[外電] NBA rescinds Kevin Durant's technical

看板G-S-WARRIORS作者 ( (′皿`)y-~)時間5年前 (2019/04/20 02:05), 4年前編輯推噓7(701)
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新聞連結: http://0rz.tw/GSHOs 新聞拍攝照片: https://imgur.com/7iCVM7T
編按 → 連我家球迷都看得出來,這次吹判根本就冤枉偶了,還在這邊給偶拖延時間~ XD NBA rescinds Kevin Durant's technical foul Durant is back to two techs after this third was taken back. By Brady Klopfer@BradyKlopferNBA Apr 19, 2019, 10:15am PDT The NBA has rescinded a technical foul called against Kevin Durant during Thursday’s playoff game between the Golden State Warriors and the Los Angeles Clippers. Durant and the Clippers'JaMychal Green received double technical fouls early in the third quarter, as they were talking animatedly to each other. Both players seemed shocked when the technicals were called, and in post-game comments each clarified that they were not saying anything negative to each other. Green had his technical rescinded as well, and it's definitely the right move by the league to backtrack on that poor call. It's also very important for Durant, who picked up a pair of techs in Saturday's Game 1 after getting into it with Patrick Beverley. If a player earns seven technical fouls in the playoffs, they are suspended for a game. Had Thursday's T held up, KD would have used up half of his available techs, through only three games. Safe to say Durant - and Green - are both hoping for less reactionary refereeing for Sunday’s Game 4 編按 → 請親愛的KD,您就耐著性子保持冷靜,這時寧可吃虧也別再吃T了... = =" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1555697110.A.CCF.html ※ 編輯: JL46 (, 04/20/2019 02:06:57

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※ 編輯: JL46 ( 臺灣), 10/01/2019 02:01:10
文章代碼(AID): #1SkWtMpF (G-S-WARRIORS)