[心得] [-CA-] Undead Embrace 任務翻譯

看板Facebook作者 (失ゎれた彩畫)時間14年前 (2010/01/06 03:00), 編輯推噓9(904)
留言13則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Lotus: I've been waiting for you young warriors. So you were the ones that defeated Keira? Hmph. That's quite disappointing to hear. I knew Keira was weak but to lose to the likes of you? It brings up the question as to why she ever became one of Mephistopheles's chosen ones. I'm sure her overconfidence and carelessness is what did her in. However, I assure you that I will not fall as easily as her. You'll soon find out that there are worst things than the embrace of Death. Lotus: 我等你們很久了,年輕的戰士們 你們就是那些打敗Keira的人嗎? 嗯哈。真是令人失望。 我知道Keira很弱,但是她有可能輸給像你們這樣的人? 不禁讓人想問為什麼她會是Mephistopheles所選擇的人之一 我很確定是她的過度自信和粗心大意殺死了她 不過,我向你們保證我不會和她一樣那麼輕易地被擊敗 你們很快就會發現這世上還有事情比被死亡擁抱更慘 (*1) Before you can blink, Lotus has disappeared from your view. 轉眼間,Lotus已經自你的視野中消失 A loud snap is the only clue something had happened. 只有一聲響亮的撕裂聲讓你知道似乎有某件事發生了 In an instant, Lotus reappears to your right and swings her huge scythe at your head. 下一個瞬間,Lotus出現在你右邊並且用她的大鐮刀揮向你的腦袋 You are barely able to duck below the scythe blade but a few of your army members aren't so lucky. 你勉強地低下頭躲過鐮刀的刀鋒,但是你的一些士兵卻沒有這麼幸運 Before you can retaliate, she has disappeared and again it is followed by the loud snapping noise. 在你打算回敬她之前,她再一次地消失,隨之而來的是非常強烈的聲響 You realize what's happening. 你終於明白發生了什麼事 She's moving so fast that she is displacing the air around her. 她移動的太過迅速以致於在她身旁的空氣都被移位了 You stay alert knowing that she will reappear to take another swipe at you. 你保持警戒 因為你知道她將會再次出現 朝你揮下另一刀 From the rear! You roll to left, again barely avoiding the huge weapon. 後面! 你滾向左邊,再一次勉強地躲過巨大的武器 Lotus: So I see you do have some skills. But you know you cannot defeat me by simply hoping to avoid my death scythe. Eventually, you will tire and I will bring you over to the side of the undead. Lotus: 看來你的確有些本事 不過你應該知道只是單純地想躲過我的死神鐮刀是不能擊敗我的 最後,你將會疲累而我將會把你帶入不死的陣營 (*1) You don't sense any type of arrogance in her words and know that it's true. 你在她的字句中感覺不到任何自大,你知道那是真的 Avoiding her the first two times was only by coincidence. 躲過她前兩次攻擊僅僅只是巧合 You must go on the offensive. 你必須採取攻勢 With a loud snap, Lotus has disappeared again. 隨著一聲宏亮的撕裂聲,Lotus再次消失了 She attacked from the right the first time and the rear the last time. 她第一次從右邊進攻,最後一次從後面 It's time to take a gamble. 是賭一把的時候了 You close your eyes and grasp your weapon tightly. 你閉上雙眼 緊握著你的武器 The hair on the back of your neck tingles. 你後頸上的頭髮讓你的皮膚感到微微刺痛 Now is your chance. 你的機會來了 You swing your weapon wildly to the left and connect! 你雜亂地向左邊揮舞武器而且命中了! Lotus: Aaaahhh. You rodent. That was a lucky strike. However that was barely a scratch. I doubt you'll be able to do that again. If you want answers, find me in the Undead Plane. Lotus: 啊哈哈哈 你這隻小老鼠 那是幸運的一擊 但是連擦傷都很難算得上 我很懷疑你有沒有辦法再做一次 如果你想知道為什麼的話,就到Undead Plane找我吧 With a loud snapping noise, Lotus disappears again. 隨著宏亮的聲響,Lotus再次消失了 However, the huge evil presence from chamber is gone. 寢室裡巨大的邪惡也不見蹤跡 You realize that you must find a way to the Undead Plane. 你體認到 你必須找到去Undead Plane的路 (*1):第一段對話明顯的是多數之後的應該是單數 表示除了主角之外的人被砍到的都噴了 -- 感謝板友提供原文 Lotus話還蠻多的 XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: panzertp 來自: (01/06 03:08)

01/06 03:10, , 1F
推。 If you want answers翻成"如果你想要(知道)答案的話"
01/06 03:10, 1F

01/06 03:11, , 2F
會不會比較好?@@ (我覺得那應該是名詞._.
01/06 03:11, 2F
似乎是這樣...我好像又自己補完了 (死

01/06 03:15, , 3F
01/06 03:15, 3F
我承認我翻這句的時候有想到這個 XD

01/06 03:18, , 4F
01/06 03:18, 4F

01/06 03:19, , 5F
01/06 03:19, 5F

01/06 03:22, , 6F
不過看敘述似乎Keira把主角打的比較慘 XD
01/06 03:22, 6F

01/06 08:08, , 7F
01/06 08:08, 7F

01/06 10:37, , 8F
chosen ones在奇幻文學會翻作「選民」
01/06 10:37, 8F
我比較偏向是指M選了K當精英護衛這件事 (選民有點不直觀的感覺...)

01/06 10:37, , 9F
did her in 那句翻得很到位!
01/06 10:37, 9F

01/06 13:00, , 10F
於是玩家就結伴成15人大隊回去圍毆她了 囧
01/06 13:00, 10F
※ 編輯: panzertp 來自: (01/06 17:39)

01/06 19:02, , 11F
01/06 19:02, 11F

01/08 03:29, , 12F
fallout是把chosen one翻成神選者 XD
01/08 03:29, 12F

01/08 03:30, , 13F
不過神選者好像比較適合用在善神方 O_Oa
01/08 03:30, 13F
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