[Rogi] Federer: “It’s easy being me”

看板Federer作者 (You're the best!)時間14年前 (2009/09/25 22:39), 編輯推噓12(1206)
留言18則, 15人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
原文訪問是義大利文,官網網友Sarah-Solana翻成英文, 這是台維斯盃期間Roger在義大利做的訪問。 有些地方我可能翻得不怎麼通順 > < 請大家多多見諒。 原文網址 http://www.lastampa.it/sport/cmsSezioni/tennis/200909articoli/22698girata.asp Federer: “It’s easy being me” Federer: "要當我很簡單。" The number one: “it will be complicated when I start to not enjoy myself anymore. But tennis will live on even without me.” 世界第一說:當我不再能樂於自我的時候,事情就會變得困難。但是就算沒有我,網 球仍然能發展延續下去。 Genova – The Roger Federer that no one knows. He plays the piano, loves Michael Jackson, is terrified of spiders, snakes and parachuting. He shows off here and there, the Mozart of tennis, flashes of unsuspected dark humour, as when he dealt with the suicide of David Foster Wallace, the most lyrical of his idolatries. 沒人知道的Roger Federer。他彈鋼琴,喜歡Michael Jackson,害怕蜘蛛,蛇跟跳傘, 當論及David Foster Wallace的自殺時,網球莫札特展露出不為人知的黑色幽默。 David Foster Wallace是他最情感豐沛的崇拜者。 He speaks about doping, twins, God, showing in general a weak tendency when going off on an idea. In short, the old story, don’t ask Mozart why he’s Mozart. He is the first not to know anything about it. 他談論禁藥,雙胞胎還有神,簡單來說就是老話一句,別問莫札特為什麼是莫札特,他 是最不知道的人。 For the remainder, he appears as a wonder inside the Swiss red cross tracksuit. He came straight from New York, with his multi purpose tennis to give us a piece. Mission almost accomplished. Today we will know, first singles match. Rare case. Do we applaud our killer? Total charm his. Charming smile, warm and soft voice, and those hands, that we now know, of a pianist. 另外,他令人驚奇地穿著瑞士的紅十字運動服出現,直接帶著他多變的網球從紐約過來, 任務幾乎完成了,第一場的單打。我們為對手喝采嗎 ?完全被他吸引,迷人的笑容,溫暖 柔軟的聲音,還有手,彈鋼琴的手。 We imagine you depressed and unhappy, still in the nightmare of Del Potro’s heavy blows (shots) 我們猜你感到沮喪和不開心,還處在Del Potro強力重擊的夢魘中? Eh, the night after, I went through the images of the match in my head. Of course I was sorry but I also knew that I played a great tournament and that perhaps I didn’t deserve to lose. However I lost against a great Del Potro and that in the end, tennis always wants a victim. 那天晚上,我的腦中閃過比賽中的片段。當然,我很遺憾,但是我也知道這個賽事我打 得很棒,或許不該輸的。然而,我是輸給很棒的 Del Potro。最終,網球總是得要個輸 家。 Can you say much about the final between Federer and Del Potro: Beauty verses strength? 可以多說說Federer跟Del Potro的決賽嗎?優美 v 力量? I’d say so. He is such that he hits with great force and I am that that I have to respond using intelligence. It’s always so in the challenges that one of the two is physically less exceptional. I took many right decisions during the match, but I didn’t always execute them in the right way. 可以這樣說,他以強大的力量擊球,而我必須用智慧給予回應。當某一方體力比較不那 麼突出的時候總是會這樣。我在比賽中做了很多正確的決定,但是卻無法一直用對的方 法去執行我的決定。 You’ve won everything, played everywhere on every surface, what else do you expect from yourself? 你什麼都贏過了,所有的地方,所有的場地,你對自己還有什麼期許呢? I hope many more years of happiness with tennis. To travel with my now numerous (numbered) family. I feel very loved and, as long as the people show that they enjoy my tennis, I will continue. 我希望能享受更多年網球的樂趣。跟我的家庭成員一起旅行,我感到被愛。只要人們展 露對我網球的喜愛,我就會繼續下去。 How do you respond to those who think (support the fact) that Federer has a soft psyche, that under pressure he tends to crumble? 你會怎麼回應那些認為Federer心理素質不佳,在壓力下就會崩潰的人呢? They write many things. One is quick to talk if you’re in a crisis and quick to celebrate a new hero. In tennis things happen very quickly. The truth is that you can’t always play at your best. I’ve been at the top for six or seven years. I’m very happy with my career and my life. 他們寫很多東西,如果你有危機的時候,他們會很快下定論,而且很快慶祝新英雄的誕 生。網球的世界裡事情都發生的很快,事實是你無法老是維持在最佳狀態。我曾經6 或 7 年維持在世界第一。我對我的生涯跟生活都很滿意。 How much has your life changed, having the twins from now on? 從雙胞胎誕生到現在,你的生活改變了多少? The twins give me great serenity. To be a good dad and a tennis player at the same time is a wonderful challenge. I can’t wait for them to grow up and take part in my activities. 