[外電] Coach Kerr的"左腦"

看板G-S-WARRIORS作者 (我是甘道夫)時間6年前 (2018/06/11 12:18), 6年前編輯推噓34(34020)
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前幾天就看到這篇外電,怕太早翻會被說是舒服文。 現在翻就不會有任何問題了才是。 翻譯若有錯,請不吝指正。 來源: The New York Times 網址: https://tinyurl.com/ya9hhr8r The Left Side of Steve Kerr’s Brain Coach Kerr的"左腦" CLEVELAND — The Golden State Warriors are exploring potential pathways to improvement for next season, but they reject the notion this makes them greedy — even with a 3-0 series lead in the N.B.A. finals. The team’s resident shot doctor, Bruce Fraser, prefers to describe it as intellectual curiosity. 金州勇士依然在找可能的方式讓他們的下一季更好,但是他們不認為這樣會讓他們看起來 太過貪心--即使現在是3-0在總冠軍賽領先(原文發出時)。球隊的投球"醫師",Bruce Fraser比較喜歡說這是一種「求知慾」。 Working daily with the sharpshooting duo of Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson does not stop Fraser from wondering: What is the optimum ball trajectory for a long-range shooter? 即使是每天跟兩個超強射手Stephen Curry跟Klay Thompson一起工作,Fraser仍然會想: 怎樣是對遠距射手來說是最好的投射路徑呢? Fraser wants to know: Could Curry and Thompson, widely regarded as the most lethal backcourt shooting tandem in the game’s history, actually get better in this area? Fraser想知道:已經是被大家認為是兩個聯盟後場最致命的射手,到底還能不能讓這對浪 花兄弟更好呢? What Fraser does know is where to direct these questions. 至少Fraser知道他要去哪問這些問題。 “I needed a physics answer,” Fraser said. “So I had to go to Sammy.” 「我需要物理學上的解答,」Fraser說。「所以我得去找Sammy。」 Fraser knew Sammy Gelfand, Golden State’s manager of analytics, hailed from a family of physicists. Gelfand’s father, Norman, is a former University of Chicago physics professor who also worked as a scientist for nearly 30 years for Fermilab in Batavia, Ill., specializing in high-energy particle physics. Gelfand’s older brother Joseph, meanwhile, is an associate professor of physics at New York University Abu Dhabi, with an emphasis on astrophysics. Sammy Gelfand,勇士的分析部門經理,出身於一個物理學家庭。他的爸爸是前芝加哥大學 的物理學教授,在費米實驗室工作了近30年,專長在高能粒子物理;他的哥哥則是紐約大 學阿布達比校區的物理學副教授,專長在太空物理。 “He wanted me to look at it from a more theoretical standpoint,” Sammy Gelfand said of Fraser. “I’ve been working with my dad on it.” 「Fraser希望我可以從比較理論的觀點來看這個問題,」Sammy說。「所以我就跟我爸一起 研究這個問題了。」 The depths of that analysis of the Splash Brothers’ shots will be more of a summer emphasis for Gelfand. He shoulders an array of more pressing duties for the Warriors, built around the pre- and postgame statistical reports that have been vital daily tools for Steve Kerr and the rest of the Golden State coaching staff since Kerr’s arrival in May 2014. 關於浪花兄弟的投射或許要等到今年夏天Sammy Gelfand才會做更深入的分析,他現在有更 重要的任務,就是把賽前跟賽後分析數據準備好,那是在2014年Coach Kerr來到勇士之 後,Kerr跟教練團非常重要的武器。 Gelfand, lower right, gave an injured Stephen Curry a lesson in analytics when he sat next to him in April. 圖: Gelfand(最右)在今年四月Curry受傷時在場邊跟Curry講分析的事情。 https://imgur.com/L9Q8OkZ.jpg
The Warriors’ coaches lean on him for his in-game video skills and statistical support to such a degree that Gelfand occupies a seat behind their bench during home games and whenever he travels with the team. Although this is the N.B.A.’s analytics age, Gelfand’s vantage point is an extreme rarity. 勇士的教練團非常依賴Gelfand,他的賽中錄影跟統計分析,依賴到Gelfand在主場板凳區 後面有他的座位,若是他有隨隊到客場,他也有座位在球員板凳區後面。雖然現在是分析 掛帥的時代,但是Gelfand在勇士球隊的地位是極為罕見的。 