[食記] 泰國.曼谷.Lay Lao(水舞秀米其林餐廳)

看板Food作者 (Mr.白)時間5年前 (2019/03/13 09:32), 編輯推噓1(101)
留言2則, 1人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
餐廳名稱:Lay Lao ICONSIAM 消費時間:2019年02月28日 地址:6F,299 Charoen Nakhon Soi 5, Charoen Nakhon Road, Khlong Ton Sai Sub District, Khlong San District, Bangkok 電話:+66 22880129 每人平均價位:平均一人約530 Baht(折台幣約530元/3人用餐平均價) 可否刷卡:有 有無包廂:無 推薦菜色:Green papaya salad with prawn and squid(鮮蝦花枝青木瓜沙拉)      Deep fried squid and squids roe with laylao secret sauce(Laylao獨家 醬料炸魷魚)      Deep fried spicy minced pork ball(泰北炸肉丸) Pomelo spicy salad with sun dried shrimp(辣柚子乾蝦沙拉) 官網:https://lay-lao.business.site/ -------------------------------------------- 沒有吵人音樂完整圖文並茂版:http://a4031320.pixnet.net/blog/post/467164295 -------------------------------------------- 全文開始 照片:品味米其林指南必比登推薦推薦的「Lay Lao」滿滿一桌8道菜 咱們來到「ICONSIAM」只是為了走訪這麼多人好評與普評的商場 也順道來多瞭解泰國的設計與建築空間感的科技進步 或許能從中得到些元素,讓自己在工作上的表現更能突出 在這麼諾大的百貨商場逛個下午也該累了想吃點美食 於是乎咱們前往「ICONSIAM」另一個重要的據點6樓美食主題餐廳區 「ICONSIAM」的6樓是來自各地異國餐廳進駐 於2019年1月中旬起各餐廳陸續開幕著 除了道地的泰式外還有日式、中式、美式... 台灣品牌亦進駐於此,像是鼎泰豐 漢來海港城2019/2/20開幕價位跟台灣差不多 比較吸引人注意的就是中間區域大型竹造裝飾 每座竹造空間皆為不同餐廳 光是看這些像是鳥巢的設計就讓我吃驚不少 那天就是想吃的泰國菜 於是看到這竹造鳥巢又像個斗笠般的餐廳 走近瞭解它賣的是甚麼菜色~ 這間餐廳叫做「Lay Lao」 當下沒有理會旁邊的那張紅色扛棒 只知道先翻菜單比較重要XD 光看菜單價位實在菜色變花多樣 很適合咱們三個人來吃吃看 直到後來才開始研究「Lay Lao」餐廳的資訊 原來2018起連2年榮獲曼谷米其林指南必比登推薦(MICHELIN GUIDE BIB GOURMAND Bangkok 2018-2019) 根據必比登推薦 (BIB GOURMAND)官方說法 上榜名單都是「非常美味卻有著平實價格的食物」 參考當地物價制定出一個價格 入選餐廳所供應的菜色必須低於這個數目 實際上當地物價格是多少?我也不曉得~反正就是一個指標吧 再者回台灣後再次搜尋關於「Lay Lao」餐廳 才知道它原為華欣,以東北泰寮菜在曼谷闖出名號 這間分店為旗下第2家,就進駐在很夯的「ICONSIAM」 我很喜歡「Lay Lao」餐廳除了翻閱菜單時的愉悅 還有它的所在地非常的讚 正好就位於6樓挑高雷射水舞秀的搖滾區位置 完全就是景觀餐廳啊! 抬頭就能欣賞水舞的表演 「Lay Lao」的對面則是另一個泰國知名餐廳「Luk KaiThong」 這兩間都有搖滾區的用餐位置 唯獨「Luk KaiThong」空間較大且常常能夠聽到雞鳴(特色服務鈴,吵死了) 踏進「Lay Lao」餐廳 裡面就像是被包覆住的鳥巢 竹編上再增加各種圓形竹編藝品來增加豐富度 透過竹編的巧思有點半隱密的空間感 又能讓室內空調流通因而舒適 店員服裝是海洋風格,有著華欣的大海象徵 餐桌椅則與竹編裝潢關聯性 使用深色原木與竹編椅跳脫出不同色彩 服務人員帶咱們入座 是一長形的矮沙發座椅區 這裡就是傳說中的水舞秀搖滾用餐環境 這個雷射水舞秀的表演時間我不曉得 只知道坐在這邊用餐隨時都能夠看到它 咱們的位置非常的好 是搖滾區的第一排吧! 也就是距離水舞秀最近的三角地帶 隨後服務人員給予每人一本菜單 菜單本身非常的沉重厚實 要翻閱可要好好握緊 接下來就翻開菜單好好的欣賞一番 菜單是泰文、英文字版本 不會泰文沒關係,英文爛也OK 人家的菜單可說是圖文並茂的非常好閱讀~ 菜單第一頁、第二頁:餐廳介紹 以華欣的風格,呈現泰國東北與寮國菜系的美味 但華欣是海洋的代表 這間餐廳除了特色菜之外還有各色海鮮料理 算是一間充滿各種精隨的特色 菜單第三頁、第四頁:EXCLSIVE MENU(獨家菜單) Bolled squid with palmyra palm sugar with red onlon and stired squld with garlic and pepper 245B Massaman chicken curry/ Massaman Thai-French calf curry 215B/285B Seabass in spicy and sour soup with shrimp paste and friesh hot basll 235B Charcoal grilled pork shoulder with spicy and mayo 195B Tom-Yam-Kung(creamy soup - River king prawn) 485B Deep fried squid and squid's roe with laylao/ secret sauce 265B/525B Mango sticky rice with coconut milk 125B Durian brown sticky