[外電] KT的投射門診幫助勇士超越小牛-禁轉

看板G-S-WARRIORS作者 (九西哩)時間8年前 (2016/03/21 13:57), 8年前編輯推噓12(12031)
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這是一個連發洗版的概念XD 這篇記錄了KT對小牛的好表現,放上來讓大家幫KT集集氣,對灰狼的手感會回溫。 外電翻譯起手式:文章嚴禁以任何形式流出勇士版,翻譯錯誤請指教。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Klay Thompson puts on shooting clinic to drive Warriors past Mavs KT的投射門診幫助勇士超越小牛 Ethan Sherwood Strauss Mar 19, 2016 http://tinyurl.com/jzp42qf After a 130-112 win over the Dallas Mavericks, Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr summarized the effort with: "In the end, we had to count on everybody. We played every guy on our roster, and I thought everybody contributed." That was roughly true, but especially true because Klay Thompson had stretches of being the rock with which "everybody" could steady themselves. 在勇士以130-112的比數擊敗小牛之後,Kerr用這段話總結比賽: 「到了最後,我們必須要倚靠每一個人。 我們用上了陣容裡的每一個人,而且我想每一個人都有貢獻。」 這大概是對的,不過是多虧了KT在一段時間裡,讓所有人都穩定下來。 -->感謝BYANG大校對 Many offensive contributions were called for on a night when the Mavericks started off carving the Warriors' defense (Dirk Nowitzki going against Andrew Bogut at the five paid early dividends for Dallas). For years, Golden State has struggled to get those contributions when Stephen Curry sits. If one had to nitpick a team that could reasonably win more than 73 games, this is an area to target. Sans Curry, the offense falls apart. 當小牛強力壓迫勇士的防守的時候(Dirk在中鋒的位置對上Bogut,對比賽很有貢獻), 勇士在進攻端也有許多人有所貢獻。 勇士幾年來一直在掙扎著尋求Curry休息時的其他得分點。 如果有人想在這支很可能獲得超過73勝的球隊裡找碴,這就是一個可以挑惕的目標。 拿掉Curry以後,勇士的進攻就散落一地。 -->感謝BYANG大校對 That is, unless, Thompson can regularly offer performances half as good as Friday night's shooting clinic. Not only were Thompson's 39 points with 10 3-pointers impressive at face value, but he did so much of his damage as Curry rested. In the 11 minutes Thompson played without Curry, he scored 23 points on 8-of-10 shooting. 當然,那是除非KT沒辦法拿出,有今晚的一半好的表現的時候,才能這麼說。 今晚KT的表現不是只有表面上的39分、外加10顆3分球這麼簡單。 重要的是,他在Curry休息的時候也展現破壞力。 在Curry不在場上跟KT配合的那11分鐘裡,KT繳出23分、命中率10投8中。 -->感謝BYANG大校對 That's quite a feat considering how spacing starved those Curry-less lineups are. Also impressive was Thompson's approach. He was methodical, and though incandescent, refrained from decadent shot-hunting. On how he kept himself from gunning, Thompson said, "Something I just matured into, I think. Not trying to go out there and do it all myself, but realize we got such a deep, talented team that the ball's eventually going to find me if I just stay with it. Don't force it." 考慮到Curry不在場上的時候,進攻空間會有多小的話,KT的表現算是很有成就了。 KT的進攻態度也很令人印象深刻: 他相當有條不紊,而且儘管手感發燙,他還是避免因為高興就濫投。 對於避免自己隨便出手的方式,KT是如此評論的: 「有時候我只是成熟到可以這樣做吧。 我沒有試著在場上自己單幹,而是知道我們是一支板凳深度夠, 而且人人都有才能的球隊,還有如果我保持狀態,他們都會做球給我。 我不能去強迫出手。」 -->感謝BYANG大校對 In this way, Thompson has to rely on the "everybody" Kerr referenced. Though he can pitch in as a No. 1 option, he's not yet suited to being a one-man offense in the manner Curry can call up. Thompson still has to work for his shots, moving side to side, using screens, and trusting his teammates will help him out. In turn, he can't abuse their trust by playing too selfishly. 在這個想法之下,KT得去依賴Kerr所謂的「所有人」。 