[外電] 小牛的火燙手感無法彌補才能的差距-禁轉

看板G-S-WARRIORS作者 (九西哩)時間8年前 (2016/03/26 19:46), 8年前編輯推噓15(15021)
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哈囉! 今天的比賽最後一節關門關的有點失敗,整場防守也不太好。 除了一直都很穩的Sdot跟拼命三郎HB之外,大家好像都滿鬆懈的。 比賽可以輕鬆打,但防守還是要顧好啊~~ 外電翻譯起手式:文章嚴禁以任何形式流出勇士版,翻譯錯誤請指教。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dallas' hot shooting not enough for talent gap 小牛的火燙手感無法彌補才能的差距 By Derek Knight on Mar 25, 2016, 10:07p http://tinyurl.com/gwvz2dt David Lee gets his ring; Warriors win 52nd straight at home, become 18th team ever to reach 65 wins. David Lee拿到他的戒指、勇士取得主場52連勝,也是歷史上第18支取得單季65勝的隊伍。 With apologies to the Dallas Mavericks, they aren't a particularly talented team relative to the top of the Western Conference. When faced with an overwhelming disadvantage in pure talent, the most pragmatic tacticians begin looking for opponents who play a style that optimizes their own chances of winning. Dallas coach Rick Carlisle, as crafty as they come, might begin to look wonderingly at the indestructible fortress the Golden State Warriors have built this season as the season winds down. 抱歉了小牛,你們跟西區第一比起來,並不是特別有才能的隊伍。 面對才能上壓倒性的劣勢,最實際的戰術家會去找一個就打法上來說, 最有可能讓自己贏球的對手作戰。 當球季邁入倒數,儘管小牛總教練Rick Carlisle是一個非常有技巧的教練, 他也只能開始驚奇地看著勇士在這個球季裡打造出來的,無懈可擊的堡壘。 Carlisle's Mavericks have a dearth of top-end high-minute talent, but a plethora of mediocre journeyman veterans in Deron Williams, Raymond Felton, J.J. Barea, Devon Harris, Charlie Villanueva, etc; all of whom play their best ball against the Warriors. The Mavericks front office has inadvertently assembled a petri dish of proverbial thorns in the Warriors side. Perhaps the up-and-down nature is conducive to all of the aforementioned players' preferred pace; perhaps it's simply cosmic linkage between the two franchises to always have one be the poor matchup to the other more dominant cosmic cousin. 小牛隊沒有才能頂尖且可以負擔夠多上場時間的人才,只有一群身手普通的老將。 例如:Deron Williams、Raymond Felton、JJB、 Devon Harris、Charlie Villanueva等等。但是, 他們在對上勇士的時候都拿出最佳表現。 小牛的制服組無意之中打造出一支足以刺進勇士陣地的荊棘之隊。 也許是由於小牛來回傳導的球風正好最合上述老將的胃口, 也許是由於這兩支球隊有著精神上的連結,小牛一直是弱化版的勇士。 It's not quite that the Warriors can't solve the Mavericks. It's not as severe as the inter-team dynamic played out in 2007 when the 67-win Mavericks lost the regular season series and the first-round playoff matchup to the .500-hovering Warriors. The Mavericks can't guard the Warriors, but the Warriors also seem ill-equipped to guard Barea and the rotating cast of diminutive, crafty, midrange-happy guards. 勇士並不是不能應付小牛。 這次比賽的場面並不像2007年,小牛隊被勇士老8的時候那麼嚴重。 但是勇士在防守JJB,還有一群輪番上陣,個頭小、技巧十足、 擅長中距離投籃的後衛們的時候,明顯準備不足。 Thus, when it was announced early that legendary post Dirk Nowitzki, wing Chandler Parsons, and guards Devon Harris and Deron Williams -- four fifths of the regular workhorses for the Mavericks -- were all out for the match against the Warriors, the onus was shifted firmly and entirely on the Warriors. A massive underdog on the road and without much reason to believe it should win is a dangerously buoyant, carefree, flammable combination. The favorite in such a match should be prepared to completely smother the underdogs immediately in such a situation, lest they find an errant spark of hope that ignites the entire pyre. 所以,在一場Dirk、CP25、Devon Harris跟Deron Williams (佔小牛最常上場的球員的5分之4)不上場的比賽裡, 勇士要為這個不理想的結果負全部的責任。 小牛這群正在進行客場之旅,又被認定注定要輸球的球員 充滿自信、無所畏懼又手感發燙。 占盡全部優勢的勇士照理講應該要在開賽就輾過小牛,不給他們一絲希望。 The Warriors failed to smother the Mavericks at the onset of the game, and paid the price with a game that was slightly tougher than it should have been. The struggles came entirely on the defensive end, which was a predictable dilemma to anyone who has seen the two teams play this season. The Splash Bros. of Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson went for 40 pts on 21 FGAs at halftime -- but unfortunately their counterparts for the Mavericks, Barea and Felton, had 29 points on 20 attempts over the same timespan. The dilapidated Mavericks hung 58 points at halftime on the Warriors, but still found themselves down 14. Again, neither team can defend the other. 勇士們開賽時沒有辦法輾過小牛,並為此付出代價:比賽變得比想像中要艱難。 勇士會掙扎著求勝完全是因為防守的關係。 任何看完勇士與小牛在這一季的所有比賽的人,都會預期到這個困局。 浪花兄弟在上半場靠著21個2分球合砍40分,但不幸的是, 小牛的後場組合-JJB跟Felton合計出手20次,上半場總共拿下29分。 