Fw: [外絮] KD講到那"一加一合約" 「那是最棒的事!」

看板G-S-WARRIORS作者 ( (′皿`)y-~)時間5年前 (2018/09/25 11:30), 5年前編輯推噓6(603)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1RgQghrJ ] 作者: pneumo (超☆冒險蓋) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] KD講到那"一加一合約" 「那是最棒的事!」 時間: Tue Sep 25 11:25:23 2018 來源: The Mercury News 網址: https://tinyurl.com/ycyke3h8 Warriors’ Kevin Durant on ‘1-plus-1’ deal being “the best thing for me” KD講到那"一加一合約" 「那是最棒的事!」 OAKLAND – As he moved around the Warriors’ court, Kevin Durant seemed relaxed. 當KD在勇士主場晃來晃去的時候,看起來似乎很輕鬆。 At one stop, the Warriors’ star posed with his two NBA championship trophies and two Finals MVP awards. At another station, Durant shared laughs with Stephen Curry. During a photo shoot, Durant showed off his dribbling and shooting skills. 在某個拍照點的時候,KD擺好POSE,跟兩座NBA冠軍獎盃以及他的兩次FMVP獎盃給媒體拍。 在另外一個地方,他跟Curry一起歡笑。在媒體拍照時,KD秀了一下他的運球跟投球技巧。 Durant’s easygoing vibe during Media Day on Monday did not just reflect the Warriors’ inner confidence after winning consecutive NBA titles since his arrival, including three NBA titles out of four years overall. Durant’s persona also captured how he appears at ease on the uncertainty ahead. With Durant signing a so-called one-plus-one year, he contractually could be the first star that leaves the Warriors next summer. 在星期一的媒體日,KD的輕鬆FU不只展現了在來到勇士贏下兩屆NBA冠軍後的內在自信,他 也表現出不管將來會如何他也會是一派輕鬆。在與勇士簽下"一加一合約"後,就合約而 言,KD會是明年可能會離開勇士的第一位明星。 “To keep my options open, it was the best thing for me,” Durant said. “I easily could’ve signed a long-term deal, but I just wanted to take it season by season and see where it takes me. I think this whole year will be a fun and exciting year for us all. I’m just looking forward with that. We’ll see what happens after the year.” 「為了保持將來有更多的選擇,這是對我來說最好的決定,」KD說。「我可以就簽一個長 期約,但是我想要一年一年的評估,看事情會發展成如何。我想再來這一年會很有趣,也 很刺激,我非常期待,至於明年之後就再看狀況囉。」 Because of their uncertain future, the Warriors have pledged to focus on their glorious present. 也因為未來的不確定,勇士球團也就先努力專注在他們美好的現在了。 The Warriors have five All-Stars in their starting lineup after acquiring DeMarcus Cousins in July. Curry, Durant, Klay Thompson and Draymond Green reported feeling fully healthy. And even if the Los Angeles Lakers sparked a more frenetic audience at Media Day on Monday because of LeBron James’ arrival, the Warriors are still expected to stand at center stage in June. 在七月簽下DeMarcus Cousins後,勇士的先發名單上有了五位全明星。Curry,KD,KT跟嘴 綠目前據報都覺得相當健康。即使湖人在LBJ到來讓他們的媒體日吸引了更多觀眾,勇士被 認為仍舊會是明年六月時NBA舞台上的主角。 “A lot could change. We don’t know,” Warriors coach Steve Kerr said. “ Obviously we want to keep this thing going. At some point, you just have to enjoy the moment and enjoy the now. There’s going to be so much speculation on what’s ahead. Nobody knows what’s ahead.” 「很多都變了,我們不知道將來會如何,」勇士總教練Steve Kerr說。「很顯然,我們想 要保持前進,但是有些時候,就是得要珍惜現在,享受當下。對於未來有眾多的揣測,但 是沒有人能夠預知未來。」 Though it appears Thompson will not entertain an extension so he could become an unrestricted free agent in July, he repeated his preference to remain with the Warriors. 雖然KT似乎目前不會簽下延長合約,會在明年七月成為非受限FA,他表示過數次想要待在 勇士隊。 “When guys go into free agency they’re searching for a situation like mine or similar to our team. I’m perfectly content here,” Thompson said. “Just look around the walls at all the art and to see I was a part of this buildup is what keeps me motivated and keeps me wanting to be a Warrior for my whole career.” 