[新聞] 美台商業會長投書呼籲美國即刻協助台灣加入TPP 蘋果誤譯為學運過激 網友熱議

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美台商業會長投書呼籲美國即刻協助台灣加入TPP 蘋果誤譯為學運過激 網友熱議 2014年04月03日17:01 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/politics/20140403/372662/ 本新聞由沃草提供 蘋果今(3)日上午刊登文章「美台商業會長投書《華爾街》稱學運過激」 ,提到美台商業協會會長韓儒伯(Rupert Hammond-Chambers)投書美國 《華爾街日報》,稱讚總統馬英九致力於兩岸關係,並批評現在發生的街 頭運動過激,包括學生占領立法院的行動,讓台灣對中國的爭議將變得偏 激。不過,韓儒伯的投書主要是呼籲美國儘快於週五發表聲明,透過促使 台灣加入TPP,加強和台灣的經貿夥伴關係,協助平息台灣目前的政治風暴 。根據原文,韓儒伯行文中性,並未稱讚馬英九,更未批評學生運動過激 ,而是認為目前的街頭抗議活動,包括學生為首的佔領國會抗爭,顯示了 台灣與中國關係的辯論將會有激化的風險。 蘋果上午刊登此文後,沃草就即刻接到眾多網友投訴,表示蘋果完全誤解 該投書的內容及訴求,因此,沃草立刻翻譯全文,並歸納該投書的最主要 訴求是呼籲美國即刻與台灣啟動雙邊投資協議談判,並進而協助台灣加入 由美國主導的「跨太平洋夥伴關係(Trans-Pacific Partnership,TPP) 」自由貿易協議。針對馬總統一再宣稱,必須先與中國簽訂服貿協議,之 後才能夠加入TPP以及其他國際經貿組織,美台商業會長韓儒伯顯然有不 同見解,並認為美國在週五與台灣官員的會議中,就應該與台灣共同宣布 啟動雙邊經貿會談。 韓儒伯在投書中表示,美國藉著公開宣誓支持台灣加入不同的雙邊和多邊 經濟體的決心,包括與華盛頓的雙邊投資協定,進而促成台灣順利加入TPP ,將對台海的和平與穩定做出重大貢獻。美國將可協助促使台灣內部對中 國政策的辯論,可以在台灣與全球貿易夥伴同步擴展關係的氛圍下進行, 而不必被侷限於中國崛起的陰影下。 蘋果後來多次修改此文,但仍未提起韓儒伯呼籲美國即刻與台灣啟動雙邊 投資協議談判,並進而協助台灣加入由美國主導的TPP的投書重點。 以下為全文翻譯逐字稿: 標題:The U.S. Can Help Calm Taiwan's Political Storm 美國可協助平息台灣政治風暴 There is increasing concern these days about America's apparently diminishing ability to promote security and liberty overseas, from Syria to Ukraine and beyond. But on Friday U.S. officials will have an unusual opportunity to advance overseas interests with ease—by strengthening bilateral trade relations with Taiwan. 近來,許多人日益擔心,美國在海外推廣安全和自由的能力日趨下降, 不論是敘利亞、烏克蘭、或其他地方,都是如此。不過,本週五,美國 官員將有一個難得的機會,能夠輕易地藉由加強和台灣的雙邊貿易關係 ,拓展美國的海外利益。 At a meeting in Washington, U.S. and Taiwanese officials could announce their intention to launch negotiations on a Bilateral Investment Agreement. Crucially, such an agreement would also position the U.S. to support Taiwan's eventual membership in the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade accord that is the centerpiece of Washington's "pivot" to Asia. Taiwan's accession to TPP would add a high-tech export economy to the trade zone while also helping democratic Taiwan offset its creeping overreliance on trade with China. 在即將於本週五華盛頓召開的會議上,美國和台灣的官員可以共同宣布 ,雙方計劃啓動雙邊投資協定的談判。很關鍵的是,此協議也將表示, 美國支持台灣最終加入由12個國家所組成的「跨太平洋夥伴關係 (Trans-Pacific Partnership,TPP)」自由貿易協議。TPP是美國在 亞洲地區發揮影響力的重要關鍵。台灣的加入,將爲TPP增加一個高科 技出口的經濟體,同時協助民主台灣平衡其嚴重過度依賴中國的經貿 現況。 Back in Taiwan this week, President Ma Ying-jeou is facing unprecedented street protests against ratification of a trade agreement he signed last year with China. The protests represent a critical juncture in Taiwan's domestic debate on relations with China. Unless Taipei resolves the dispute soon, tensions across the Taiwan Strait could heighten dramatically— with serious implications not just for Taiwan and China but for the U.S., which for decades has guaranteed stability across the Strait. 