[新聞] 大摩Morgan Stanley宣布併購億創E*Trade

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1.原文連結: https://tinyurl.com/szfxvrn 2.內容: Morgan Stanley to Acquire E*TRADE, Creating a Leader in all Major Wealth Management Channels 大摩宣布併購億創,加強財富管理業務 ‧Combined platforms will have $3.1Tn client assets, 8.2MM retail client relationships and accounts, and 4.6MM stock plan participants 合併後增加些管理資產,還有一大堆散戶 ‧Combination increases Wealth Management scale, fills product and services gaps through complementary offerings, and enhances digital capabilities; positions Morgan Stanley as a top player across all three channels: Financial Advisory, Workplace, and Self-Directed 合併可以增強數位資訊能力,使資產管理/企業員工/散戶等三種業務均為領先者 ‧Significant cost and funding synergies will result in stronger financial performance and shareholder value creation 合併當然會改善成本效益,實際上就是~~~ ‧Combination accelerates Morgan Stanley’s transition to a more balance sheet light business mix and more durable sources of revenue 合併可以讓財報更好看,分散風險 3.心得/評論(必需填寫): 文章很長,有興趣慢慢看 大摩此舉會造成高盛進入散戶市場的壓力 IB股價開始上漲,轉頭看看高盛,IB會不會嫁入猶太豪門呢? TDA掀起的連串併購最後演變成寡頭市場 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Foreign_Inv/M.1582248506.A.D38.html
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