[情報] 2009溫布頓第二輪賽後訪問

看板Federer作者 (莫非)時間15年前 (2009/06/25 08:21), 編輯推噓12(12011)
留言23則, 13人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
原文網址:http://tinyurl.com/m2s26a 只是稍微翻個大意,沒有很精準。 Q. Do you enjoy comfortable matches like that? 你享受像這樣舒服快速的比賽嗎? ROGER FEDERER: Yeah. Felt good, you know. I expected much harder because he's been playing well in Eastbourne it was. He reached the semis over there. And I've played him twice before where I saw he has some, you know, good forehand and steady backhand. On grass, you never know, so... I was quite surprised I was able to win so easily today. 是的,我以為會是個更難的比賽。之前的比賽有兩次他打得很好,不過永遠不知道在草地 上會怎樣。我很驚訝我今天贏得蠻輕鬆的。 Q. How are the courts playing? Have you noticed any difference between last year and this year? 球場打起來如何?你覺得跟去年有什麼不同嗎? ROGER FEDERER: No. They feel the same. I felt the difference between today and the other day. It was very humid on Monday, so it was very slippery, sort of wet. But today was perfect sunshine. Then it gets slippery because I guess it's so hot, so it's different. But the courts play nice, you know. Very few bad bounces. So it's a beautiful court. 感覺起來是一樣的,不過我察覺到的是前天跟今天的不同。前天很潮濕,故草地很滑。今 天則是大晴天。我猜因為天氣熱故它變得滑。這兩者是不同的。 Q. No different to previous years? 跟前幾年比起來沒有不同? ROGER FEDERER: I don't think so, no. 對啦我想是沒有不同。 Q. They do change as the tournament goes on. Is that something you have to adjust to? 當賽事一天天進行草地也會改變。你有跟著做什麼調整嗎? ROGER FEDERER: A little bit. Yeah, I was thinking that during the match today, that, you know, I came out today and felt quite different already to the first day. The courts get run down very quickly. Next time probably I'll see Centre Court again, it's got even more scars. As you move on, it's the same thing. So it's quite a change. I mean, you don't have to adjust a whole lot. But there's definitely more bad bounces, you know, after a while, especially where the serving area is, you know. Maybe you play there later on in the tournament more often. 是有一些。今天的比賽我有在想這個,我覺得今天跟前天真的蠻不同的。草地消失得很快 。當賽事持續進行,不需要調整太多。不過之後當發球區的草不見後,確實會有更多較差 的彈跳。 Q. What about the speed of the courts compared to the other years? 今年的球速跟往年相比? ROGER FEDERER: It feels the same. I think when it's humid like it was on Monday it feels quite slow, you know. Just the ball doesn't travel through the air so much. Maybe with the moist on the grass the ball gets just a bit fluffy. So maybe it feels a bit slower then. But today, again, you know, it was good weather. The conditions are pretty quick. You know, it's hard to return. If you have an aggressive style of play, I mean, that's the way to play then. 感覺是一樣的。禮拜一比較潮濕故感覺起來較慢。但今天是個好天氣,節奏很快,你知道 它是很難回擊的。如果你有較積極的打法,就應該這樣。 Q. The weather has been great and the roof hasn't closed yet. Do you now start to feel that maybe you would like to see how it works, the effect of it? 天氣一直不錯,屋頂都還沒關過。你有開始覺得,或許你會期待看到它關起來的效果嗎? ROGER FEDERER: Uhm, I mean, there will always be a right time for those kind of things, you know. But I guess it would be nice to start off a match, you know, right away under the roof instead of going off and coming back on. But that belongs to Wimbledon. You know, I've done it so many times. I don't get bothered by it. But I'm definitely looking forward to my first time under the roof, you know. I don't know if it's gonna be this year. But I'll stick around and get an opportunity. We'll see. 我想,總會有機會的,不過我猜有屋頂總比沒有好。我很期待我第一次在屋頂下打球的時 候,我不知道是否會是今年。不過我會堅持留在這兒然後等待機會。 Q. We notice today after many years Mirka wasn't in your box. Should we wait for some special announcement to be made sooner than expected, or not? 我們有發現Mirka今天沒有在包廂中。我們應該期待不久後有什麼特別的公告嗎? ROGER FEDERER: No, no, not really. She's just not feeling, you know, a hundred percent. She only felt 95%, so we decided it's better if she takes it easy instead of sitting in the sun maybe, feeling worse the next day. It's important for her to rest. She's already feeling better, which is good. 並不是。她只是沒有覺得100% OK,只有95%,故我們決定她或許還是不要在太陽底下曬。 