[情報] 09法網決賽 賽後訪問(上)

看板Federer作者 (莫非)時間15年前 (2009/06/08 06:03), 編輯推噓16(16011)
留言27則, 18人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
原文網址:http://tinyurl.com/l2wnc2 R. FEDERER/R. Soderling 6-1, 7-6, 6-4 An interview with: ROGER FEDERER THE MODERATOR: Questions, please. Q. We would like to know if you felt more suspense than we felt? You won the first set, second set in the tiebreaker, third, set break immediately. So for you it was easier than you expected, or... 想知道你自己是否比我們所感覺到的還要更緊張?你贏了第一盤、第二盤的搶七、然後第 三盤一開始就破了。故你覺得這場比賽比你預期的還要緊張或是……? ROGER FEDERER: I mean, sure, I expected a tough match today obviously because Robin's been playing well and it's a final of Paris, one that I've never been able to win yet. 顯然我預期的是場困難的比賽,因為Soderling一直打得很好,同時這也是在巴黎的最後 一場比賽,是我還沒贏過的。 So I knew the difficulty of this match. I was hoping for a good start; I got it, which then obviously relaxed me. I think second set was key to stay with him and not give him too many opportunities on my serve, which I was, again, able to do. 所以我知道這場比賽的困難性。我期望有個好的開始,我的確做到了,而這顯然讓我放鬆 。我想第二盤是個關鍵,跟他周旋(?),同時我也能夠做到在我的發球局不給Soderling太 多機會。 I played one of greatest tie breakes in my career with the four aces obviously. But it was very hard mentally for me to stay within the match during the match, because my mind was always wondering, what if? What if I win this tournament? What does that mean? What will I possibly say? I don't know. 我發了四個ace球,是我最好的搶七之一。對我來說隨時維持專注在比賽本身上頭是困難 的,因為在比賽時我一直不停胡思亂想。想說如果我贏了這場比賽呢?贏了代表甚麼?我 可能該說什麼?我不知道耶。 You can't help it but to tell yourself, you know, once you win you'll get all the time to think about all these things, but they keep on coming back. 無法完全克制胡思亂想的行為但還是得告訴自己(這句不太確定),當你真正贏了比賽之後 ,你就完全有時間去想這些事,但他們(這些問題)就是會回來不斷騷擾我這樣。 I was very nervous at the beginning of the third set because I realized how close I was. The last game, obviously you can imagine how difficult that game was. It was almost unplayable for me because I was just hoping to serve some good serves and hoping that he was going to make four errors. It was that bad. 在第三盤開始的時候我非常緊張,因為我離冠軍有多近。在最後一局,顯然你可以想像要 打那局是多麼困難,我幾乎無法好好打因為我想要能夠有好的發球,同時希望Soderling 能夠有四個失誤(XD),情況就是這麼糟糕地緊張。 So, yeah, it was an emotional roller coaster for me. 故對我來說,那局就像坐緊張刺激的雲霄飛車。(XD) Q. It's against our rules to applaud at a press conference, but you deserved it. 通常我們是不會在記者會上鼓掌的,不過這是你應得的。 ROGER FEDERER: Thank you. Thanks a lot. 謝謝,非常感謝。 Q. Do you consider this, looking back to Australia and then coming forward, a rejuvenation in your career mentally and physically and in every other way? 回顧今年澳網然後到現在,你曾經想過,在你的職業生涯中,你可以再次返老還童在體能 與心裡還有其他各方面都回到好狀態嗎?(這句不太確定) ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I just think it's an unbelievable achievement, you know. You know, I mean, I'm very proud of my career, obviously. You know, I achieved more than I ever thought I would. My dream as boy was to win Wimbledon one day. I won that five times, you know, like one wasn't enough. 是的我想,這是個不可思議的成就。我對我的職業生涯非常引以為傲。我實現的比我曾經 想過的還要多。我小時候實的夢想就是要贏溫布頓。你知道我贏了五次,就好像是只有一 次才不夠呢(XD)。 But it's just I think the French Open, like for instance this victory, sort of came up over the last few years when I realized what a great player I could actually become. 但就拿這次法網的勝利當例子來說,當我明白我可以成為多麼厲害的網球選手後,要贏法 網這念頭,這幾年就在我腦海中揮之不去。 After starting to actually getting to love this city and the people and the center court, whereas in the beginning I had such a hard time getting used to the conditions here and just not feeling right for some reason. I had a lot of difficulties playing well on center court because the court was so big. 我開始愛上這城市與這裡的人們還有這中央球場。從前剛開始的時候,我很難調整與適應 狀況,就覺得哪裡不對就是了。