「當一些球員成為FA後,他們會想找像我跟勇士的狀況。我在這裡真的很滿足。」KT說。 「看看四周牆壁上的裝飾,看到我成為這一切的一部分讓我更有動機,更想在勇士隊打完 我的職業生涯。」 Though Green said he “feels confident he will be here a very long time,” it remains unlikely he would sign an extension before becoming an unrestricted free agent in 2020. 雖然嘴綠也說他「很有信心會待在勇士很久」,不過他應該不太可能簽下延長合約,會在 2020年成為非受限FA。 “I’m not looking at this one-sided like, ‘Oh man, I’ve, got to do what’s right for Draymond.’ It’s a partnership. And it’s a family,” Green said. “And doing the right thing for everyone involved is important. So we just got to approach this the right way.” 「我不是那種只看一面的人,像是說,『喔老天,我應該要做對我最有利的。』不是這 樣,這是種夥伴關係,我們是一家人,」嘴綠說。「做對每一個在這裡的人最好的事才是 重要的,那才是處理事情正確的方式。」 Cousins will also become a free agent next summer with hopes that a fully healed left Achilles tendon and NBA title will boost his market value. After all, the Warriors acquired Cousins with their taxpayer mid-level exception ($5.3 million) because of persistent questions about his injury. Before Cousins can calculate that, he must first prove he can return. The Warriors plan to reevaluate Cousins in four weeks, which officially sidelines him from training camp and through the team’s first three regular-season games. Cousins在明年夏天也會成為FA,希望那時候他的阿基里斯腱傷已經完全恢復,也希望有個 NBA冠軍戒可以提升他的交易價碼。畢竟,勇士是在大家都對他的傷勢有疑慮才以中產特例 簽下他。所以,他得先要證明他已經可以回場上打球了。勇士球團目前規畫是會在4個禮拜 後再次評估他的狀況,這代表了他在訓練營就是只會在旁邊看,也不會打勇士的前三場正 規賽。 “It’s about getting healthy, and that’s something we all agreed on,” said Cousins, who said he has completed individual full-court drills as well as one-on-one and two-on-two sessions. That’s the biggest priority for us right now. Well, with my situation, which is getting healthy. You know, when we feel we’ve got to that point, we’ll sit down and we’ll figure out when it’ s time to return.” 「先恢復健康,這是我們大家都同意的,」Cousins在完成全場練習,一對一跟二對二之後 跟記者說到。「那是目前最優先要做的事,就我現在的狀況,我的狀態越來越好,當我們 都覺得時候到了,我們大家會坐下來,一起商討,看看甚麼時候可以正式回歸。」 And then there is Durant, who signed a “one-plus one” deal for around $30 million for the 2018-19 season and a player option worth up to about $31 million for the 2019-20 season. Then, Durant could re-sign with the Warriors next summer to a five-year deal up to $219 million. Or he could sign a four-year deal elsewhere. As Warriors forward Draymond Green admitted, “ knowing the business side of things, I understand what he did.” 再來是KD,簽下了那"一加一合約",2018-19球季價值3000萬鎂,加球員選擇,在2019-20 拿到3100萬鎂。然後,KD可以在明年與勇士再簽個五年2億1900萬鎂的約,或是跟其他球隊 簽四年約。嘴綠也承認,「就生意上的觀點,我完全了解他所做的。」 But do the Warriors know what Durant will do? Will he want to still taste the championship champagne with the Warriors? Or would he want to prove he can win elsewhere? 但是勇士真的知道KD想要甚麼嗎?他仍然想要與勇士隊一起喝那慶祝的香檳嗎?或者他想 要證明他在其他地方也可以贏球呢? “I hope Kevin’s here, I hope he plays until he’s 50,” Warriors general manager Bob Myers mused. “He’s fantastic, obviously what he’s done for us, what I hope he continues to do goes without saying. But whether it’s him or anybody else we’ve got other free agents, too, we just want to make it an environment where they want to come back to us. And I think we’ve done a pretty good job of that.” 