雖然他絕對可以競逐最佳進攻選擇的地位,他還不能像Curry一樣,打出自走砲級的表現。 KT還是要努力尋找空間:移動位置、找人幫忙擋,並相信他的隊友可以幫助他。 條件是,他不能濫用隊友的信任,打得太自私。 -->感謝BYANG大校對 There's a zen to the approach that borders on spiritual. Or, as Thompson put the ethos, "I believe in the basketball gods, too. If you're forcing shots out there, that's not a good thing to do." 這種接近靈性的態度有股禪意,或者像KT對自己的信念所做的評論: 「我相信籃球之神的存在。如果你一直強行出手,那並不是好事。」 -->感謝BYANG大校對 Thompson's exploits weren't all of the scoring variety, though. As Kerr put it, "He was hot all night and fighting on defense. They've got so many guards who can penetrate and they set so many high screens and I thought Klay really battled defensively." KT的作用並不只是多元的得分能力而已。 就如Kerr所說的:「他整晚手感發燙,而且防守得很賣力。 小牛有很多可以切入的後衛,而且他們在3分線附近就開始擋人(幫助自家後衛順利切入) 所以我覺得KT今晚真的很賣力的防守。」 -->感謝BYANG大校對 In the fourth quarter, Thompson hounded the smaller J.J. Barea, chasing him around screens. During Curry's fourth-quarter rest, Thompson snatched a Barea pass and later swatted his layup into the backboard. This was not Golden State's best defensive performance, but Thompson and Shaun Livingston applied enough pressure near the end to help snuff out the Mavericks' attack. 在第4節的時候,KT像獵犬一般,在眾多阻擋的小牛球員中間, 緊追著個子比較小的J.J. Barea不放。 當Curry第4節下去休息的時候,KT抄截了Barea的傳球,後來又把他的上籃蓋到籃板上。 這並不是勇士最好的防守表現,但KT跟Sdot在比賽結尾製造足夠的壓力, 讓小牛進攻熄火。 -->感謝BYANG大校對 It should be noted that Curry finished with 31 points, 10 assists and 9 boards (ho-hum). The most memorable of his makes was a banked-in corner 3 over Nowitzki. Maybe it's random, or maybe just illustrative of how charmed a stretch it has been for Golden State, but Curry has now banked in 10 3-pointers this season; no other player boasts more than two such shots. Curry今晚31分10助攻9籃板的表現也值得關注(嗯,很普通)。 他今晚的記憶點是越過Dirk,投進了1顆底角擦板3分球。 也許這是隨機發生的,也許這只表示勇士度過一段很幸運的進攻時間, 但Curry這一個球季已經投進10顆擦板3分球了,現在還沒有球員投進超過2顆。 (注意定義,是擦板進的3分,不是所有3分都算) -->感謝BYANG大校對 On the not-so-charmed part of the ledger, Bogut strained his left big toe and probably will sit out Saturday's hyped game against San Antonio. Kerr joked that a braver man would cede Saturday to the Spurs, in a style of forfeiture associated with Gregg Popovich. "If I had any guts at all I'd sit everybody tomorrow," a smiling Kerr said. "It's like our sixth game in nine nights, national TV. If I was Pop I would sit everybody tomorrow. But I don't have that kind of courage." 今晚比較不幸運是,Bogut的左大拇指扭傷,對馬刺可能不會上場。 Kerr開玩笑說一個有勇氣的人會放棄,比勝利讓給馬刺,像Pop一樣。 Kerr:「如果我有點膽子的話,我明天會輪休所有人。 這是我們9天來的第6場比賽,還要全國轉播。 如果我是Pop,我明天就輪休所有人了,但我沒這個勇氣。」 -->感謝BYANG大校對 Actually playing this game seems more daunting than ducking it. The Spurs have yet to lose at home and the Warriors are without Andre Iguodala, Festus Ezeli and (probably) Bogut. For Golden State to win, the Warriors might need everybody again. Or the basketball gods. Or both, plus another banked-in Curry triple. 事實上,跟馬刺比賽可能比逃避還要恐怖(你在講廢話嗎= =) 馬刺還沒有在主場輸過球,而勇士少了Iggy、Ezeli跟Bogut。 如果勇士要贏球,勇士就再次需要所有人、或籃球之神、 或是2個都要,再加上Curry進1個擦板3分球。 -->感謝BYANG大校對 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 昨天浪花真的鐵,希望今天休息之後會好一點。 以下開放幫浪花的手感集氣囉! 外電翻譯收操式:文章嚴禁以任何形式流出勇士版,翻譯錯誤請指教 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1458539867.A.89A.html