雙胞胎為我帶來心靈的平靜。同時做個好父親跟網球選手是美好的挑戰。我迫不及待他 們長大,並且參與我的活動。 Even myths have their myths. I’ll give you these names; Mohammed Ali, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Usain Bolt and… Francesco Totti. 即使是神話人物也有他們心中的神話人物,我給你以下的名字:Mohammed Ali, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Usain Bolt and… Francesco Totti。 Michael Jordan was my great idol. I would add Boris Becker amongst the tennis players. Ali did incredible things. Tiger and Francesco are my friends. For me they encourage me to do better. Michael Jordan是我的偶像。網球選手的話我會加上Boris Becker。Ali的成就很不可思 議,Tiger跟Francesco are是我的朋友。他們鼓勵我讓我做的更好。 In what language do you speak with your friend Totti? 你跟你的朋友Totti用什麼語言交談呢? We try to speak in English, but it’s not easy 我們試著用英文交談,但這不太容易。 Music that’s in the background to your enterprise 音樂對你而言的意義。 Music is very important. I like to listen to it, especially when I’m driving. Since I was a boy I played the piano. I really liked dance (music) but today I am closer to rock. (I listen) to everyone, I love Michael Jackson. 音樂很重要,我喜歡聽音樂,尤其是在開車的時候。從我還是小孩的時候,我就彈鋼琴 了。我真的很喜歡跳舞(的樂曲),但現在我比較喜歡搖滾樂。每個人的音樂我都聽,我 很愛Michael Jackson。 The most pleasing tennis player to watch on tv 最享受在電視上看到的網球選手(的比賽)。 I really enjoyed watching Sampras against Agassi…I am a fan of my sport. I like to watch it apart from playing it, I like to study tactics. I see everything, even the doubles and the women’s tournaments. 我真的很喜歡看Agassi跟Sampras的比賽。我是這個運動的球迷。除了比賽之外我也愛 看,我喜歡研究戰術策略。我看所有的比賽,即使是雙打跟女子的賽事。 Foster Wallace wrote: To watch Federer play is a religious experience Foster Wallace寫過:看Federer比賽是宗教體驗。 I did a half hour interview with him at Wimbledon, one of the strangest that I’ve ever done. As I was going, I was still asking myself what we had said. I was very shocked by his suicide. 我在溫布頓有接受過他訪問,那是我做過最奇怪的訪問之一。當我離開的時候,我還自 問我們到底說過些什麼。我對他的自殺感到震驚。 Did you have any idea? 你有什麼想法嗎? I wish, I’m sure that it wasn’t because of me…artists like him have ideals of a very high level, that often don’t hold up, unfortunately, in comparison with life. He wrote a wonderful essay on me. Even thanks to him, the world is, for me, a better place. 我希望,我確定不是因為我。像他這樣的藝術家有很崇高的理想,而與真實人生相較,那 崇高理想常無法維持下去。他寫了篇關於我的美好文章。感謝他,這世界對我而言是個好 地方。 Religious? 宗教信仰? Only a bit, I admit it. I don’t go to church often, I’m not a regular, also because of my work. 只有一點點,我承認。我不常去教堂,因為我的工作。 Is there another life or is this enough, when we ask Roger Federer? 當我們談起Roger Federer的時候,他有其他的生活嗎?或是這樣就夠了? I’d like the idea of another life. I am doubtful, let’s say 50/50 我想要有其他的生活,我有點懷疑,一半一半吧! How complicated is it to be Roger Federer? 當Roger Federer有多困難? It’s very easy. It will become complicated the day that I don’t enjoy myself anymore. 很簡單,只有當我不再能樂在其中的時候才會變得困難。 Roger Federer’s phobias? Roger Federer的恐慌來源? I am afraid of the idea of parachuting into an empty space. And then I’m scared of snakes and spiders. 我害怕要跳傘跳到一個空曠的地方。我也害怕蛇跟蜘蛛。 Doping even attacks tennis 禁藥也侵襲網球。 I’d like a sport without doping, but it’s an illusion. There’s so much money involved, this pushes people to take drugs. I am convinced that doping doesn’t help tennis. Only a minority think differently. We can be submitted to checks at any moment and I believe that it’s the right thing to do. I prefer to know that I am playing against a clean opponent. Unfortunately it’s not always so. 我希望運動可以遠離禁藥,但這是個難題。因為運動有很多金錢利益在其中,而這促使 人們用藥。我相信禁藥對網球沒有幫助。只有少數人不這樣想而已。我們能在任何時間 接受檢測,我相信這是正確的事情。我比較想知道我的對手完全清白,沒有用藥。不幸 地,並不總是這樣。 An irreducible fan of yours wrote “the beauty of the gesture of Roger Federer is perhaps not essential to tennis, but to life” 你的球迷寫說:Roger Federer的美好或許不只是網球所需,更是生活所需。 Thank you. In reality, I think that it can live even without Roger Federer. Tennis is greater than the tennis player.” 謝謝。事實上我想沒有Roger Federer,網球還是能繼續發展。網球比網球選手更偉大。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/25 22:42, , 1F
09/25 22:42, 1F