「我希望KD會留下來,我希望他可以一直打到50歲,」勇士總館Bob Myers開玩笑的說。 「就他為我們所做的一切,他真的是太棒了,我希望他可以繼續這樣下去是毋庸置疑的。 不過,不管是對他,或是對其他人,或是我們隊上其他的FA們,我們希望打造一個是他們 想回來為我們效力的環境,就那部分而言,我認為我們做的相當不錯。」 Yes, they have. Ever since the Warriors acquired Durant in the 2016 offseason, they have won two NBA championships in consecutive years. That coincided with Durant both winning consecutive Finals MVP awards, and embracing the Warriors’ team-oriented culture. Even if he has engaged with fans and players on social media that have questioned his departure from Oklahoma City, Durant characterized his offseason a different way. 是的,他們真的做的很好。自從勇士在2016年休賽季簽下KD後,他們就連續拿了兩屆總冠 軍,KD也同時拿下兩次FMVP,他也享受了勇士團隊優先的球隊哲學。即使他常常在社群媒 體上跟球迷以及球員對嗆有關他離開雷霆的舉動,KD對於他今年的休賽季有不同的見解。 “I was so damn excited about winning two championships in a row,” Durant said. “That had me on cloud nine all summer.” 「連續贏下兩屆冠軍真是他X的爽,」KD說。「那讓我整個夏天爽到翻了。」 That also kept Durant plenty busy. He has remained invested in various tech companies in the Bay Area. His company, Thirty Five Media, also partnered with ESPN to create “The Boardroom,” a six-episode series on the sports business. Will such business deals influence his NBA future? Perhaps. But as Durant admitted, “being here definitely helped, but I was tilting toward that direction anyway.” 那也讓KD很忙,他在灣區投資了好幾個科技公司。他的公司Thirty Five Media與ESPN合作 製作一齣六集有關運動事業的節目叫做"The Boardroom"。像是這樣的生意會不會影響KD的 NBA未來的動向呢?或許吧,但是就像KD也承認,「在灣區有幫助,但是不管如何我本來就 會往那個方向走。」 “I get these opportunities because I get to play basketball first. They respect me as a ball player and my game,” Durant said. “I wouldn’t be able to get in none of these doors and none of these buildings if I didn’t play ball the way I did. I understand that. I have to keep working.” 「我會得到這些機會是因為我先打了籃球,他們尊重我這個籃球員的身分,也尊重我的比 賽,」KD說。「我知道我若是沒有像我這樣努力打籃球的話,我是不會有機會打開這些門 的,我得要繼續這樣做下去。」 So while Durant maintained he has no specific goals for the 2019-20 season, the Warriors said they do not have any specific plans on trying to convince Durant to stay. Both parties reasoned another championship season has a way to sorting those other things out. 所以KD說他對於2019-20還沒有設定好目標,勇士球團也說他們也還沒有設定好計畫要如何 說服KD留下來。雙方似乎都了解了再拿下一個冠軍就會把問題都解決了。 “You can nit-pick everything, and that’s what’s going to happen,” Curry said. “It’s part of what we do for a living. But the best teams and the best individuals are able to shut that out when it comes to playing basketball and enjoying the opportunity that we have as a team to do that. I feel like we have the right guys with the right mindset to be able to turn that off when they need to.” 「大家對每件事情都可以吹毛求疵,這就是現在的狀況,」Curry說。「這只是我們職業球 員得要做的一部分而已,但是最好的球隊,最好的球員,當要打球的時候,會有能力把這 些外面的雜音隔絕掉,就是享受大家還是同一個隊伍時好好打球。我認為我們球隊現在有 對的人,有正確的心態,當需要專心打球時,就可以做得到。」 That includes Durant, who appeared at home with the Warriors even if it remains uncertain if he will move a year from now. 那也包括了KD,即使他對於來年會不會離開勇士不確定,他現在對於待在勇士也還是像待 在家裡一樣。 “I wake up in the morning, come to practice and go home,” Durant said, “up until it’s time to stop playing.” 「我每天早上起來,就是去球館練球,然後回家,」KD說。「一直到我不打球了為止。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1537845931.A.D53.html ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: JL46 (, 09/25/2018 11:30:04 ※ 編輯: JL46 (, 09/25/2018 11:30:58