rice with coconut milk 155 菜單第五頁、第六頁:Somtam(泰式青木瓜沙拉) Green papaya with salted crab salad 90B Traditional green papaya salad with free range crab and peanuts 95B Traditional green papaya salad with salted egg and peanuts 105B Green papaya with salted crab and fermanted fish salad 95B Green papaya with salted crab and shrimp paste salad 95B Yard long bean with salted crab and fermented fish salad 95B Green mango salad with raw fresh prawn 165B Green mango salad with raw mantis shrimp 155B pomelo spicy salad with sun dried shrimp 135B Laung-phra-bang traditional green papaya salad 95B Sweet corn salad 90B Santol salad with sun dried shrimp and shrimp paste(seasonal) 135B 菜單第七頁、第八頁:涼拌沙拉類 Green mgngo salad with raw blue crab 195B Green papaya salad with free range crab 100B Green papaya with salted crab, fermented fish, rice noodle, vietnamese sausage and water mimosa salad 125B Green papaya salad with charcoal grilled pork shoulder 155B Green papaya salad with raw blue crab 185B Sweet corn with salted egg salad 105B Green papaya salad with sclded prawn, squid and crab meat 165B Green papaya salad with raw black crab and black crab's roe 465B Green papaya salad with raw fresh prwan 155B Green papaya with salted crab, fermanted fish, rice vermicelli salad 105B Traditional gerrn papaya salad with boiled egg, Vietnamese sausage, rice vermicelli, crispy pork skin, vegetable and peanut 215B Green mango salad with raw black crab and crab's roe 480B Green papaya salad with raw mantis shrimp 165B Green papaya salad with fermanted fish, boiled egg, Vietnamese sausage, rice vermicelli, crispy pork skin, vegetable and peanut 215B 菜單第九頁、第十頁:特色菜/主菜 Pomelo salad with sundried shrimp and shrimp paste 135B Rae red sweet corn, apple, green apple, tomatp and avocado salad with grilled king ricer prawn 550B Deep fried spciy minced pork ball with salted egg yolk 135B Spicy silced charcoal grilled Thai-French beef salad 185B Soft cooked spicy minced pork salad 125B Soft cooked spicy fresh prawn salad 165B Sticky rice 20B 菜單第十一頁、第十二頁:特色菜 Sofe cooked spicy minced chicken salad 125B Soft cooked spicy boiled vietnamese sausage salad 135B Sofe cooked spicy minced pork anf glass noodle salad 125B Soft cooked spicy scalded squid salad 145B Spicy charcoal grilled pork shoulder salad 165B Spicy bamboo shoot salad 105B Soft cooked spicy scalded pork liver salad 135B Deep fried spicy minced pork ball 145B Raw black crab with crab roe in spicy garlic and chilli lime sauce 485B Vietnamese sausage with cuted and rolled chinese glass noodle spicy salad 145B Sliced charcoal grilled Thai-French beef spicy salad with pickled