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看板Facebook作者 (之云)時間14年前 (2010/02/04 00:17), 編輯推噓147(147089)
留言236則, 96人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Hello everyone! 哈囉~註定要買魚幣的冤大頭們 Thank you for your patience during todays maintenance. Country Story have added new item and features. 謝謝你們那麼有耐心的等待這次更新,我們更新的新道具跟系統 In particular, notice the new treant feature" You can collect one Treant from your own farm every day + 1 Treant for each of your friends. The Treant is not Purchaseable. You now need 3 Treants in order to be able to purchase basic trees. Collected Treants displays in the tree-tab in your inventory. The Treeant is not that easy to spot at the moment, so you need to look for it carefully! 特別的,注意"小樹人"這玩意,現在可以從自己跟朋友們的農場收集這怪東西 這個人蔘頭是不能買的,而且很賤的~現在每收集三個人蔘頭才能買基本的樹唷 已經收集到的樹人會顯示數量在小樹收集冊裡!!! 然後我們也很機車的把樹人出現機率調得很低~所以要乖乖找嘿!! We have also made some changes to how the watering system works, is some information about it, but you are best served just playing the game and observing the changes as I am sure this will be a bit confusing to read 我們也更改了澆水系統~這裡有我們的一些訊息要告訴大家,但是各位冤大頭們 最好還是登入遊戲知道這次更新內容~才知道我們有多機車(/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧ 1.0 Rules for Crop ‧ User can water a plot at any time, if there is no plant on the plot, water will not decrease, if the plot have plant, then water will start to decrease ‧ Max water level of each plot is 4 ‧ Water decrease*frequency*of each plot relates to growth time of current season of the specific plant, to calculate how long the plot will take to decrease 1 water level.* If a crop takes 4 hours to grow up, then each 4*60/7.5 minutes will -1 water level. If a crop takes 10 hours to grow up, then each 10*60/7.5 作物的新一點靈規則 現在可以在任何時候去澆水~但如果地沒有農作物,水是不會少的,反之則反 水的乾涸程度有四個 現在水乾的速度會跟作物總生長時間有關 如果作物成長時間要四小時,則每4*60/7.5會下降一等級的乾涸程度 如果作物成長時間要十小時,則每10*60/7.5會下降一等級的乾涸程度 (這邊官方有錯~已改正) ‧ When crop is ready to harvest, user don't *need to water, but he can. *When user harvest the crop, the water will reduce to 0 directly. ‧ When friend steal the crop, it doesn't stop water decreasing ‧ Visual effect change when water level changes ‧ Plant will still grow in 20% speed if the current water less than level 1 ‧ User and friend can water the plant during the growth period even if it's not necessary. If current water level is 4, 3 or 2, water the plant will only increase water level to 4 but can't get GP; if current water level is 1 or 0, water the plant will also get GP, 3 for water own, 1 for water friend's (as defined in game data) 當作物準備好要採收時,玩家不必澆水,但是你想澆~我們也無法阻止你 如果採收完作物,農地會直接變沙漠 當玩家偷作物時,是不會改變水的乾涸程度 隨著水乾的程度不同~顯示出來的東西也會不一樣 如果水乾到等級一以下的話~作物會剩20%的生長速度 玩家跟朋友們如果澆乾涸程度2~4的作物,會直接讓他最濕~但是沒經驗值 只有當作物乾到剩1以下時~在自家會會獲得3的經驗值~而朋友家則是1 2.0 Rules for Tree ‧ Max water level of each plot is 4 ‧ Water decrease frequency of each plot relates to growth time of current stage of the specific tree, to calculate how long the plot will take to decrease 1 water level.* 小樹的2012毀滅更新 乾涸程度一樣是4 樹的乾涸速度一樣高深莫測XDD If the tree takes 24 hours to grow up from sapling to leaf stage, then each 24*60/7.5 minutes will -1 water level 如果樹要花24小時從小樹變成大樹,則24*60/7.5分鐘會降一等級的乾涸程度 If the tree takes 12 hours to grow from leaf stage to have fruit, then each 12*60/7.5 minutes will -1 water level 如果樹要花12小時從大樹結果,則每12*60/7.5分鐘會降一等級的乾涸程度 ‧ In the fruit stage, user don't need to water, but he can. When the fruit drop from the tree (either user shake it or it drop by time out), the tile become dry again 當水果成熟時,果在樹上澆了沒用,落果後樹直接變最乾 ‧ Visual effect change when water level changes 同一般作物,不同乾涸程度有不同樣子的地 ‧ Plant will still grow in 20% speed if the current water less than level 1 跟作物一樣~低於乾涸程度1時會剩20%的生長速度 ‧ User and friend can water the plant during the growth period even if it's not necessary. If current water level is 4, 3 or 2, water the plant will only increase water level to 4 but can't get GP; if current water level is 1 or 0, water the plant will also get GP, 3 for water own, 1 for water friend's (as defined in game data) 這邊跟作物一樣~澆乾涸程度2~4只會爽到玩魚~不會有經驗值 只有澆1跟0才有經驗~自家是3~朋友家是1 And I am sure you will enjoy this, we have doubled the sell price for all magic tree fruits Level 1 fruit sell for 80 coins Level 2 fruit sell for 120 coins Level 3 fruit sell for 160 coins 魔法樹果實價錢調高 一級是80摳 二級是120摳 三級是160摳 We look forward to your feedback. (這句不想翻~因為我覺得這更新爛到爆) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/04 00:19, , 1F
02/04 00:19, 1F
※ 編輯: hix020421680 來自: (02/04 00:20)