從前我在中央球場要打好是有很多困難的,因為中央球場 太大了。(???) I've come a long way. To get it at the end as the last remaining Grand Slam, it's an incredible feeling. I'm, of course, very proud at this very moment. 我走了很長的一段路。留到最後成為大滿貫最後的贏家,這是種不可思議的感覺。在這時 刻我對我自己感到非常驕傲。 Q. You won Wimbledon at 21 and Australia at 22 and the US at 23. Is there a value in life, a greater depth of feeling in having waited for something? 你在二十一歲贏得溫布頓,二十二歲贏了澳網,二十三歲贏美網。等待了這麼久(才拿到 法網),這在你人生中是否有價值,有更深層的體悟? ROGER FEDERER: Absolutely, especially being so close for the last few years. You know, maybe close, maybe far. It depends how you look at it. I think it was very hard, you know, accepting the first defeat in 2006 I think was my first final here. 當然,尤其是這幾年離它那麼近。或許很近,卻也很遠。這取決於你如何看待它。當我在 2006年第一次的法網決賽時,要接受第一個失敗時很困難的。 I lost in the finals and I was like, Oh, my God. I got to wait one entire year, and then I don't even know if I'll make the finals again. The last few years have been easier for me approaching the French Open just because I've been more relaxed and more aware of what's happening around me. 我輸了那場決賽,我心裡就好像在想,救命阿我的老天爺,我還要再等整整一年,而且我 不知道我是否還可以再進到決賽。過去近幾年參加法網變得比較簡單,因為我比較放鬆了 ,同時也比較清楚知道發生了什麼事。 So I think, yes, the waiting and the age definitely has a big impact on how important and how nice this victory actually is. It's been a longtime coming, and I'm happy I got it today. I'm very proud. 所以我想,這漫長的等待還有年齡,確實是對於這次勝利的重要性與美好性有深遠影響。 這是一段很長的過程,我很高興我今天終於拿到它了。我很驕傲。 Q. Looking back on spring season this year, I think you struggled with your play I think against Djokovic and Murray, but now you came back strong. So are you believing you could complete career Grand Slam? 回顧你今年春天的球季,我想你在跟Djokovic還有Murray比賽時有點掙扎,但你現在變強 變厲害了。(那時的)你,有相信你可以完成全滿貫嗎? ROGER FEDERER: Yes, I did. You know, people talked a lot about me having lost the grip and stuff. To some degree I guess it's true, because I lost my No. 1 ranking. But I didn't fall out of the top 10 or the top 1000. I still played very consistent, especially at the Grand Slam level. My record shows it there. 是的。人們總是談論我失去了我對比賽的掌控力(不是很確定)和哪些哪些東西。就某種程 度上而言我想是沒錯,因為我是失去了球王寶座。但我並沒有掉出十名外或前一千名 (???)。我仍然穩定如一的打球,尤其是在大滿貫中。我的紀錄顯示著這個。 But important for me was to continue working hard, you know. I had issues last year. We all know what they were. People sometimes don't give you time to actually let them heal or let you figure them out, you know. 對我來說很重要的是持續不斷的努力著。我去年製造很多讓人家可以談論的話題,大家都 知道那些話題是什麼。有時候人們就是不給你時間讓狀況好轉或讓你時間去思考解決。 I'm not the type of guy who's scared of going into sometimes matches not feeling great at all. I don't care if I lose three times first round, I want to see where I'm at in a tournament situation. 我並不是那種會因為某些比賽覺得不太對勁就害派的人。即使我三次在第一輪打包回家, 我也不在乎(這…真的嗎?)。我只是想知道我在比賽狀況的哪裡。 I can also, of course, decide not to play for three months and then come back very strong again. That's not the road I chose. I'm the guy who likes to face it and see if I'm good enough or not. I actually played pretty good. 我也可以決定三個月都不比賽,然後再次很強的回到球場。我沒有選擇這種方法。我是喜 歡面對它的人,然後直接看看我是不是夠厲害了。我其實打得還不錯啦。 I was happy with the level of play. I thought I played great in Australia. It was also a good tournament in Indian Wellsand Miami untilI played Murray and Djokovic and all those guys where all of a sudden my game completely left me for some reason. I didn't know why. Maybe it was because my serve wasn't helping me out, the back was still hurting me. I don't know what the problem was. 我對於我比賽的水平很開心。我覺得我在澳網打得不錯。在Indian、Wellsand?還有Miami 也打得不錯,直到遇到Murray、Djokovic這些傢伙,那時我的比賽我的手感忽然離我遠去 。我其實不知道為什麼。或許是因為那時候我的ace大神不想幫我,又或者我的背還在痛 。我不知道問題在哪。 