[心得] Tycoon$ Businesses Challenges

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這是Challenges中有關Businesses部份全部的解鎖順序 因為有六七十種公司可以組合,我花了一百多萬才全部解開的 所以新手可以不用太心急,慢慢來吧.... http://sites.google.com/site/facebooktycoons/Challenges (首頁:http://sites.google.com/site/facebooktycoons/) Chicken Farmer : Corn Field + Water Company -> Pig Farmer : Corn Field + Water Company + Pig Farm -> Cattle Farmer : Corn Field + Water Treatment Plant + Cattle Ranch --------------------------------------------------------------------- Grand Cayman : National Bank + Beach Resort --------------------------------------------------------------------- King Cotton : Cotton Field + Cotton Mill -> Polyester Plant : Chemical Plant + Synthetic Textiles Mill -> Finest Footwear : Cotton Mill + Plastic Manufacturer + Shoe Factory -> Prettiest Purses : Synthetic Textiles Mill + Chemical Plant + Plastic Manufacturer + Designer Handbag Manufacturer -> Nicest Necklaces : Gold Mine + Steel Company + Jewelry Store --------------------------------------------------------------------- Power Up the Grid : Coal Mine + Coal Power Plant -> Fossil Fuel : Oil Drilling Rig+ Petroleum Power Plant -> Organic Power : Corn Field + Corn Ethanol Power Plant -> Fission Reactor : Uranium Mine + Nuclear Power Plant -> Golden Ray of Light : Gold Mine + Solar Power Plant --------------------------------------------------------------------- Suburbia : Game Arcade + Sandwich Shop + Single Family House -> Strip Mall : Miniature Golf Course + Shoe Factory + Pastry Shop + Small Motel -> City : NightClub + T-Shirt Factory + Pancake Breakfast House + Hotel -> Metropolis : Concert Hall + Designer Handbag Manufacturer + Water Treatment Plant + Steak House + High Rise Condos --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tycoon : Gold Mine + Sports Stadium + Jewelry Store + Buffet + Car Assembly Plant + Five Start Hotel --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tycoons Barista : Coffee Field + Coffee Shop -> Tycoons Subs : Grain Mill + Bakery + Sandwich Shop -> Tycoons Fried Chicken : Chicken Farm + Fried Chicken Shop -> All You Can Eat : Bakery + Potato Field + Chicken Farm + Pig Farm + Cattle Ranch + Buffet ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tycoons Lube Shop : Water Company + Coal Power Plant + Auto Body Shop -> Tychem Industries : Water Company + Petroleum Power Plant + Chemical Plant -> Glass Foundry : Water Company + Corn Ethanol Power Plant + Chemical Plant + Glass Manufacturer -> Captain of Industry : Steel Company + Aluminium Company + Glass Manufacturer + Plastic Manufacturer + Rubber Plantation + Car Assembly Plant ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Wall Street : Hedge Fund + Mutual Fund + Brokerage Firm + National Bank Private Equity Firm + Stock Exchange -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/30 17:44, , 1F
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10/30 17:44, 1F
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