[心得] [-CA-] Earth II 任務翻譯

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資料來源 http://castleage.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_II You awake disoriented in a pile of rubble. You try to recall the last thing that happened but you are having trouble. You look around and find yourself in a cavern with a molten lava river. Now you remember. It was Gehenna. You must make your way back to the Land of Fire, but you find that your path is blocked. 你在一堆碎石之中意識迷濛地醒來。你試著回想最後發生的事情但卻怎樣也想不起來。你 環顧四周,發現你身處在一個具有熔岩河流的洞穴裡。現在你想起來了。那一定是Gehenna 做的好事。你必須想辦法回到Land of Fire,但是你發現你的道路已經被阻塞了。 主任務 1: River of Lava 熔岩之河 The first obstacle you encounter is the large river of lava you must cross to reach the cavern exit. However, the searing lava will mean the end of you if you take the wrong path. Find the best way to reach the exit. 你第一個糟遇的阻礙是巨大的熔岩之河,你必須橫越過它才能到達洞穴的出口。但是如果 你選擇了錯誤的路線,劇烈的熔岩將就是你的死期。找到到達出口的最佳路線。 次任務 : Find The Safest Path 找到最安全的路線 Save Stranded Soldiers 拯救受困的士兵 主任務 2: Chasm of Fire 火燄深淵 The whole landscape has changed as lava and ash are everywhere. Before you have a time to survey your surroundings, you are attacked by fire elementals! 由於遍佈的熔岩流和灰燼,整個景象都已經改變了。在你有時間檢視四周之前,你已經被 火元素攻擊了! 次任務 : Cast Blizzard 施展玻璃渣 Defeat Fire Elementals 擊敗火元素 主任務 3: Vesuv Bridge Vesuv橋 It looks like the Vesuv Bridge miraculously survived the explosion. You will need to cross it to make your way further south but your path is impeded by kobolds. 看來Vesuv橋奇跡般地在那爆炸之後存留了下來。你將需要橫越過它好讓你能再往南前進 ,但是你的道路已被一群地精阻礙了 次任務 : Defeat the Kobolds 擊敗地精 Cross the Bridge 橫越橋樑 主任務 4: Dwarven Stronghold 矮人堡壘 It looks like the Vesuv Lookout was destroyed but to the southeast is the Dwarven Stronghold of Ironfirst. Travel to the Dwarven Stronghold to see what has happened since your battle with Gehenna. 看來Vesuv瞭望台(*1)已經被摧毀了但是在東南方還有Ironfirst(*2)的矮人堡壘。前進 矮人堡壘,瞭解在你和Gehenna的戰鬥之後發生了些什麼事。 次任務 : Gain Access 到達堡壘 Request Council 要求召開會議 (*1):Land of Earth任務中出現過的地區 主任務 5: Ironfist Dwarves Ironfist(*2)矮人 Councilor Rockbeard has granted you council and you have learned of the terrible violence that has broken out since the disaster. You need to inform the Rockbeard about Gehenna. 政務委員Rockbeard已經允許了你的會議而你也已經領教過在那災難之後爆發出的恐怖暴力 。你必須告訴Rockbeard有關Gehenna的事。 次任務 : Recruit Allies 招募盟友 Prepare Troops 準備軍隊 (*2):原文真的是兩個字 我想CA是打錯了 主任務 6: The Rebellion 叛軍 Your army marches towards the city of Caldonis and you see can see the fires and smoke in the distance. You must reach the city but battalions of rebels stand in your way. 你的軍隊朝著Caldonis城市前進,你看到遠方有火光和黑煙。你必須到達城市但是數營的 叛軍擋在你的路上。 次任務 : Surround Rebels 包圍叛軍 Defeat Rebels 擊敗叛軍 主任務 7: Impending Battle 迫近的戰鬥 It looks like the Caldonian army is in a standoff with the rebels. You make contact with a Caldonian battalion leader and find out the leader of the Rebels is a knight named Aurelius. Caldonian的軍隊似乎正和叛軍僵持不下。你和Caldonian軍隊的領袖接觸,因此知道叛軍 的領袖是一位名叫Aurelius的騎士。 次任務 : Survey Battlefield 檢視戰場 Prepare Tactics 擬定戰術 主任務 8: Confront the Rebels 面對叛軍 If you do not stop the rebels, violence and pandemonium will spread through the land. The goal should be to unite the people. Stop the rebels at any cost. 若你不能阻止判軍,暴力和混亂將會在整個大陸擴散開來。最後的目的應該要凝聚人心。 