09/25 11:36, 5年前 , 1F
09/25 11:36, 1F

09/25 11:57, 5年前 , 2F
我有問題 非受限FA是可以先談合約的那種嗎
09/25 11:57, 2F

09/25 13:32, 5年前 , 3F
二樓kane840104大問的應該是rfa(restricted free agent)吧~
09/25 13:32, 3F
To kane840104大 小的才疏學淺獻個醜... XD 「UFA」「RFA」差別在於...假設KD和勇士約滿,鵜鶘隊向KD提出合約,KD對此也有意願~ 若KD是「UFA」身分的話,只要KD一旦接受鵜鶘提出的合約,並正式完成簽約儀式後, KD他老兄就此和勇士隊說確定掰掰,此後就到紐奧良當鵜鶘王囉~ Q___Q" 但KD是「RFA」身分的話,勇士若真想把KD留在麾下的話,那麼勇士隊提出一份與鵜鶘隊 條件相等合約內容,KD就得繼續在勇士隊效力,以上是小的就NBA自由球員(FA)制度的 粗淺認知,還請板上學識淵博的的十方大德們,不吝給予指教與提點,感謝~ :) ============================================================================== *上開文字說明的斧正勘誤,小的衷心感謝本文原po與三位熟面孔板友的來信指教 :), 基於人情義理,順道小小聲的向一位尚在本板禁言名單(水桶)的受刑人致謝... = =" ============================================================================== ~情與義,值千金,刀山去地獄去,有何憾,為知心,犧牲有何憾,為嬌娃甘心剖寸心~

09/25 14:47, 5年前 , 4F
09/25 14:47, 4F

09/25 14:48, 5年前 , 5F
09/25 14:48, 5F
~血淚為情流,一死愷有恨,有誰人敢過問,塵世上,相識是緣份,盡杯酒千杯怎醉君~ ~有緣無緣,這一切隨緣,凡事都放乎自然,無真無實的愛情經典,若夢醒就隨時再見~

09/25 21:30, 5年前 , 6F
09/25 21:30, 6F
~有緣無緣,這一切隨緣,凡事都放乎自然,人生路上,有足多發展,又何必在情路流漣~ 包龍星:既然大家都是同門師兄弟,乾脆刮得多少都分兩份,最多我拿大份,你拿小份~ 豹頭:我全都要...(咬牙切齒狀) https://i.imgur.com/CyzFN6L.gif

09/27 04:09, 5年前 , 7F
明年KT KD都要換約 情感上留KT嗚嗚
09/27 04:09, 7F

09/27 08:59, 5年前 , 8F
09/27 08:59, 8F
包龍星:既然大家都是同門師兄弟,乾脆刮得多少都分兩份,最多我拿大份,你拿小份~ 豹頭:我全都要...(咬牙切齒狀) https://i.imgur.com/CyzFN6L.gif
※ 編輯: JL46 (, 09/27/2018 13:42:15

09/28 22:09, 5年前 , 9F
09/28 22:09, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1RgQkzu7 (G-S-WARRIORS)