[心得] 網絡

看板Facebook作者 (雨八beta)時間14年前 (2010/03/23 19:41), 編輯推噓0(001)
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※ [本文轉錄自 lacrum 信箱] https://register.facebook.com/editaccount.php?networks 不負責任翻譯 自英文版說明中心 http://www.facebook.com/help/?page=799&hloc=en_US I can’t add a network. ※找不到屬於自己的網絡? A work network: ※工作相關網絡 Please note that if your company does not distribute official email addresses to employees, we will be unable to create a workplace network for you. ※除非你有公司所分配的電子郵件位址,否則不能讓你創造新的網絡。 If you have a work email address that has the company domain, please click this link. ※如果你有公司所分配的電子郵件位址,請連結這裡新增: http://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form=add_work If you’re not receiving the confirmation email, please check your email application's spam or junk folder or filter. ※如果沒收到信,請到大宗郵件或是垃圾信件資料夾確認一下。 A college network: ※大專院校網絡 In order to join one of our college networks, you need to have a valid email address from one of the schools we support. This email account needs to be set up to send or receive external emails. To accommodate alumni, we accept school affiliated alumni email addresses, which are available at many schools (often for free) through their school or alumni association. If your school does not provide you with an email address, you will not be able to join that network at this time. ※如果你沒有學校提供的電子郵件信箱,那就不能加入 If you have an email address from your school, but aren’t able to receive the confirmation email, please check your spam and junk-related folders and filters. ※如果沒收到信,請到大宗郵件或是垃圾信件資料夾確認一下。 If you’re still unable to add a college network, please click here. ※如果找不到你的大專院校網絡,請點這裡 http://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form=add_college If you cannot add your college or university because it is not supported, please click on this link. ※如果不能加你的大專院校網絡,一樣請點這裡 http://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form=add_college A high school network: If you do not have an option to add a high school network to your account , then you may be ineligible to register with a high school at this time. If you currently attend high school and are between the ages of 13 and 18 but have not provided this information accurately, please use the link at the bottom to contact us – we’ll then be able to update your account. If you are over the age of 18, you will need to add your high school information to the Education section of your Profile, as you are no longer eligible to add a high school network. Note that people will still be able to find you in a Classmates Search. If you are unable to add your high school network because you have recently switched high school networks, you may need to wait until the block expires before adding a new high school. If you are registered in a high school that you do not currently attend, please use the form below to contact us – we’ll then be able to update your account. If you are unable to add your high school network because we do not support your high school, we can help to add the network to Facebook. Please click here to contact us with your high school information. 這一段我不會翻。因為美國的中學制度是初中高中併在一起的, 所以我也看不懂它真正的意思 只能另請高人指點囉^^" -- :#19N31zvR 這篇文章有提到

請問樓上大大 那個密碼怎麼用??

:在標題列表輸入那串密碼……或者直接貼上=__= z-1-2也有由來

-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/23 19:57, , 1F
雨八八~~ ( ′▽`)σ)′3`)
03/23 19:57, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1BgAa5AK (Facebook)