[相關] 冰與火之歌名言錄 1-3部

看板Fantasy作者 (霜)時間15年前 (2008/12/04 14:00), 編輯推噓18(1806)
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其實是明天要大考了,現在卻心神不寧,想說來做點不相干的事情。orz 這是我自己一邊看中文一邊看英文的時候截下來的,覺得不錯的句子。 補全三冊節錄的句子!!^^ <A game of thrones> Ch.1 Bran “Can a man still be brave if he’s afraid?” 人在害怕的時候也能勇敢嗎? “That is the only time a man can be brave,” his father told him. 人唯有害怕時能勇敢。 If you would take a man’s life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die. 如果你要取人性命,至少要注視他的眼,聆聽他的臨終遺言,倘若做不到這點,或許他罪 不致死。 Ch.5 Jon “Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.” 永遠不要忘記你是什麼人,因為這個世界不會忘記,化阻力為助力,如此一來才沒有弱點 ,用它來武裝自己,就沒有人可以用它來傷害你。 Ch.13 Tyrion Jon Snow set his mouth in a grim line. “If that’s what it is, that’s what it is.” 瓊恩雪諾嚴肅的抿起嘴唇 “那我就既來之則安之。” Tyrion grinned at him. “That’s good, bastard. Most men would rather deny a hard truth than face it.” 提利昂說道“很好,小子。大多數的人寧願否認現實也不願意面對真相。” Ch.19 Jon “They hate me because I’m better than they are.” 他們討厭我,因為我比它們優秀! “No. They hate you because you act like you’re better than they are. ” 不,他們討厭的是你高高在上的優越感。 Let them see that their words can cut you, and you’ll never be free of the mockery. If they want to give you a name, take it, make it your own. Then they can’t hurt you with it anymore.” 一旦讓他們知道這綽號對你造成的傷害,這綽號就跟定你了!如果他們想幫你取綽號,那 就大方的接受,讓它變成你的,那他們就再也傷不了你啦! Ch.26 Jon “I don’t know what you did,” he said, “but I know you did it.” He looked away shyly. “I’ve never had a friend before.” 我不知道你做了甚麼,但我知道是你做的。我之前從來沒有過朋友。 “We’re not friends,” Jon said. He put a hand on Sam’s broad shoulder. “We’re brothers.” 我們不是朋友,我們是兄弟。 Ch.30 Ned “. . . you love your children, don’t you?” 你愛著你的孩子,不是嗎? “With all my heart,” Ned said. 我全心全意的愛。 Ch.39 Ned “And now it begins .” 一切從這裡開始。 “No,” Ned said with sadness in his voice. “Now it ends.” 不,一切將在這裡結束。 Ch.34 Ned “Love is sweet, dearest Ned, but it cannot change a man’s nature.” 愛情的滋味很甜美,親愛的奈德,但它不能改變一個人的本性。 Ch.45 Ned “I have made more mistakes than you can possibly imagine,” “but that was not one of them.” 我這輩子犯的錯誤超乎你想像,但這絕不是其中一件。 “Oh, but it was, my lord,” “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.” 噢,但是它是,大人。 在權力遊戲中,你不當贏家,就只有死路一條,沒有中間地帶。 Ch.48 Hear my words, and bear witness to my vow. 傾聽我的誓言,做我的見證。 Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. 長夜將至,我從今開始守望,至死方休。 I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. 我將不娶妻、不封地、不生子。 I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. 我將不戴寶冠,不爭榮寵。我將盡忠職守,生死於斯。 I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. 我是黑暗中的利劍,我是長城上的守衛。 I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. 我是抵禦寒冷的烈焰,破曉時分的光線,喚醒眠者的號角,守護王國的鐵衛。 I pledge my life and honor to the Night’s Watch, for this night and all the nights to come. 我將生命與榮耀獻給守夜人,今夜如此,夜夜皆然。 