On top of that, Gelfand has a regular on-court presence, which is also unusual for an “analytics guy.” He is the go-to rebounder for the reserve guard Shaun Livingston, who bonded with Gelfand almost immediately through their shared Illinois roots and who will not trust anyone else with that job after practices and shoot-arounds — despite Gelfand’s self-professed proclivity for “getting my glasses knocked off” in practice settings. 除此之外,Gelfand也會定時出現在球場上,這對搞分析的人來說是很少見的。他是替補後 衛Shaun Livingston專屬撿籃板手,Livingston跟Gelfand都出身伊利諾州,在經過幾次練 習之後Livingston就只放心讓Gelfand來做這份工作,雖然Gelfand常常會在練習的時候常 常打掉他自己的眼鏡。 “He’s like the little brother of the team,” Livingston said. 「他就像是球隊上的小弟弟一樣,」Livingston說。 Gelfand, 31, is the youngest of three siblings, and still struggles to comprehend how he landed beside Livingston — a star in Peoria, Ill., while both were in high school — with a franchise that sits just one win away from its third N.B.A. championship in four years. Part of that disbelief, he admitted, stems from being raised in what he described as “the most unathletic family in the world.” Gelfand,31歲,是家裡最小的一個,仍然還在了解他怎麼會跟Livingston搭上線-- Livingston,出身伊利諾州的Peoria的明星球員,他跟Gelfand都在那邊上高中--球隊只要 再一勝就可以奪下四年來的第三冠,Gelfand還是很難相信,他自己也承認,他是從一個最 不具體育細胞的家庭長大的。 But he was hooked on sports from a young age and entranced by the Chicago Bulls’ dynasty. “The Jordan, Pippen and Kerr Bulls,” Gelfand said, understandably paying a higher tribute to Kerr’s role in Chicago’s success than most would. 不過,在Gelfand年輕的時候,他還是因為那時的公牛王朝而迷上了體育。「有著Jordan, Pippen跟Kerr的公牛,」Gelfand說,比起其他人對Kerr的評價,他認為Kerr對那時公牛 王朝有更高的貢獻。 He was an annual science fair participant in his youth, but his time at George Washington University sparked the gumption Gelfand needed to scrap plans to go into political analytics and “go all-in” on his dreams. An internship with the sports agency Octagon while he was in graduate school at Georgetown was his entree to the N.B.A. But he quickly soured on that side of the business when Octagon lost its bid to represent the future N.B.A. All-Star Gordon Hayward to Priority Sports. Gelfand在年輕的時候有參加過科展,但是當他在喬治華盛頓大學的時候,他決定要放棄他 要進入政治分析的計畫,而全力開始追逐他的夢想。他在喬治城念研究所的時候,拿到了 運動經紀Octagon的實習機會,成為他進入NBA這個領域的敲門磚,不過這份工作很快就喪 失了樂趣,因為Octagon那次沒爭取到星海哥Gordon Hayward的合約,輸給了Priority Sport。 “That just killed me,” Gelfand said. “I realized then that I loved sports, but I loved the game. I wanted to work for a team.” 「那真的讓我心碎,」Geldand說。「但是我後來了解到,我喜歡體育,但是我也愛比賽。 我想要為一個球隊工作。」 The silver lining at Octagon: Gelfand made basketball connections and persuaded the former N.B.A. head coach Eric Musselman to hire him as an unpaid intern in 2010-11 for the Musselman-coached Reno Bighorns in the N.B.A. ’s official minor league. The Bighorns were the shared affiliate of the Warriors and the Sacramento Kings, enabling Gelfand to bond with the Golden State assistant general manager Kirk Lacob. Lacob was making frequent trips to Reno to monitor the progress of Jeremy Lin, who was a rookie. 在Octagon的不愉快卻也幫到了Gelfand:他在籃球界裡有了人脈,在2010-2011,他說服了 前NBA教練Eric Musselman聘他做NBA小聯盟Musselman執教的Reno Bighorns做無薪實習 生。Bighorns是那時勇士跟國王的小聯盟球隊,所以讓Gelfand跟勇士的助理GM Kiik Lacob搭上線;Lacob那時常常飛到Reno去看當時還是菜鳥的林書豪。 Lacob hired Gelfand to be his “eyes and ears” with the Dakota Wizards, who then relocated to Santa Cruz, Calif., after the Warriors purchased the franchise based in Bismarck, N.D. With Gelfand entering his third season in the development league, Lacob gave him a choice: Join the big-league Warriors as an intern in their video room or stay with the minor league team as a full-time (and modestly paid) director of player personnel. Gelfand opted for the latter and immediately feared he would be “stuck in the D-League for my whole life.” 