So I always believed in my chances to win Paris or any Grand Slam. It's really for those that I tried to keep myself most fit. That was also some of the reason why I took six weeks off after the Australian Open. Let everything heal and let everything settle, and then I came back very strong. 我永遠相信我在法網或其他大滿貫還是有機會贏的。為了這些我試著讓我自己保持適合的 身材(還是說狀態?),這也是我在澳網後休息六周的原因。就讓所有東西回歸正常,然後 我又很厲害的回來了。 I'm very, very happy right now. 我現在無與倫比的高興。 Q. How much is important in this belief or in this win the fact that Mirka is pregnant and you're awaiting a baby? How much important is in your mind to think about this? 你的信念或這場勝利,跟Mirka懷孕然後你要有小孩了,這兩者之間有多重要的關係?(這 句非常不確定)。想到這些你而言有多重要? ROGER FEDERER: I feel like it's two different issues, different things. You know, my private life is one part of my life. The professional one on the court is another one. Thank God Mirka's involved in both of them. 我想這是兩個不同的議題,不同的東西(我也這麼覺得)。我的私人生活是我人生的一部分 。我的網球職業生涯是另一部分。感想主,Mirka同時參與了這兩部分。 I'm, of course, very happy with the pregnancy. Mirka is feeling great, and we're looking forward to this upcoming summer and hope things go well for her. 我當然非常高興Mirka懷孕這件事。Mirka感覺不錯,同時我們也很期待這個即將來臨的夏 天,希望她的一切平安良好。 But I don't know how much this victory has to do with it. It's definitely nice to get it at this stage of my career. I think it couldn't have come at a better time. So obviously the timing is very special with getting married and Mirka being pregnant. 但我不覺得這場勝利跟Mirka懷孕有什麼關係。在職業生涯上到達這種成就的確是非常美 好。我想它來臨的時間沒有比現在更好的了。故這段時間的確是很特別的,跟Mirka結婚 而且Mirka懷孕。 Maybe it's more emotional, but maybe not. I don't know how much it has to do with it, to be quite honest. I'm just happy that my life is in great shape right now. 或許這是更令人激動的時刻,但也或許不是。老實說我不知道這跟那有啥關係。我只是很 高興現在我的人生是處在一個美好階段。 Q. Mc Enroe never won here, and Edberg never won here and Pete never won here. Are you aware there were a lot people thinking you sort of fit into that category and it would have been shame if you didn't do it? Mc Enroe從未在這贏過,Edberg和Pete也沒有。你知道曾經有很多人認為你就是屬於不會 贏的這一群,然後如果你沒做到這就是一種恥辱? ROGER FEDERER: Well, I always tended to disagree with those. I had the feeling I gave myself too many opportunity over the years at the French Open. I think Pete was maybe once in the semis. Other players were maybe once in the finals. I was in the final three times, one semis before, and I was able to win Hamburg four times and be in the finals of Monacoand Rome, of all those tournaments. 我總是對那些意見持反對態度。在過去的法網中我給自己很多機會,我想Pete曾經打到準 決賽,其他選手或許也有到決賽。我打法網決賽打了三次,之前有一次準決賽,同時我可 以贏漢堡四次(?),也到羅馬名人賽的決賽。 I knew the day Rafa won't be in the finals, I will be there and I will win. I always knew and that I believed in it. That's exactly what happened. It's funny. I didn't hope for it, but I believed in it. 我知道Rafa不會在決賽,而我會在那且我會贏。我知道的,我也如此相信。這就是它發生 的。這很有趣,我並不期望它,但我相信著。 Q. Sorry to bring you on to not quite such a nice event. You were confronted today by some guy coming onto the court. It could have been a very nasty incident. Could you just talk us through how you felt when you saw him? The security seemed to take an age to get there as well and stop him. 很抱歉在這美好的時刻要問你一些不美好的事。今天一個怪胎闖入球場。這是有可能變成 一個惡意的(攻擊)事件的。可以談談你看到他時的想法嗎?那些保全似乎花了點時間才衝 進來制止他。 ROGER FEDERER: First, I didn't know exactly what happened. All of a sudden I heard the crowd, and I looked over and he jumped over the fence or something. That gave me a fright, just like seeing himso close right away. 第一,我並不了解究竟發生了什麼事。突然間我聽到觀眾的聲音。我看看四周然後他就這 樣跳過欄杆之類的東西。那讓我驚嚇了一下,就這樣看他很快立刻靠這麼近。 The good thing is like it happened before, you know, so that's why I guess I didn't panic. It happened in Wimbledon before when two guys ran out on the court, and once I think it was in Montreal when I lost to Roddick when I was playing for my No. 1 ranking in the third set. 