[外媒] 2014.03.30 BBC NEWS (翻譯)

看板FuMouDiscuss作者 (LP哥)時間10年前 (2014/03/30 22:03), 編輯推噓3(418)
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BBC NEWS http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-26809066 Mass protest held in Taiwan against China trade deal 台灣舉行大規模抗議反對與中國的貿易協定 At least 100,000 people have taken to the streets of Taiwan's capital Taipei, to protest against a controversial trade agreement with China. 至少10萬名群眾走上台灣的首都台北街頭抗議與中國簽訂具爭議性的協定。 They carried signs reading "defend democracy, withdraw the trade deal". 群眾手持看板寫道「捍衛民主,撤回服貿協定」 President Ma Ying-jeou insists the deal will bring economic benefits, but campaigners says it will make Taiwan too economically dependent on China. 馬英九總統堅持這項協定將帶來經濟利益,然而抗議民眾表示這會使台灣的經濟 過度仰賴中國。 The protesters expressed support for students who have occupied parliament for two weeks in protest at the deal. 示威群眾是為了表達對於已經佔領國會兩個星期的學生的支持 The agreement will allow China and Taiwan to invest more freely in each other's services markets. 該項協議將會讓中國與台灣得以更自由地在對方的服務市場上投資。 The protesters say it will hurt small businesses and job opportunities for local people, and should be scrapped. 抗議者表示這將會傷害小型企業與當地民眾的工作機會,所以應該退回服貿。 They are also demanding that the government pass a law to monitor all future deals with Beijing. 抗議者並要求政府應通過一項法律,以便監控未來與北京的所有協議。 In recent days, the president has made several concessions, including supporting such a law and agreeing to a line-by-line review of the deal in the legislature. 連日來,馬總統已做出多項讓步,包括支持上述的法律,並同意由國會逐條審查 服貿協議。 But he says the pact should not be cancelled, because it will give Taiwanese companies greater access to the Chinese market. 然而馬總統表示服貿協定不會取消,因為這將給予台灣的企業增加在中國市場的機會。 Business groups and others have voiced support for the deal. The governing Kuomintang party says it is determined to ratify it. 商業團體與其他團體也發聲支持服貿協議。執政黨國民黨表示服貿協議已經簽署通過。 The agreement, which was signed in June 2013, has not yet been approved by MPs. 服貿協定已於2013年6月簽署,然而尚未由國會通過。 China formally regards Taiwan as a part of its territory, despite the island governing itself for six decades. 中國官方認定台灣為中國的一部份,然而台灣已經自行執政超過60年。 But China is Taiwan's biggest trading partner and in recent years ties between the two have improved. 不過中國式台灣最大的貿易夥伴,近年來雙方的關係改善許多。 They have signed several trade and investment agreements - but some fear greater economic integration with China could threaten Taiwan. 中國與台灣簽署了許多貿易與投資協議,然而有些人害怕與中國的大型經濟體結合 將會威脅到台灣。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FuMouDiscuss/M.1396188197.A.3B9.html

03/30 22:03, , 1F
感謝翻譯!! 689:又是民進黨
03/30 22:03, 1F

03/30 22:04, , 2F
懂沒? 還在50萬自嗨阿 人家寫的更少 10萬 ㄏㄏ
03/30 22:04, 2F

03/30 22:06, , 3F
至少 看不懂嗎?
03/30 22:06, 3F

03/30 22:06, , 4F
03/30 22:06, 4F

03/30 22:07, , 5F
03/30 22:07, 5F

03/30 22:08, , 6F
如果至少20萬人 報導會只寫至少10萬? 誰不懂阿 ㄏㄏ
03/30 22:08, 6F

03/30 22:08, , 7F
如果是寫at most,那就「至多」了。(?)
03/30 22:08, 7F

03/30 22:11, , 8F
有人不懂 at least/至少的定義,可以不用出來讓大家教你國文
03/30 22:11, 8F

03/30 22:13, , 9F
03/30 22:13, 9F

03/30 22:22, , 10F
03/30 22:22, 10F

03/30 22:35, , 11F
03/30 22:35, 11F

03/30 22:54, , 12F
03/30 22:54, 12F

03/30 23:01, , 13F
03/30 23:01, 13F
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