garlic 245B Vietnamese sausage spicy salad 135B Glass noodle with minced pork spicy salad 125B Glass noodle with prawn and squid 165B Spicy prwan and squid salad 160B Fresh prawn sashimi with seafood swuce 220B Spicy grilled pork shoulder salad 165B 菜單第十三頁、第四頁:Charcoal grilled(炭烤類) Charcoal grilled Thai-French sirloin 350B Charcoal grilled pork shouder 155B Charcoal grilled chicken(whole/Holf) 285B/160B Charcoal grilled dired mussels, dried fish and dried squid with green papaya in sweet and sour sauce(Hua Hin Style) 185B Charcoal grilled Thai sausages(Norteastern Style) 125B Charcoal grilled Thai sausages(Nortern style) 145B 菜單第十五頁、第十六頁:Deep Fried(油炸類) Deep fride squid and squid/roe with laylao/ secret sause 265B/525B Deep fried chicken wing 125B Deep fried sun dried pork 135B Deep friedvietnamese sausages 125B Deep friedcrab meat roll 265B Deep fried king mavkeral with sweet and salty sauce(filed) 335B Deep fried seabass with sweet and salty sauce(whole) 425B Deep fried seabass with sweet and spicy sauce(whole) 425B Deep fried prawn with garilc and pepper 245B 菜單第十七頁、第十八頁:Soup/Curry(湯與咖哩) Stewed youg pokr ribs in spicy soup 185B Massaman Thai-French calf curry 285B Seabass in spicy soup 285B Crab meat red curry served with boiled eggm rice vermicelli and vegetble 325B Tom-Yum-Kung 325B Seabass in spyic sour soup with pasta and french 325B 菜單第十九頁:Soup/Curry(湯與咖哩) Boiled squid with palm sugar with red onion and stired fried squid with garlic and pappar 245B Tom-Yun-Kung(Craemy soup, River king prawn) 485B Stewed Thai-French calf spicy soup 245B Tom-Yum-Kung(clear soup) 195B Free range chicken in fermanted fish sauce spicy soup 175B 菜單第二十頁:Main Dish(主菜) Charcoal grilled pork shoulder salad with spicy and sour mayo 195B 菜單第二十一頁、第二十二頁:Main Dish(主菜) Rice with grilled pork shoulder 125B Fried rice with crab meat 245B Fried rice with kale and salted fish 165B Fried rice with chinese and vietnamese sausages, chinken and prawn 165B Stired fried seafood with hot bssil served with steamed rice 165B Stired fried beef with hot basil served with steamed rice 165B Stired fried chinken with hot basil served with steamed rice 145B Pad-Thai with prawn 185B Pad-Thai with vietnamese sausages 165B Stired fried rice noolde with prawn and water mimosa 175B 菜單第二十三頁、第二十四頁:Vegetarian(素食) Vegetarian green papaya salad 90B Oriental Vegetarian green papaya salad 90 Deep fried tofu 115B Deep fried tofu spicy salad 135B Oriental vegetarian deep fried tofu spciy salad 135B Tofu and orinji mushroom spicy salad 175B Oriental vegetarian tofu and orinji mushroomg spicy salad 175B Mixed mushroom spicy salad 175B