[外電] 當Curry再度掙扎,Green引領比賽-禁轉

看板G-S-WARRIORS作者 (九西哩)時間8年前 (2016/03/22 17:04), 8年前編輯推噓32(32038)
留言70則, 28人參與, 最新討論串1/1
賽後外電來囉! 今天沒看比賽,但是看Live文覺得大家應該打的很萎靡。 而且賽後訪問Kerr也直言累了,連教練團都累了。 希望勇士回主場接受靈氣加持之後會好一些,而且幾個受傷的都要回來了一定會更好。 至於對手的防守嘛...相信勇士也會很快找到解方的。 比如說,Green今天就打得很有信心。今天的外電也是以Green為主角。 外電翻譯起手式:文章嚴禁以任何形式流出勇士版,翻譯錯誤請指教。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Draymond Green delivers for Warriors as Stephen Curry struggles again 當Curry再度掙扎,Green引領比賽 Ethan Sherwood Strauss 1:28 AM ET http://tinyurl.com/h2q954e The Golden State Warriors, and most especially Stephen Curry, looked ragged, dragging through the last game of this road trip, fighting it out with the Minnesota Timberwolves on Monday night. It seemed they would finally lose two straight games, a fate they’ve so far avoided this season. 今晚的勇士隊,特別是Curry,看起來殘破不堪, 在客場之旅的最後一場比賽中拖著腳步,與灰狼纏鬥著。 看樣子,他們可能終於要面臨閃躲了整個球季的2連敗。 Maybe you could even forgive a loss here, with three defensive stalwarts out (Andre Iguodala, Andrew Bogut and Festus Ezeli) and 6-foot-9, 240-pound James Michael McAdoo making his first career start at center. Enter human defibrillator Draymond Green, whose forceful skill galvanized the Warriors to a 109-104 victory. 在缺了3名防守大將,不得不由身高僅僅6尺9、體重240磅, 還是生涯第一次先發的McAdoo來扛中鋒的情況下,也許你會原諒這次輸球。 但是勇士的心臟電擊器:Green站了出來。 他充滿力量的球技激勵勇士,以109-104的比數獲勝。 Enter the bench as well, as a collective effort was needed to steady the ship in the absence of Curry’s expected greatness. The reigning and presumptive MVP looked half himself on Monday, coughing up five turnovers in the third quarter (he finished with five) and shooting 6-of-17 for the game. 板凳軍在比賽中也站了出來,在Curry無法拿出優異表現時,用團體表現穩住勇士。 我們這位現任且即將衛冕的MVP今晚看起來不像自己: 他在第3節發生5次失誤(整場也就這麼多),整場命中率只有17投6中。 “He missed a lot of shots he normally makes and over the course of an 82-game season, that’s going to happen,” Green explained. “And it hasn’t happened much for him, so it’s unbelievable for everybody, but it happens. But it’s our job to pick him up.” Green:「他錯失了幾個應該進的球,但是例行賽有82場,這一定會發生的, 況且也沒有很常發生。 所以雖然很難相信,可是就是會這樣,而我們的責任就是站出來扛他。」 Green continued, “You know, he carries us a lot of games. When the team can’t get it going, Steph gets it going and then everyone else. And now he’s struggling with his shot a little bit, it’s our turn to pick him up.” Green又繼續說:「你知道,Curry在好幾場比賽裡carry我們: 如果球隊沒辦法打開局面,他會先站出來,然後我們跟上。 現在他打得很掙扎,那就該輪到我們來扛他。」 -->感謝BYANG大大校對 The way in which Green specifically picked Golden State up was connected to Curry. Teams are switching screens against the Warriors, often putting a guard on Green, daring him to generate offense. He responded with a punishing effort against Minnesota screen switchers, finishing with 24 points on 10-of-13 shooting, nine rebounds and six assists. Green把Curry拉回來的方法是在進攻上與他配合。 對手們現在都用「被勇士擋就換人防」的方式對付勇士, 用一個後衛守著Green,挑戰他發動進攻的能力。 但是Green懲罰了被換上來的防守者,全場拿下24分、命中率13投10中、9籃板跟6助攻。 -->感謝BYANG大大校對 Of the switching strategy, Green said, “If they’re going to continue to do that, I’m going to continue to make sure I’m taking advantage of the team’s guards, whether that’s in the post. And it’s not just scoring, it’s making plays out of the post, it’s attacking off the dribble, offensive rebound, offensive glass. ... Teams are going to continue to play us like that because they saw us lose one game doing that and they think it’s the answer. Well, that’s fine. We’ll do what we do.” Green是這樣評論對手的防守策略的: 「如果他們一直要這樣做的話,不管我是不是能在低位(拿到球), 我都會確保我能利用那個後衛。 不只是得分,我也會利用對方的後衛來完成我的進攻方式: 把球傳出禁區、運球進攻或搶進攻籃板都是。 我們的對手會一直用輪轉防守的策略,因為他看到我們輸給了這個方式1次, 覺得那是擊敗我們的解答。但沒關係,我們也會照我們的方式打。」 -->感謝BYANG大大校對 The switching sets the stage for Green to come through, to leverage his multifaceted skillset against a defense focused on the Splash Brothers -- Curry and Klay Thompson. Warriors coach Steve Kerr said of the phenomenon, “It’s been easy to see his shooting and scoring is coming back. It’s been coming back the last few games. What’s happening now is everybody’s switching out on the guards. Three games in a row now -- Dallas, San Antonio and Minnesota -- they’re just switching everything and that gives Draymond a ton of room to work with inside and down on the block. So, he’s going to score more when teams play us that way.” 