Fw: [外電] Andre the Giant: 巨人安德烈一世

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僅以舊文恭喜AI9降臨灣區,祝他一切順利。 ※ [本文轉錄自 Sixers 看板 #1FR_1OMg ] 作者: willyt (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一流) 看板: Sixers 標題: [外電] Andre the Giant: 巨人安德烈一世 時間: Mon Mar 26 12:28:06 2012 http://tinyurl.com/6ma3wpg Andre The Giant 巨人安德烈一世 *這是一個著名摔角選手的渾號 By Tom Sunnergren, on March 20th, 2012 A meditation on Philly’s most overpaid/underrated/surly/selfish/inscrutable/cowardly/polarizing athlete. Ever. 這是一篇反思, 有關於費城職業運動史上史上最為 .投資報酬率最不成比例的球員 .實力最被低估的球員 .脾氣最乖戾暴躁的球員 .最自私的球員 (?)(XD) .最難以被理解的球員 .最膽小怕事的球員 (lol) .評價最兩極化的球員 的終極反思。 For 8 years, Philadelphia fans have been trying to form a relationship with 76ers forward Andre Iguodala. For the most part, it’s been like trying to grab a fistful of water.”— Bob Cooney, Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb. 8, 2012 已經八年了。 這八年來,費城的球迷們總是試著理解並嘗試對Iguodala表示友善。 但是這些努力最後總像是你妄想用手抓住水一樣的徒勞無功。 -- Bob Cooney, Phily Inquirer 體育記者。 In recent weeks, as public opinion has tipped tentatively in his favor, TV color men have fallen into the habit of sharing this biographical nugget about Andre Iguodala: as a Bulls fan growing up in Springfield, Illinois, his favorite player wasn’ t Michael Jordan but Scottie Pippen. 最近幾個禮拜下來, 當費城大眾「目前」傾向於喜歡現在這個樣子, 也是Iguodala比較感到舒服的狀態。 Sportcaster們也就一而再再而三的拿他某個小故事出來講: 一個在依利諾州治Springfield長大的小球迷, 他最喜歡的球員卻不是「那個人」,而是Scottie Pippen. This is meant to be an instructive detail about Iguodala. The guy he idolized wasn’t the gravity-defying superstar, but his enabler; a blue-collar grinder who operated in the (comparative) trenches and relished not the big stage or the bright lights, but the thankless task. His hero, the player he patterned himself after, was a man who celebrated his greatest moments in the shadows of others. 這對於瞭解Iggy是個很重要的指標。 他喜歡的並不是大家常在十大好球上面看到以對抗地心引力為樂的超級巨星, 而是那個人背後的重要倚靠。 Pip相對於(僅僅是相對)一個大眾意義上的超級巨星, 他寧願扮演一個藍領領袖,你總是很少在highlight reel裡面找到他, 但是他總是願意做好最吃力不討好的髒活。 Iggy 心目中的英雄,同時也是他進入聯盟之後時常被比較的對象, 就是個總是在他人的陰影之下默默握拳自我激勵的人物。 It’s a window-into-the-soul type anecdote. A glimpse of something essential to a man who’s defied deconstruction. It explains everything. Except it isn’t true. Andre Iguodala’s favorite player was Michael Jordan. 這絕對是個瞭解一個像是Iguodala一樣內心如此糾結的人物, 進入他心中靈魂翻找他扭曲人格的重要途徑。 除非這傳聞不實,Iggy喜歡的明明就是MJ23 (大誤 “Can he be The Man in Philly? He doesn’t have a choice.” — Allen Iverson 你問我他能不能當一個真正費城英雄? 事實上他沒有選擇的權利。 -- Iverson Allen Iverson had a brilliant career in Philadelphia. Not necessarily a good one, but a brilliant one. He always took the last shot, and the first one, and most of the shots in between. He had heart. Grit. Gumption. Character. Drive. A will to win. Iverson在費城有一個極為華麗亮眼的球員生涯。 當然不一定是完美的,但是一定是華麗的。 他通常會選擇掌握這場比賽第一波與最後一波的進攻, 甚至這中間的大部分出手也都被他包下了。 他有著滿腔的熱血、膽量、積極、自我、無限的驅動力量簡單來說,就是他有毫不妥協的求勝欲望。 He almost never showed up on time for practice. He shot 40 percent from the floor. He once kicked his naked wife out of their home and hunted her down with a gun. He was the NBA’s leading scorer four times. 當然, 他還曾經在記者會跳針"Practice",當然也就不會準時到場。 他在場上只有40%的命中率。 他還曾經把他的老婆剝光趕出家門,然後又持槍「追捕」他。 當然,他還曾經是四度NBA得分王。 Andre Iguodala signed a six-year $80 million deal in August of 2008—20 months after Iverson was traded to the Denver Nuggets. The idea at the time was that Iguodala would become the standard bearer of the franchise. The standard being Allen Iverson. 在 Iverson 離開費城遠走洛磯山脈大約兩個球季後, 他拿到了一份六年80M的大合約。 當他拿到這份合約的時候,自然大家都認為他是應該有著「那個標準」的表現。 標準的名字就叫做 Allen Iverson。 “Iguodala was a 27 percent shooter from the college three-point line. He’s not going to be able to play.” —Dick Vitale Iggy 在大學時代三分命中率只有 27%。