[外電] 勇士超越馬刺獲得第70勝--禁任何形式轉載

看板G-S-WARRIORS作者 (九西哩)時間8年前 (2016/04/09 22:02), 8年前編輯推噓12(12012)
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哈囉! 來補上昨天的賽後外電~ 明天又要比賽了,勇士加油! 外電翻譯起手式:文章嚴禁以任何形式流出勇士版,翻譯錯誤請指教。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warriors top Spurs for 70th win; chase for 73 still alive 勇士超越馬刺獲得第70勝,追逐73勝還有希望 Ethan Sherwood Strauss http://goo.gl/ysDWv9 Early, way before beating theSan Antonio Spurs 112-101to secure the No. 1 seed in the playoffs, the Golden State Warriors appeared out of sorts in their bid to join the 1995-96 Chicago Bulls as the second team in NBA history to win 70 games in a season. 在勇士打敗馬刺並保住第一種子的位置之前,很久之前, 勇士在試圖成為第2支單季70勝球隊的過程中,看起來病懨懨的。 The game began off kilter, with Golden State firing up quick shots. Draymond Greenpicked up his second foul and dropped a liter of vitriol on the refs as he collected a technical foul. Green and the Warriors looked out of control and now Harrison Barnes had the tall task of guarding LaMarcus Aldridge. 比賽開始的有點反常:勇士發動幾波快速出手的攻擊, Green很快就2犯,在吃T的時候還生氣的把裁判念了一頓。 Green跟勇士看起來很失控,讓HB不得不去做困難的任務:對位防守Agg。 -->感謝BYANG大校對 This looked like a vulnerable team, one ripe for a loss to the wise old Spurs, the NBA's stable, staid tortoise, forever beating the league's impetuous hares. The Spurs have been pacing themselves while drubbing the NBA, leisurely jogging to a historically great record. In their youthful zeal, the Warriors were gunning for greater, sprinting toward 73 wins in the short term, leaving the long term increasingly in doubt. Majority owner Joe Lacob's quote about Golden State being "light-years ahead," combined with their 1-2 record since its publication in the New York Times Magazines, has amplified certain rumblings. Were the Warriors about to be, finally, humbled? 勇士看起來很脆弱,很可能輸給老而有智慧的馬刺。 這支NBA穩定又老派的烏龜隊永遠都能打敗敏捷的兔子隊。 馬刺一直在照自己的節奏,毫不猶豫的打遍NBA,輕鬆的跑向歷史上的偉大紀錄。 但是勇士憑著年輕的熱情,想要追逐梗好的紀錄,往73勝衝刺,也讓未來更讓人疑惑。 Joe曾說勇士超前聯盟「好幾光年」,加上球隊在那篇紐約時報雜誌的文章發表之後, 戰績居然是1勝2敗,因而引起不少騷動。 現在勇士終於要被羞辱了嗎? -->感謝BYANG大校對 In the meantime, San Antonio had to grapple with a more tangible question, albeit one carrying less narrative appeal: Can they score? It sounds sacrilegious considering the Spurs' vaunted ball movement. Doubly so considering they claim the superior defense this season. And yet, in the two games heading into this one, the Spurs had yet to score consistently against the Warriors. The Warriors' defensive switches have so far confounded San Antonio's attack. 與此同時,馬刺需要為比較實際的問題傷腦筋,雖然這問題比較沒有吸引力: 他們能得分嗎? 考量到馬刺引以為傲的球的流動性,這問題聽起來像是褻瀆。 考量到他們這個球季居優勢地位的防守能力,這問題聽起來加倍褻瀆。 但是,在對勇士的上兩場比賽裡,馬刺還無法持續從勇士手上得分。 勇士的換防攪亂了馬刺的攻擊。 -->感謝BYANG大校對 And again, in the third matchup, the Warriors' defense afforded the Spurs little airspace. After their shaky start to the first, Golden State held strong, squeezing the Spurs into 15 points in the quarter. Barnes did passably enough, even adding scoring punch (21 points, 13 shots) as his team surged ahead. Curry had a quiet first half, but was in the process of making an adjustment from his awful last game against this team. In that Spurs win, Curry was strafed along the 3-point line, and succumbed to shooting 4-of-18 (1-of-12 from deep). After that nadir of a performance, he indicated that he knew the fix: He had to drive against that defense. 在這次的比賽裡,勇士的防守讓馬刺沒有多少得分空間。 在第一節搖搖欲墜的開場之後,勇士頑強地支撐著,讓馬刺第一節只得了15分。 HB的表現還過得去,在球隊超前時也給馬刺一些分數上的打擊(全場出手13次得21分)。 Curry上半場靜悄悄的,但他是在針對上次對上馬刺的糟糕表現作出調整。 上次對馬刺的時候,Curry在3分線附近被嚴加看管,最後只有投18中4(3分球投12中1)。 經過那次處在低點的表現之後,他有暗示他知道要如何彌補:他必須要切入。 On Thursday, Curry did indeed change his approach, driving to a middle that got only more open after Tim Duncan was run off the floor. By the third, he was in a rhythm, continually slashing through the Spurs and creating offense below the arc. He finished with 27 points on 19 shots, with nine assists. On the other side, San Antonio eventually hit a scoring stride against Golden State's subs, but have yet to find their answer. That search becomes all the more pressing after Curry found a way to crack their defensive approach. Briefly, the Spurs had Curry figured out -- and then he adjusted. It remains to be seen if the Spurs have another effective counter in them. 在這一場比賽裡,Curry確實有改變他的做法, 切入那個在TD被吸出去之後顯得更加空曠的禁區。 到了第3節的時候,他已經進入一個節奏了: 他不斷切過馬刺,在3分線以內創造得分機會,最後全場出手19次得27分,外加9助攻。 後來馬刺終於在對上勇士的替補陣容時打出一波得分潮,但仍然找不到解答。 在Curry找到破解防守的方法之後,找到解答的需求越來越迫切。 馬刺曾短暫的破解Curry,但是他調整了。 但馬刺是不是有另一套有效反擊的方式呢?讓我們繼續看下去… -->感謝beyondx大校對 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 希望上次Kerr發怒之後,勇士能克制住一大幅領先就鬆懈的毛病... 不然這應該就是破解勇士的方法了吧:p 外電翻譯收操式:文章嚴禁以任何形式流出勇士版,翻譯錯誤請指教。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1460210552.A.B36.html