後來,勇士買下了原本在北達科塔州的Dakota Wizard,搬到加州的Santa Cruz,Lacob聘 了Gelfand,希望他成為他的眼線。在發展聯盟三年後,Lacob給Gelfand一個選擇:加入勇 士隊,在他們的影音部門做實習生,或者是在次級聯盟做全職的球員管理負責人。Gelfand 選擇了後者,但是他很快就怕他從此就會在次級聯盟終老一生。 He wasn’t. 他沒有。 Lacob, one of two sons of the majority owner, Joe Lacob, who works for the Warriors, was a full-fledged Gelfand fan by that point and brought him in to bolster the club’s analytics department entering the 2013-14 season. Kirk是勇士老闆Joe Lacob的兒子,他是Gelfand的粉絲,在2013-2014球季,決定把 Gelfand帶進他們的分析部門。 Gelfand got some prime TV time when the superstar Curry, recovering from a sprained knee, insisted on sitting beside him during multiple first-round playoff games. But his claim to fame during Golden State’s four-season run of roaring success might be his role in helping the Warriors establish 300 passes as their nightly team goal. 當Curry本季因為扭傷膝蓋休戰,他堅持要坐在Curry旁邊看了好幾場第一輪的季後賽。他 聲稱勇士這四年來的成功,或許跟他幫忙達到勇士每晚設定的目標--300次傳球--有關。 Golden State was last in the N.B.A. in passes per game, stuck in the 240s, when Kerr succeeded Mark Jackson after a first-round playoff exit to the Los Angeles Clippers in 2014. Kerr turned to Gelfand to help establish a new benchmark — 300 — which has evolved into the team’s magic number and a symbol of its culture. 2014年季後賽第一輪輸給快艇後,Kerr接下Mark Jackson的位置。勇士那年在NBA30支球隊 裡,每場傳球排名是最後一位,240次/場。Kerr去找Gelfand幫忙,設定了300這個神秘數 字,這也成為後來勇士的球風象徵。 Kerr, a former TV analyst, had watched his share of series between San Antonio and Oklahoma City. “It was such a contrast in styles,” Kerr said. “ I knew I wanted more ball movement — I wanted to play like the Spurs — but in those days we didn’t have access to those numbers. We didn’t have a Sammy.” Kerr之前也是電視球評分析,看著馬刺跟雷霆的比賽。「那是截然不同的球風,」Kerr 說。「我知道我想要更多球的流動--我想打的跟馬刺一樣--但是在那時候我們不懂的怎麼 看數據;我們那時候沒有Sammy。」 Referring to his old TNT broadcast partner Marv Albert, Kerr said: “At the time, I think you would have had to have someone count the number of passes by watching the tape — and Marv was unwilling to do that.” Kerr說到那時他在TNT做球評的搭檔Marv Albert:「在那時候,或許得要聘個人在那邊看 著錄影帶一個一個數傳球才辦得到--而Marv不會願意的。」 Gelfand was always willing, but he admitted his basketball knowledge lacked the requisite sophistication in his early stops. Gelfand總是願意去做,不過他也承認剛開始他在籃球方面的知識並不是太聰明。 Through study, patient tutoring from coaches such as Musselman and Clay Moser, and the steady improvement in the quality of data available to teams in the development league, Gelfand improved. He learned the art of marrying game film to his statistical findings to increase the likelihood of interest from coaches and, in his current behind-the-bench role, maintains constant contact with the video room during games. Gelfand also benefited greatly from the placement of SportVU cameras in N.B.A. arenas to track player movement like never before. 經過了學習,像是從Coach Musselman及Coach Clay Moser學,在資料上的品質有顯著的進 步,可以讓發展聯盟的球隊參考。進而,他把影片跟他的統計分析結合,讓教練們更有興 趣了解,也讓他可以坐在球隊板凳席後,不間斷的與球隊的影音室在比賽間保持聯絡。 Gelfand更利用在NBA球場所裝的SportVU鏡頭追蹤每個球員在球場上的跑動,這是以前辦不 到的。 