myers reflects on Andrew Wiggins trade, growth with Warriors 勇士總管Bob Myers談Andrew Wiggins的交易 Andrew Wiggins certified his status with Dub Nation in Game 3 of the Western Conference Finals on Sunday, when he threw down an iconic dunk on Luka Doncic in the fourth quarter of a Warriors win. 星期天的西決Game 3,圍巾證明了他在勇士球隊裡的地位,那場比賽的第四節他爆扣77, 最後勇士拿下該場勝利。 Wiggins was acquired by Golden State in a 2020 midseason trade to the Minnesota Timberwolves for D’Angelo Russell and a 2021 draft pick that ended up being Jonathan Kuminga. At the time, questions swirled about Wiggins’ commitment and focus. No one ever doubted the former No. 1 overall pick’s raw tools and ability to produce, but Wiggins never got out of the first round of the playoffs in five-plus seasons with the T-Wolves. 圍巾是在2020季中跟灰狼交易,勇士還拿到2021的選秀籤,最後選到了Jonathan Kuminga。在那時,一堆有關圍巾打球態度的問題浮現;大家對這位狀元的天賦沒有懷 疑,但是這位球員在灰狼待了五年多,季後賽始終是一輪遊。 Now he finds himself on the verge of the NBA Finals, as the Warriors can punch their ticket with a Game 5 victory at Chase Center. Golden State president of basketball operations joined 95.7 The Game’s “The Morning Roast ” Tuesday to reflect on Wiggins’ journey with the Warriors. 現在他知道他已經快要可以打總冠了,勇士有機會可以在主場拿下Game 5的勝利。勇士 總管上了廣播節目講到圍巾在勇士的這段歷程。 “Without him, I don’t know who would guard Luka or who would come close,” Myers said. “There’s that part, that we’re putting him on their best player. But he’s impacting winning. That was the knock on Wiggins – he got his 20 points, he did some nice things, but he didn’t impact the game. Well, that has entirely flipped on its head, that narrative. To see him, another guy that came and had to earn the trust of guys that won championships, he’s fully in the fold now. He’s fully embraced by the guys.” 「沒有圍巾,我不知道我們有誰可以守Luka,」Myers說。「在防守上,我們把圍巾拿去 對付對手的最佳球員,他在球隊獲勝上有影響力。那是他以前被人所詬病的,他可以拿 20分,他可以做不錯的事情,但是他沒有辦法影響比賽。不過現在風向完全轉過來了, 他上場比賽,他贏得了這群曾經拿過總冠球員的信任,大家都很歡迎他,也都接受他 了。」 That’s high praise from Myers, who has helped usher in the Dynasty Dubs era with Steph Curry, Draymond Green and Klay Thompson leading the way. That trio, along with Andre Iguodala, has won three titles and made five straight Finals appearances from 2015-19. 總管Myers給了圍巾很高的讚賞,Myers也是幫助勇士建立以咖哩,嘴綠以及K湯的勇士 王朝總管。這三人組以及Andre Iguodala在2015-19年五次打進總冠,拿下三次冠軍。 “When a new guy comes on the team and they’re looking around – Wiggins had played in one playoff series in his life, five games,” Myers said. “That’s not a big sample size. I’m sure Wiggins, when you get there, you see the banners, you see guys that have won it and you go, ‘I gotta find my way with this team.’ It’s taken a little bit of time, but now he’s here. No doubt, he belongs.” 「當有新人來時,他們會去四處看--圍巾之前只打過一輪季後賽,總共五場,」Myers 說。「那真的沒幾場。我很確定,當圍巾到了球場看到那些冠軍標誌,看到了那些拿下 冠軍的球員時,他會想,『我得要想方式跟這些人在一起。』或許花了點時間,但是他 現在終於在這裡,毫無疑問,他屬於這裡。」 Myers and the Warriors heard the doubts, but they figured the risk outweighed the reward. Myers跟球隊有聽到那些有關圍巾的疑問,但是他們評估後認為風險超過了報酬。 “We didn’t view it as a big gamble, we really liked him,” Myers said. “ But you have to bet on people and you have to bet that your culture and your coaching staff and your players will help elevate other guys. You have to believe that. Otherwise, what do you have? … Happy for Andrew. It’s so good to see him push back on some of things he’s had to hear for years.” 「我們沒把這交易視為一樁賭注,我們真的很喜歡他,」Myers說。「但是有時候就是得 賭一下,賭說我們的球隊文化,我們的教練團,我們的球員,他們可以幫忙其他人提升, 有時候就是得要相信。不然的話,我們還有什麼呢?所以,為圍巾感到開心,很開心看到 他可以把他之前聽到一些對於他的疑問拋諸腦後。」 Wiggins dropped a playoff career-high 27 points in Game 3 and locked down Luka in Game 1. It’s hard to imagine Russell having such a two-way impact in the playoffs. 圍巾在西決Game 3拿到生涯季後賽新高27分,在Game 1則是守住了Luka。很難想像 Russell在季後賽可以有這樣在攻守兩端的影響力。 Myers said the Warriors recognized that their backcourt was probably too small in 2019-20 with Russell and Curry. Myers說勇士在2019-20察覺到後場Russell跟Curry的組合體型可能太小了。 “We wanted to give the Russell thing a look then we realized defensively it might be tough,” Myers said. “It was gonna be tough with him and Steph. Obviously, Klay was out and we lost all that wing depth. Durant was gone, Iguodala was gone, Klay was injured. We were trying to fill it with minimum switches as possible. That’s why the wing position is valuable in the league. You have to have good ones. Any team that does anything has one. So we saw an opportunity to get a wing that was super talented and a wing that had upside and was obviously maligned, and that’s why he was available.” 「我們本來想試試看用Russell,但是後來我們了解到這組合在防守上真的很難,」Myers 說。「對Russell跟Curry來說真的很難。很顯然,K湯不在,我們側翼上沒有深度,KD 也走了,Iguodala也走了,K湯受傷。我們試著用最少的轉換去填補那個位置。這也是為 什麼現在聯盟裡側翼這位置很有價值,球隊一定得有這樣子的好球員,想要有作為的球 隊一定得要有一位這樣子的球員。所以,我們看到了個機會,可以得到一位超級有天賦 的側翼,有過很好的表現,但是就被大家誤解中傷,這也就是為什麼我們可以得到他的 理由。」 Safe to say, it’s all worked out for Wiggins and the Warriors. 所以,很放心的說,圍巾在勇士是成功的。 -- 不要再汙名化公務員 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1653545858.A.C4A.html ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: aapcao ( 臺灣), 05/26/2022 15:26:41 ※ 編輯: aapcao ( 臺灣), 05/26/2022 15:27:12