Ch.58 Ned “To be sure. You are an honest and honorable man, Lord Eddard. Oftentimes I forget that. I have met so few of them in my life.” He glanced around the cell. “When I see what honesty and honor have won you, I understand why.” “你是個榮譽正直的人,艾德大人,我常忘了這一點,因為在我人生中並不常遇到這樣的 人”他環顧牢房四周“當我看到誠實和榮譽帶給你的下場,我終於明白這是為甚麼了。” Ch.68 Daenerys “Look to your khal and see what life is worth, when all the rest is gone.” 看著你的卡奧,然後你就會知道,當所有的一切都失去的時候,生命的價值何在。 “Remember our first ride together, the day we wed. Remember the night we made Rhaego, with the khalasar all around us and your eyes on my face. Remember how cool and clean the water was in the Womb of the World. Remember, my sun-and-stars. Remember, and come back to me.” 請記得我們的第一次,我們婚禮的那一天。我們孕育雷戈那一晚,全卡拉薩都注視著我們 ,而你眼中只有我。記得世界的子宮那湖水的清澈及寒冷,請想起來,我的日和星,請回 想起來,然後回到我身邊。 Ch.70 Jon The Old Bear snorted. “Do you think they chose me Lord Commander of the Night ’s Watch because I’m dumb as a stump, Snow? Aemon told me you’d go. I told him you’d be back. I know my men . . . and my boys too. Honor set you on the kingsroad . . . and honor brought you back.” 你覺得他們選我當守夜人總司令是因為我是個呆頭鵝嗎?雪諾。伊蒙跟我說你會離開,我 告訴他你會回來。我了解我手下的人,也了解我手下的男孩。榮譽驅使你走上國王大道, 榮譽也會帶著你回來。 “My friends brought me back,” Jon said. 是我的朋友帶我回來的 “Did I say it was your honor?” Mormont inspected his plate. 我有說是"你的"榮譽嗎? <A Clash of Kings> Ch.1 Arya Jon might muss up her hair and call her “little sister.” She’d tell him, “ I missed you,” and he’d say it too at the very same moment, the way they always used to say things together. She would have liked that. She would have liked that better than anything. 瓊恩會弄亂她的頭髮,並叫她“我的小妹”,然後她會告訴他”我好想你!”他也會異口 同聲跟她說出同一句話,就像往常一樣。她真的很想要這樣,真的真的很想。 Ch.6 Jon “Robert was the true steel. Stannis is pure iron, black and hard and strong, yes, but brittle, the way iron gets. He’ll break before he bends. And Renly, that one, he’s copper, bright and shiny, pretty to look at but not worth all that much at the end of the day.” 如果說勞勃是鋼,那史坦尼斯就是生鐵,又黑又硬又堅強,卻容易損壞,跟鐵一樣,在彎 掉之前就會先斷掉。至於藍禮,他像閃閃發光的銅,看起來漂亮,其實卻不值這麼多錢。 “They will garb your brother Robb in silks, satins, and velvets of a hundred different colors, while you live and die in black ringmail. He will wed some beautiful princess and father sons on her. You’ll have no wife, nor will you ever hold a child of your own blood in your arms. Robb will rule, you will serve. Men will call you a crow. Him they’ll call Your Grace. Singers will praise every little thing he does, while your greatest deeds all go unsung. Tell me that none of this troubles you, Jon . . . and I’ll name you a liar, and know I have the truth of it.” 他們會讓羅柏穿上綾羅綢緞,你卻得一輩子黑衣黑甲。他會娶漂亮公主為妻,膝下兒女成 群;你不但永遠不能娶妻,更別想生兒育女。羅柏高高在上;你卻只有做牛做馬的份。別 人會罵你是烏鴉;卻會尊稱他為陛下。不管他做甚麼,一律被詩人捧上天;而你就算立下 豐功偉業,也註定默默無聞。瓊恩,假如這些事對你一點也不造成困擾,那你就是天大的 騙子。 “And if it did trouble me, what might I do, bastard as I am?” 如果這些事真的會對我造成困擾,那我這私生子又能怎麼辦? “What will you do?” Mormont asked. “Bastard as you are?” 應該說,身為一個私生子,你能怎麼辦? “Be troubled,” said Jon, “and keep my vows.” 繼續感到困擾,並堅守誓言。 Ch.13 Jon “Bad enough when the dead come walking,” he said to Jon as they crossed the village, “now the Old Bear wants them talking as well? No good will come of that, I’ll warrant. And who’s to say the bones wouldn’t lie? Why should death make a man truthful, or even clever? The dead are likely dull fellows, full of tedious complaints—the ground’s too cold, my gravestone should be larger, why does he get more worms than I do . . .” 死人會走路難道還不夠可怕嗎?這會兒熊老居然要它們講話?我敢打包票,它們講不出什 麼好話的。誰知道骨頭會不會撒謊?沒道理人死了就會變聰明變誠實對吧?我看死人八成 無聊得很,一肚子牢騷—閒泥地太冷啦!我的墓碑應該要大一點啦,為甚麼他身上長的蟲 比我多啦… Ch.22 Cat It’s always summer in the songs. In the songs all knights are gallant, all maids are beautiful, and the sun is always shining. “在歌謠裡,永遠都是夏天。在歌謠裡,所有的騎士都是英雄,所有的少女都是美人,陽 光則永遠普照大地。” Ch.27 Dany “Dragons die.” “But so do dragonslayers.” 龍會死,但屠龍者也是。 Ch.32 Sansa “She has the blood of a wolf.” 她有狼的血統。 “And you have the wits of a goose.” 而你有鵝的腦袋。 “You can’t talk to me that way. The king can do as he likes.” 你不能這樣跟我講話,國王可以隨心所欲。 “Aerys Targaryen did as he liked. Has your mother ever told you what happened to him?” 伊里斯坦格利安就是隨心所欲,你媽沒跟你說過他的下場嗎? Ch.26 Fear cuts deeper than swords. 恐懼比利劍更傷人。 Ch.44 Tyrion “Don’t you see the jest, Lord Varys?” “Storm’s End is fallen and Stannis is coming with fire and steel and the gods alone know what dark powers, and the good folk don’t have Jaime to protect them, nor Robert nor Renly nor Rhaegar nor their precious Knight of Flowers. Only me, the one they hate.” He laughed again. “The dwarf, the evil counselor, the twisted little monkey demon. I’m all that stands between them and chaos.” 你看不出來這是一個笑話嗎?瓦里斯。 風席堡淪陷,史坦尼斯帶著火與劍以及那些只有諸神知道是甚麼的黑暗勢力就要來了。這 些老百姓需要保護,但詹姆卻不在,勞勃、藍禮、雷加和他們的寶貝百花騎士通通都不在 只有我這個侏儒,這個奸臣,這個邪惡的小猴子惡魔,只有我在這裡一夫當關。 Ch.52 Sansa “There are no true knights, no more than there are gods. Sharp steel and strong arms rule this world, don’t ever believe any different.” 這世界上諸神跟真正的騎士都不存在。鋼鐵跟強悍就是這世界的鐵律,沒有例外。 “You’re awful.” 你好可怕。 “I’m honest. It’s the world that’s awful.” 我很誠實,可怕的是這個世界。 “Wait until you birth a child, Sansa. A woman’s life is nine parts mess to one part magic, you’ll learn that soon enough . . . and the parts that look like magic often turn out to be messiest of all.” 等到妳生孩子的時候就會知道,珊莎,女人的一生有十分之九都是髒亂跟麻煩,只有十分 之一是神奇的,你會學到的…而這十分之一的神奇通常會給你帶來最大的麻煩。 Ch.55 Catelyn Will holding it secret in your heart make it any less true? If you never tell, never speak of it, will it become only a dream, less than a dream, a nightmare half-remembered? Oh, if only the gods would be so good. 