你確定他能打嗎? - 前 NBA 教練,現 ESPN 球評 Dickk Vitale Andre Iguodala is a well-rounded basketball player. Insofar as he can be said to have a genius for the sport, this versatility is it. He’s a stalwart defender, an efficient scorer, he accumulates assists, rebounds, and steals at rates higher than his positional average and even does—considering his active defense—an unusually impressive job of avoiding fouls. So in almost every facet of the game, he helps his team. Almost. Iggy 是個擁有十八般武藝的超全能球員。 (大概像是這樣吧 lol http://tinyurl.com/7o3qgff ) <- 超建議點閱 你甚至可以說他是個天才運動員,他真的什麼都會。 他是個可怕的防守專家,一個有效率的得分者, 他的 Ast% Reb% Stl% 全部都高於他所在的三號位置平均一大截。 更可怕的是,考慮到他在防守上的堅持, 他避免犯規的能力真是他媽的令人印象深刻。 你幾乎可以說,他在所有的面相都在幫助球隊。 (停頓) 幾乎啦。 Iguodala, for all his many talents, is not a great shooter. Over his past five full seasons, he’s shot 33.2, 35.9, 33.4, 34.5, and 33.9 percent on field goal attempts that haven’t come at the rim. For his career, he’s a sub-average shooter from each discrete location on the floor, save those attempts that come at point blank range. Without wading any more deeply into the numbers, let’s leave it at this: if someone wanted to charge him with being a flawed offensive player, they would have plenty of evidence to prosecute the case. 以Iggy的天份來看,他並不是一個好的射手。 在他過去的五個球季,扣掉籃下的命中率是: 33.2, 35.9, 33.4, 34.5, 33.9。 換句話說:扣掉在籃框附近,也就是扣掉快攻得分與off-dribbling 他在場上的自行取分能力與投籃命中率毫無疑問低於聯盟平均。 在引述更多的負面數據之前,我想我們可以先停下來了, 這邊有個結論: 如果你想當個稱職的howsiao, 你絕對有一拖拉庫的理由證明自己是對得。 “We don’t have a so-called superstar. I think we do, but you know, [critics] say we don’t have a so-called superstar.”— Andre Iguodala, Feb. 6, 2012 我們沒有一般意義上的 Superstar。 我的確認為我們有個超級巨星, 但是大家都是這麼認為,我們沒有。 -- Andre Iguodala Teams follow their best player. If you’re a rookie, the guy you look up to, you emulate, is usually the one who’s regarded as the top player on your team. That’s uncontroversial. “It makes my job a heck of a lot easier when my best player is my hardest worker,” is a line approximately 97 percent of coaches have tossed off at some point. But while players follow their leader, it’s often to a place they were headed anyway—like the basket. 我們知道,球隊裡面的那個人舉手投足都會被其他球員效法。 如果你是個菜鳥,你仿效的對象一定是球隊當中的領袖人物, 這是絕對毫無疑問的。 幾乎97%的總教練都同意: 如果我球隊中的那個人總是毫無保留的犧牲奉獻,辛勤工作以樹立標竿, 那我的工作會變得非常輕鬆。 但是當球員們盲目的追隨他們的領袖, 總是會有些副作用(沒有沒副作用的藥,你說是吧), 比方說得分。 Every player wants numbers, and most nearly all of them play with sufficient offensive hustle to collect the points, assists, o-boards, and various statistical goodies that ensure they’ll be paid well enough to never have another cousin go without a Droid. But a player isn’t necessarily inclined to play rabid defense. Despite the enormous impact it has on who wins and losses, we can’t measure individual D with any reliability and so can’t incentivize it in the traditional way —with money. 所有的球員都在追求個人數據, 幾乎所有的球員都願意全心全意投入進攻端洗他們的boxscore, 比方說得分、助攻、進攻籃板等等各式各樣看起來很酷的數據, 來確定他們不會連買個高級手機送表哥的錢都沒有。 從另外一個面向看,儘管防守端的表現對於比賽的結果同樣意義重大, 但是不是每個球員都願意在防守端秉持相同的積極態度。 原因是:到目前為止並沒有客觀且簡單明確的指標來評斷每個人的防守, 那就沒辦法用傳統的方式,也就是$$$$$來激勵球員們在防守端下功夫。 There’s a solution, though, to the defense problem, a way to encourage players to expend effort on an aspect of the game that won’t get them paid but will help their team win: employ as your top player, your object of emulation, someone who defends his man like it’s life and death. The Sixers are the top defensive team in the NBA. 當然,路是人走出來的,所有的證明題都有解答。 球隊有個不需要多出支票就能夠讓所有球員在防守端盡心努力, 進而幫助球隊贏球的解決方案: 當你的球隊第一人,眾球員的領袖, 本身就願意身先士卒,用生命來捍衛防守端,直到倒地不起為止。 七六人就是這樣的一支球隊, 他們毫無疑問是 NBA 最好的防守團隊。 “When he signed that deal, he should have rolled up the paper it was printed on and let everyone in the area whack him over the head with it.”—John Gonzales, CSNPhilly, Feb. 14, 2012 他是應該把合約書捲起來,交給費城的球迷們, 好讓他們用合約書毒打他的頭。 -- John Gonzales, CSN Philly Imagine this: you’re an employee of a major corporation, and you do well, and are paid handsomely, and, prima facie, everything about your professional situation looks fine. The problem though is this: most of your company’s shareholders believe you’re wildly overpaid when you are in fact, despite your sizable paychecks, underpaid relative to the value you provide. 