「被勇士擋就換人防」的策略為Green鋪設了爆發的舞台, 讓他利用自己多樣的技巧來對抗為了浪花兄弟設計的防守策略。 Kerr對這個現象的評論是: 「Green的投射跟得分能力回復很容易就看出來,而他的手感已經回來幾場了。 現在的狀況是大家都在對我們的後衛採用『被擋就換防』的策略:小牛、馬刺、灰狼都是。 他們每個人都上來防守,也讓Green在禁區內有一堆空間可以發揮。 所以,Green會在對手不斷換防的時候得分更多。」 -->感謝BYANG大大校對 Curry might have been off his game, but the threat he presents remains constant. The Warriors got good offense from Green briefly screening for Curry and rolling hard to the basket against a defense primed for a lingering pick on basketball’s most feared shooter. Curry的手感也許沒有回來,但是他的威脅仍在: Green短暫的為Curry擋人之後,就強力往禁區進攻, 衝擊這套以「阻止勇士把球傳給外線那個史上最可怕的射手」為目的的防守體系, 讓勇士的攻擊收到良好的效果。 Beyond Green’s contributions, the Warriors’ effort was shored up by the recently incandescent Marreese Speights, and the ever steady Shaun Livingston. Their contributions were crucial on an evening where Curry was a step slow. 在Green的貢獻之外,也多虧有近來表現亮眼的Mo和永遠穩定的Sdot來推動勇士。 這兩人的貢獻在Curry慢了一步的時候,顯得非常重要。 Speaking of which, Curry’s current status is a bit of a mystery. Kerr posited that his fatigue was more mental than physical and Curry himself rejects the notion of being tired. When asked about fatigue, he said, “It’s the NBA, man. It’s 82 games, it’s the same way every year. If we can’t handle the challenges that come at us at this point of the season, we’ve got to do something about it.” 說到Curry慢了一步的表現,他現在的狀態實在是個謎。 Kerr在回答這個問題的一開始,就聲明Curry只是心態上有些疲累,不是體力下滑, 而Curry自己也否認他累了。Curry的回答是: 「這可是NBA啊。這可是每年都有的82場比賽啊。 如果我們不能承受在例行賽的這個時間點出現的這些挑戰,我們就應該要做點什麼。」 Eventually, Curry’s game will correct its course, and two consecutive poor performances isn’t cause for extreme alarm. The bigger mystery and concern might be Harrison Barnes (31 minutes, six points on Monday), who’s largely been less than a factor since returning from an ankle sprain. It remains to be seen if Golden State needs a productive Barnes, but they could certainly use him. Curry的狀態總會調整過來的,而且連續2場表現不佳也不是什麼非常嚴重的警訊。 最大的謎題擔憂是HB(上場31分鐘只得6分), 他在腳踝扭傷復出之後一直沒有扮演好他的角色。 雖然勇士需不需要HB在數據上有更多貢獻要看狀況,但是一定會用得上他。 -->感謝BYANG大大校對 In the meantime, Golden State will rely on a superstar and two All-Stars flanked by a roster replete with versatility. They’ll rely on “73 wins,” a motivating goal the players are increasingly open about. After the game, Green said, “I think it’s something that can help you focus because, obviously, you’ve got to win.” 在HB狀態回來之前,勇士還是要仰賴他們的超級巨星、2個全明星, 還有他們多功能的輪替陣容從旁協助。 他們還要仰賴「73勝」,這個球員們越來越常公開討論的目標,來激勵他們。 Green在賽後是這樣說的: 「我覺得73勝可以幫助我們保持專注,因為,要達到目標,你一定要贏。」 -->感謝BYANG大大校對 It’s an enviable position, even for the highly fatigued. Maybe the Warriors can’t rest on their laurels, but they can certainly draw strength from them. 即使這一群人累壞了,他們還是處在令人稱羨的位置上。 也許勇士們無法在冠軍寶座上休息,但他們可以從中汲取能量。 -->感謝BYANG大大校對 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 這次的客場真的是無比掙扎,希望勇士們可以好好休息,在主場繼續光鮮亮麗。 另外也補充一些訪談翻譯: "That's the last man you should have to worry about in the NBA, Steph Curry," backcourt mate Klay Thompson said. KT:「Curry是全聯盟最不需要你擔心的人啦。」 "That's probably what I'm the most proud of with all the numbers and streaks and all that stuff," Warriors coach Steve Kerr said. "If you can go an entire season without losing two in a row, shocking. We're not there yet, but we're close." Kerr:「這是所有連勝啊數據啊什麼的數字之外,我最驕傲的紀錄了。 如果你可以整整一季都沒有連敗,那真是太驚悚了。 我們還沒有達標,但我們很接近了。」 "The season always has these natural ebbs and flows emotionally, and I think we're just kind of in a down cycle right now with all these games we've played and the emotion of the Spurs game the other night," Kerr said. "It just felt like we didn't have a lot in the tank." Kerr:「球季裡本來就有自然的情緒起伏,而我覺得我們現在大概處在低潮, 又加上對馬刺比賽的輸球情緒。我覺得我們的精力槽大概快耗光了。」 "I pride myself on trying to be the most consistent guy out there," Curry said. "The last two games haven't been great. Tonight I did some other stuff to try to help the team besides scoring, but I obviously have to play better, and you can pretty much count on that." Curry:「我對自己在場上保持穩定的表現感到自豪。 最近2場比賽並不好。我做了一些得分以外的其他事情,來幫助球隊。 但我顯然必須要表現更好一點,而你也一定會看到我表現更好的。」 勇士加油!! 外電翻譯收操式:文章嚴禁以任何形式流出勇士版,翻譯錯誤請指教。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1458637474.A.492.html