In these N.B.A. finals, Gelfand spends two hours after every game assembling a report that leads off with a variety of passing numbers and proceeds into more specific breakdowns, such as how the Warriors fared in post-up situations. He reviews plays after timeouts, two- and five-man lineup combinations and plus/minus numbers, and evaluates the team’s defense and rebounding. He will also tack on any personal observations gleaned from assembling those numbers. 到總決賽,Gelfand每次比賽後要花兩個小時把報告整理出來,包括一些傳球數字或是一些 更進一步的數據,像是勇士球員在低位時的表現等。他會去看勇士在暫停後,兩人組合或 是五人組合以及他們的正負值,評估球隊的防守以及籃板。他也會把一些他個人從數據上 的觀察彙整出來。 Not just another guy in a cubicle, Gelfand enjoys being on the court and rebounding for the Warriors. 圖:Gelfand從辦公室到球場,替勇士球員撿籃板球 https://imgur.com/mUXOuGa.jpg
He then fields a stream of individual requests from Kerr and his assistants leading up to the next tipoff, while compiling a preview report that highlights opponents’ tendencies and lineup combinations for both teams. Kerr has been known to seek out Gelfand in the final hour before tipoff in search of one more easily digestible statistic to help slam home his pregame messaging. 他會收集,從Kerr到Kerr的助理們的要求直到下次比賽前,做好列出對手的傾向,兩邊的 上陣組合等的預先報告。Kerr知道要在比賽前一個小時去找Gelfand拿報告,拿到更好懂 的數據,好讓他可以收集好他的賽前資訊。 The top line on Gelfand’s most recent reports, for the record, showed 284 passes in Golden State’s Game 1 overtime victory over the Cavaliers (2.8 passes per possession), 288 in Game 2 (up to 3.0 passes per possession) and just 269 in Game 3 (2.8 passes per possession). The Warriors are 8-0 this postseason when they crack the 300 threshold — and they have also managed to win five consecutive sub-300 games after starting 3-5 this postseason when held below that figure. Gelfand最近幾份報告的第一行顯示,勇士在延長賽獲勝的Game 1是傳了284次球 (2.8次 /possession),Game 2是288次(3.0/possession),Game 3只有269次(2.8/possession)。 在正規賽季,當勇士傳球超過300次,戰績是8-0。在季後賽,傳球數目不到那個數目時, 戰績是3-5,而後來傳球數增加後,他們贏了五場,傳球都接近300次。 But Gelfand is the first to admit he hasn’t “figured out some secret sauce ” that is transferable or universal. 但是Gelfand也率先承認他並不是找到大家都可以拿來用的密訣。 “The personality and makeup of each team is so different that everything you do really has to be tailored to your team,” Gelfand said. 「每個人的個性都不一樣,組成的球隊也會不同,所以你得要為不同的球隊量身定做,」 Gelfand說。 The difference in Golden State, then, isn’t necessarily the data, which most teams strive to keep secret. It’s the level of reliance on Gelfand, as well as the level of inclusion. 勇士隊不同的是,他們不僅僅只是靠數據,大部分球隊會保密這部分。不同的是勇士隊對 Gelfand不僅依賴Gelfand,而且是把他當作球隊一份子。 Lacob acknowledged that Gelfand was now as much a part of the Golden State coaching staff as the front office, which defies the leaguewide norm and may be illustrated best by his relationship with Livingston. Lacob把Gelfand是為勇士教練團的一部分,也是制服組的成員,這跟聯盟其他隊很不一 樣,這也可從Gelfand跟Livingston的關係看得出來。 “At the end of the day, I’m 5-9 — O.K., 5-6,” Gelfand said. “But l love rebounding. It’s probably the G-League guy in me — because I had to be on the court there — but I think it helps show that you’re not just a guy on the balcony with a computer looking over them. 「到頭來,我有5呎9吋--好啦,只有5呎6吋,」Gelfand說。「但是我喜歡撿籃板球,我 身體裡面住著個發展聯盟球員的靈魂--因為我得要在場上--但我認為那可以表現出我不是 只是個坐在看台上盯著電腦的人。」 “But I guarantee you there are people in my position with other teams that would love to do that who aren’t allowed to do that.” 「但是我可以跟你保證有很多其他隊伍裡面跟我一樣位置的人很想這樣做,但是卻不被允 許。」 Curry said: “He’s the ultimate hustler — in the right sense of the word. He ’s just happy to be here.” 但是Curry說,「他是很努力的那種人--在正確的那方面。他只是喜歡來球場啦!」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1528690716.A.BA9.html

