[徵才] 復華投信徵儲備產品經理

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公司名稱:復華投信 職位名稱:儲備產品經理 (Sales Department) 職位主要負責: 1. 業務專案管理與活動推廣 2. 金融市場資訊研究、彙整與分析 3. 同業產品資料蒐集與分析報告 4. 銷售文件製作 5. 輔導業務銷售、開發及新進業務訓練 6. 其他培訓需要之工作,目標為獨立業務工作 要求:1~3年工作經驗 意者請將個人簡歷寄至: kiri_lin@fhtrust.com.tw 歡迎各方人才踴躍投遞簡歷~ ---------------------------------------------------------- Fuh Hwa Investment Trust wants” Account Manager Trainee “ Job Description: 1. Supporting Business strategy implementation & assisting in business and pro duct initiatives 2. Monitor and analyze business performance/scorecard 3. Develop and manage direct marketing program and overseeing of the product t actical plan, including product development, advertising, and sales Support ma terials. Qualifications: 1. Excellent interpersonal, communication skill and high EQ. 2. Outperform in fast paced and high pressure environment. 3. Strong business sense and entrepreneurship. 4. 1~3year working experience. Send CV via: kiri_lin@fhtrust.com.tw -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Finance/M.1618028763.A.A91.html ※ 編輯: suyousing ( 臺灣), 04/10/2021 17:23:16
文章代碼(AID): #1WSIZRgH (Finance)