[情報] [-CA-] Skaar 戰鬥勝利訊息翻譯

看板Facebook作者 (羅伯特 羅)時間14年前 (2010/02/25 17:32), 編輯推噓7(700)
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翻譯中有添加些個人風格潤飾 如有冒犯敬請見諒 Before you have a chance to think about how to breach Skaar's Mana Forcefield, he brings his huge great sword down upon you. You avoid it and again try to counterattack but it is no use! The Mana Forcefield easily deflects your attack and leaves your hands numb. If you can't hurt Skaar, this battle will end quickly. 在勇者有機會思考如何破壞Skaar的力場時 Skaar已經將其巨大的劍身往他頭上劈去 勇者避開了這個斬擊試圖反擊但是卻徒勞無功 那魔法力場輕易地化解了勇者的攻擊並使之雙手麻痺 如果無法傷害Skaar,勇者將會很快敗掉這場戰鬥 You: "Celesta, isn't there anything you can do to take dispel the Mana Forcefield?" Celesta: "This magic is unlike anything I have seen before. I can try but I am not sure what the result will be." 勇者 "Celesta,妳有辦法去除那該死的魔法力場嗎?" Celesta "這個力場並不像我所經歷過的任何法術,我只能盡力嘗試" Celesta speaks a magical incantation softly and a pale yellow glow starts to build around her hands. All of a sudden a beam of light shoots from her hands and hits Skaar's forcefield. The Mana Forcefield becomes visible and flickers for a bit. However, after a little bit the forcefield seems to be back up again. Celesta輕柔地吟誦一段磨法咒語同一時間一股淡黃色的光芒開始圍繞在其雙手的周圍 猛地,一道光速從她的雙手中射出直指Skaar的力場 在那一瞬間Skaar的力場似乎隱約可見(原本可能是無形且不可視) 然而轉瞬之間力場隱約又回復原狀 Celesta: "It looks like the Dispel spell is only effective for a limited amount of time. You'll have to look for an opening while I continue to cast Dispel." Celesta "看來這消除魔障的咒語只能作用在極短的瞬間 你必須在我施放咒語時抓住那短暫的時機找到縫隙突入" Now is the time for your counter attack. Celesta again murmurs the magical language to cast Dispel. You swing your blade at Skaar but the Mana Forcefield slows the attack enough that the attack doesn't affect Skaar. The Forcefield flickers a bit. Is this an opening from Celesta's Dispel? You quickly reverse the direction of your blade swing and bring your blade towards Skaar's hip. This time your blade is not repelled. Skaar narrowly sidesteps your strike. Celesta再次低吟起魔法語言施放咒語去除魔障 而此時此刻正是反擊的好機會 勇者舉起刀刃向Skaar掃去 但是這攻擊卻被力場減緩了速度 而Skaar絲毫沒有受到影響 突然之間 力場閃爍了一下 "難道這就是Celesta所說的縫隙?" 勇者迅速地將其刀刃直指縫隙的方向並揮向Skaar的下半身 很明顯的 這次勇者的攻擊沒有被抵抗 然而Skaar在千鈞一髮之際迴避了勇者的攻擊 Skaar: "My forcefield! That witch! It must be her." Skaar "我的力場! 這妖女! 一定是她幹的好事!" Skaar diverts his attention away from you and now starts his charge towards Celesta. You must get there in time. You spring forward on a trajectory to intercept Skaar. You swing your blade and it is again stopped by the Mana Forcefield. However, it flickers again. It is down! This is your chance. Skaar raises his blade over his head and aims torwards Celesta's head. Skaar的注意力轉移到了正在施法的Celesta身上並在同一時間衝向了她 "一定要趕上!" 勇者縱身一跳想截住Skaar的行動 他將刀刃揮向Skaar但是卻又再度被力場阻擾 然而力場此時再度閃爍 "消失了!" 這是勇者最後的機會 Skaar高舉起他的劍刃往Celesta的頭上劈了下去 Skaar: "Arrrrrggggh!" Skaar "啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!" Skaar's blade is mere inches away from Celesta but yet he has stopped for some reason. Skaar stumbles backward and it is now apparent why he stopped. Your weapon has penetrated Skaar from the back and has exited out the front of his chest. Skaar crashes down to his knees. Skaar的刀刃在Celesta頭上的毫厘之處停了下來 而他就這麼地往後倒下 原來在千鈞一髮時 勇者的刀刃從其背心刺穿了胸膛 猛如Skaar也只能跪倒在地 Skaar: "It seems I have underestimated the human that defeated Lord Mephistopheles….your end will still come foolish warrior…." Skaar "我似乎是太過低估這些擊敗莫菲斯多領主的人類... 愚蠢的戰士,你的末日終將到來..." Skaar slumps down to the ground and in a flash of light he's gone. In its place is a portal. Where will this portal lead? Who knows? The only thing you do know is that it is a chance for you to get home to Valeria. You step through the portal……. Skaar猛地倒下 突然間眾人的眼前爆出一陣閃光 而Skaar的身影也消失在這閃光之中 在眾人眼前的是一座大門 然而這座大門將通往哪裡?天曉得? 勇者們唯一所知道的是 這是個能夠讓自己回到Valeria的機會 勇者們邁開了腳步走過了這個大門...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/25 17:41, , 1F
眾英雄中,只有Celesta有戲份 XD
02/25 17:41, 1F

02/25 17:46, , 2F
celesta超萬能的啊。 XD
02/25 17:46, 2F

02/25 18:13, , 3F
一路走來 始終如一 (誤)
02/25 18:13, 3F

02/25 18:23, , 4F
其它也有戲份, 只是都很路人 XD
02/25 18:23, 4F

02/25 21:12, , 5F
02/25 21:12, 5F

02/26 10:12, , 6F
套一句查理的台詞:對~最好是大家都會爆炸 翻譯感謝
02/26 10:12, 6F

02/28 06:24, , 7F
看到關鍵字 "消除魔障" XDD
02/28 06:24, 7F
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