好吧,來個情境想像: 你在一個大公司裡面擔任職員, 你真的幹得很不錯,你也拿到了明顯高於 22K 的薪水, 看起來好像一切都很不錯。 但是最大的問題在於: 這家公司的股東總是堅持你拿太多了, 你的貢獻事實上不值得你的薪水; 但是事實是,公司給你的薪水很明顯低於你創造的價值。 So everyday, or near it, you hear criticism in the media about your pay and are more or less roundly lambasted by everyone with an opinion on the subject. All parties agree that you are, on balance, at least a competent employee, but the consensus is that you’re nevertheless paid much more than you are worth to the company, and so are to blame for any failures the firm has recently suffered—i.e. the “problem” with the company is that it’s spending a huge sum of money on you that could be spent, smarter, elsewhere. How would you feel about this? How would you feel about your critics? 每天你都可以聽到媒體對你拿到的錢說三道四, 並且對於圍繞在你周圍指責你高薪低就的批評表示困惑與不舒服。 共識是:你真的是個他媽優秀的員工。 但是糾結的點在於:他們認為你領得錢跟你的表現有所落差。 因此,只要公司最近不太順利,就把氣出在你身上。 所以問題根本就不應該責難這個六年拿80M的可憐朋友, 就算公司不對勁,那也是因為,當初他們有機會把這80M花得更精明。 再一次: 如果這個人是你, 你周遭都是這種該死的聲音,你會做何感想? “When you’re in Hollywood and you’re a comedian, everybody wants you to do things besides comedy. They say, ‘OK, you’re a stand-up comedian—can you act? Can you write? Write us a script?’ It’s as though if I were a cook and I worked my ass off to become a good cook, they said, ‘All right, you’re a cook—can you farm?’”—Mitch Hedberg 當你在好萊塢,而你是個喜劇演員, 但是每個人都希望你除了演喜劇之外要會點其他東西。 他們如是說: 「對,你真的是個喜劇泰斗,那你會演戲嗎?你會寫劇本嗎? 來個劇本瞧瞧阿?」 就算你是個廚師,而且你跟阿基師一樣勤奮努力, 那他們還是會嫌棄你: 「嘿,你真的很會燒菜,那你會種田嗎?」 -- Mitch Hedberg Andre Iguodala didn’t really figure it out until he went to Turkey. 在Iggy去土耳其打世界錦標賽之前, 他總是沒有想通(被所有人埋怨)的這個問題。 After a few post-Iverson seasons of forced shots, the metaphoric jamming of a square peg into a round hole, and the literal jamming of a small round thing into a distant round hole, in that 2010 FIBA tournament, he had a sort of epiphany: rather than squander his energy on the areas of the game that he was least likely to impact, why not narrow his focus to those that he could? 在後 Iverson 時代,這可憐人被迫多出手。 表面上:這可能只是強迫一個平常不喜歡出手進攻的人改變意志(不得其所) 事實上:他的比賽風格根本不是長這樣,你何必勉強他? 2010年世錦賽他終於理解了一件事情: 與其把精力留在解決不屬於他的問題, 為何不讓他作個真正的 Andre Iguodala,作他真的能夠做得很好的事情? race around the court wreaking havoc defensively and in transition, demonstrating his excellence by denying opponents theirs. Krzyzewski, it turns out, had given Iguodala permission to be Iguodala. It worked, both as basketball and philosophy. The team won nine straight on their way to the gold and Iguodala was, in some circles, the talk of the tournament. 所以他就這麼做了,不再專注進攻, 而努力在防守端與Transition證明自己的影響力, 並且用鎖住他的對手體現自己的卓越。 Coach K 也允許 Iggy 毫無保留的作自己。 這個嘗試非常成功,無論是比賽內容中,還是在籃球哲學的層面上。 當美國隊9連勝拿到金牌之後, 所有對他有所質疑的人終於開始注意那些他真的做的很好的事情上面。 That following season, when Doug Collins took over the Sixers, he pulled his best player aside and asked him to continue playing the way he had that summer. The player obliged him. And so this old/new approach to the game—taking scoring opportunities as they come, not forcing them when they don’t, the wisdom to know the difference, became fully his. In ‘10’- ’11, Iguodala attempted only 11.3 shots a game after averaging 14.4 the previous three seasons. He had the lowest usage rate of his career. He attempted 2.7 three-pointers a game after firing 3.7 the year before. And a season after winning 27 games, Philadelphia closed 38-28. 從土耳其回來之後, 當 Doug Collins 接掌七六人,他告訴他的主力戰將繼續作自己, 一切就跟在夏天一樣。 Iggy 對此表示感激,而這種看起來新潮但卻是Iggy舊有風格體現的球風: 當機會來臨才出手,而不勉強為之, 並且正確理解「合理」與「勉強」的差距。 10-11球季,Iggy平均出手次數從過去三季平均 14.4 降到 11.3。 他的 Usage% 降到他的生涯最低,甚至他的三分出手也砍了整整一次。 這些改變的成果體現在戰績上面, 在一個糟糕的 27 勝球季後,七六人去年最後以 38-28 收尾。 “He may be the most overpaid player in the NBA. He takes dumb shots, he thinks he is great and he needs to just leave this team. I’m so sick and tired of this guy.” —Philly Sports Central, Dec. 19, 2010 他也許是 NBA 最高薪低就的球員了。 他的出手鳥爆了,而他卻認為自己是個卓越先生。 他需要做的是離開這個球隊,我已經厭倦他了。 -- Philly Sports Central 50 wins is the generally accepted threshold for NBA legitimacy. It’s the minimum regular season success rate a team needs to achieve to convince its fans it can contend, that it’s deserving of their scarcest resource: attention. At the end of this season, the 76ers will have won more than 50 games once in the past 22 years. 50勝一向都是一個標準。 這個標準有關他可以向他的球迷證明他們是個冠軍的競爭候選。 只有當這個球隊拿下五十勝,他們才有資格證明他們真的有能力作到這個任務: 讓球迷回到球場關注這個球隊。 在下個球季,他們終於有機會在二十二年之後重新回到五十勝級球隊。 In the four full seasons they’ve played since trading Allen Iverson and making Iguodala the de facto franchise player, they ’ve won 40, 41, 27, and 41. Philadelphia’s four professional sports franchises have won one championship in the last 29 years. 在後 AI 時代的七六人的四個完整球季, 也就是Iggy正式領軍的四個球季當中,七六人的勝場分別是: 40, 41, 27, 41 (五成魂) 在83'年Moses Malone與Julius Erving帶領七六人拿到冠軍之後, 費城的四大運動只有Phillies拿過冠軍。 “It certainly wasn’t Iguodala’s fault the Sixers decided to wildly overpay him.”—Bob Ford, Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb. 26, 2012 拿了這些錢顯然不是 Iguodala 的錯。 決定給他這些錢並不是 Iggy 所能控制的。 -- Bob Ford, Philly Inquirer > 下面這段有關勝場價值的部份我不能苟同,有興趣自己看吧。 The approximate cost of a win in the NBA is something a clever ten-year-old with a pencil and some patience can calculate. You take the total dollars that all of the league’s teams paid out that season in player salaries, and divide that figure by the total number of victories the teams accumulated in that season. Wins are more valuable for teams on the cusp of contention, and less so for lottery teams, but this arithmetic provides a solid baseline measure. It tells us the cost of a win in the NBA swung from $1.347 million in 2005 to $1.755 million in 2008, before falling back to $1.711 million last season. The amount of wins an individual player produces is also a calculable, but controversial, statistic, and coupled with the cost of a win, it can give us a picture of an individual player ’s value to an average team. Iguodala is now into the fourth season of a six-year $80 million dollar contract. Entering 2012, he’d been paid $35.8 million of the deal. In that time he’s produced $66.5 million worth of wins for the Sixers. This season, by measure of wins produced, he’s been the fourth best player in the NBA. “I think when we win, he will get more respect.”—Tony Dileo, April 21, 2009 我想,當我們開始贏球,他會得到他應有的尊敬。 -- Tony Dileo, Sixers GM, former head coach Following a one-point loss to the Clippers in February, I asked Evan Turner, a rising player with a skill-set broadly similar to Iguodala’s, for his take on his teammate’s inclusion in the All-Star Game. Did he read it as an affirmation that the way he played the game, the way Iguodala played the game, was every bit as valuable as the brand of basketball a Joe Johnson, Carmelo Anthony, or Dwayne Wade played—did he feel vindicated? 在對上快艇一分差的艱難比賽之後, 我對一個跟 AI9 真他媽像的新銳球員Evan Turner聊天, 問他有關於在新秀挑戰賽當中他有如Cosplay Iggy的表現有何看法。 他選擇這樣的打球方法是不是代表著他對 Iggy-Style 的肯定呢? 甚至是否他對於 Iggy 的風格所代表的卓越價值 -- 這價值不輸 Joe Johnson, Melo, D-Wade 等人在球場所創造的 有所理解與體認呢? “You’re a guy who doesn’t necessarily score a lot of points, ” I offered, “but you do a lot of the other less celebrated things well. You rebound, you take pride in your defense, you’ ve got a solid handle and good floor vision and…” The second-year guard cut me off. “I can score,” Turner insisted. “Who said I couldn’t score? 「你不一定必須拿這麼多分, 但是你可以把一些在鎂光燈照射範圍之外的事情做得很好。 你可以搶籃板,你可以防守,你還能倚靠優秀的視野在場上控球, 還能....」 小壞蛋立馬把我打斷。 Turner: 「我可以得分,哪個人說我不能得分的?」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/26 12:45, , 1F
I can Score, Who said I couldn't score?
03/26 12:45, 1F