09/25 23:01, , 2F
好喜歡這篇訪問! 尤其最後一個回答!!
09/25 23:01, 2F

09/25 23:07, , 3F
感謝翻譯 費拔的訪問總是很有智慧ˇˇ
09/25 23:07, 3F

09/25 23:16, , 4F
辛苦了, 沒想到roger會彈琴還喜歡Michael Jackson!!
09/25 23:16, 4F
※ 編輯: megar 來自: (09/25 23:28)

09/25 23:29, , 5F
09/25 23:29, 5F

09/25 23:34, , 6F
感謝翻譯 只有當我不再能樂在其中的時候才會變得困難
09/25 23:34, 6F

09/25 23:34, , 7F
09/25 23:34, 7F

09/25 23:53, , 8F
09/25 23:53, 8F

09/26 00:36, , 9F
09/26 00:36, 9F

09/26 14:23, , 10F
09/26 14:23, 10F

09/26 16:35, , 11F
09/26 16:35, 11F

09/26 20:00, , 12F
剛聽到金鋼戰士的歌.希望有機會聽到Go Go Power Roger!!!XD
09/26 20:00, 12F

09/27 00:30, , 13F
09/27 00:30, 13F

09/27 01:43, , 14F
真的很疑惑有哪個人敢寫Roger心裡素質不好 他這樣都算不好
09/27 01:43, 14F

09/27 01:43, , 15F
那網球界 心理素質好的大概沒幾個了...
09/27 01:43, 15F

09/27 21:08, , 16F

12/06 18:05, 5年前 , 17F
謝謝原PO。樓樓上好壞 https://muxiv.com
12/06 18:05, 17F

04/16 19:47, 5年前 , 18F
Roger真的很怕高的 http://yofuk.com
04/16 19:47, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #1AlDOlFJ (Federer)