[心得] [-CA-] Sylvanas 戰勝訊息翻譯

看板Facebook作者 (失ゎれた彩畫)時間14年前 (2010/01/01 17:44), 編輯推噓16(1602)
留言18則, 17人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Sylvanas: You cannot stop what has begun. Your fates has been decided and the destruction of this world is inevitable. Sylvanas:將要發生的事你無力阻止。 你的命運已經被決定了而且世界的毀滅已是勢不可免。 Celesta: Why are you doing this? Mephistopheles will destroy all the lands including the Sacred Forests. This will mean the end of the Elven race. You should know this well. Celesta:妳為什麼要這麼做? Mephistopheles將會催毀所有的大陸包括Sacred Forests 這也意謂著精靈族的滅亡,妳應該很清楚才是。 Sylvanas: The Elves have become nothing more than pompous fools who argue politics and wage war against each other. We are no better than the humans at this point. With the destruction of the Sacred Forest, we will purge the world and it will be reborn. Sylvanas:精靈們已經變得和那些爭辯政治並且互相開戰的笨蛋一樣了 我們現在並沒有比人類優秀到哪去 隨著Sacred Forest的壞滅,我們將淨化這個世界,而世界將會獲得重生 Celesta: Mephistopheles will never make this happen. He is vile and twisted and only destruction will follow. Please reconsider Sylvanas! Just surrender and we'll go back to the Elven Council and plead your case. Celesta: Mephistopheles永遠不會讓這種事發生 他是如此的卑劣而且瘋狂,只會伴隨著毀滅 Sylvanas請妳再多想一下! 只要妳投降我們將會在精靈議會上聲援妳 Sylvanas: You are a bigger fool than I thought if you think the Elven Council will ignore my transgressions at this point. I have cast the die and will see this to the very end. Your meddling ends here! Sylvanas: 妳比我想的還要無可救藥呢,你覺得議會現在有可能赦免我嗎? 我代表死亡,也將看著死亡直至最後的結束 妳的干擾在這裡就結束了! Sylvanas begins to chant a magical spell. Sylvanas開始詠唱一個魔法咒語 Before you can react, a ball lightning forms in the cusp of Sylvanas's hand. 在你來得及反應之前,一個閃電球已經在Sylvanas的手上形成 You can hear the air crackling and the heat is intense. 你感到空氣嘎嘎作響還有劇烈的熱度 You wonder how Sylvanas is not being burned by it. 你訝異於為什麼Sylvanas不會被這東西燒死 Before you can finish that thought, she hurls the ball lightning at you. 在你的思考結束之前,她快速的把球丟向你 A few of your men are not so lucky to dodge it but you are barely able to sidestep it. 你勉強地回避了這一擊但是一些你的手下並沒有如此幸運 It crashes against the castle wall and leaves a gaping hole. 閃電球最後擊中了城牆並留下一個巨大的窟窿 Celesta: I'll need some time but I know a way to stop her. Buy me some time and lead her into the middle of room. I will give you the signal when I am ready. Celesta:我知道該怎麼阻止她,不過我需要你幫我爭取一些時間 並且把她引到房間中央 準備好的時候,我會給你一個信號 You grasp your weapon tightly and charge at Sylvanas. 你緊握武器朝著Sylvanas衝去 You dodge the lightning spells she sends your way and close the distance. 你一邊躲過她的閃電魔法一邊縮短距離 You take a couple of heavy swings at her but she evades them with ease. 你朝她施展一連串重砍,但是她輕輕鬆鬆的躲過你的攻擊 Sylvanas quickly starts chanting and waves her right hand toward you. Sylvanas很快地開始詠唱並且向你揮動她的右手 You are sent flying back through the air. 你被向後吹飛到空中 You crash against the wall and have the wind knocked out of you. 你摔落到城牆上並且被強風擊倒 As you look up another ball lightning is headed your way. 當你抬頭一望時,另一個閃電球正朝你飛來 You close your eyes and brace for impact as there is no time to avoid the spell. 因為已經來不及閃躲,於是你閉上雙眼準備對抗衝擊 You can feel the intense heat burn your skin. Then in an instant, it's gone. 你覺得高溫燃燒著你的皮膚但下一個瞬間 它消失了 Terra: Get to your feet! I have cast a Barrier on you. Now is your chance to take her down. Terra:快爬起來,我已經幫你施展了一個屏障,現在是你擊倒她的機會。 You quickly jump to your feet. 你很快地站了起來 You will need a plan this time. 你這次需要一個計畫 You adjust your armor and charge back in at Sylvanas. 你調整好你的鎧甲並再次朝Sylvanas衝去 Sylvanas: You are no match for me! Sylvanas: 你不是我的對手! Again you take a couple of heavy swings at Sylvanas but just as she had done previously, she avoids the strikes with ease and begins her chant. 你再一次施展一串重砍,但是Sylvanas像先前一樣輕鬆躲開而且又開始詠唱咒文 It is the same spell as before.as you had hoped for! 正如你所希望的,這是和先前一樣的咒文! In an instant, you are sent flying back. 一瞬間,你又被送到了空中 However, this time you are ready for it. 但是這次你已有所準備 You take the dagger from your belt and throw it at Sylvanas! 你自腰帶上取出匕首並且朝Sylvanas射去! Sylvanas jumps out of the way but the dagger blade grazes her left shoulder. Sylvanas跳著躲開,但是匕首擦破她的左肩 Sylvanas: How dare you human! Sylvanas:你這人類竟然如此大膽! You: Now I've got you! Celesta! Now! 你:這次我抓到妳了! Celesta! 就是現在! Celesta finishes her spell and a green rune appears at Sylvanas's feet. Celesta 完成了她的咒文,一個綠色的神秘符文出現在Sylvanas的腳邊 It is a drain life spell! 那是一個生命汲取咒文! The rune rises up from Slyvanas's feet and encircles her body and appears to tighten around her. 符文自Sylvanas的腳邊升起環繞著她的身體並且逐漸繃緊 Sylvanas screams in pain. Sylvanas 痛苦的尖叫 The drain life spell ceases and Sylvanas falls to the floor. 生命汲取咒文停止了而Sylvanas摔落到地面上 Sylvanas: This will not be the last of me! Sylvanas:這不會是我的最後! Sylvanas again begins to chant. Sylvanas 再次開始詠唱咒文 This time a large portal appears and Sylvanas crawls into it. 這一次出現了一個巨大的傳送門,Sylvanas爬了進去 The portal closes quickly. 一下子傳送門便關上了 It feels like all the air in the room has been sucked out of the room. 這個空間中的空氣似乎都被吸走了一樣 Sylvanas is gone. Sylvanas 消失了 You: So now where? 你:現在我們該去哪? Celesta: We cannot take more time chasing after Sylvanas. We must head east to the Land of Water. Hopefully we will be able to find the source of all this evil energy there. Celesta: 我們不能再花更多時間追Sylvanas了 我們必需朝水之大陸前進 希望我們在那可以發現邪惡力量的源頭 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/01 17:58, , 1F
Terra: 快爬起來
01/01 17:58, 1F
謝謝 那兩句我想好久 orz ※ 編輯: panzertp 來自: (01/01 18:01)