你以為把秘密留在心中,它就不再真實?你以為不提它,不告訴別人,它就只是一場夢, 甚至連夢都不是,只是半夢半醒間的一場驚嚇?噢,要真能那樣,神可太仁慈了。 I have said it, gods forgive me. I have said it and made it true. 她說出來了,諸神原諒,她一說出來它就變成真的了! “If there are gods, why is the world so full of pain and injustice?” 如果世界上真的有神,為甚麼有這麼多痛苦跟不公? “Because of men like you.” 因為有像你這種人存在。 “There are no men like me. There’s only me.” 沒有人像我,世界上只有一個我。 “Oh, it’s truth you want? Be careful, my lady. Tyrion says that people often claim to hunger for truth, but seldom like the taste when it’s served up.” 你想要的是實話嗎?小心,夫人。提利昂說,人們通常想要聽實話,但是當他們真的得到 它的時候,卻不會喜歡它的滋味。 I think it passing odd that I am loved by one for a kindness I never did, and reviled by so many for my finest act. 我只是覺得奇怪,這麼多人因為一件我沒有做過的事情愛我,卻用我做得最對的一件事來 指責我。 Ch.60 Sansa “You little fool. Tears are not a woman’s only weapon. You’ve got another one between your legs, and you’d best learn to use it. You’ll find men use their swords freely enough. Both kinds of swords.” 小傻瓜,女人不只眼淚這種武器,在兩腿間還有一種,你最好學會使用它,一旦你學精了 ,自然有男人免費為你使劍,兩種劍都免費。 Ch.68 Jon Is your sword sharp, Jon Snow? 你的劍夠利嗎?瓊恩雪諾? <A storm of Swords> Ch.12 Tyrion “When the sun has set, no candle can replace it.” 太陽下山後,沒有任何燭光可以取代。 Ch.24 Bran Dark wings, dark words. 黑暗的翅膀,黑暗的消息。 Ch.26 Jon If this is so wrong, why did the gods make it feel so good? 如果這件事真的這麼不對,為甚麼諸神要讓它的感覺如此美好? Ch.35Cat “I have won every battle, yet somehow I’m losing the war.” 我贏了每一場戰爭,卻正在輸掉一切。 Ch.37 Jaime And all the time, I stood by the foot of the iron Throne in my white plate, still as a corpse, guarding my liege and all his sweet secrets. 從頭到尾,我站在鐵王座前穿著我雪白的盔甲,一如行屍走肉,守護著我的國王與他甜美 的秘密。 “By what right does the wolf judge the lion? By what right?” 狼憑甚麼評斷獅子?憑甚麼? Jaime felt almost sorry for Robb Stark. He won the war on the battlefield and lost it in a bedchamber, poor fool. 詹姆幾乎要為羅柏‧史塔克感覺到遺憾,他在戰場上贏了所有,卻在臥房裡輸去全部,可 憐的傻子。 Ch.44 Jaime “Ser Jaime? I am grateful, but . . . you were well away. Why come back?” “詹姆爵士,我很感激,但…你已經離開了,為甚麼又回來了?” A dozen quips came to mind, each crueler than the one before, but Jaime only shrugged. 他想到十幾個答案,而且每一個都比前一個更殘忍。 “I dreamed of you,” he said. 但詹姆只是說道“我夢到妳。” Ch.53 Tyrion When your enemies defy you, you must serve them steel and fire. When they go to their knees, however, you must help them back to their feet. Elsewise no man will ever bend the knee to you. And any man who must say ‘I am the king’ is no true king at all.” 當你的敵人激怒你的時候,你必須用劍和火來對付他們。但是當他們屈服時,你必須扶他 們站起來。否則沒有人會向你屈服。而且任何必須說“我是國王”的人都不是真正的國王 Ch.61 Sansa Life is not a song. You would learn that one day, to your sorrow. 人生並非歌謠,有一天你會從悲痛當中學會人生的意義。 Ch.67 Jaime “I learned from Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, who could have slain all five of you with his left hand while he was taking with a piss with the right.” 