又老又傷的小牛上半場拿下58分,卻落後勇士14分。 又一次,兩支隊伍都沒辦法守住對方。 Barea holds himself in a sturdy manner much the same way Chris Paul of the Los Angeles Clippers does. By contrast, Curry, the larger man of all three players, is more times aloof and looser on the floor -- sometimes intentionally so to lull opponents into mistakenly misjudging how tired he is. Because of his sometimes slumped shoulders, Barea and in the past Paul were capable of bulldogging Curry, sometimes even standing in his path when he's walking to high-five teammates going into timeouts. It's an interesting dynamic, which may be indicative of the mental games opponents resort to in an attempt to edge-up Curry. JJB的拼勁跟前天造訪勇士主場的CP3有得比。 但3個人當中個頭比較大的Curry,在場上有很多次都表現出鬆懈、旁觀的樣子。 也許Curry只是為了讓對手誤判他的疲憊指數,但因為他垂著肩膀的樣子, JJB還有2天前的CP3都會蠻橫的槓上Curry,甚至還會在暫停時間, 阻擋Curry跟隊友擊掌的去路。 這股化學效應非常有趣,也許是證明對手們現在都在想辦法刺激Curry,讓他變得浮躁。 -->感謝BYANG大校對 The Warriors held the reins slightly tauter at times in the third. Curry resumed his season-long pyrotechnics show, with crowd-pleasing bombs and nifty ballhandling. Thompson joined him, setting a new personal best in three-point makes in a season along the way. 勇士在第3節有稍稍打起精神。 Curry用超遠3分跟超技巧的持球動作,重現他這季以來的驚奇演出。 KT也加入他的行列,開始鋪墊他單季個人3分進球數的新紀錄。 -->感謝BYANG大校對 Draymond Green appeared to have fun out on the court, hitting a few threes and playing active defense. But the Mavericks never really got lost in the rearview mirror. Barea handed off the duties of being unruly hot against the Warriors to Wesley Matthews, who scored 18 points in the quarter. Green在場上看起來挺開心的,他進了幾個3分球,也有幾次精彩的防守表現。 但是小牛從沒有大幅落後。 JJB把火燙的手感傳給Wesley Mathews,讓他在第3節砍下18分。 The Mavericks scored 89 points against the Warriors by the end of the third quarter. This is a team without their top three scorers in terms of pure points per game. 小牛在第3節結束時已經得了89分。 而且他們以場均得分而言,最好的3個得分點還沒有上場。 Klay Thompson's incinerating shooting carried over into the final frame, and early on the Warriors surpassed last year's Houston Rockets for most threes in a season (on considerably less attempts in considerably less games) on a deep Klay shot. The Mavericks, this time transposing their frisky shooting into Charlie Villanueva. KT的火燙手感一路持續到比賽結束。 他在第4節剛開始的一記超遠3分讓勇士超越去年火箭單季最多3分的紀錄, 而且出手次數和花費的比賽場次跟火箭比少的不可思議。 小牛這回手感火燙的人則是Charlie Villanueva。 -->感謝BYANG大校對 Harrison Barnes also continued to clank open shots and get stuffed on attempts closer to the rim. While Barnes' shot and timing was not up to "max contract" level, a continuing trend from recent weeks, Barnes made up for it with hustling harder than anyone else on the offensive rebounds. HB這場比賽依舊空檔打鐵,而且在籃框附近的出手也一直被阻擋。 儘管他幾週來的出手結果跟時機實在稱不上頂薪等級, 他比任何人都要積極搶進攻籃板的態度也能彌補過來。 By the time Stephen Curry checked back into action, the once 18-point lead that had dwindled to 13 by the end of the third had fallen all the way to just six. The Mavericks, with that aforementioned carefree buoyancy, were a team that was impossible to demoralize -- with no expectations, it's hard to be crestfallen about much of anything. In contrast, the Warriors at times looked tight, as the weight of expected performance began to mount. Oracle Arena, in the past the home of many carefree buoyant teams, has an annoying tendency to buzz like an angry hive of bees when the Warriors are not up by 20 points after the first quarter. 等到Curry第4節重回場上的時候, 第3節最高拉開到18分,結束時還維持在13分的領先已經掉到剩6分了。 就像稍早說的,由於小牛自信且無所畏懼的態度,他們根本不可能失去希望。 畢竟,不期不待、沒有傷害。 相較之下,勇士看起來很緊繃,被期待要拿出表現的重擔爬上他們的肩頭。 當勇士沒有第1節打完領先20分的時候, 看過很多自信又無所畏懼的球隊比賽的主場觀眾像被激怒的蜜蜂們一樣鼓譟著。 It took a final push with under a minute to left for the Warriors to ice away the match with a depleted Mavericks team that, quite frankly, should not have been putting this Warriors team in jeopardy within the final four minutes of the match. It was another incomplete game by the Warriors, a team that has struggled mightily all season to attain it's highest level of performance on a nightly basis. 坦白說,小牛不該是在比賽最後4分鐘時,差點要破壞勇士勝利的那支球隊, 而勇士為了得到勝利,在最後1分鐘又推了一把。 勇士這一季以來花了很大的力氣,試圖每晚都拿出頂級的表現。 而今晚,勇士又帶來一場不圓滿的比賽。 -->感謝BYANG大校對 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 後天對爐主76人,勇士加油!!! 外電翻譯收操式:文章嚴禁以任何形式流出勇士版,翻譯錯誤請指教。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1458992806.A.68E.html