唯一比較好一點的就是這種事曾經發生過,所以我想這或許是為何我沒有驚慌失措。在溫 布頓曾經有兩個傢伙跑到球場上,然後我想還有一次是在Montreal輸給Roddick的那場比 賽,那時正是第三盤。 Som it wasn't the first time. Normally they always kind of look at me and go, I'm so sorry I have to do this, because they have some sort of reason for it, you know. (Laughter.) 這不是第一次。通常他們會看看你然後說:「我很抱歉我必須這麼做。」因為他們通常有 一些理由。(Roger笑了)(但是這不好笑吧……) I remember the English guy was actually quite funny. He looked at me and goes, I'm so sorry I have to do this. I was like, Okay, just don't touch me, you know. 我想起那個英國的傢伙很有趣。他就看著我然後說:「我很抱歉我必須這麼做。」我就好 吧,只要別碰我。 This guy, I don't know, he looked at me and I was not sure what he wanted. It seemed like he wanted to give me something. So I was actually okay, because I saw he wasn't pulling for anything stupid. 這次這位仁兄,我不知道,他就看著我,我不確定他到底想做什麼。看起來他好像想給我 什麼東西。所以其實我OK的啦,因為他並沒有要做出什麼蠢事的樣子。(感謝指正) It definitely felt uncomfortable once he came close to me. Looking back, it definitely threw me out of my rhythm a little bit. One game later I thought that maybe I should have sat down and taken a minute or two to kind of reflect on what just happened. Was that real or what? 當然他靠近我的時候我覺得不舒服。它其實是有點打亂我的節奏。一局後我想或許我該坐 下來然後花一兩分鐘想想那到底是怎樣。那是真的有發生嗎還是怎樣? But I don't know. I mean, I wanted to play on andwhatever, get over it. But it was atouch scary, yes. 但是我不知道,我想讓比賽繼續打,然後不管那是怎樣,就別管他。不過這的確是有點影 響的驚嚇。 Q. Svetlana Kuznetsova, who won this tournament yesterday cheers for you. Do you know about it? And what do you think about Russian women and men's tennis? 昨天贏了女單的Kuznetsova幫你加油,你知道這件事嗎?你覺得俄羅斯男女網球如何? ROGER FEDERER: Well, I was very happy for Svetlana that she was able to win. Russian tennis has been incredibly strong over the last few years. I always said I liked her game, so I was very happy for her, to see her succeed here. 我很高興Kuznetsova贏了。過去幾年來俄羅斯網球是不可思議的強壯。我總是說我喜歡她 的比賽,我很高興看到她在此有所成就。 Yeah, they have phenomenal playerson both sides. I'm sure we'll see more of that in the future. 俄羅斯在男女網球都有很好的表現,我想我們會在未來看到更多。 Q. I know isn't your plan, but if you had to retire tomorrow, would you retire happy? 我知道這不在你的計劃當中,但如果你明天就要退休了,你會很高興的退休嗎? ROGER FEDERER: Yes, I would, yeah, because I feel like I've put everything out there, you know. I fought for this moment and stayed positive and calm when things maybe weren't going so well, even though they were still going great. 是的我會,因為我覺得我已經在網壇鞠躬盡瘁了(感謝指正)。我為了這個時刻而奮鬥著 ,當情況可能不好時保持積極與冷靜,即使其實狀況是還不錯的。 So, yeah, I would --- I always said it doesn't matter when I retire, I'll be at peace. I can walk away from this game tomorrow, but I don't choose to because I love this game too much. 我總是說我何時退休那不重要,我會保持平靜。我可以明天就從比賽中走開,但我不會選 擇這麼做,因為我是如此熱愛比賽。 It hasn't appeared in my mind once yet that I want to retire. Tennis is not forever; I know that. But I'll try to definitely enjoy it as long as I can. 想要退休地念頭從未在我的腦中產生過,一次也沒有。我知道網球(生涯)並非永遠的。但 只要我可以,我就會試著去享受它。 Q. Roger, with the rain and the history in your mind and the rain and this crazy guy, was this as mentally challenging a final as you've had to deal with? Obviously physically playing you weren't having a problem, but mentally. 在你腦袋中,有雨、有歷史、有那瘋狂的詭異怪胎,這場比賽中所遇到的心理層面挑戰是 你曾經處理過的嗎?顯然在體能上你並沒有問題,但在心理上呢? ROGER FEDERER: I think it was difficult conditions, like you say. I was hoping for I said it in the press the other day I think when I spoke Swiss German. I said I hope for little no rain, because that would not be nice for anybody: me,the opponent, for the spectators. The rain interruptions are tough to deal with especially in a Grand Slam final. 我想就像你說的,這是個困難的情況。我曾經跟媒體用瑞士德語談過這個問題。我說我希 望的不多:希望沒有雨,因為下雨對任何人都沒有好處;有我、有對手、有觀眾。雨的打 斷是很難去應付的,尤其是在大滿貫中。 