05/26 15:27, 1年前 , 1F
圍巾的防守 沒人可以取代 每次都是他去單防對方超巨 XD
05/26 15:27, 1F

05/26 15:28, 1年前 , 2F
如果沒有圍巾 防守落到其他人身上 咖哩湯可能沒力再投三分
05/26 15:28, 2F

05/26 15:29, 1年前 , 3F
我還是支持圍巾三千萬續約 至少友情打折兩千五 不能再低了
05/26 15:29, 3F

05/26 15:31, 1年前 , 4F
05/26 15:31, 4F

05/26 15:31, 1年前 , 5F
05/26 15:31, 5F

05/26 15:39, 1年前 , 6F
雙小後衛最大問題就是防守 球權 打球風格什麼的都不用
05/26 15:39, 6F

05/26 15:39, 1年前 , 7F
看 光防守就會有很大疑慮 爭冠球隊不可能允許這種陣容
05/26 15:39, 7F

05/26 15:39, 1年前 , 8F
出現 再會攻都沒有用
05/26 15:39, 8F

05/26 15:42, 1年前 , 9F
05/26 15:42, 9F

05/26 15:42, 1年前 , 10F
當初也是怕圍巾爛在手裡不想換一派的 但現在臉腫爆也爽爆
05/26 15:42, 10F

05/26 15:44, 1年前 , 11F
05/26 15:44, 11F

05/26 15:55, 1年前 , 12F
關鍵還是老闆拿到舊金山精華區的新場館 整個發展實力大增
05/26 15:55, 12F

05/26 15:59, 1年前 , 13F
這幾年願意花錢養兩支隊伍 就是相關門票 轉播 廣告 其他品
05/26 15:59, 13F

05/26 16:01, 1年前 , 14F
勇士球迷目前是全世界最多 光購買相關商品 舊金山觀光收益
05/26 16:01, 14F

05/26 16:01, 1年前 , 15F
05/26 16:01, 15F

05/26 16:01, 1年前 , 16F
05/26 16:01, 16F

05/26 16:01, 1年前 , 17F
05/26 16:01, 17F

05/26 16:02, 1年前 , 18F
哈哈 推樓上 以前對圍巾的印象也是很弱 他真的在勇士發光
05/26 16:02, 18F

05/26 16:03, 1年前 , 19F
05/26 16:03, 19F

05/26 16:04, 1年前 , 20F
05/26 16:04, 20F

05/26 16:07, 1年前 , 21F
05/26 16:07, 21F

05/26 16:07, 1年前 , 22F
05/26 16:07, 22F

05/26 16:08, 1年前 , 23F
05/26 16:08, 23F

05/26 16:08, 1年前 , 24F
有拜讀有推,再次向aapcao大您致謝~ ^_^b
05/26 16:08, 24F

05/26 16:12, 1年前 , 25F
05/26 16:12, 25F

05/26 16:15, 1年前 , 26F
我本來以為總管已經決定續約 沒想到只是說現在很滿意圍巾
05/26 16:15, 26F

05/26 16:16, 1年前 , 27F
我猜大概就差一個總冠軍戒指 好讓總管跟老闆多要點預算續
05/26 16:16, 27F

05/26 16:18, 1年前 , 28F
維持Dlo大概走不到現在這裡 還多送一個阿家 賺爛了
05/26 16:18, 28F

05/26 16:18, 1年前 , 29F
JL46 版主大太客氣了 只要有勇士好文 大家都可以轉隊版呀
05/26 16:18, 29F

05/26 16:19, 1年前 , 30F
圍巾阿家組合 就像是買保險箱 裡面藏金條的概念 越磨越亮
05/26 16:19, 30F

05/26 16:30, 1年前 , 31F
05/26 16:30, 31F

05/26 16:30, 1年前 , 32F
05/26 16:30, 32F

05/26 16:38, 1年前 , 33F
05/26 16:38, 33F

05/26 16:38, 1年前 , 34F
05/26 16:38, 34F

05/26 16:50, 1年前 , 35F
05/26 16:50, 35F

05/26 16:50, 1年前 , 36F
05/26 16:50, 36F

05/26 16:50, 1年前 , 37F
05/26 16:50, 37F

05/26 16:50, 1年前 , 38F
05/26 16:50, 38F

05/26 16:52, 1年前 , 39F
05/26 16:52, 39F
還有 34 則推文
05/26 18:45, 1年前 , 74F
防77沒用啊 重點是外圍的射手 再這麼準下去 明天也難
05/26 18:45, 74F

05/26 18:45, 1年前 , 75F
05/26 18:45, 75F