01/01 18:14, , 2F
01/01 18:14, 2F

01/01 18:23, , 3F
01/01 18:23, 3F

01/01 18:25, , 4F
01/01 18:25, 4F

01/01 18:26, , 5F
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01/01 18:28, , 6F
01/01 18:28, 6F

01/01 18:51, , 7F
01/01 18:51, 7F
※ 編輯: panzertp 來自: (01/01 18:57)

01/01 18:58, , 8F
01/01 18:58, 8F

01/01 19:04, , 9F
推!!感謝翻譯!!XDDD不然那一大篇 從來沒仔細去看
01/01 19:04, 9F

01/01 19:04, , 10F
辛苦了~ 謝謝
01/01 19:04, 10F

01/01 19:47, , 11F
01/01 19:47, 11F

01/01 20:36, , 12F
Demi-Quest裡面也有很多小故事 不過我懶得看了orz
01/01 20:36, 12F

01/01 20:56, , 13F
Demi-quest現在都改成連續劇情了 所以是五個故事~
01/01 20:56, 13F

01/01 21:58, , 14F
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01/01 22:05, , 15F
01/01 22:05, 15F

01/02 03:15, , 16F
01/02 03:15, 16F
※ 編輯: panzertp 來自: (01/04 17:51)

01/05 00:55, , 17F
01/05 00:55, 17F

01/06 18:11, , 18F
01/06 18:11, 18F
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