我向拂曉神劍亞瑟‧戴恩學習,他可以邊用右手撒尿邊用左手宰了你們五個。 (這一句我不太確定是怎麼翻,書是翻成五個你,我只是覺得你們五個好像比較合理。^^ ”) Ch68. Sansa “Clean hands, Sansa. Whatever you do, make certain your hands are clean.” 把手洗乾淨,珊莎,無論你做甚麼事,一定要記得把手洗乾淨。 Ch.70 Tyrion “Of Joffrey’s death I am innocent. I am guilty of a more monstrous crime.” He took a step toward his father. “I was born. I lived. I am guilty of being a dwarf, I confess it. And no matter how many times my good father forgave me, I have persisted in my infamy.” “關於喬佛里的死,我是清白的。我犯得是更可怕的罪。我生了出來。我活在了世上。我 的罪就是生為侏儒,我為此懺悔。而且不管我的父親原諒我多少次,我繼續著自己的醜行 。” “This is folly, Tyrion,” declared Lord Tywin. “Speak to the matter at hand. You are not on trial for being a dwarf.” “荒謬!提利昂!”泰溫公爵宣佈。“交待問題就好。這不是一場對侏儒的審判。” “That is where you err, my lord. I have been on trial for being a dwarf my entire life.” “你錯了!大人,我的一生就是一場對侏儒的審判。” Ch.72 Jaime I’ve lost a hand, a father, a son, a sister, and a lover, and soon enough I will lose a brother. And yet they keep telling me House Lannister won this war. 我失去了一隻手、一個父親、一個兒子、一個姐姐還有一個愛人,很快的我也會失去一個 弟弟。然後人們不停的告訴我蘭尼斯特家打贏了這一場仗。 “I’m the bloody Kingslayer, remember? When I say you have honor, that’s like a whore vouchsafing your maidenhood.” 我是個該死的弒君者,記得嗎?當我說妳有榮譽時,就跟個妓女擔保妳是處女沒兩樣。 Ch.76 Jon The harsh words had blown away whatever sympathy Jon might have had for Stannis. 這番嚴厲的話讓瓊恩對史坦尼斯可能有的一絲同感一掃而空。 “I loved my brother,” he said. “我愛我哥” Ch.77 Tyrion “Oh, gods,” he said. “Jaime, I am so sorry, but . . . gods be good, look at the two of us. Handless and Noseless the Lannister boys.” 老天保佑,看看我們兩個,無手跟無鼻,蘭尼斯特家的兩兄弟。 “There were days when my hand smelled so bad I wished I was noseless.” 有一陣子我的斷手聞起來噁心的要命,我倒寧願沒的是鼻子。 Lord Tywin Lannister did not, in the end, shit gold. 泰溫‧蘭尼斯特公爵,最終還是不會拉出黃金。 Ch.78 Samwell “We’ll defend the Wall to the last man,” said Cotter Pyke. “我們會堅守長城到剩最後一個人”卡特派克說道。 “Probably me,” said Dolorous Edd, in a resigned tone. “那個人可能是我”悲傷艾迪認命的說。 Ch.79 Jon “Gods be good, our Lord Commander’s still in swaddling clothes.” 老天保佑,我們的總司令仍在襁褓當中。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/04 15:29, , 1F
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※ 編輯: vulao 來自: (12/04 16:20)

12/04 21:33, , 3F
推~ 用心~
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推推 勾起了回憶和感動
12/05 10:59, 9F

12/05 11:55, , 10F
推 勾起感動的回憶 (也勾起對ADwD的哀怨....
12/05 11:55, 10F

12/06 16:37, , 11F
12/06 16:37, 11F
※ 編輯: vulao 來自: (12/08 13:52)

12/08 14:42, , 12F
Lord Tywin Lannister did not, in the end, shit gold
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好長 XD
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05/25 14:08, 23F

07/05 20:33, 4年前 , 24F
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07/05 20:33, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #19Dt7e2b (Fantasy)