[閒聊] 《黑塔》的一些設定

看板Fantasy作者 (量子泡沫)時間11年前 (2012/10/25 00:39), 編輯推噓12(1203)
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感覺《黑塔》好像討論的人不多,大家對其內容也褒貶不一。 雖說我是狂熱的史蒂芬金迷,我也覺得《黑塔》有些地方難怪會被罵XD 但是我還是很喜歡《黑塔》,特別是其設定, 就我看到一些網站資料貼一些設定與大家分享。 一、 Gunslinger's Guns(槍客的槍): http://www.thedarktower.com/palaver/showthread.php?t=1487 (這個連結已經失效了) Gunslinger's Guns, also called Peacemakers, Widowmakers or The Big Guns, were once the guns of Arthur Eld and were handed down from father to son for over a thousand years. Roland inherited the Guns of Eld from his father shortly after his time in Mejis. A plate was added to each gun so they were weighted to his hands, as Steven Deschain was not as tall or as heavy as Roland. Known for their loud, crashing KA-BLAM when fired, they are worn low on his hips for easy grasping. After losing two fingers of his right hand, one of Roland’s revolvers was shared and kept by Eddie and Susannah Dean After leaving Roland’s world and re-entering New York , Susannah sadly threw one gun in a trash bin in Central Park. Roland, upon reaching the Dark Tower, laid his remaining gun at its entrance, in order to enter the doors. The Guns of Eld were made from the blue-grey steel of The Guns of Eld were made from the blue-grey steel of Excalibur and their grips are made from scented sandalwood. At the end of each muzzle is an engraving of the mark of The White, which was the dinh mark of Arthur Eld. It is not truly known from where the blue-grey steel or the sandalwood originated. Some believe Arthur pulled Excalibur from inside of a pyramid in a far land of Mid-World, others think he traveled with the Manni to another world and obtained his weapon there. Still others believe Excalibur came from the Dark Tower itself. The six-shooters of Eld were forged after a crippling battle Arthur and his knights had with a giant snake. Arthur’s first guns were destroyed so he reluctantly gave over his sword to the smithies of Mid-World so they could make him new ones from its steel. The smithies also created replicas of these new guns (but not made from the blue-grey steel of Excalibur) so that Arthur’ s knights could carry these awesome weapons as well. Those that carried these replicas, the knights and their descendants, are called Gunslingers. Inconsistencies in The Dark Tower Series Stephen King described Roland's gun as a Winchester .45, however, no such gun exists (in our world). Winchester was famous for the .45 caliber Rifle, but also manufactures .45 caliber shells. Most likely the closest resemblance in our world is a Colt .45 Peacemaker. King also describes scenes where the gun is a single action revolver, as well as scenes where the gun is a double action (also describing a fanning of the trigger - not the correct fanning of the hammer). Original artwork by Jae Lee and Richard Isanove 小弟的不負責任翻譯(有錯請指正): 槍客的槍,又稱為和平使者、寡婦製造者或「大槍」。