02/04 00:20, , 2F
02/04 00:20, 2F

02/04 00:20, , 3F
缺水程度影響作物成熟時間頗貼切 (但是更難計算時間了=.="
02/04 00:20, 3F

02/04 00:20, , 4F
每次更新完就登不進去 BUG一堆...
02/04 00:20, 4F

02/04 00:20, , 5F
02/04 00:20, 5F

02/04 00:20, , 6F
02/04 00:20, 6F

02/04 00:21, , 7F
02/04 00:21, 7F

02/04 00:21, , 8F
02/04 00:21, 8F
※ 編輯: hix020421680 來自: (02/04 00:22)

02/04 00:22, , 9F
02/04 00:22, 9F

02/04 00:22, , 10F
02/04 00:22, 10F

02/04 00:22, , 11F
02/04 00:22, 11F

02/04 00:22, , 12F
02/04 00:22, 12F

02/04 00:22, , 13F
02/04 00:22, 13F

02/04 00:23, , 14F
翻得真好!!!!! 給你一百分!!!!! XD
02/04 00:23, 14F

02/04 00:23, , 15F
02/04 00:23, 15F

02/04 00:23, , 16F
02/04 00:23, 16F

02/04 00:23, , 17F
作物乾扁的程度變精緻有個X用喔(/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧
02/04 00:23, 17F