06/11 12:19, 6年前 , 1F
06/11 12:19, 1F

06/11 12:37, 6年前 , 2F
06/11 12:37, 2F

06/11 12:37, 6年前 , 3F
了Mark Jackson的位置」
06/11 12:37, 3F
修正 感謝 ※ 編輯: IamGandalf (, 06/11/2018 12:40:37

06/11 12:41, 6年前 , 4F
這篇很棒 很高興勇士能有這種人才
06/11 12:41, 4F

06/11 12:41, 6年前 , 5F
06/11 12:41, 5F

06/11 12:41, 6年前 , 6F
06/11 12:41, 6F

06/11 12:47, 6年前 , 7F
06/11 12:47, 7F

06/11 12:48, 6年前 , 8F
另外最後的Ultimate hustler...應該不是指他是騙子或唬爛
06/11 12:48, 8F

06/11 12:48, 6年前 , 9F
06/11 12:48, 9F

06/11 12:49, 6年前 , 10F
但這我也不太確定, 我只是覺得如果是指騙子應該不會加
06/11 12:49, 10F

06/11 12:49, 6年前 , 11F
06/11 12:49, 11F

06/11 12:51, 6年前 , 12F
如果跟"in the right sense of word"放在一起看, 應該是
06/11 12:51, 12F

06/11 12:51, 6年前 , 13F
06/11 12:51, 13F
這個我也很猶豫 不過Curry好像就是很喜歡惡作劇的人 如果就這樣看來 Curry說Gelfand唬爛好像也不是惡意, 就是說Gelfand自己愛上場玩球的意思。 ※ 編輯: IamGandalf (, 06/11/2018 12:57:29