03/22 17:15, , 1F
03/22 17:15, 1F

03/22 17:22, , 2F
推推 勇士繼續加油 HB加油 Curry加油
03/22 17:22, 2F

03/22 17:25, , 3F
下場打快艇 加油!!
03/22 17:25, 3F

03/22 17:31, , 4F
03/22 17:31, 4F

03/22 17:38, , 5F
03/22 17:38, 5F

03/22 17:41, , 6F
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03/22 17:49, , 7F
03/22 17:49, 7F

03/22 17:57, , 8F
03/22 17:57, 8F

03/22 18:03, , 9F
Curry終場前犯了三罰的規 Green不知道喊了他什麼 然後
03/22 18:03, 9F

03/22 18:03, , 10F
Curry就點點頭 兩人四目交接 阿斯 好感動阿 ~
03/22 18:03, 10F
沒看直播看不到QQ 但這種東西Highlight也不會剪進去...(翻桌)

03/22 18:08, , 11F
隊友相挺 讚啊
03/22 18:08, 11F

03/22 18:20, , 12F
狀況調整回來就沒問題的! 勇士加油!!!
03/22 18:20, 12F

03/22 18:38, , 13F
03/22 18:38, 13F

03/22 18:39, , 14F
03/22 18:39, 14F

03/22 19:02, , 15F
03/22 19:02, 15F
我是覺得他現在感覺好緊繃,也許放鬆點打會好很多, 總之,我自己覺得他需要no pressure的心態。

03/22 19:46, , 16F
不過是,如果「球隊」沒辦法打開局面。 是球隊全體。
03/22 19:46, 16F

03/22 19:47, , 17F
03/22 19:47, 17F

03/22 19:51, , 18F
get it going翻成打開局面,我覺得很好。就是打得比較順。
03/22 19:51, 18F

03/22 19:52, , 19F
03/22 19:52, 19F

03/22 19:53, , 20F
switching screens是指勇士隊擋人的時候,對手直接換防,
03/22 19:53, 20F

03/22 19:55, , 21F
03/22 19:55, 21F

03/22 19:56, , 22F
03/22 19:56, 22F

03/22 19:57, , 23F
often putting a guard on Green是指換防之後,由後衛來
03/22 19:57, 23F

03/22 19:58, , 24F
防守Green。 daring him to generate offense 是挑戰Green
03/22 19:58, 24F

