[情報] [尋寶] 重大改版第一波:健保制度變天了

看板Facebook作者 (巴貝瑞安女王)時間14年前 (2010/04/02 01:05), 編輯推噓7(7011)
留言18則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
The Health-Care Reform 健保制度改革啦!(回應目前沸沸揚揚的毆巴馬健保改革政策XD) Dear Treasure Madness players, 親愛的印第安那瓊斯們, Here is a heads-up on upcoming changes. It concerns our health politics, and as you must have heard of, this is a hot topic in the real world too ;-) 之前改版預告文講這麼多也沒說到底要改啥,現在就直接告訴大家── 第一波改版就是健保制度改革啦!(在真實世界中也是火熱熱的話題喔) The health refill rules that have been applied so far are based on a tuning of the game which we did at the end of the Preview, over 4 months ago, when the highest players were at Level 30 or so. We have now designed some important changes to those rules which will be released within one or two days. As with any change, it's hard to please everyone, but we owe it to the community to move forward. In the process, we'll do our best to explain what is going on... 目前的回血規則是根據四個月前從試玩版進入貝塔一版時的狀況訂的,當 時大家都還是氣血虛弱的小小印第安那瓊斯,現在可不同了。未來兩天要 推出的健保改革可能沒辦法皆大歡喜,不過這是別讓大家太好過的必要措 施,大家就耐著性子聽聽下列解說吧: Today, the most advanced players are as high as level 300, and they never run out of HP. Thus for them the game isn't as rewarding as it used to be. They level up too easily and get huge amounts of free HPs very often and crunch through new maps at an amazing speed. It becomes a dull routine as they can go on digging and digging until they get bored or tired: this is killing interest in the game and it's unfair to the beginners... all in all the game model is broken. 目前的超級老印第們可能都300級了,血天天用不完,升級和完成地圖像 在飛一樣,這樣就遊戲就沒挑戰性了嘛!每天只是挖挖挖個沒完,熱情遲 早會燃燒殆盡,而且也對小小印第們不公平,這樣尋寶的平衡就毀了... The good news is that TM is still in Beta, so we have the possibility and the duty to right this wrong. So we put a lot of thoughts into a solution to fix the basic issues without taking away things which you, our respected players, have earned or bought, such as your current level and your current equipment upgrades. 好加在現在只是貝塔版(就是還能愛怎麼改就怎麼改XD),所以我們自覺有 責任改正這種不平衡。所以我們絞盡腦汁想出解決目前問題的方法,並且 絕不會讓各位備受尊崇的印第們損失任何現有的進度和財產。 In order to balance the game better we have changed the HP health kits & refill rules: 總之為了維持遊戲平衡,我們的健保改革方案如下: a) First Aid Kit (free) -> Gain added to current HP = +100HP This is a free health kit you get when you level-up, or when any of your friends send you one. This one can only be bought if HP < MaxHP, but the amounts are added to the HP value even if it goes beyond the MaxHP. For beginners, this means more HP gain than the old level-up would give. A‧免費急救箱。未來升級不會自動把血補到滿了,而是會得到一枚急救 箱,功能是在現有血量中加100滴血,隊員贈送的每日一箱也變成這個。 這款急救箱只有在血量沒回滿的時候才能買,開了之後就算超過滿血量也 會繼續加上去。小印第們可以靠這個獲得更多血量。 b) Survival Kit (9Mu$) -> Gain added to current HP = +200HP This can be bought for the same price as the old health kit but it grants a fixed amount of HP, which can be more than you would get with the old health kit (if you're a beginner) or less (if you're at a high level). B‧9MU$急救箱。這款的價格和舊版一樣貴,但是總共就加你200滴血。 對小印第們而言一定比舊版好用、老印第(如果有人在買這玩意)就多擔 待點吧。 c) Super Health Kit (price varies) = Full refill to [MaxHP x 120%] This health kit has the same effect as the old health kit, but it is only available to players who have a Level > 100 and its price increases with MaxHP. Its cost is roughly MaxHP/20. It isn't available to beginners because for them the Survival Kit would be a better deal. C‧價格不告訴你之超級回血箱。這款的功能和舊版一樣(補滿血外加20%), 不過只有超過100級的老印第可買,而且你越老就要花越多MU買(富人多課 稅的意思?)。好啦透露一下,這款的價格大概就是你現有等級除以20左右 的MU$,夠高貴吧。這款箱子小印第們不會買到,因為划不來(老的去買就 划得來嗎?= =) d) Heat wave & Weather changes to the auto-refill process From now on the auto-refill process will depend on the weather which will influence the speed of HP increase and the maximum value reached by auto-refill. The current heat wave will max-out auto-refill at 200HP and we have left the refill speed untouched for now. 很多人可能會說:「我改版前都沒在花MU買回血箱了現在幹麻買?講那麼 多幹嘛?」下面就是重點啦!為什麼要你們花錢回血?因為改版後健保制 度(回血制度)就要大變天囉!以前都是自動幫你回到滿,但是未來血回多 少、回多快,都要看老天爺臉色了。目前天氣動態是「熱浪」,熱浪代表 的就是最多回給你200滴血,至於回血速度呢,我們就「暫時」先不把魔 爪伸到那個方向去(未來可就不一定囉)。未來大家要認真看氣象報導唷! We have thought of and heard of several other good ideas to improve the balance and the long-term interest in the game and these are being developed too. They will arrive in the game in the coming weeks and we'll do our best to communicate about them in advance. 嘿嘿嘿,我們還有很多關於維持遊戲平衡的新點子要推出,敬請期待。到 時候我們一樣會事先跟大家做通知。 I hope this is all clear for you and we remain here to explain it further. As mentioned above, these changes will arrive in the Live game shortly. 這樣說明白嗎?還是不懂的話歡迎上官方論壇來找客服。剛說過了,接下 來還有更多改版訊息會像熱浪一波接著波一波報到。大家要有心理準備唷~ thanks for digging! 感謝各位努力挖挖挖! ================================ 或許真正高階的玩家的血真的多到可以馬上挖光新地圖啦,因為論壇上好 像老是有人在喊說地圖全挖完了好無聊。但是我自己目前還處在挖完還得 耐心等回血的階段啊啊啊(新限時又地圖一直出!吼!) 根據這則公告,未來回血的總量和速度完全要看老天爺臉色了。至於老天 爺到底有哪些臉色、會維持幾天,並沒有解釋清楚。我在想,如果出一堆 限時地圖又遇到乾旱缺血期(假設有這種天氣)怎麼辦呢? 板上的各位印地安那瓊斯們覺得這波新健保制度改得怎麼樣? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/02 01:12, , 1F
04/02 01:12, 1F