過去一週,台灣總統馬英九正面臨著前所未有的街頭抗議,反對去年與 中國簽署的服務貿易協議生效。這個抗爭,將台灣內部關於「台灣與中 國關係未來將何去何從」的討論帶到了一個轉捩點。除非台北當局快速 弭平爭端,否則,台灣海峽兩岸的緊張情勢可能會急劇升高——其影響 將不只侷限於台灣及中國,也將擴及過去幾十年來,極力維持海峽兩岸 穩定的美國。 President Ma has pushed an ambitious set of initiatives to normalize China-Taiwan trade and cultural relations since 2009. Taiwan has seen soaring numbers of Chinese tourists, Taiwanese companies increasingly use China as their primary platform for global production, and China's share of Taiwanese exports is now greater than 40%. Thanks to this massive commercial relationship, cross-Strait tensions have dropped to a historic low. 從2009年以來,馬總統便開始一系列野心勃勃的行動,企圖推動兩岸經濟 及文化關係正常化。現在,中國到台灣的遊客人數飆升,越來越多台灣企 業以中國作為全球生產的主要平台,中國佔??台灣出口也已經超過40% 。由 於這個龐大的商業關係,兩岸關係的緊張已經下降至歷史低點。 Mr. Ma sought economic liberalization with China so that he could then pursue liberalization with Taiwan's other principal trading partners. It had to be China first, and then everyone else, because Beijing is unlikely ever to acquiesce to Taiwan engaging with other countries without first considering China's interests. 馬總統尋求和中國經貿關係的自由化,如此一來,他才能繼續追求台灣和 其他主要貿易夥伴的經貿自由化,因為北京當局極不可能默許台灣與其他 國家建立正式的經貿關係,而不先考慮中國的利益。 The challenge was ensuring that the China-first strategy not result in domestic angst over stepping too far into China's sphere of influence. Regrettably, that angst has materialized. While trade with China has boomed, Taiwan's ties with other existing and potential trade partners have expanded only marginally. This has left Mr. Ma's China policy vulnerable to major domestic criticism. 但是,台灣先與中國簽約的策略面臨的挑戰是,如何確保不會造成台灣國內 對於過度受中國勢力影響的焦慮。令人遺憾的是,這樣的焦慮已經成為事實 。雖然台灣與中國的貿易蓬勃發展,但台灣與其他現有、和潛在貿易合作夥 伴關係卻進展緩慢,這也讓馬政府的中國政策受到許多國內的質疑。 With the current street protests—including a student-led occupation of the legislature—there is a risk that Taiwan's debate over relations with China will become radicalized. Mr. Ma's ability to push new China initiatives would then disappear, as would his viability as a partner for China. This is where these cross-Strait trade issues intersect with power politics in Beijing and Washington. 目前的街頭抗議活動,包括以學生為首的佔領國會抗爭,顯示了台灣內部 有關於「台灣與中國關係的辯論」將會有激化的風險。如此一來,馬總統 將無法繼續推動促進兩岸往來的新措施,中國可能也因此不再視他為合作 夥伴。兩岸經貿議題,也將因此直接影響北京與華盛頓的政治角力。 From his election in 2008, Beijing rightly viewed Mr. Ma as best positioned to move cross-Strait relations in a China-favorable direction, allowing for economic and cultural engagement that would build momentum to deal with thornier issues surrounding sovereignty. Unlike the majority of people in Taiwan—who seek economic opportunity and are content with their self-governing status quo—China pursues rapprochement to advance the cause of unification. Beijing rejects the status quo and is committed to unifying with Taiwan through negotiation or force. 