05/26 19:30, 1年前 , 76F
05/26 19:30, 76F

05/26 19:31, 1年前 , 77F
挖東牆補西牆 然後綠回來了有時候掉個漆又整天被放大
05/26 19:31, 77F

05/26 19:31, 1年前 , 78F
05/26 19:31, 78F

05/26 19:43, 1年前 , 79F
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05/26 19:44, 1年前 , 80F
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05/26 19:44, 1年前 , 81F
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05/26 19:44, 1年前 , 82F
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05/26 19:44, 1年前 , 83F
05/26 19:44, 83F

05/26 20:52, 1年前 , 84F
05/26 20:52, 84F

05/26 20:52, 1年前 , 85F
05/26 20:52, 85F

05/26 20:56, 1年前 , 86F
05/26 20:56, 86F

05/26 20:56, 1年前 , 87F
05/26 20:56, 87F

05/27 01:13, 1年前 , 88F
05/27 01:13, 88F

05/27 02:22, 1年前 , 89F
05/27 02:22, 89F

05/27 02:22, 1年前 , 90F
05/27 02:22, 90F

05/27 02:22, 1年前 , 91F
最直接問題是難不成要大傷回來的K湯去打到3號? 沒有
05/27 02:22, 91F

05/27 02:22, 1年前 , 92F
05/27 02:22, 92F

05/27 02:22, 1年前 , 93F
05/27 02:22, 93F

05/27 02:22, 1年前 , 94F
外貼籤,怎麼想都賺。 不過反對的人就只會拿他的心態
05/27 02:22, 94F

05/27 02:22, 1年前 , 95F
05/27 02:22, 95F

05/27 02:22, 1年前 , 96F
05/27 02:22, 96F

05/27 08:08, 1年前 , 97F
那時候還有人發文不看好圍巾態度 結果臉被打的啪啪作響 咦等
05/27 08:08, 97F

05/27 08:08, 1年前 , 98F
05/27 08:08, 98F

05/27 08:16, 1年前 , 99F
認真說啦 湯哥現在就是如當初預期的大傷後很常在守3號喔 只
05/27 08:16, 99F

05/27 08:16, 1年前 , 100F
是這個規劃還是要靠圍巾去守外圍才有可能實現 然後Dlo除了防
05/27 08:16, 100F

05/27 08:16, 1年前 , 101F
守持球者容易被過外 他不是一個很積極進攻禁區與推高PACE的
05/27 08:16, 101F

05/27 08:16, 1年前 , 102F
球員 所以在這些方面也不太適合我們 至於被打臉就被打啦 反
05/27 08:16, 102F

05/27 08:16, 1年前 , 103F
正球隊有競爭力我就舒服 要我期待圍巾停滯不前讓我有面子或
05/27 08:16, 103F

05/27 08:16, 1年前 , 104F
挑他低潮時引戰 我才不想讓自己的格局那麼小=.=
05/27 08:16, 104F

05/27 08:21, 1年前 , 105F
05/27 08:21, 105F

05/27 08:25, 1年前 , 106F
05/27 08:25, 106F

05/27 08:25, 1年前 , 107F
打double drag需要的是什麼或者認識這隻球隊少打ISO是建立在
05/27 08:25, 107F

05/27 08:25, 1年前 , 108F
得分手的特質上 乃至於這個系列賽OFFRTG最高的一場被砲的好
05/27 08:25, 108F

05/27 08:25, 1年前 , 109F
05/27 08:25, 109F

05/27 08:26, 1年前 , 110F
推 CW4 大
05/27 08:26, 110F

05/27 08:33, 1年前 , 111F
05/27 08:33, 111F

05/27 12:17, 1年前 , 112F
圍巾做好防守 穩定輸出,現在又加上一點積極,夠香了
05/27 12:17, 112F

05/28 08:35, 1年前 , 113F
回頭看當初的交易文只能說 真香
05/28 08:35, 113F
文章代碼(AID): #1YZokoNI (G-S-WARRIORS)