休息對她而言是很重要的。她有覺得比較好了。 Q. Is it still 10 August, more or less, the date? 寶寶出生的日期是08/10之前或之後? ROGER FEDERER: I never said it. I don't know who told you, but... you can speculate as much as you want. 我從沒說何時,我不知道誰告訴你的,你想要的話可以繼續猜沒關係。 Q. Mirka told me. Mirka告訴我的。(?!!!) ROGER FEDERER: Mirka told you? I'm sure she did (smiling). Mirka告訴你的?我確定她有(笑)。(???) Q. Inside information. 內部消息。(???) ROGER FEDERER: She invited you, too, didn't she? Mirka她邀請你,是嗎? Q. A question about your Facebook account. Do you actually update everything yourself there? Was it all fun? What made you do that, your Facebook account? 對於你的Facebook有個問題。你是真的自己update所有東西嗎?好玩嗎?你為什麼會去弄 個Facebook? ROGER FEDERER: I didn't understand the question, I'm sorry. 不是很明白你的問題。 Q. Do you update everything yourself there? 你是自己update所有東西嗎? ROGER FEDERER: Yeah. I mean, obviously I have a person who helps me doing it, because I can't go all the time on it. But I try to update it, you know, as frequently as I can. It's a fun thing, really, you know, that's been a lot of pleasure lately. Yeah, it's amazing how the fan base grows quickly, you know. So many fantastic fans, not only on Facebook. I think we're close to two million fans over there, and 250,000 fans on my own website. So it's been nice, and I like to interact. They mean a lot to me, you know, that they support me so much maybe not only by Internet, but also the stadium, I can feel that. It's a way to thank them. 好啦是有個人幫我做這個啦,我又不能一直上去。不過我有試著自己用,很好玩。很驚奇 粉絲數目增加這麼快。我想或許全球有兩百萬個粉絲,然後我網站有二十五萬個。總而言 之這很棒,然後我也喜歡跟粉絲互動。他們對我很重要,他們給我很多支持,或許不只是 透過網站,在球場上也是,我可以感覺得到。跟粉絲互動是一種表達感謝的方式。 Q. What does Wimbledon mean to you? 溫布頓對你來說多重要? ROGER FEDERER: A lot (smiling). Well, it's a wonderful tournament with incredible history. I feel very privileged having had the opportunity to play here as a tennis player. I think there's only a few tournaments in the world that do that to you. As a little boy, you want to play at. For me, there was probably like three or four tournaments growing up, but always Wimbledon was the biggest dream and the biggest stage. So I feel already happy just having played here. But obviously winning it is even much more than I ever thought I would achieve here. 非常重要(笑)。這是個有美好傳統的賽事。我對可以在這打球覺得很榮耀。其他三大滿貫 正在成長,但溫布頓永遠是最大的那個。故光可以在這兒打球我就非常高興。不過顯然地 ,可以在這贏是比我以前想過所可以成就的還要好。 Q. There was a story in the papers this morning about yet another report of suspicious betting surrounding a tennis match, one played at Wimbledon this week. What are your views on the problem? Is this something you talk about in the locker room? 報紙上今早有篇報導,關於這周在溫布頓的一場比賽,有打假球賭博疑雲。你對此的看法 ?在球員休息室有談論這個嗎? ROGER FEDERER: No, we don't talk about it in the locker room. But it's happened more frequently than we talk about it. You know, if it's happening or not, we are suspecting. We're not sure. But, of course, it has no place, you know, in tennis, those kind of things. But it's hard to control. But I'm sure the ATP and the ITF, we're trying our best, you know, to catch those guys if there are any out there. I think we should have, you know, massive bans on those who get caught so they get really scared of doing it. We talk about it in the Player Council, Player Board. Those are things definitely we're trying to fight, you know. We have a good setup, so we can't avoid that there are some funny results sometimes here and there. You know, that doesn't mean it's really happening. 休息室並沒有談論這個。我們是有在懷疑到底是否有。不過當然在網球容不下這種事。我 確定ATP跟ITF很努力要抓到那些人,如果真的有的話。我想對於那些被抓到的人應該有嚴 重的懲罰,他們才會覺得害怕。 我們有跟Player council和player board討論過。這些事是我們一直在努力的。你知道, 並不能確定它真的有發生,故說不定最後是個好笑的結果。 Q. Is it tough to control, given the amount of players in the world game, the amount of information, flow of information about injuries to bookmakers? 是否因為網球選手有這麼多、資訊有這麼多,然後就很難避免受傷的消息流到賭場? ROGER FEDERER: Look, I don't know. I've never been approached. I never knew it existed until a few years ago when all of a sudden I heard about it. So I've been shocked, you know, to hear it. Well, we always hope, you know, that the players also want the best for the sport. That's, at the end of the day, what it comes down to. 