亞瑟‧艾爾德曾經使用過這對槍, 父子相傳了數千年。 自梅吉斯歸來未久,羅蘭從他父親手中繼承了這對艾爾德之槍。由於羅蘭比史蒂芬‧德斯 欽還要重且高,這對槍加裝了一些金屬材質以便於使用。這對槍以射擊時震耳欲聾的巨大 爆炸聲聞名。羅蘭將這對槍放在臀部低處以便於快速掏槍。 失去右手兩根手指後,羅蘭將他的一把左輪槍交給艾迪‧狄恩及蘇珊娜‧狄恩使用。蘇珊 娜離開羅蘭的世界以後,傷心地將其中一把左輪槍丟到紐約中央公園的垃圾桶。為了進入 黑塔,羅蘭將他剩下的那把槍放在黑塔的入口前。 艾爾德之槍的槍身是以亞瑟王那用藍灰鐵所製成的的神劍鎔鑄而成,其槍柄材質則是芬芳 的檀木。在槍口鏜線盡頭雕刻了白界的徽記,白界之徽記是亞瑟‧艾爾德的丁主之徽記。 我們難以確認藍灰鐵或者聖劍源自何方。有些人相信亞瑟從中世界的金字塔內拔出聖劍, 有些人認為他跟隨曼尼旅行到其他世界而得到這把武器;甚至還有些人相信聖劍根本來自 於黑塔。 亞瑟與他的騎士團曾經與巨蛇有一場慘烈的戰爭,亞瑟原先的那對槍毀於這場戰役,所以 他只好很不情願地將聖劍交給中世界的鐵匠,鐵匠將聖劍重新鎔鑄成這對六連射左輪手槍 。鐵匠複製了槍(不過不是以藍灰鐵為原料),亞瑟的騎士們也獲得了這些優秀的武器。 這些持槍騎士及其後裔就被稱為「槍客」。 在《黑塔》系列中前後矛盾的地方 史蒂芬‧金將羅蘭的槍設定為溫徹斯特點四五,然而,我們的世界沒有這種槍。溫徹斯特 以其點四五口徑的步槍聞名,也製造點四五口徑子彈。我們世界中最接近描述的是柯爾特 點四五Peacemaker。金描述那對槍是單動左輪,但有些場景又描述為雙動左輪(又錯誤地 描述為扳機發動輪機,而不是正確的撞針發動輪機) Original artwork by Jae Lee and Richard Isanove 二、 關於亞瑟‧艾爾德(Arthur Eld): 亞瑟‧艾爾德(Arthur Eld),是《黑塔》世界中統一古代世界的王者,史蒂芬‧德斯欽 \羅蘭‧德斯欽父子是其家族的直系血脈。德斯欽這個家族姓氏源自亞瑟‧艾爾德的第二 任妻子,是保護過亞瑟王的德斯欽槍客之女。 亞瑟王的第一任妻子,也就是王后,因為不孕症而求助於荒地(the Wasteland)女巫的 幫助,受到詛咒而產下半人半蜘蛛的怪物。亞瑟本人也曾經受過上古邪神Crimson Queen 強暴,該名雌性的蜘蛛形象邪神,產下亞瑟本人的子嗣,也就是血腥之王 (Crimson King)。 因此,亞瑟的子嗣除了德斯欽系統外都是怪物,其中一支血腥之王 更成為家族敵人,也是德斯欽家族的同父異母兄弟。 三、 在《黑塔》故事之前: 在《黑塔》世界中,遙遠的過去有一個科技極度發達的世界性文明,其面貌就是我們的文 明(二十一世紀繼續發展下去的樣子),他們被稱為「舊日長老」、「老傢伙」、「the Old Ones」。這個科學極度發達的文明在好久以前就毀滅了,據信是毀於核子戰爭。 此後數千年是蒙昧不堪的黑暗混亂期,各種異界怪物、稀奇古怪的魔法橫行大地。 亞瑟‧艾爾德是終結這片混亂的遠古英雄,建立起以基列地為首都、持槍騎士「槍客」 為統治者的封建貴族政權,中世界文明復興。 到了史蒂芬‧德斯欽\羅蘭‧德斯欽父子的時代,中世界出現民主浪潮, 人們受到「大善人」法爾森的鼓動,發起血腥革命。法爾森雖號稱大善人, 但他的統治與征服是極端殘酷血腥的,從內到外殘忍鎮壓所有的反對者, 而其背後的指使人跟本是血腥之王的手下「藍道爾‧佛格森」。 基列地雖奮勇抵抗,終究抵擋不住革命浪潮。 基列地的陷落,代表了整個中世界文明殞落。 此後中世界再度陷入亞瑟王時代以前的黑暗混亂。 羅蘭為了拯救以中世界為核心的多重世界\整個宇宙, 踏上尋找世界中心的「黑塔」旅程,構成了史蒂芬金的七冊《黑塔》故事。 以上第一篇是以前打在電腦裡的,第二、三篇都是剛剛憑印象打出來的,請多多指教 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: QuantumFoam 來自: (10/25 00:42)

10/25 02:34, , 1F
10/25 02:34, 1F

10/25 04:54, , 2F
10/25 04:54, 2F

10/25 09:08, , 3F
黑塔的描述真的很混亂 我實在看不下去 我只到第四部
10/25 09:08, 3F

10/25 11:26, , 4F
中間劇情一度很順暢 但沒多久又散了XD
10/25 11:26, 4F

10/25 15:11, , 5F
10/25 15:11, 5F

10/25 17:42, , 6F
咦 我都喜歡欸XD
10/25 17:42, 6F

10/25 20:33, , 7F
10/25 20:33, 7F

10/25 21:40, , 8F
10/25 21:40, 8F

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10/26 13:39, 9F

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10/26 13:40, 10F

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10/26 13:40, 11F

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10/26 13:40, 12F

10/26 13:40, , 13F
10/26 13:40, 13F

10/26 14:33, , 14F
10/26 14:33, 14F

01/18 12:18, , 15F
01/18 12:18, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #1GY1corO (Fantasy)