03/21 14:13, , 1F
手感恢復吧 ~
03/21 14:13, 1F

03/21 14:51, , 2F
03/21 14:51, 2F

03/21 15:12, , 3F
好用心 每天都翻譯外電 勇士版真好
03/21 15:12, 3F

03/21 15:18, , 4F
03/21 15:18, 4F

03/21 15:38, , 5F
03/21 15:38, 5F

03/21 16:11, , 6F
03/21 16:11, 6F

03/21 17:32, , 7F
03/21 17:32, 7F

03/21 17:47, , 8F
03/21 17:47, 8F

03/21 19:25, , 9F
感謝翻譯 KT冷靜外表下原來充滿禪意
03/21 19:25, 9F

03/21 19:43, , 10F
which "everybody" could steady themselves. 應該是指
03/21 19:43, 10F

03/21 19:45, , 11F
03/21 19:45, 11F

03/21 19:46, , 12F
03/21 19:46, 12F

03/21 19:47, , 13F
03/21 19:47, 13F

03/21 19:52, , 14F
this is an area to target.這就是一個找碴挑剔的目標。
03/21 19:52, 14F

03/21 19:53, , 15F
he scored 23 points on 8-of-10 shooting.
03/21 19:53, 15F

03/21 19:54, , 16F
03/21 19:54, 16F

03/21 19:58, , 17F
Also impressive was Thompson's approach.
03/21 19:58, 17F

03/21 20:00, , 18F
03/21 20:00, 18F

03/21 20:03, , 19F
03/21 20:03, 19F

03/21 20:05, , 20F
Don't force it.是指不要強迫出手。KT知道不要強迫自幹。
03/21 20:05, 20F

03/21 20:07, , 21F
03/21 20:07, 21F

03/21 20:08, , 22F
03/21 20:08, 22F

03/21 20:10, , 23F
03/21 20:10, 23F

03/21 20:11, , 24F
03/21 20:11, 24F

03/21 20:12, , 25F
Or, as Thompson put the ethos,
03/21 20:12, 25F

03/21 20:13, , 26F
03/21 20:13, 26F

03/21 20:15, , 27F
03/21 20:15, 27F

03/21 20:16, , 28F
(轉頭看有點濫投的 Mo,還有該投不投的大V嘆氣...) XD
03/21 20:16, 28F

03/21 20:17, , 29F
high screens是高位單擋,也就是從三分線左右就開始單擋,
03/21 20:17, 29F

03/21 20:18, , 30F
03/21 20:18, 30F

03/21 20:19, , 31F
沒有那麼多大個子來高位單擋了。 XD
03/21 20:19, 31F

03/21 20:21, , 32F
...and later swatted his layup into the backboard.
03/21 20:21, 32F

03/21 20:23, , 33F
後來還把Barea的上籃蓋到籃板上,俗稱「釘(定)板」。 XD
03/21 20:23, 33F

03/21 20:24, , 34F
The most memorable of his makes was a banked-in corner
03/21 20:24, 34F

03/21 20:26, , 35F
3 over Nowitzki.今天他投進的球之中,最令人印象深刻的是
03/21 20:26, 35F

03/21 20:26, , 36F
03/21 20:26, 36F

03/21 20:28, , 37F
03/21 20:28, 37F

03/21 20:29, , 38F
03/21 20:29, 38F

03/21 20:30, , 39F
playing this game seems more daunting than ducking it.
03/21 20:30, 39F

03/21 20:32, , 40F
03/21 20:32, 40F
※ 編輯: eva00780 (, 03/21/2016 21:14:59

03/21 23:45, , 41F
推推 感謝分享 還有B大轉頭看那段 有同感 好有畫面阿~~
03/21 23:45, 41F

03/21 23:45, , 42F
總之 勇士全員加油~~
03/21 23:45, 42F

03/22 06:45, , 43F
推, eva翻譯,品質保證!
03/22 06:45, 43F
文章代碼(AID): #1MxurRYQ (G-S-WARRIORS)