[分享] 紐西蘭節目討論TPP

看板FuMouDiscuss作者 (阿蓮奈啦)時間10年前 (2014/04/03 12:39), 10年前編輯推噓1(103)
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不專業翻譯 如有錯誤 請專業人士指正 只能翻youtube影片下方的簡介 影片本體還只聽個大概而已 http://ppt.cc/FjZ3 Critics of the Trans-Pacific Partnership don't need to worry about intellectual property issues or paying more for drugs, says Trade Minister Tim Groser. 貿易部長Tim Groser表示跨太平洋戰略經濟夥伴關係協議(TPP)的評論員不需擔憂知識產 權議題或是會在藥物上花費增加 Speaking on TV3's The Nation, Mr Groser said there was no need for concern about the content of the agreement currently being negotiated by 12 countries. 在TV3的"國家"節目上,Mr Groser說無需擔心目前與12個國家協商的協議內容 (TV3是紐西蘭一家民營的無線電視台) "When this deal is done, I am certain that I and the Prime Minister will be able to come in from of New Zealanders and say: 'this is virtually all upside'." 「當協議完成時,我確定我和總理可以在紐西蘭人面前說: 『這是實質上全面性的提升』 」 "In relative terms, New Zealand will gain more than any country in TPP ... the structure of these massive protective barriers that will come down will benefit New Zealand more than any country in this negotiation." 「相對而言,紐西蘭會比TPP中其他國家賺得更多...卸下龐大結構的保護牆會帶給紐西蘭 比任何國家更多利益」 But earlier on the TV3's The Nation, Labour leader David Cunliffe said he was concerned about the TPP's impacts on Pharmac and intellectual property. 但之前的TV3國家節目中,工黨黨魁David Cunliffe 說他很關心TPP對藥品掌控機構與智 慧財產權的衝擊 "We have to make sure that the impacts on Pharmac which saves New Zealanders $1.2 billion on taxpayers' money a year are not excessive. 「我們必須確認對藥品掌控機構的影響可省下紐西蘭納稅者每年12億的數字不是過於誇大 」 "If the intellectual property provisions were such that New Zealand companies, which are smaller on average than American ones, couldn't get a patent, that wouldn't work for us." 「如果智慧財產權方面給的是:小於美國公司1%的紐西蘭公司無法得到任何專利權,那這 就不能通過」 But Mr Groser hit back, and said concerns about intellectual property and patents under the TPP had been "wildly exaggerated". Mr Groser反擊說擔心TPP中的智慧財產權和專利是太「小題大作」 He said the United States is the "most innovative country in the world" so their intellectual property law could hardly chill innovation. 他說安啦!US是「世界上最多創造力的國家」,所以他們的智慧財產權法不會凍結創意 New Zealanders would not be paying more for drugs as a result of TPP, Mr Groser said. Mr Groser說紐西蘭簽了TPP之後就不用花更多錢買藥了 "I've said categorically Pharmac is not on the table." 「我斷言藥品掌控機構上不了臺面了(這裡不太會翻 求專業)」 影片下方評論: zhdlot1 個月前 Tim Groser has been paid off .This agreement allows US companies to sue entire countries. Part of the reason why they won't even let opposition parties have a look at the contents.negotiation." Tim Groser已經被收買了。這個政府容許美國跟整個國家打官司。 所以他們甚至不願讓反對黨看一眼協議內容 Lindsay Algra3 個月前 I don't know what to say, He's a lier who doesn't fully understand the text is a start. New Zealand is been sold to the highest bidder who at this stage will be America with its Invaded buddies. This is asset sales at its highest level. Like he said, the people "who matter" understand the text in a way they will agree to it, you cant tell me billions of dollar will be paid out to make sure this text is agreed to. That is the fundamental flaw in our governing system. 1 Billion dollar will buy off 50% of politicians to vote your way. 不知道該說什麼了。他是個沒有充分了解條約文本只是個開始的騙子。 紐西蘭被賣給喊價最高的,在這時候是美國和他的快樂夥伴的侵略。 這是個最高等級的財產買賣的概念。 就像他說的,人民「誰在乎」去了解條約本文並同意啊,你不能就跟我說會花好幾十億 美金來通過協議啊。 這是我們政府系統的缺陷。十億元可以買下50%的政客來決定你的未來 心得: 再次證明 Z>B 恆等式BJ4 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FuMouDiscuss/M.1396499943.A.E9C.html

04/03 12:39, , 1F
04/03 12:39, 1F
※ 編輯: alienfromy (, 04/03/2014 12:45:42

04/03 12:46, , 2F
TPP 過關 MEGA會倒嗎?
04/03 12:46, 2F

04/03 13:12, , 3F
04/03 13:12, 3F

04/03 13:55, , 4F
04/03 13:55, 4F
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