02/04 00:23, , 18F
02/04 00:23, 18F

02/04 00:23, , 19F
冤大頭 冤大頭 冤大頭 冤大頭 冤大頭 冤大頭 冤大頭
02/04 00:23, 19F

02/04 00:23, , 20F
02/04 00:23, 20F

02/04 00:23, , 21F
02/04 00:23, 21F

02/04 00:23, , 22F
02/04 00:23, 22F

02/04 00:24, , 23F
推hix大大的翻譯 真的很棒!!
02/04 00:24, 23F

02/04 00:24, , 24F
經驗值更難拿到了...攻頂之路遙遙無望 XD"
02/04 00:24, 24F

02/04 00:24, , 25F
推!最後一句大推.. Feedback咧..沒罵F@$#就算佛心了..
02/04 00:24, 25F

02/04 00:24, , 26F
我一點都看不懂那複雜的澆水計算方式 Orz
02/04 00:24, 26F

02/04 00:24, , 27F
真是貼切的翻譯,淚推 T^T
02/04 00:24, 27F

02/04 00:24, , 28F
乾到2~3級時幫澆沒經驗值,要到最乾才有...= =a
02/04 00:24, 28F

02/04 00:25, , 29F
02/04 00:25, 29F

02/04 00:25, , 30F
玩魚應該是覺得種樹給玩家賺太多錢了 所以就改成這樣
02/04 00:25, 30F

02/04 00:25, , 31F
02/04 00:25, 31F

02/04 00:25, , 32F
02/04 00:25, 32F

02/04 00:25, , 33F
02/04 00:25, 33F

02/04 00:25, , 34F
02/04 00:25, 34F

02/04 00:26, , 35F
地乾涸的程度變精緻有個X用喔(/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧
02/04 00:26, 35F

02/04 00:26, , 36F
茄子第一期八小時為例...64分鐘降低一次 4小時就乾了?
02/04 00:26, 36F

02/04 00:26, , 37F
02/04 00:26, 37F
還有 159 則推文
02/04 01:00, , 197F
半個小時過去了 完全進不去xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
02/04 01:00, 197F

02/04 01:00, , 198F
翻的好 給個讚!! 更新爛爆了~無誤 我要回去當畜牧業了 -_-"
02/04 01:00, 198F

02/04 01:00, , 199F
更新完向來如此~~早知道就先買樹來放了= =
02/04 01:00, 199F

02/04 01:00, , 200F
02/04 01:00, 200F

02/04 01:01, , 201F
每週更新完都是這樣… 應該是太多人擠上線
02/04 01:01, 201F

02/04 01:01, , 202F
02/04 01:01, 202F

02/04 01:02, , 203F
02/04 01:02, 203F

02/04 01:02, , 204F
02/04 01:02, 204F

02/04 01:02, , 205F
02/04 01:02, 205F

02/04 01:03, , 206F
02/04 01:03, 206F

02/04 01:03, , 207F
02/04 01:03, 207F

02/04 01:05, , 208F
登入畫面好醜= =
02/04 01:05, 208F

02/04 01:07, , 209F
02/04 01:07, 209F

02/04 01:13, , 210F
02/04 01:13, 210F

02/04 01:17, , 211F
02/04 01:17, 211F

02/04 01:18, , 212F
02/04 01:18, 212F

02/04 01:18, , 213F
02/04 01:18, 213F

02/04 01:19, , 214F
喵的 我現在都不知道溼度4級的空地要怎麼處理
02/04 01:19, 214F

02/04 01:21, , 215F
02/04 01:21, 215F

02/04 01:22, , 216F
還是我理解錯誤= =? 我五小時的作物一半時間就乾掉了
02/04 01:22, 216F

02/04 01:26, , 217F
02/04 01:26, 217F

02/04 01:26, , 218F
02/04 01:26, 218F

02/04 01:27, , 219F
02/04 01:27, 219F

02/04 01:28, , 220F
02/04 01:28, 220F

02/04 01:29, , 221F
02/04 01:29, 221F

02/04 01:30, , 222F
02/04 01:30, 222F

02/04 01:33, , 223F
02/04 01:33, 223F

02/04 01:36, , 224F
02/04 01:36, 224F

02/04 01:42, , 225F
這樣是更難拿經驗 我通常是65min就可以澆一次水~
02/04 01:42, 225F

02/04 01:44, , 226F
02/04 01:44, 226F

02/04 01:47, , 227F
02/04 01:47, 227F

02/04 01:56, , 228F
02/04 01:56, 228F

02/04 02:09, , 229F
02/04 02:09, 229F

02/04 02:25, , 230F
02/04 02:25, 230F

02/04 08:12, , 231F
02/04 08:12, 231F

02/04 08:35, , 232F
02/04 08:35, 232F

02/04 09:51, , 233F
02/04 09:51, 233F

02/04 10:58, , 234F
02/04 10:58, 234F

02/04 12:00, , 235F
02/04 12:00, 235F

02/04 19:24, , 236F
翻的真讚 XD
02/04 19:24, 236F
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