Oriental vegetarian maied mushroom spicy salad 175B Deep fried oyster mushroom 105B Oyster mushroom in spyic soup 135B Oriental vegetarian oyster mushroom in spyic soup 135B Fried rice with egg and vatable 115B Oriental vegetarian fried rice 115B Pad-Thai with deep fried tofu 145B Oriental vegetarian Pad-Thai 145B Stirred fried rice noodle with deep fried tofu and watar 145B Oriental vegetarian stirred fried rice noodle 145B Bamboo shoot spicy salad 105B 菜單第二十五頁:Stirred Fried(拌炒類);Gluten(麩質類);其他 Stirred fried kalea and salted fish 185B Stirred fried seafood with hot basll 175B Stirred friedbeef with hot basll 165B Stirred fried chinken with hot basll 155B Stirred fried deep fried tofu with hot basll 155B Stirred fried cabbage with fish sauce and garlic 115B Stirred fried blocoll in oyster sauce with prwan 155B Stirred fried mprning glory in oyster sauce 115B Stirred fried mixed vegetable in oyster sauce 115 Gluten free green papaya salad 90B Gluten free minced pork spicy salad 125B Gluten freeminced Thai-French beef spicy salad 185B Gluten free minced chicken spicy salad 125B Gluten free charcoal grilled Thai-French sirloin 350B Gluten free stewed baby prok ribs in spicy soup 185B Gluten free fried rice with pork 135B Gluten free fired rice chicken 125B Gluten free fired rice with egg and vegetable 115B Gluten free stirred fried mined pork with hot basil 155B Gluten free stirred fried mince chinken with hot basil 155B Gluten free stirred fried mixed vegetable 115B Sticky rice 20B Brown sticky rice 25B Steamed rice 20B Rice vermiceli 20B Rice noodle 20B Crispy pork skin 75B Boiled egg 15B Fried egg 15B 菜單第二十六頁:Dessert(甜點) Deep fried banana 115B Grass jelly 55B Grass jelly dried longan juice 65B Grass jelly in thai milk tea 65B Mango stcky rice with coconut milk 125B Durian brown sticky rice with coconut milk 155B 菜單第二十七頁、第二十八頁:Drink(飲料類) Rossella juice 85B Chrysantemum juice 85B Dried longan juice 85B Pandana juice 85B Lemongrass and pandanas juice 85B Lemongrass juice with honey and lemon 85B Lemon juice 85B Lemon soda 85B Iced lemon tea 85B Butterflypea juice with honey and lime 85B Iced tea 85B thai milk tea 95B English breakfast 110B Earl grey tea(Pot) 110B Hot espresso 110B 菜單第二十九頁、第三十頁:Drink(飲料類);Alcohol(酒) Italian buleberry soda 95B Italian strawberry soda 95B Italian wildberry soda 95B Italian blue curacao soda 95B Coke 35B Sprite 35B Soda 30B Still water 25B Hot water(class) 20B Hott water(Pot) 50B Leo beer(large) 155B Singha beer(small/Large) 115B/165B Heinaken beer(small/Large) 125B/175B Beer Lao - Large 125B Beer Lao - Dark 125B 菜色太多樣化看了許久才決定好,這回共點8道菜色 品嚐較特殊的泰國東北與寮國菜系的美味 首先是「Still water(礦泉水)」25B 2瓶水夠3個人慢慢喝 冰塊是免費的,不用額外點 服務人員端上了一盤生菜拼盤 裡面有各式蔬菜與紅蘿蔔 放上幾個冰塊簡單的冰鎮 稍後可用來邊用餐邊吃點生菜解辣度 但我習慣吃辣這些生菜對我來說用不到 過了一段時間佳餚陸續上桌 看的咱們多想立即開動啊! 