Now, I do feel like it's – it was meant to be this kind of weather for me. Looking back, you know, especially I think I drew inspiration the way Andre won here ten years ago. 現在我覺得,它就是注定要這種天氣。回想過去,尤其是想到Agassi十年前在這裡贏了, 我想我從中得到些激勵。 I remember I don't want to say how lucky he got, but how things turned into his favor when he needed it the most. That's exactly what happened to me the last couple weeks. We're not talking about the Haas house forehand I had to hit on that breakpoint down in the third set or other things. 我並不是在說他有多幸運,不過我記得當他最需要的時候,整個局勢發展是怎麼轉向他那 邊的。這就是在過去幾周中發生在我身上的事。並不是在說之前第三盤時Haas在破發點時 ,我必須打回去的那個正拍,或者其他(這句非常不確定)。 But I was in desperate situations during this tournament. This was just part of this tournament, this terrible rain today and this tough conditions, the swirly winds and the dangerous opponent. I think I was able to handle all of it for two weeks. 我在整個賽程中的狀況是有點危險的。這只是賽事中的一部分,今天這討厭的雨,這困難 的情況,這亂吹的風,還有危險的對手。我想這兩個禮拜中我處理這全部還可以。 I also said it many times that if you want to be a good clay courter, you have to be able to play in these kind of conditions and in nice conditions, too. That's where I've had my success in clay before, on bad in storms and in nice weather. I was able to show it these last couple weeks. It's been very nice. 我也說過很多次,如果想成為一位好的紅土球員,必須能夠在任何不管好壞的情況下進行 比賽。那就是我從前在紅土的勝利,不管在雨天或好天氣。我在過去幾周的比賽顯示了這 個。這很好。 Q. What significance, if any, for you is there to winning your 14th Grand Slam title and matching that record? 對你而言,贏得第十四座大滿貫同時追平紀錄,是多麼意義重大的一件事? ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I don't know. It almost gets forgotten a little bit, but it's really what I don't want to say it means the most to me, but it's an incredible feeling already having reached 14 and not having been sort of derailed by maybe losing a couple Grand Slam finals against Rafa. 其實,我不知道。它幾乎有一點被遺忘了。我並不是想說它對我而言是最重要的,但它確 實是種不可思議的感覺,贏得十四座,即使輸掉幾場對上Nadal的大滿貫決賽也不會讓它 消失。 That sort of I took my time and was able to regroup and come up to equal Pete's record, you know, here, in Paris is unbelievable. 我花費時間,重新振作,同時可以在法網追平Sampras的紀錄,這是難以置信的不可思議 。 Andre giving me the trophy, who was the last man to win all four majors, it seems just very fitting in a way. I played against both players as well, and have the most respect for both of them. Agassi頒給我獎杯,他是贏得全滿貫的上一人,這感覺似乎是非常合適。我跟兩位選手都 對打過,同時也都對他們有著很高的敬意。 I'm sure they're happy for me. I know it. It's a good feeling to have. 我確定他們都很為我高興。我知道的。擁有這,是種非常好的感覺 Q. Do you think the most important point of the tournament was the breakpoint when you are serving in the third set with Haas? 你覺得在這整個法網賽事中最重要的得分點,是在第三盤中你的發球局,Hass拿到的那個 破發點嗎? ROGER FEDERER: I mean, it seems like it to me. But, sure, if you want to put it down to one point, let's put it down to that one. I had to play many tough shots during this tournament. Maybe one was also the breakpoint at 5 4 against Soderling when he shanks the forehand. Who knows if he makes it and gets to 5 All. We don't know. 對我來講似乎是的。如果要單就一個得分點而言的話,那就是那個了。在這整個賽事中我 有許多艱難的比賽。或許其中一個也是對Soderling 5-4的那個破發點,當他那個正拍出 界(?)時。誰知道如果他掃進了然後比分來到5-5會如何。 You have to go through many situations like this. I'm happy I wasable to handle all of them. Like I said,I had tough moments against Acasuso, Haas, Mathieu, Monfils as well when he hadset point, and against Del Potro, and again today, as well. 你必須度過像這樣的許多難關。我很高興我解決了所有這些。就像我說的,對於我晉級過 程中的每一位對手,我都有處境艱難危險的時刻。 So I always had to come up with the goods, and I did great. I really did. 所以我總是必須要發揮良好,而我做得不錯。我確實做到了。 因為太high了晚晚睡覺又早早睡醒 請原諒我到後面開始胡言亂語 有亂翻請指正謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/08 06:12, , 1F
有一題開頭: Q. McEnroenever won her...
06/08 06:12, 1F