06/11 12:57, 6年前 , 14F
真有趣 14年curry 場均助攻好看 但球隊傳球次數低 Kerr
06/11 12:57, 14F

06/11 12:57, 6年前 , 15F
來後 sc助攻數據用傳統標準看 不算明星控衛水準 但球
06/11 12:57, 15F

06/11 12:57, 6年前 , 16F
隊反而傳球次數高(這季很長一段時間 場均助攻還破30) 球
06/11 12:57, 16F

06/11 12:57, 6年前 , 17F
06/11 12:57, 17F

06/11 13:00, 6年前 , 18F
06/11 13:00, 18F

06/11 13:00, 6年前 , 19F
06/11 13:00, 19F

06/11 13:01, 6年前 , 20F
06/11 13:01, 20F
好喔 大大的解釋比較清楚 我就來修改 ※ 編輯: IamGandalf (, 06/11/2018 13:05:54

06/11 13:20, 6年前 , 21F
別擔心:) 語意本來就不一定能完全照翻。我覺得中文裡最難
06/11 13:20, 21F

06/11 13:20, 6年前 , 22F
06/11 13:20, 22F

06/11 13:21, 6年前 , 23F
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06/11 13:30, 6年前 , 24F
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06/11 13:37, 6年前 , 25F
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06/11 13:46, 6年前 , 26F
06/11 13:46, 26F

06/11 13:47, 6年前 , 27F
06/11 13:47, 27F

06/11 13:52, 6年前 , 28F
每次看這種文章就能長見識 原來分析可以做到這樣 不單
06/11 13:52, 28F

06/11 13:52, 6年前 , 29F
純是數據 好奇300是怎麼得出來的結果
06/11 13:52, 29F

06/11 14:18, 6年前 , 30F
好文推 感謝翻譯
06/11 14:18, 30F

06/11 14:35, 6年前 , 31F
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06/11 14:39, 6年前 , 32F
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06/11 15:02, 6年前 , 34F
06/11 15:02, 34F

06/11 15:11, 6年前 , 35F
06/11 15:11, 35F

06/11 15:14, 6年前 , 36F
推翻譯 幸苦了
06/11 15:14, 36F

06/11 15:19, 6年前 , 37F
推 感謝翻譯 恩恩 可以翻成That's right嗎?
06/11 15:19, 37F

06/11 16:41, 6年前 , 38F
06/11 16:41, 38F

06/11 16:46, 6年前 , 39F
嗯嗯 = yeah
06/11 16:46, 39F

06/11 17:49, 6年前 , 40F
06/11 17:49, 40F

06/11 17:53, 6年前 , 41F
小的覺得這篇翻譯文選的不錯,翻譯水準也很高! d( >﹏<)o"
06/11 17:53, 41F

06/11 17:56, 6年前 , 42F
06/11 17:56, 42F

06/11 18:00, 6年前 , 43F
To IamGandalf:您老客氣了,您無私分享,是勇版上下之福~:)
06/11 18:00, 43F

06/11 18:06, 6年前 , 44F
(  ̄□ ̄)/ 向IamGandalf大敬禮! <( ̄ㄧ ̄ ) <( ̄ㄧ ̄ )
06/11 18:06, 44F

06/11 18:47, 6年前 , 45F
06/11 18:47, 45F

06/11 18:49, 6年前 , 46F
06/11 18:49, 46F

06/11 18:52, 6年前 , 47F
06/11 18:52, 47F

06/11 19:05, 6年前 , 48F
06/11 19:05, 48F

06/11 19:47, 6年前 , 49F
06/11 19:47, 49F

06/11 20:19, 6年前 , 50F
06/11 20:19, 50F

06/11 21:12, 6年前 , 51F
06/11 21:12, 51F

06/11 22:03, 6年前 , 52F
06/11 22:03, 52F

06/12 12:11, 6年前 , 53F
06/12 12:11, 53F

06/12 12:57, 6年前 , 54F
希望常看到這種幕後文 推推
06/12 12:57, 54F
文章代碼(AID): #1R7VWSkf (G-S-WARRIORS)