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如題, 請把CV寄到david.hsu@spglobal.com 工作地點: 台北 工作內容 We expect the role will spend 3 months in preparation for the analytical certificate exam to be qualified as primary analysts for FI (or Insurance) practice. He/She will then start doing rating analytics for FI (or Insurance) as primary analyst and at the same time prepare for the Corp. practice analytical certificate exam. We target the candidate being eligible primary analysts for both FI(or Insurance) and Corporate practice within 9 months. 基本要求 Basic Qualifications: At least 5 years' experience in credit analysis. Bachelor Degree and at least 5+ years of work experience in financial analysis or related field. Good communication skill and fluent in English (TOEIC: 700+). Able to work independently and lead meeting flow with external stakeholders. The incumbent should have good time management skills and the ability to work under pressure or short deadline. Highly proficient in Microsoft Excel, Word and PowerPoint. Preferred Qualifications: A plus with experience in the insurance and corporate sector. A plus with CFA or CFA candidate. 我們是甚麼公司 Taiwan Ratings Corp. (TRC), the first credit rating agency in Taiwan, is a leading provider of financial market intelligence in Taiwan and through its association with S&P Global Ratings facilitates the dissemination of first-rate financial news coverage and analysis across the global market. TRC offers an unparalleled range of objective and independent information, critical thinking, opinions, news and data on local companies and markets, as well as their interconnectivity with international companies and markets. As a subsidiary of internationally renowned credit rating agency S&P Global Ratings, we are proud to play an integral role supporting the world's leading source of credit ratings, indices, investment research, risk evaluation and data to assist global financial planners in accessing the information they require for competent decision making. -- Sent from my Windows -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Finance/M.1567697289.A.AAF.html
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