03/26 12:53, , 2F
highlight re'e'l Turner造反囉!
03/26 12:53, 2F
※ 編輯: willyt 來自: (03/26 12:57)

03/26 12:57, , 3F
fixed XD
03/26 12:57, 3F

03/26 13:03, , 4F
03/26 13:03, 4F

03/26 13:33, , 5F
I can score, Who said I couldn't score?
03/26 13:33, 5F

03/26 13:33, , 6F
超大篇!! 讚啦
03/26 13:33, 6F

03/26 14:29, , 7F
03/26 14:29, 7F

03/26 20:14, , 8F
03/26 20:14, 8F

03/27 09:39, , 9F
03/27 09:39, 9F

03/27 17:40, , 10F
03/27 17:40, 10F

03/28 04:16, , 11F
03/28 04:16, 11F

03/28 07:07, , 12F
03/28 07:07, 12F

03/28 07:16, , 13F
0:5之後 打了一波12:0
03/28 07:16, 13F

04/03 23:45, , 14F
先推再看 好長一篇XD
04/03 23:45, 14F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: willyt (, 時間: 07/18/2013 20:15:12 ※ 編輯: willyt 來自: (07/18 20:15)

07/18 20:17, , 16F
07/18 20:17, 16F

07/19 12:18, , 17F
07/19 12:18, 17F

07/19 13:59, , 18F
看好多次嘞威力踢 沒有新的嗎 (敲碗)
07/19 13:59, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #1HvznHGU (G-S-WARRIORS)