[情報] Sdot的QA時間-嚴禁任何形式轉載

看板G-S-WARRIORS作者 (九西哩)時間8年前 (2016/03/25 18:41), 8年前編輯推噓17(1707)
留言24則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/1
哈囉!今天有點忙,所以我放的是Sdot在今天早上(台灣時間)跟球迷的問答活動。 Sdot在這次客場之旅有多重要,相信大家都知道。 所以就看看他的QA,多了解他一下吧XD 題目有點多,有些其他隊的球迷來告白或挑釁,或是跟NCAA有關的題目就不放了 翻譯起手式:文章嚴禁以任何形式流出勇士版,翻譯錯誤請指教。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twitter Q&A with Shaun Livingston 討論串傳送門:http://tinyurl.com/gu2zy37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.Do you want to be a starter? 你想先發嗎? I want to be a winner! Doesn't matter to me how it's done 我要當贏家,不管我要怎麼做。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.how has your injury changed your appreciation for the game? 你的膝傷是如何改變你對比賽的想法呢? take nothing for granted....ever 永遠不要把事情當作理所當然。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Favorite teammate in the locker room? 勇士更衣室裡最喜歡的隊友? all of them clowns 所有人!這些小丑們<3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. favorite player you've gotten the opportunity to guard? 在你防守過的球員裡,最喜歡的是誰? Steve Nash ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. How does it feel having played more games with Warriors than at any of your other stops? Planning on staying?  勇士是你代表出賽過最多場的球隊,你有什麼感覺?想留下嗎? humbling! Would love to stay as long as I can   虛心接受,能留多久就多久 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.best teammate you've ever had? 生涯最好的隊友是誰? Kevin Garnett/Stephen Jackson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.I'm currently a culinary student. If giving the opportunity to cook for u, what would u like? 我在念廚藝學校,如果我有榮幸幫你做菜,請問最想點什麼? curry stir fry 乾咖哩 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. favorite arena to play in other than oracle?  除了勇士以外,最喜歡哪一隊的主場? The Garden 尼克 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. what are the top 5 roads cities that you look the most forward to going to during the season? 例行賽的客場最期待去哪5個城市? Chicago/LA/NY/Miami/PHX 芝加哥、紐約、LA、邁阿密、鳳凰城 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. How old were you when you started playin basketball? 幾歲開始打籃球? 5歲 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. proudest moment in your career? 生涯最驕傲的時刻? winning Mr Larry Obrien 勇士總冠軍 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. HOW DOES IT FEEL 2B A HISTORIC CHAMPION 成為歷史上的冠軍是什麼感覺? Truly Amazing 真是太奇妙了! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. how do you mentally prepare for a game? 你如何做比賽的心理準備? I keep my mind off of basketball and into the present moment. Also going to chapel and prayer are big components 不要注意籃球的事而是專注在當下,還有上教堂禱告也很重要。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. favorite professional sports teams. NFL, MLB, NHL 美足、棒球跟曲棍球支持哪隊? all Chicago teams 芝加哥的隊伍 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. what's your biggest motivation 人生最大的目標? being the best version of myself and impacting/helping others 做最好的自己,還有影響或幫助他人。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. your go to food before a game? 比賽前吃東西嗎? pasta/ lots of carbs 義大利麵/很多碳水化合物 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. could you post up Andrew Bogut? 你可以對Bogut使出背框單打嗎? he'll tell u the truth... 他會告訴你實話… ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Funniest teammate you've ever had? 生涯中最逗趣的隊友? Jason Terry/ KG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Favorite Late Night Snack? 最喜歡的消夜? apples and trail mix 蘋果跟綜合果乾 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. Favorite Movie? 最喜歡的電影? Inception 全面啟動 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21. how was your tenure with the Brooklyn Nets 在籃網的日子如何? I enjoyed my time and team mates in Brooklyn 我享受在籃網打球的時光,還有我的隊友。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22. what do you like to do on your days off? 休假都做什麼? Read/eat/ surf(the net)/ cruise/vibe/rest 閱讀/吃飯/上網/坐郵輪/看Vibe/休息 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23. after your injury, ur game changed, who did u study, if anyone at all ? 你受傷之後打法變了,有參考什麼人嗎? Sam Cassel/Steve Smith ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24. u wish u went to college first! Or u happy going pro? 你曾希望你有去念大學,還是其實直接加入NBA也很好? happy with my decisions can't look back boss 直接加入也很好,做了就不能回頭。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25. Bucket list vacation spot/adventure? 最想去哪裡度假? Maldives 馬爾地夫 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26. Do you see yourself getting into coaching when your career ends? Super high IQ + leadership makes you a natural fit. 你退休後想當教練嗎?你超聰明又有領導能力,一定超適合。 great question/ I could but would prefer the front office 好問題。我可以當教練,但我比較想進制服組。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27. you ever Play Iggy in high school? 你高中時有跟小AI比賽過嗎? yep smacked em 有,我們血洗他們。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28. how many 3s do the Warriors shoot per practice 勇士每次練習都投多少個3分球啊? great question have to look that one up 好問題,我得查查。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29. what was your favorite NBA team growing up as a kid? 童年最喜歡的球隊是? bulls cmon man 當然是公牛啊!!這還要問... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30. favorite dessert? 最喜歡的甜點? apple walnut cobbler 蘋果核桃酥 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31. How in the world did you master that incredibly difficult 8-12' shot? Have u always had that touch from that range? 你到底是怎麼練出跳投的呢?你在那些位置上的手感一直很好嗎? hours n hours of practice 苦練 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32.why did you decide to grow a natural fro this year? 為什麼現在是這個髮型呢? low maintenance 不太需要照顧 Bogut亂入: can you bring back your Clipper days afro? Please..... Do it for the kids 你可以留快艇時代的頭嗎?拜託,就當作是為了孩子們... 快艇時代:http://tinyurl.com/zyys2cf http://tinyurl.com/zmsj3f4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 翻譯收操式:文章嚴禁以任何形式流出勇士版,翻譯錯誤請指教 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1458902480.A.CF5.html

03/25 18:46, , 1F
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03/25 19:22, , 4F
17. post up 是指背框單打。所以能夠背框單打 Bogut 嗎?XD
03/25 19:22, 4F

03/25 19:24, , 5F
03/25 19:24, 5F

03/25 19:26, , 6F
29. 他就芝加哥那裡長大的,又是那個年代,還用問嗎?Cmon.
03/25 19:26, 6F

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03/25 19:26, 7F

03/25 19:29, , 8F
3. 其實答案應該是所有人,只是所有人都像小丑一樣開心,
03/25 19:29, 8F

03/25 19:30, , 9F
打打鬧鬧。所以,他們這些小丑我全部都喜歡。 XD
03/25 19:30, 9F

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03/25 22:03, , 16F
感謝翻譯! 能看到Sdot大傷後重返NBA,真的很激勵人心!
03/25 22:03, 16F

03/25 22:04, , 17F
而且還拿了一座總冠軍,"Truly Amazing 真是太奇妙了!"
03/25 22:04, 17F

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※ 編輯: eva00780 (, 03/26/2016 13:39:52

03/27 12:55, , 23F
03/27 12:55, 23F

03/29 14:13, , 24F
03/29 14:13, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #1MzHNGpr (G-S-WARRIORS)