從2008年馬英九當選總統以來,北京就將馬英九視為可將兩岸關係推向 中國想要方向的最好人選,到目前為止,這都是正確的決定。中國藉由 經濟和文化的緊密交流,創造動能,以期待解決最棘手的台灣主權爭議 。台灣多數人民追求的是經濟上發展的機會,並滿足於目前主權獨立的 現況,和台灣人民不同,中國推動友善關係的目的是為了推動兩岸統一 。中國拒絕接受兩岸分治的現狀,並致力於透過談判或武力統一台灣。 If China concludes that Mr. Ma is no longer able to advance cross-Strait relations, tensions with Taiwan could spike quickly. China will likely wait and assess the situation after Taiwan's next presidential election in 2016, but whether Mr. Ma's Kuomintang wins or loses, Taiwan's next president will have significantly less leeway in dealing with China. 如果中國的結論是,馬總統再也無法進一步推動兩岸關係的進展,海峽 兩岸的緊張將有可能急劇升高。中國很可能會等到2016年,台灣下屆總 統選舉之後,再重新評估整體情勢;但馬總統的國民黨無論輸或贏,台 灣的下一任總統在與中國打交道時,自主意志的空間將會大幅減少。 Washington, for its part, remains hugely vested in Taipei's ability to forge ahead, and generally in a peaceful Taiwan Strait. Yet the U.S. has mostly stayed on the sidelines during Mr. Ma's tenure, thrilled with the short-term advances in cross-Strait ties and happy to harvest a peace dividend before peace has broken out. The U.S. has focused on smaller initiatives with Taiwan, such a s a visa-waiver program, typically leaving aside arms sales and high-level diplomacy—issues that complicate U.S.-China relations. 華盛頓當局的立場是,樂於見到台灣在和平的兩岸情勢中,繼續穩定發展 。然而,在馬總統目前為止的任期中,美國大致上維持觀望。目睹台海兩 岸關係的短期快速改善,美國樂於在旁坐收和平帶來的利益。美國僅僅專 注於與台灣關係中的小規模推進,如免簽證計劃,而刻意避開出售武器、 或更高層次的外交關係等可能導致美中關係複雜化的議題。 But the consequences of continued inaction could be dire, with the Taiwan Strait again becoming the main flashpoint in U.S.-China relations. 但是美國繼續不採取行動的後果可能是非常可怕的,因為台海關係正再次 成為美中國關係的主要引爆點。 By publicly declaring its backing for Taiwan's bilateral and multilateral economic ambitions—including a bilateral investment agreement with Washington and a path to participation in TPP— the U.S. would lend invaluable support to peace and stability cross-Strait relations. The U.S. would help ensure that Taiwan's domestic debate on China policy takes place not just in the shadow of a rising China, but amid expanding Taiwan ties with trade partners around the globe. 藉著公開宣誓支持台灣加入不同的雙邊和多邊經濟體的決心,包括與華 盛頓的雙邊投資協定,進而促成台灣順利加入TPP,美國將對台海的和平 與穩定做出重大貢獻。美國將可協助促使台灣內部對中國政策的辯論, 可以在台灣與全球貿易夥伴同步擴展關係的氛圍下進行,而不必被侷限 於中國崛起的陰影下。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FuMouDiscuss/M.1396517658.A.029.html

04/03 17:37, , 1F
04/03 17:37, 1F

04/03 17:38, , 2F
04/03 17:38, 2F

04/03 17:39, , 3F
04/03 17:39, 3F

04/03 17:41, , 4F
04/03 17:41, 4F

04/03 17:41, , 5F
04/03 17:41, 5F

04/03 17:41, , 6F
可是TPP簽了 就打了____的臉
04/03 17:41, 6F

04/03 17:42, , 7F
其實TPP 也是有其他問題..不過總比被統好..
04/03 17:42, 7F

04/03 17:43, , 8F
突然想到TPP簽了 A片(歐美的) 會被迫合法化嗎XD
04/03 17:43, 8F

04/03 17:47, , 9F
04/03 17:47, 9F

04/03 17:47, , 10F
一邊是要錢 一邊是要島要錢不要人呀
04/03 17:47, 10F

04/03 17:51, , 11F
04/03 17:51, 11F
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