[徵才] SGCIB - Underwriting Assistant

看板Finance作者 (懶惰)時間4年前 (2020/04/30 22:55), 3年前編輯推噓0(000)
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【POSITION】 DCM Assistant Working as an assistant to DCM Syndicate desk in Taipei, with primary responsibility for Formosa underwriting business. 【MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES】 - Assist in preparation and execution of Formosa transactions. - Liaise with external and internal parties on KYC related matters. - Prepare and collect required documents for listing in Taipei Exechange. - Prepare relevant info/data/presentations for client pitches. - Assist in roadshow/reverse roadshow arrangement. - Other administrative work at underwriting department. 【REQUIREMENT】 - Master or bachelor degree holder in finance, engineering or business administration. - Fluent in English. - Securities Specialist license required. - Maximum 12 months working experience post-graduation. - Proven analytical, computer and interpersonal skills. - Basic technical knowledge in fixed income and/or Formosa market preferred. 【SALARY】 NTD 50K+/mo Please send your CV to stanley.liu@sgcib.com *submission deadline - May 31 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Finance/M.1588258559.A.980.html ※ 編輯: diy7822 ( 臺灣), 05/06/2020 13:23:54 ※ 編輯: diy7822 ( 臺灣), 05/27/2020 21:16:48
文章代碼(AID): #1UgkR_c0 (Finance)