「Steamed rice(白飯)」每份20B 白飯上桌的時間很早 等到要真正用餐時有些冷掉 若是趁熱吃的話比較香綿些 「Green papaya salad with prawn and squid(鮮蝦花枝青木瓜沙拉)」165B 這道菜看似簡單溫和 實際上它用的藥草和香料來調理 味道比較多層次感 夾取時可以連同薄荷葉一起食用,那種清涼又酸辣的滋味 肯定不是一般時可以吃到的口味 蝦仁新鮮Q彈,而另一個花枝則是肉質鮮嫩 咱們對這道菜評價蠻高的 「Spicy minced pork salad(豬肉拌炒沙拉)」125B 這是一道泰式打拋豬肉 但它的味道與在曼谷吃到的完全不同 採用大量香料調配著 有檸檬的酸甜滋味,口味來說是清爽的涼拌路線 配飯來吃頗為開胃,只是少了那種熱騰騰的熱度 「Deep fried squid and squids roe with laylao secret sauce(Half portion)(Laylao獨家醬料炸魷魚-半份)」265B 這是店家的特色菜,咱們點了半份來享用 外表像是被塗了焦糖般的色澤 炙烤中醬汁吸附在肉質纖維當中 食用前先來切片 先吃原味是香氣濃郁的醬汁,吃起來不辣是甜甜的 沾取特製的青辣椒醬,利用辣度把海鮮滋味逼了出來 魷魚的肉質新鮮,吃起來外勁內軟 魷魚腳烤的較焦,慢慢咀嚼就很像在台灣吃的烤魷魚的FU 「Green mango salad with raw fresh prawn(青芒果沙拉)」165B 咱們點蠻多沙拉類的菜色 想說就是多吃多開胃嘛 青木瓜絲清爽又脆口 味道甜酸鹹辣,清爽酸甜煞是開胃 它本身用的檸檬較重,反倒是辣度較低些 「Deep fried tofu(炸豆腐)」115B 換個清淡的豆腐吃吃 原以為炸豆腐會像台灣雞蛋豆腐般的樣式 實際上是三角豆腐姿態上場 炸完的豆腐本身沒甚麼味道,直接吃非常的豆味 豆腐外皮不酥脆只是簡單的過油上色,裡面的豆腐質地保有原本的水份 沾了特製的花生甜醬就像是吃甜點般的滋味 甜滋滋的好爽口 「Deep fried spicy minced pork ball(泰北炸肉丸)」145B 這道菜是餐廳招牌菜,也是泰東北的美食之一 是個小點類型的菜色,要用它吃飽有難度(因為真的很小顆) 肉丸子裡包上辣椒、南姜、香茅、生薑等香料 直接吃它會在嘴裡散發出特殊口齒清香香料味兒 不用沾醬就能感受到泰東北的特色 肉末以打碎,簡單咀嚼就散發在嘴裡 「Deep fried chicken wing(炸雞翅)」125B 特色菜再來一發,就是看起來很一般的炸雞翅 雞翅炸的外表非常酥脆 撒上香料增添它的香氣 吃下一口雞皮已酥脆化,裡面的雞肉鮮嫩 沾一些甜辣醬配著吃也不錯 「Pomelo spicy salad with sun dried shrimp(辣柚子乾蝦沙拉)」135B 最後要在介紹一道沙拉菜色 從沒看過「柚子」可以當作主角的菜餚 我想只有這裡才能發現 由於太特殊咱們才點來品嚐看看這奇妙的菜系 柚子撥開切成塊狀 輔以涼拌與青檸、辣椒、魚露、大蒜、烤花生和蝦米來調出的酸酸辣辣甜甜的開胃菜 口味來說就跟青木瓜絲相同 只是搭配的主角卻是「柚子」 涼拌過的「柚子」吃起來是很香的柚子纖維 搭配著醬汁在嘴裡散發出奇妙的口味 它又甜又酸又鹹又微辣著 最後「柚子」的本身纖維的澀味留存在口腔內 不會不好吃而是酸甜爽快 用餐完畢準備結帳 這頓晚餐共1,589 Baht,內含10%服務費與7%稅額 整體來說,這間「Lay Lao」的菜系跟一般常見的泰國菜不同 泰國東北與寮國菜咱們沒事應該都很難碰到 在這裡卻能實現這個嘗鮮的夢想 這裡的菜色香料用的較多,口味來說我覺得較屬清爽型的酸辣 辣椒該有的辣依菜餚不同來調整 大多有著青寧的酸甜帶走火辣滋味反而變得溫和 餐廳的環境更是一等一的優 用餐期間有著水舞秀的陪伴 我想這也是另一種用餐情調 《店家資訊》 店名:Lay Lao ICONSIAM 地址:6F,299 Charoen Nakhon Soi 5, Charoen Nakhon Road, Khlong Ton Sai Sub District, Khlong San District, Bangkok 電話:+66 22880129 官網:https://lay-lao.business.site/ 粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/laylaoofficial/ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/laylaoofficial 營業時間:10:00~22:00 店休日:未知 賞味日期:2019年02月28日 中文服務:無 服務費:無 稅額:有(以內含7%) 價格:1,589 Bath net/人 費用:平均一人約530 Baht(折台幣約530元) 用餐時間:不限制 刷卡:有 捷運站:BTS「Saphan Taksin」2號出口,徒步約1分鐘換乘接駁船前往ICONSIAM     BTS「Krung Thonburi」1號出口,徒步約1分鐘換乘接駁車前往ICONSIAM 交通資訊:https://www.iconsiam.com/en/getting_here -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Food/M.1552440773.A.F41.html

03/18 22:36, 5年前 , 1F
那個不是打拋豬喔 就是涼拌豬肉(我也不知道正式的名稱啦)
03/18 22:36, 1F

03/18 22:36, 5年前 , 2F
03/18 22:36, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1SY5t5z1 (Food)