[新聞] JP Morgan再次增加白銀空頭部位

看板ForeignEX作者 (tycoon)時間13年前 (2011/03/12 08:36), 編輯推噓5(508)
留言13則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://tinyurl.com/694quu3 JP Morgan 如果無法成功操控銀價, 數個月後可能被軋空到每盎司50美元以上 JP Morgan’s silver short position, which had declined by approximately 11,000 contracts to 19,000 contracts over the past three months, surged by 6,000 contracts last week to 25,000 contracts or 125 million ounces of silver. The rising price of silver was clearly getting out of control and JP Morgan had to step in to try and manipulate it back down. Without this shorting by JP Morgan, it is possible silver would already be $40 per ounce right now. JP Morgan is trying to create a panic and cause silver investors to take profits. If JP Morgan is unsuccessful at creating a sell off, they will be in a lot of trouble, and a short squeeze up to $50 per ounce could be possible in the upcoming months. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/12 14:30, , 1F
03/12 14:30, 1F

03/12 15:11, , 2F
03/12 15:11, 2F

03/12 20:31, , 3F
"有可能"是因為希望投資人對作 才能在目前價位放空
03/12 20:31, 3F

03/12 20:32, , 4F
而不產生滑價 目前有大量避險需求(白銀)的人
03/12 20:32, 4F

03/12 20:34, , 5F
除了巴菲特("聽說持有"世界1/3部位) 我想不出有誰?
03/12 20:34, 5F

03/12 20:41, , 6F
03/12 20:41, 6F

03/12 20:44, , 7F
03/12 20:44, 7F

03/12 20:45, , 8F
03/12 20:45, 8F

03/12 20:46, , 9F
03/12 20:46, 9F

03/13 17:04, , 10F
03/13 17:04, 10F

03/14 13:15, , 11F
03/14 13:15, 11F

03/14 20:48, , 12F
billionaire轉文章的內容取向 跟羽匯軒超像
03/14 20:48, 12F

03/14 22:27, , 13F
03/14 22:27, 13F
文章代碼(AID): #1DUh_xE6 (ForeignEX)