不惜任何代價阻止叛軍。 次任務 : Break the Line 破壞戰線 Charge Ahead 向前衝鋒 終章任務: The Rebel Leader 叛亂領袖 You finally make contact with the rebel leader, Aurelius. Why is he leading this rebellion? Confront him! 你最後終於和叛軍的領袖Aurelius有所接觸了。為什麼是他帶領著這次叛亂?質問他! 任務執行訊息 : The Rebels march toward the Caldonian stronghold as the two opposing armies brace for the impending battle. There is a brief respite from the rising tension as your forces appear from the mountains to intercept the Rebel march. Aurelius, the Rebellion leader, emerges on horseback from a thick line of the armored cavalry to meet you. 叛軍以兩隊相對的陣形朝著Caldonian堡壘前進。這是自你的軍隊出現在山巒到攔截叛軍以 來的短暫歇息。叛軍領袖Aurelius騎著馬自厚重的騎兵線中出現來和你見面。 Aurelius: Announce yourself! What is your position here on this battle field? Aurelius: 報上名來! 你在這戰場上想做什麼? You: I am an emissary from the Land of Fire, hoping to stop the bloodshed that is to come. After the horrors suffered by the people due to Mephistopheles's assault, can we not have a moment of peace to rebuild our nations and strengthen our old alliances? 你: 我是一位來自Land of Fire的使者,希望能中止將要發生的殺戮。在人類遭受了因 Mephistopheles的襲擊所造成的恐怖之後,我們不能擁有短暫的和平時光來重建我 們的國家和強化我們的古老邦誼嗎? Aurelius: I respect your efforts in coming here, and I believe your intentions to be noble. I too wish for peace... a lasting peace with a Nation strong enough to withstand assaults from future aggressors like Mephistopheles. Where was the Land of Fire when Mephistopheles unleashed his vile demons on our Kingdom? Where were you when the Land of Earth needed aid and fell to the demon's overwhelming forces? The Land of Fire locked itself in its castles and shielded itself from the carnage! Aurelius: 我敬佩你為了到達這裡所做的努力,而我相信你的意圖是高尚的。 我太渴望和平了...藉由一個強大到足以對抗未來像Mephistopheles這樣的 侵略者襲擊的國家所維持的永久和平。 當Mephistopheles在我們的王國裡釋放出他那可憎的惡魔時, Land of Fire在哪裡? 當Land of Earth需要援助和陣亡在惡魔的強大力量之下時, 你又在哪裡? Land of Fire把它自己鎖在城堡裡並讓自己至身事外! (His words strike a deep cord in your being, and you feel deep personal regret in having been absent during the assault.) (他的話語深深地刺痛你的內心,你對在那場襲擊中缺席感到深深自責) You: ... 你: ... Aurelius: I too wish to rebuild, however the old ways were too weak to stand against the Evil in this World. I will unite the entire continent under the Banner of the Lion and strike fear in any demon that would dare threaten our lands again! Corvintheus himself spoke to me in a dream, and I know my choice to be just! It is the only way. Now clear my path, or fall to my blade! Aurelius: 我想要重建,但是古老的方法對抗在這世上的邪惡實在是太虛弱了。 我將會在獅子的旗幟之下一統整個大陸並讓所有膽敢再次對我們土地造成威脅 的惡魔心生恐懼! Corvintheus在夢裡親自告訴我,而我知道我的選擇是正確的! 這是唯一的方法。 現在,別擋我的路,要不就是在我的劍下陣亡! (He is not a demon or vile creature of the dark like so many foes that you have vanquished. He is a man, and goals are just. However, if you are to stand aside and do nothing, you are sure of the pain and suffering that is to come to all sides. What will you do?) (他不是惡魔或是你之前消滅的那些眾多可惡的黑暗生物。他是一個人類,而且目的正確。 但是,若你袖手旁觀毫無作為的話,你確信未來痛苦和苦難將會將會四處漫延。 你要怎麼做?) -- ╭═╦═╮ ╭═══╮ ╭═╮╭═╮╭╦╮ ╮ ╭═╮ ║ ║ ╭══╮╭══╮ ═╬═─ ║ ║║ ║ ║ ║ ═╦═ ║ ║ ╟═╢╰═╮ ║ ║ ╟═ ║╟╤╮╠══ ╰═╩═╯ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║║║ ╩ ╩╰═╯ ╩ ╰═╯╰═╯ ╰═╬╯╰══╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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