[外電] Curry對決Lillard,有點不公平-禁轉

看板G-S-WARRIORS作者 (九西哩)時間8年前 (2016/04/04 15:28), 8年前編輯推噓15(15016)
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賽後外電來囉XD 剛剛外電翻到一半,看到另一篇更好的出爐,結果手滑把沒翻完的發出來了,Sorry。 外電翻譯起手式:文章嚴禁以任何形式流出勇士版,翻譯錯誤請指教。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Curry vs. Lillard a thrilling rivalry, but not a fair fight Curry對決Lillard:很精彩,但是不公平 Ethan Sherwood Strauss http://goo.gl/oAUQiz Much like their respective careers, the Stephen Curry vs. Damian Lillard rivalry is on the rise. And much like their respective careers, it's as compelling as it was unexpected. This isn't LeBron vs. Carmelo, a juxtaposition that predates the 2003 NBA draft. It's a welcome surprise, especially given the widespread preseason expectation that Portland would struggle through a lengthy rebuild. 如同兩人各自的生涯,Curry與Lillard的對決正在升溫。 如同兩人各自的生涯,Curry與Lillard的對決超乎預期而且相當吸引人。 這讓人想到03梯的LBJ跟甜瓜,那兩人從選秀之前就開始被相提並論。 Curry跟Lillard的對決是個受歡迎的驚喜, 尤其是在拓荒者從開季前就被傳聞是處於漫長的重建期的情況下。 -->感謝BYANG大校對 It also makes so much sense. Both are point guards, on the West Coast, who specialize in launching 3-pointers off the dribble. Curry plays in Oakland. Lillard's proudly from Oakland. Currently the comparison favors Curry, which might have something to do with Lillard's dislike of the perceived likeness. 他們的對決也非常合理:兩人都是西岸的控衛,都擅長運球後投籃的3分Curry為Oakland打球,而Lillard來自Oakland。 目前Curry是比較受喜愛的那個,而這也跟Lillard不喜歡被說兩人相似有點關係。 -->感謝christ0ph3r大及BYANG大校對 After the Blazers crushed the Warriors in Portland on Feb. 20, Warriors coach Steve Kerr remarked of Lillard's 51-point performance, "He looked like Steph Curry out there." Lillard has been asked about the comparison multiple times and does not appear to enjoy it. 2月20日,拓荒者血洗勇士。當Kerr評論Lillard當晚單場51分的表現的時候,他說: 「Lillard看起來像Curry。」 Lillard已經被人要求發表對這種比較法的看法要求了很多次, 而且他看起來並不怎麼喜歡這個問題。 Observers could be forgiven if, while watching Curry and Lillard duel Sunday night in a 136-111 Warriors victory, they saw resemblances between the two. Both seized moments of the game, both rendered sequences of spirited defense futile, and both were smooth from dribble to release. The back-and-forth culminated in a brilliant third-quarter stretch, and lost steam as the Warriors collectively gained it. In the end, Curry finished with 39 points on 20 shots (nine 3-pointers) and Lillard with 38 points on 27 points.(shots?) 但是看過今晚的比賽之後,球評們會覺得這兩個人很相似也無可厚非。 兩人都把握比賽裡的每個時刻,都有好幾次讓對方的防守無效, 而且運球之後出手的過程都非常流暢。 兩人的你來我往讓第3節變得非常精彩,但是在勇士全隊攻擊升溫之後, 兩人的對決就降溫了。 最後,Curry用20次出手拿下39分,投進9顆3分球,而Lillard則用27次出手拿下38分。 -->感謝BYANG大校對 For as much as they resembled each other, a few differences were salient. First, while Lillard is a great 3-point shooter, Curry is sui generis among deep-shooting artists. In Lillard's favor, he's more of an athletic, driving guard than Curry is, as he displayed Sunday (nine free throw attempts). 儘管兩人很相似,有些地方的差異還是很明顯: 首先,Lillard雖然是個優秀的3分射手,但Curry卻是個自成一格的遠距離投射藝術家。 但是Lillard佔優勢的地方在於,他是個體能更好、更善於切入的後衛, 而今晚的表現可以作證。(Lillard這次罰了9球。) -->感謝BYANG大校對 Finally, the teams themselves provide separation as was clear Sunday. Curry has Draymond Green, who was brilliant en route to another triple-double. Curry has Klay Thompson, who helped push the lead out of reach in the fourth quarter. 最後,兩人待的球隊讓差異更明顯: Curry有Green,他的表現非常優秀,而且今天又拿到一次大三元。 Curry有KT,他在第四節協助Curry把領先拉到無法追上的程度。 In the aggregate, Curry is currently better, but he's also doing it alongside a better supporting cast. So as much as this point guard rivalry is thrilling, it's not yet a fair fight. 總結來說,Curry是比較好的那一個,但是他會比較好也是因為他有比較好的隊友。 所以,雖然這對後衛的對決很刺激,但這還不是場公平的對決。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 既生瑜,何生亮? 不過這大概是全聯盟球星的心聲吧XD 外電翻譯收操式:文章嚴禁以任何形式流出勇士版,翻譯錯誤請指教。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1459754895.A.E91.html

04/04 15:45, , 1F
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04/04 16:43, , 6F
推翻譯~ 謝謝!
04/04 16:43, 6F

04/04 17:05, , 7F
完全不覺他們像 說他們是瑜亮好怪
04/04 17:05, 7F
Lillard多一票lol 記者帶風向失敗~

04/04 17:19, , 8F
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04/04 19:47, , 15F
Curry在奧克蘭打球,而Lillard是從奧克蘭出身 比較好。
04/04 19:47, 15F

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04/04 20:04, , 18F
rendered sequences of spirited defense futile 應該是
04/04 20:04, 18F

04/04 20:05, , 19F
造成對手防守無效 的意思吧,兩人的進攻都太強了。
04/04 20:05, 19F

04/04 20:06, , 20F
lost steam as the Warriors collectively gained it
04/04 20:06, 20F

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04/04 20:09, , 24F
感謝翻譯 推!
04/04 20:09, 24F

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04/04 20:10, 25F
※ 編輯: eva00780 (, 04/04/2016 20:47:20

04/04 22:13, , 26F
04/04 22:13, 26F

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04/04 22:13, 27F

04/04 23:13, , 28F
thx for translate!
04/04 23:13, 28F

04/05 00:57, , 29F
04/05 00:57, 29F

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04/06 14:41, , 31F
go go
04/06 14:41, 31F