[情報] [獵鼠]五周年生日趴 & Ronza到來

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沒人Po,就讓小弟賺點P幣吧XDD 來源:http://htgb.co/RonzaIsHere Ronza Is Under Attack! Published On: March 07, 2013 04:11pm It's MouseHunt's 5th Birthday, and who else should arrive to help celebrate but RONZA! Her fantastic flying airship is - as always - loaded down with fantastic traps and goodies to help capture the varied and vengeful mice of Gnawnia. You'll need them too, as those mice have finally had enough, and have formed the Mouse Force Five; a super-team with the goal of destroying Ronza forever! Purchase and equip your most powerful traps and use them to defeat the individual members of the Mouse Force Five, collecting robot scraps as you do. When you have enough, visit Ronza's trapsmith to purchase something that could be used as a robot head, then craft your own Super Robot Trap in her store to challenge the Mouse Force Five's evil super robot! Defeat it enough times in open combat so they'll break off their attack, and you'll have saved Ronza! Help fight off the robot before Monday, March 18 and Ronza will reward you with a birthday cake! Ronza takes off on that day giant evil robot or no, so be sure to visit her before she's gone! Robot Menace Terrorizes Gnawnia! A GIGANTIC robotic mouse is stomping all over Gnawnia, threatening the Kingdom and making Ronza feel a little stressed out! Help fight off this colossal mousey robo-beast and keep Gnawnia and Ronza safe! Mouse Force Five Members from a new elite mouse team called the Mouse Force Five are attacking Ronza's airship! You must hunt them down and collect Robot Scraps from each of the 5 mice in order to build your own massive robot trap. Robot Scraps Each member of the Mouse Force Five drops a different Robot Scrap that you will need to collect. Once all 5 types have been collected, you can piece them together to create the arms, legs, and torso of your very own giant robot trap! Repurposed Robot Head The only thing missing from your robot is the head! Luckily, Ronza has tons of spare trap parts lying around and these can be repurposed to form the final piece of your Ultra MegaMouser MechaBot Trap! Visit her General Store to buy one. Amazing New Ronza Traps! Ronza is known for bringing the foremost in trap technology, and this year is no different. Her wares are sure to impress and scare even the most jaded of mouse, and perhaps cause them to think twice before attempting to steal that chunk of cheese. The Isle Idol Trap When hunting in the Tribal Isles with this fantastic new trap, you'll get double the crafting drops from the Derr, Nerg, and Elub mice! "But they're all different power types!" I hear you say. True! Which is why this amazing trap comes with two skins that change the power type from Physical to Hydro to Tactical and back again, while maintaining the double-drop powers! Tarannosaurus Rex Trap You wanna talk ancient and Forgotten? What's more ancient than dinosaur bones? Dread magic animates these primeval bones while boiling, bubbling tar drips all around. Any mouse brave or foolish enough to attempt to steal cheese from beneath its claws must be careful to avoid the sticky tar and the swift claws. Only the strongest and quickest mice will escape! Chrome MonstroBot Introducing the peak pinnacle of power, last legacy of luck, the absolute authority of awesomeness... the Chrome MonstroBot! Smash down your existing Sandstorm MonstroBot, dip the parts in the brand-new Chrome MonstroBot Upgrade Kit Ronza has brought, and then re-assemble them into the biggest, the shiniest, the straight-up wildest trap MouseHunt has ever seen! 經歷了近400天的旅行後,Ronza終於降落在Gnawnia上!!船上大量精美的陷阱跟物資將成為 玩家捕鼠的利器,但同時間老鼠也組成了Mouse Force Five並駕駛著巨大機器人想要摧毀 掉Ronza。 我們的任務就是要在飛船內捕捉Mouse Force Five並利用他們的loots(Robot Scraps) 組成一台巨大機器人保護Ronza。 機器人陷阱的物件總共有6個:粉紅腳藍腳綠手黃手紅身體、以及,其中除了 頭可以在Ronza的商店裡以100,000買到外,其餘的物件需要從各色老鼠中各取得10次的 (Robot Scraps)才能獲組裝完成,然後就可以駕駛著巨大機器人陷阱去捕捉到 Super FighterBot MegaSupreme這隻(似乎無法用其他陷阱捕捉) 若擊退Super FighterBot MegaSupreme,Ronza將會贈送一個生日蛋糕(??)給各位勇士們 眾所注目的陷阱一覽表 ┌─────┬─────────┬────────────────┐ │陷阱名稱 │Tarannosaurus Rex │ Isle Idol │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┬────┬─────┤ │Power │ 5200 │ 5050 │ 3500 │ 3750 │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┼────┼─────┤ │P.Bonus │ 12% │ 0% │ 5% │ 12% │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┼────┼─────┤ │Luck │ 8 │ 7 │ 10 │ 14 │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┼────┼─────┤ │A.Bonus │ 0% │ 0% │ 10% │ 5% │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┼────┼─────┤ │C.Effect │ Fresh │ stale │ stale │ stale │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┼────┼─────┤ │Type │ Forgotten │ Phsycal │ Hydro │ Tactical │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┴────┴─────┤ │Costs │ 4,000,000 │ 1,250,000 │ ├─────┼─────────┼────────────────┤ │P.required│ 19,000,000 │ 16,000,000 │ └─────┴─────────┴────────────────┘ 備註:Isle Idol是一個Kit組,包含一個陷阱跟兩個Skins,換Skins也會換素質 對還沒去外島的新手根本就是神器了,而且打外島的Loots會加倍掉落 眾所注目的暴龍陷阱居然是Forgotten,而且素質比原來Ancient Box的還更好Orz 另外還有其他的商品就不一一贅述啦,各位可以上去Ronza逛逛 備註:本次Ronza並無販賣底座,目前已知過去的部分底座可以老鼠掉落物獲得 掉落表:Cheesecake Base、Chocolate Birthday Cake Base、 Carrot Birthday Cake Base、Birthday Cake Base (有新增的部分我在補上) Ronza會一直待到3/18,別忘了要上去購物喔!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/09 19:29, , 1F
03/09 19:29, 1F

03/09 22:12, , 2F
太棒了!! 終於等到RONZA!!
03/09 22:12, 2F
※ 編輯: leave3078 來自: (03/10 00:58)

03/10 19:58, , 3F
03/10 19:58, 3F
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