04/09 22:03, , 1F
04/09 22:03, 1F

04/09 22:08, , 2F
推 謝謝翻譯
04/09 22:08, 2F

04/09 22:09, , 3F
04/09 22:09, 3F

04/09 22:22, , 4F
04/09 22:22, 4F
根據Kerr賽後訪問時發表的說法,他覺得馬刺的戰術執行很鎮定(poise)。 勇士也可以做到,但是老是會在比賽來來回回一段時間之後,就睡著了。 他一直對球員說如果他們做不到像馬刺一樣鎮定,就會被打敗。 然後,他又把戰術板用破了=w= 他說跟他在紐約用破的那一塊比起來,這塊斷的比較整齊=w= 訪問傳送門: https://soundcloud.com/warriors/steve-kerr-postgame-4716

04/09 23:11, , 5F
04/09 23:11, 5F

04/09 23:28, , 6F
firing up quick shots應該是指沒有經過戰術傳導的快速出手
04/09 23:28, 6F

04/09 23:28, , 7F
04/09 23:28, 7F

04/09 23:30, , 8F
tall task是指很困難的任務。HB應該有 6'9",AGG頂多也就
04/09 23:30, 8F

04/09 23:30, , 9F
04/09 23:30, 9F

04/09 23:31, , 10F
04/09 23:31, 10F

04/09 23:34, , 11F
04/09 23:34, 11F

04/09 23:34, , 12F
04/09 23:34, 12F

04/09 23:37, , 13F
The Warriors' defensive switches就是指勇士隊的換人防守
04/09 23:37, 13F

04/09 23:40, , 14F
04/09 23:40, 14F

04/09 23:40, , 15F
04/09 23:40, 15F

04/10 00:16, , 16F
推Byang 好猛
04/10 00:16, 16F

04/10 01:32, , 17F
04/10 01:32, 17F

04/10 01:47, , 18F
04/10 01:47, 18F

04/10 02:06, , 19F
04/10 02:06, 19F

04/10 02:23, , 20F
啊,多謝稱讚。怎麼練?就像現在這樣練啊。 XD
04/10 02:23, 20F

04/10 02:24, , 21F
04/10 02:24, 21F

04/10 02:24, , 22F
04/10 02:24, 22F
推看新聞。我從高中開始每週至少看2篇長篇英文新聞還有查單字, 後來就習慣看英文新聞了。 還有聽英文新聞跟看英美劇。 但首先單字量、片語量還有句型要先練起來。不然直接看新聞會很挫折。 這部份要感謝我的英文老師。每週1-2次填鴨式英文小考100題很過時但很有用XD

04/10 03:12, , 23F
04/10 03:12, 23F
※ 編輯: eva00780 (, 04/10/2016 08:39:04

04/10 08:59, , 24F
推 翻譯用心 勇士加油
04/10 08:59, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #1N2Gjuis (G-S-WARRIORS)