03/26 19:55, , 1F
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03/26 20:57, , 8F
我也不懂這場防守有多不好 只覺得小牛三分命中率很高...
03/26 20:57, 8F

03/26 22:00, , 9F
03/26 22:00, 9F

03/26 22:13, , 10F
空檔超多不算好吧 但是該贏贏了就好
03/26 22:13, 10F

03/26 22:27, , 11F
Kerr會處理的 ~ 大家不要受傷就對了 ! 衝擊73勝吧
03/26 22:27, 11F

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...which may be indicative of the mental games...
03/26 23:07, 19F

03/26 23:08, , 20F
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03/26 23:09, , 21F
..a new personal best in three-point makes in a season.
03/26 23:09, 21F

03/26 23:10, , 22F
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03/26 23:12, , 23F
on considerably less attempts in considerably less game
03/26 23:12, 23F

03/26 23:12, , 24F
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03/26 23:18, , 25F
最後一句是:對於整季一直無法 每晚都打出最高水準表現 的
03/26 23:18, 25F

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03/26 23:24, , 29F
萬一真的對手輪流手感火熱 到不可思議而輸球,那也就認了,
03/26 23:24, 29F

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03/26 23:28, , 34F
03/26 23:28, 34F
拿回球權之後也沒得分,真的非常吐血... Kerr一笑置之真是修養太好,是我大概戰術版砸破1打了吧XDDD

03/26 23:30, , 35F
03/26 23:30, 35F
※ 編輯: eva00780 (, 03/26/2016 23:40:38

03/27 17:56, , 36F
03/27 17:56, 36F
文章代碼(AID): #1MzdQcQE (G-S-WARRIORS)