06/08 06:13, , 2F
應該是Q. McEnroe never won here? 這次訪問稿很多空格都漏
06/08 06:13, 2F

06/08 06:15, , 3F
今年法網訪問稿害我都覺得在讀 E. E. Cumings的詩
06/08 06:15, 3F

06/08 06:15, , 4F
06/08 06:15, 4F

06/08 06:16, , 6F
接受 JMAC 訪問。跟去年溫網完全不同的光景喔
06/08 06:16, 6F

06/08 06:20, , 7F
06/08 06:20, 7F

06/08 06:39, , 8F
06/08 06:39, 8F

06/08 06:52, , 9F
06/08 06:52, 9F

06/08 08:22, , 10F
06/08 08:22, 10F

06/08 08:30, , 11F
06/08 08:30, 11F

06/08 08:37, , 12F
覺得應該是狀態不是身材......不過翻身材也很有趣 XDDDD
06/08 08:37, 12F

06/08 09:51, , 13F
06/08 09:51, 13F

06/08 09:58, , 14F
06/08 09:58, 14F

06/08 10:22, , 15F
06/08 10:22, 15F

06/08 10:46, , 16F
感謝翻譯!關於鬧場he wasn't pulling for anything
06/08 10:46, 16F

06/08 10:47, , 17F
stupid" 是指「他沒有要做什麼蠢事」 (pull off sth..)
06/08 10:47, 17F

06/08 10:47, , 18F
"because I feel like I've put everything out there"
06/08 10:47, 18F

06/08 10:48, , 19F
06/08 10:48, 19F

06/08 10:48, , 20F
這次的賽訪好長啊~果然與老費悠久的大滿貫賽史相符 :D
06/08 10:48, 20F

06/08 10:49, , 21F
06/08 10:49, 21F

06/08 12:54, , 22F
you deserved it!!! T__T
06/08 12:54, 22F

06/08 13:08, , 23F
辛苦囉!can't help it but 我記得好像是"忍不住"的意思
06/08 13:08, 23F

06/08 14:39, , 24F
06/08 14:39, 24F

06/08 15:30, , 25F
06/08 15:30, 25F
※ 編輯: wisteriachi 來自: (06/08 18:41)

06/08 18:43, , 26F
06/08 18:43, 26F

04/16 19:40, 5年前 , 27F
Q. McEnroen https://muxiv.com
04/16 19:40, 27F
文章代碼(AID): #1AB3aaC5 (Federer)