我不知道。我從沒接觸過。我是在前幾年突然聽到才知道它是真的存在。我也很震驚。我 們總是希望球員也是想要維持這運動的美好。 Q. I wonder if you had a chance to watch Andy Murray's match yesterday, and whether you were surprised that he lost a set to Robert Kendrick? 我不知道你昨天是否有機會看Murray的比賽,然後你是否驚訝他掉了一盤? ROGER FEDERER: I saw a little bit. I didn't see too much. But, no, I mean, we know Kendrick can be very dangerous. So it's always possible for a guy to lose a set, especially on grass. If he serves well, plays the big points well, a set goes by pretty quickly, you know. But he came through, so everything's under control for you guys (smiling). 看到一點點,並不是很多。你知道Kendrick(Murray對手)也是很危險的。故在草地上輸個 一盤是有可能的。如果你發球好,在關鍵分打得不錯,一盤是可以很快拿下的。不過他撐 過來的,所以對你們這些記者來說,事情都在掌控之中。(笑) Q. We haven't seen too many people that have held the No. 1 ranking for a long time. Can you talk about why you think that is, and what are the challenges to regaining that ranking? 並沒有很多人很長時間持續保持排名第一。可以談談你覺得這是為什麼,還有要一直保持 排名第一的挑戰嗎? ROGER FEDERER: The beginning was too fast? 詢問確認問題。 Q. Very few people have held the No. 1 ranking for a long period of time, not like a week or two, that have lost it and been able to regain it. Why do you think that is? 很少人一直長時間一直保持第一,(並不是指那種贏了一兩周又掉下第一,然後又回到排名 第一。)你覺得是為什麼? ROGER FEDERER: Well, the thing is, I guess, depending what kind of tournaments you do win, you know, it stays in your how do you say system for a long time. And then if you don't have those big tournaments or they come around just right away after 365 days when it's about to fall off again, you don't stay No. 1 for very long. So I guess to stay at the top for a very long time, you got to win a few of those big ones. If you only win still it's good to win just a couple of slams a year. But if you only win maybe one, you have sort of average results otherwise, you probably won't stay No. 1 for very long, because the big tournaments will come around and chase you, you know. 我想關鍵就在你是贏哪種等級賽事。我想如果要一直停在第一,就要贏些大賽事。 Q. How about physically and mentally reaching that mountaintop, losing it, trying to get back? 那曾在那個位置,失去它後又試著重返第一,在生理和心理上的問題? ROGER FEDERER: That, to me, doesn't seem the biggest problem. I just think then, you know, it's just hard to regain it because you've already had so much success. You can't have success for 20 years. You can play well for a long period of time, but can you always and always win again in the big tournaments? Because those are the ones that throw off most points. That makes it hard, because you have guys that are on fire as well. Maybe if it's just for a year, they take away the No. 1 ranking just for a year. 對我而言那不是個大問題,我只是想著,要再回到第一是有點困難因為已經有了這麼多成 右。你不可能成功二十年。你可以長時間打得很好,但可以總是總是一直在大賽事中贏嗎 ?大滿貫的賽事是讓你失分最多的東西。 這讓一直保持第一很難,因為總是有厲害的人,或許只有一年,然後他們再花一年拿走第 一。 Q. You played in the Olympics. A late report reviewed that the air pollution level in Beijing Olympics were three times worse than in recent Olympic cities. You were playing there. Did the air quality cause you any problem at all? 你有打北京奧運。最近一篇報導說,北京的空氣品質比起之前幾屆的奧運城市,是三倍的 糟糕。你有感覺到任何問題嗎? ROGER FEDERER: In Beijing? 在問說北京嗎? Q. Yes. 對的。 ROGER FEDERER: I thought that one day where I practiced it was a bit funny, but I think that was also because it was a hundred percent humidity, which makes it hard already to breathe at 33 degrees. 某天練習時有想到,不過我想跟濕度也有點關係,雖然說要在33度C高溫就已經夠難呼吸 地了。 Q. I mean the air quality instead of the weather. 我是指空氣品質。 ROGER FEDERER: No, it felt all right. I won in doubles, which is good, so... I didn't feel any effect in doubles anyway. 我覺得還好,我贏了雙打,所以……。反正我覺得在雙打是沒什麼差。 Q. I have the feeling you're playing with a little bit more spin this year. Am I mistaken? 我覺得你今年打更多旋球。我有說錯嗎? ROGER FEDERER: I think mistaken. Sorry to tell you (smiling). 我想要很抱歉告訴你,你是錯的。(笑) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/25 08:23, , 1F
記者真得很想知道小孩的預產期耶,Roger沒被套到話 XD
06/25 08:23, 1F