04/02 01:13, , 2F
不會買+1 地圖都快挖完了 水果都滿出來 只能等新地圖= =
04/02 01:13, 2F

04/02 01:16, , 3F
還不如出寶物盒 機率開出沒挖過的寶物 金幣 mu幣....
04/02 01:16, 3F

04/02 01:17, , 4F
04/02 01:17, 4F

04/02 01:20, , 5F
04/02 01:20, 5F
※ 編輯: demona 來自: (04/02 01:22)

04/02 01:36, , 6F
04/02 01:36, 6F

04/02 01:41, , 7F
04/02 01:41, 7F

04/02 01:44, , 8F
"最多回給你200滴血" 我的血量上限還不到200 該高興嗎= =
04/02 01:44, 8F

04/02 02:08, , 9F
其實取消升級自動滿血就沒問題了… 搞這麼多來賺錢 XD
04/02 02:08, 9F

04/02 08:11, , 10F
04/02 08:11, 10F

04/02 08:12, , 11F
04/02 08:12, 11F

04/02 08:53, , 12F
04/02 08:53, 12F

04/02 08:54, , 13F
04/02 08:54, 13F

04/02 08:55, , 14F
04/02 08:55, 14F

04/02 16:41, , 15F
04/02 16:41, 15F

04/02 20:27, , 16F
這樣一改 高等一點意義都沒了 只有那個最大的能量包有差
04/02 20:27, 16F

04/02 20:28, , 17F
04/02 20:28, 17F

04/02 20:34, , 18F
這樣改超爛的.... orz 又一直出限時地圖
04/02 20:34, 18F
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