03/22 19:59, , 25F
03/22 19:59, 25F
也就是說,以前對手兩個人撲Curry,現在只有一個人撲,但是守Green的變成是後衛。 -->說明幫標,感謝BYANG大大

03/22 20:02, , 26F
03/22 20:02, 26F

03/22 20:05, , 27F
03/22 20:05, 27F

03/22 20:06, , 28F
03/22 20:06, 28F

03/22 20:08, , 29F
03/22 20:08, 29F

03/22 20:09, , 30F
籃板。 post是指禁區低位。dribble是運球。
03/22 20:09, 30F

03/22 20:10, , 31F
Green的評論,霸氣十足啊! ^o^b
03/22 20:10, 31F
a lingering pick是指防守方在進攻方擋人之後, 大個子停留在史上最可怕的射手旁邊。哈哈。 這裡只是解釋一下。 -->說明幫標,感謝BYANG大大

03/22 20:22, , 32F
更大的謎題與擔憂可能是 HB。
03/22 20:22, 32F

03/22 20:22, , 33F
a productive Barnes是指數據上有更多貢獻的Barnes,
03/22 20:22, 33F

03/22 20:23, , 34F
所以才說It remains to be seen.
03/22 20:23, 34F

03/22 20:24, , 35F
03/22 20:24, 35F

03/22 20:25, , 36F
03/22 20:25, 36F

03/22 20:29, , 37F
03/22 20:29, 37F

03/22 20:30, , 38F
輔助。 flanked像是 從旁輔助的側翼 的意思。
03/22 20:30, 38F

03/22 20:33, , 39F
03/22 20:33, 39F

03/22 20:33, , 40F
03/22 20:33, 40F
筆者用了複數,而且現在又還沒拿到冠軍,現在就翻冠軍好嗎? 而且對照前段想要73勝的話來看,感覺是要靠贏球來吸收能量沒錯吧?

03/22 21:04, , 41F
03/22 21:04, 41F

03/22 21:56, , 42F
03/22 21:56, 42F

03/22 21:58, , 43F
03/22 21:58, 43F

03/22 21:59, , 44F
03/22 21:59, 44F

03/22 22:00, , 45F
03/22 22:00, 45F

03/22 22:01, , 46F
03/22 22:01, 46F
嗯嗯,前面的position讓我聯想到的是這個球季的表現。 所以我才不覺得他是在說冠軍。而且上個球季我完全沒在關心NBA的事情:p

03/22 22:09, , 47F
03/22 22:09, 47F

03/22 22:25, , 48F
03/22 22:25, 48F

03/22 22:46, , 49F
03/22 22:46, 49F

03/22 22:47, , 50F
'Green懲罰了被換上來的防守者' 幹得好!
03/22 22:47, 50F

03/22 22:52, , 51F
03/22 22:52, 51F

03/22 22:53, , 52F
03/22 22:53, 52F

03/22 22:53, , 53F
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03/22 22:58, , 54F
03/22 22:58, 54F

03/22 22:59, , 55F
03/22 22:59, 55F

03/22 23:03, , 56F
03/22 23:03, 56F
推大大~ ※ 編輯: eva00780 (, 03/22/2016 23:07:16

03/22 23:12, , 57F
03/22 23:12, 57F

03/22 23:15, , 58F
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03/22 23:16, , 60F
03/22 23:16, 60F

03/22 23:17, , 61F
03/22 23:17, 61F

03/23 00:00, , 62F
03/23 00:00, 62F

03/23 02:43, , 63F
接下來應該每一隊都會用這種全換防策略 輪轉夠快的隊伍還
03/23 02:43, 63F

03/23 02:43, , 64F
能在搭配三分線外包夾或未持球包夾演變些戰術 curry難關
03/23 02:43, 64F

03/23 02:43, , 65F
03/23 02:43, 65F

03/23 11:22, , 66F
03/23 11:22, 66F

03/23 13:35, , 67F
http://tinyurl.com/h2r3sjd 四目交接在 1:47:35 開始
03/23 13:35, 67F

03/23 23:09, , 68F
03/23 23:09, 68F

03/23 23:44, , 69F
03/23 23:44, 69F

03/24 15:56, , 70F
03/24 15:56, 70F