06/25 08:39, , 2F
06/25 08:39, 2F

06/25 08:42, , 3F
06/25 08:42, 3F

06/25 08:44, , 4F
06/25 08:44, 4F

06/25 09:24, , 5F
推 你想要的話可以繼續猜沒關係。
06/25 09:24, 5F

06/25 11:05, , 6F
Roger脾氣實在很好啊,我看了都煩了,還把Mirka搬出來套話= =
06/25 11:05, 6F

06/25 13:01, , 7F
06/25 13:01, 7F

06/25 13:11, , 8F
06/25 13:11, 8F

06/25 14:36, , 9F
06/25 14:36, 9F

06/25 20:35, , 10F
06/25 20:35, 10F

06/25 21:43, , 11F
06/25 21:43, 11F

06/25 21:44, , 12F
06/25 21:44, 12F

06/25 21:45, , 13F
06/25 21:45, 13F

06/25 21:46, , 14F
寶寶的衣服買了沒?什麼顏色的?早上跟Mirka snuggle的時
06/25 21:46, 14F

06/25 21:47, , 15F
06/25 21:47, 15F

06/25 21:48, , 16F
06/25 21:48, 16F

06/25 22:25, , 17F
這種問題Roger應該也不會回答,而且那記者會被笑吧 XD
06/25 22:25, 17F

06/25 22:51, , 18F
06/25 22:51, 18F

06/25 23:08, , 19F
他們是打算問每個球員北京的空氣品質嗎...= ="
06/25 23:08, 19F

06/25 23:26, , 20F
北京空氣品質真的很差= =
06/25 23:26, 20F

06/25 23:45, , 21F
問胎動很新奇啊 而且拔麻都會跟寶寶說話 想知道說什麼XDD
06/25 23:45, 21F

12/06 18:00, 5年前 , 22F
聽到記者說MIRKA告 https://noxiv.com
12/06 18:00, 22F

04/16 19:42, 5年前 , 23F
記者有沒有那麼想知道阿 https://moxox.com
04/16 19:42, 23F
文章代碼(AID): #1AGiB-Ny (Federer)